994 resultados para Methodist Church (U.S.). California-Nevada Conference.


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Edward W. Bowslaugh (1843-1923) was the son of Jacob and Anna (Beamer) Bowslaugh. Edward Bowslaugh married Mary Southward, and the couple had six children, Edgar Morley, Edward Freeman, twins Alfred Malcolm and Alice Mary, Annie Olivia, John Jacob and Mabel Florence. Edward W. Bowslaugh was a farmer, contractor and owner of the Grimsby Planing Mills in Grimsby, Ont. and Bowslaugh’s Planing Mill in Kingsville, Ont. The mills manufactured door and sash trim and other wood related products. Some customers contracted the firm to provide wood products for cottages being built at Grimsby Park, the Methodist camp ground. Some time before 1885 Edward Bowslaugh and his family moved to Kingsville, Ont. to open up a new planing mill and door and sash manufactory. He later sold the Grimsby Planing Mills to Daniel Marsh. The diaries and account books include many names of workers as well as friends and family members residing in the Grimsby and Kingsville areas. James M. Bowslaugh (1841-1882) was the son of Jacob and Anna (Beamer) Bowslaugh. James married first Anna Catharine Merritt and after her death in 1875 he married Mary Gee in 1877. James and Anna had three children, Eliza, James Herbert, George Hiram, all died very young. James and Mary Gee had one son, Charles Leopold Kenneth Frederich Bowslaugh, b. 1881. James Bowslaugh was a farmer and lumberman, much like his younger brother Edward. James’ early diaries often note the activities of himself and his brother Edward. Both Edward and James were heavily involved in the Methodist church, teaching or leading Sunday school and attending prayer meetings. Alfred M. Bowslaugh b. 1873 was the son of Edward W. Bowslaugh and his wife Mary Southward. The school notebook is from his days as a student in Kingsville, Ont.


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George Henry Cornish (1834-1912) was a Methodist minister whose circuits included Clinton, Ont. (1859), Newcastle, Ont. (1861), and Caledonia/Binbrook/Glanford, Ont. (1864- 1865). He wrote several books on the Methodist Church in Canada, including the Cyclopaedia of Methodism in Canada (1881) and the Handbook of Canadian Methodism (1867).


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through Port Robinson. Identified structures associated with the Canal include the Guard Lock, Collector Toll Office, towing path, and the New Cut of the canal. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Island Street, Bridge Street, John Street, and Cross Street), bridges (Swing Bridge, and several unnamed bridges), Welland Railroad, Canal to Chippewa Creek (and two old locks and one new lock associated with the canal), Chippewa Creek, Back Water, an unnamed Island, Dry Dock leased to McFarland and Abbey, Abbey's Office, D. McFarland and Co. Saw Mill (Burnt), G. Jordan Tavern, Robert Elliot Store House and Wharf, Isaac Pew's Shop, Colemans Hotel, R. Band and Co. Girst Mill, Donaldson and Co. Grist Mill, H. Marlatt Dwelling House and barn, Henry W. Timms Hotel, Methodist Church, Post Office, Blacksmith Shop, a church, a structure labeled B. Patch, and a number of other structures that are not named. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 202 and 203, S. Hill, D. McFarland, Church Society, G. Jordan, D. Coleman, John Brown, Rob Coulter, Robert Elliot, Isaac Pew, James McCoppen, William Bell, Charles Stuart, Andrew Elliot, Robert Band, Ed. Feney, John Betty, F. Sharp, William B. Hendershot, A. Brownson, H. Marlatt, J. S. Powell, and the School Trustees. Two reserved properties are labeled in red.The current spelling of Chippewa Creek is Chippawa. Although it not possible to make out the entire name of the H. W. Timms hotel located at Front and Bridge Street on the map itself, it was discovered to belong to Henry W. Timms after consulting the 1851-52 Canada Directory.


