991 resultados para Methane productions
Le présent document consiste en une étude de la céramique caractéristique de la ville d’Amarna (Akhet-Aton) en lien avec les productions palatiales dans les sociétés complexes. Dans une première partie, cette poterie à décor bleu est mise en contexte. La situation géographique, historique et religieuse de la ville sont mises en relief. Les thèmes habituels lors de l’étude d’une céramique sont ensuite abordés : les ateliers, les matériaux, la transformation, la cuisson, les formes et motifs. La fonction de ces vases restant un point de questionnement, diverses théories à ce sujet sont analysées. Le questionnement d’un lien entre ces vases et l’idéologie religieuse instaurée par le pharaon Akhenaton se pose ensuite et la comparaison entre les motifs et l’iconographie des palais de la ville et des tombes de l’époque permet d’y répondre positivement. Ces deux derniers points permettent de bien saisir l’importance de cette céramique dans le cadre amarnien. La seconde partie du travail concerne le concept d’objet palatial. Ce type de production est défini et plusieurs critères sont énumérés. Ces critères sont ensuite appliqués à des objets palatiaux appartenant à des sociétés complexes afin de les confirmer. Ces caractéristiques vérifiées, elles sont appliquées à la céramique à décor bleu afin de vérifier si celle-ci correspond à une industrie palatiale. Comme ce style de poterie répond à tous les critères, il est possible d’affirmer qu’il s’agit d’un objet palatial. Il est même possible de dire à ce sujet qu’il s’agit d’un objet de prestige consommé par une élite et qui sert de véhicule à l’idéologie en place.
La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
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Au niveau méthodologique, ce travail innove en combinant plusieurs moyens d'observation complémentaires sur le processus d'écriture et sur le processus de correction. Les observations qualitatives ainsi recueillies sont retranscrites en les combinant selon l'ordre chronologique d'apparition, puis elles sont traitées et analysées sous le logiciel QDA Miner.
A systematic investigation of the reactivity and functionalization of two heterocyclic analogs of triphenylmethane , namely tris(2-thienyl)methane and tris(2-furyl)methane have been carried out and the results are presented in this thesis entitled "NOVEL REACTIONS OF TRIS(2-THIENYL)METHANE AND TRIS(2-FURYL)METHANE.". The history of organic free radicals dates back to Gomberg's monumental discovery of the triphenylmethyl radical in 1900. The heterocyclic analogs of triarylmethane are also interesting from the vantage point of their transformation to the corresponding radicals akin to Gomberg ' s triphenylmethyl radical and also they are prone to further transformation leading to three dimensionally elongated molecules such as dendrimers. Dendritic architectures are one of the most pervasive topologies observed in nature at the macro- and microdimensional length devices. Because of their ability to combine both organic and inorganic compounds and their propensity to either encapsulate or be engineered into unimolecular functional devices , dendrimers are versatile amongst existing nanoscale building blocks and materials.
Estudiar la evolución del lenguaje en niños bilingües que hablan euskera y castellano. Hipótesis: se encontrarán pocas marcas gramaticales en las frases. En euskera aparecerán ciertos sufijos de declinación; se espera encontrar el determinante 'A', marca de los casos locativo y posesivo y posiblemente algunos dativos. En castellano se espera no encontrar marcas gramaticales con preposiciones y artículos y sí en los casos locativo y posesivo. No se hallarán marcas formales y sí algunas construcciones lingüísticas por categorías ya que parece que los sistemas gramaticales funcionan de manera autónoma. Un niño en su período entre un año y once meses hasta dos años y tres meses, que se desenvuelve en euskera en el ambiente familiar y en castellano en su ambiente social. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo que está dividido en cuatro apartados: relato del ambiente familiar y social en el que se desenvuelve el niño. Diferencias entre el castellano y el euskera. Teorías que explican este tipo de problemas. Análisis de datos recogidos en las cintas. Las marcas gramaticales en castellano y euskera se clasifican en dos grupos: prefijos y unidades aisladas que preceden al nombre como artículos, pseudoartículos. Sufijos, incluyendo las marcas de casos, y calificativos. Grabaciones en vídeo sobre la producción en castellano y en euskera en situaciones familiares espontáneas. Cada sesión de grabación dura 30 minutos para cada idioma. Análisis de los datos recogidos en la grabación después de haber realizado la transcripción. En este caso, el artículo castellano no aparece inmediatamente. Los artículos indefinidos son más frecuentes que los definidos. Las formas masculinas predominan sobre las femeninas. Los artículos en castellano y los nombres en castellano y euskera son las unidades gramaticales más numerosas. Hay pocos ejemplos de sufijos locativos y posesivos. Aparecen pocas marcas de plural en los nombres. Se usan otras cuantificaciones como números, palabras 'otro', 'más'. A este nivel gramatical no hay fusión de marcas de los dos idiomas: no hay terminaciones 'A' en palabras castellanas usadas en contexto hispano y no hay artículos castellanos delante de nombres vascos usados en contexto vasco.
Bayesian inference has been used to determine rigorous estimates of hydroxyl radical concentrations () and air mass dilution rates (K) averaged following air masses between linked observations of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) spanning the North Atlantic during the Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation (ITCT)-Lagrangian-2K4 experiment. The Bayesian technique obtains a refined (posterior) distribution of a parameter given data related to the parameter through a model and prior beliefs about the parameter distribution. Here, the model describes hydrocarbon loss through OH reaction and mixing with a background concentration at rate K. The Lagrangian experiment provides direct observations of hydrocarbons at two time points, removing assumptions regarding composition or sources upstream of a single observation. The estimates