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Henry Haight Collier, was born in Howard, Steuben County, N. Y., November 28, 1818. His father, Richard Collier, was from Green County, in the same State. His grandfather, Isaac Collier, and his great-grandfather were originally from England. His mother, Mary Haight, was of Dutch origin. In 1835, Henry went to St. Catharines, where his elder brother, Richard Collier, resided. He spent two years at Grantham Academy, and then returned to Steuben County, to read law in Bath, with Edward Howell, and subsequently with Hammond and Campbell. Mr. Collier never opened a law office. He studied law for two years and in 1839 he went to Texas where he was connected with the State and Treasury Departments. In 1845 Mr. Collier returned to St. Catharines and opened a general store called St. Catharines Agricultural Works with his brother. The store remained open until May, 1877. He added the manufacturing of lumber in 1850, and manufacturing of agricultural implements in 1869. He built one of the first saw mills on the canal, on Lock No. 5, in St. Catharines. In July, 1877, he was appointed Collector of Customs. He became a Village Councilor for St. Paul’s Ward in 1859, and held that office from fifteen to twenty years. He was Deputy Reeve and member of the County Council for two terms. He was the Mayor of St. Catharines in 1872 and 1873. He was also Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners of the city, during the time that the works were being built. He was a Justice of the Peace for twenty years or more. Mr. Collier was affiliated with the Reform Party and he was a Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity and an Odd Fellow. He was also active in the Methodist Church. On June 1, 1858, he married Cornelia, daughter of Moses Cook, of "Westchester Place," St. Catharines, and had a daughter and son. Mary J. (married name: Mrs. Frank Camp) was a graduate of the Female Seminary at Hamilton, and Henry Herbert was a student in the University of Toronto. Henry H. Collier died on July 15, 1895 and is buried in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, Ontario. Sources: www.accessgeneology.com "Historical Profiles from Victoria Lawn Cemetery" by Paul E. Lewis "Sincerely Lamented St. Catharines Obituaries 1817-1918" by Paul Hutchison


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En la actualidad las organizaciones están en búsqueda de una mejora continua, esto lleva a que las empresas hagan una revisión de estrategias que permitan alcanzar una posición de líderes en los diferentes sectores en los que se desempeñan. Una de las estrategias para lograr un alto posicionamiento en las nuevas empresas es la adecuada gestión que hacen de la cadena de suministro. El sector agroindustrial tiene un amplia cadena de suministro desde la obtención de materias primas hasta la llegada al cliente final, por su gran magnitud requiere de una adecuada administración de procesos que permitan ser eficaces y eficientes para alcanzar logros propuestos, aprovechar los recursos limitados con los que cuentan para su cumplimiento y, por último, la capacidad propia para la transformación de sus recursos. Para lograr que las empresas obtengan ventajas competitivas, es necesario que los distintos eslabones de la cadena de suministros cuenten con una capacidad de interacción que les permita, tanto agilizar como asegurar el éxito durante la incorporación de los nuevos productos en el mercado. Por medio de esta investigación se busca esclarecer y analizar la importancia de la administración en la cadena de suministro y la relación con el desempeño, basándose en las Pymes del sector agroindustrial. La intención es evaluar la información de diversos autores quienes han hablado de la relación que existe entre la cadena de suministro y su desempeño, teniendo en cuenta variables como el sector agroindustrial y las Pymes.


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Combining 'the gathering of artefacts with the gathering of souls', George Brown was a key figure in the Christian, and especially the Wesleyan Methodist, history of nineteenth-century Oceania. Using his life as a case study, Helen Bethea Gardner examines the role of Christian missionaries in the Pacific Islands. Brown's career (1860-1908) spanned one of the most tumultuous political periods in the South Pacific, as one by one islands were colonised by imperial nations. He was one of the most politically engaged of all missionaries, encouraging colonial rule in the Pacific by America, Britain, Germany and, eventually, Australia and New Zealand. Originally from the north of England, he worked as a missionary in Samoa from 1860, moving to the Bismarck Archipelago (now Papua New Guinea) in 1875. From the 1880s until his retirement in 1907, he worked in Sydney as the general secretary of the Australasian Methodist Overseas Mission. Gathering for God examines Brown's missionary letters, journals and journalism, exploring how he attracted Pacific Islanders to Christian teachings, analysing his leadership during an armed attack on New Britain villages accused of cannibalism, and looking at his work in the new discipline of anthropology. He was a major collector of artefacts (his collection is now in the Osaka Museum) and photographer of Pacific peoples (his collection is in the Australian Museum).


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Pain, Passion and Faith: Revisiting the Place of Charles Wesley in Early Methodism is a significant study of the 18th-century poet and preacher Charles Wesley. Wesley was an influential figure in 18th-century English culture and society; he was co-founder of the Methodist revival movement and one of the most prolific hymn-writers in the English language. His hymns depict the Christian life as characterized by a range of intense emotions, from ecstatic joy to profound suffering.


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The thesis is about Methodism in Warrnambool. The key argument is that the Wesleyan heritage, so important to the early Wesleyan pioneers, continued to shape the life of the Warrnambool Methodist Church and was perpetuated by its leaders, in particular its local lay leaders, for a period of 130 years.


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A presente dissertação demonstra aspectos do processo decisório colegiado e propõe um papel para o Conselho Diretor do Instituto Metodista Izabela Hendrix. O trabalho é dividido em uma introdução e três capítulos para demonstrar a caminhada seguida para se chegar às conclusões apresentadas no final. Apresentamos inicialmente, na introdução, os principais paradigmas presentes no processo decisório no Conselho Diretor do Izabela, dentro do contexto da história da educação Metodista. No primeiro capítulo é apresentado a história da educação Metodista, que se confunde com a própria história do Metodismo, desde o seu início na Inglaterra, nos EUA e no Brasil. No segundo capítulo, é apresentado uma abordagem de princípios de processo decisório, enfocando as decisões colegiadas. No terceiro capítulo é abordado a concepção de Conselhos Diretores, apresentando a sua evolução histórica e críticas ao modelo atual e ao processo decisório no Izabela. No capítulo quatro é apresentado a proposta de um papel para o Conselho Diretor do Izabela no atual momento histórico. O papel proposto na conclusão é fundamentado em bases teóricas que norteiam o estudo das decisões colegiadas em Conselhos, a Missão educacional e o modelo organizacional da Igreja Metodista, considerando as suas convicções e o seu desenvolvimento histórico.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a proposta educacional das Escolas Metodistas a partir do relacionamento destas com a própria estrutura eclesiástica da Igreja Metodista e com a sociedade brasileira como um todo, na oportunidade em que o Brasil se definia como um país capitalista dependente. Através da pesquisa e análise dos estatutos, prospectos, anuários, programas de ensino, organização curricular, revistas educacionais, artigos, discursos, documentos de arquivo, etc, provenientes do Instituto Porto Alegre (IPA), tomado como referencial para interpretar a proposta educacional das Escolas Metodistas, detectaram-se os princípios básicos-da referida proposta desde a fundação da Escola (1919) até os dias atuais. Procedeu-se à análise da evolução histórica da Igreja e das Escolas Metodistas sempre considerando a vinculação existente inicialmente com os Estados Unidos (nação hegemônica, externa) e posteriormente com o Estado Brasileiro (dominação interna). Concluiu-se que, na medida em que a sociedade brasileira ia sendo estruturada conforme os principios e propósitos definidos por uma nação hegemônica (Estados Unidos) e que o Estado Brasileiro se organizava como agente de uma dominação interna, as Escolas Metodistas passaram do nivel de dependência externa para um nível de dependência interna, e o relativo êxito de sua proposta educacional diluiu-se com a implantação do sistema oficial de ensino no país.


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This Master Thesis consists of one theoretical article and one empirical article on the field of Microeconometrics. The first chapter\footnote{We also thank useful suggestions by Marinho Bertanha, Gabriel Cepaluni, Brigham Frandsen, Dalia Ghanem, Ricardo Masini, Marcela Mello, Áureo de Paula, Cristine Pinto, Edson Severnini and seminar participants at São Paulo School of Economics, the California Econometrics Conference 2015 and the 37\textsuperscript{th} Brazilian Meeting of Econometrics.}, called \emph{Synthetic Control Estimator: A Generalized Inference Procedure and Confidence Sets}, contributes to the literature about inference techniques of the Synthetic Control Method. This methodology was proposed to answer questions involving counterfactuals when only one treated unit and a few control units are observed. Although this method was applied in many empirical works, the formal theory behind its inference procedure is still an open question. In order to fulfill this lacuna, we make clear the sufficient hypotheses that guarantee the adequacy of Fisher's Exact Hypothesis Testing Procedure for panel data, allowing us to test any \emph{sharp null hypothesis} and, consequently, to propose a new way to estimate Confidence Sets for the Synthetic Control Estimator by inverting a test statistic, the first confidence set when we have access only to finite sample, aggregate level data whose cross-sectional dimension may be larger than its time dimension. Moreover, we analyze the size and the power of the proposed test with a Monte Carlo experiment and find that test statistics that use the synthetic control method outperforms test statistics commonly used in the evaluation literature. We also extend our framework for the cases when we observe more than one outcome of interest (simultaneous hypothesis testing) or more than one treated unit (pooled intervention effect) and when heteroskedasticity is present. The second chapter, called \emph{Free Economic Area of Manaus: An Impact Evaluation using the Synthetic Control Method}, is an empirical article. We apply the synthetic control method for Brazilian city-level data during the 20\textsuperscript{th} Century in order to evaluate the economic impact of the Free Economic Area of Manaus (FEAM). We find that this enterprise zone had positive significant effects on Real GDP per capita and Services Total Production per capita, but it also had negative significant effects on Agriculture Total Production per capita. Our results suggest that this subsidy policy achieve its goal of promoting regional economic growth, even though it may have provoked mis-allocation of resources among economic sectors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this issue...Copper Guard, Homecoming, Sigma Rho, Mountain View Methodist Church, Faculty Wives, Phil Judd, Glee Club, Mineral Club, Great Northern Railway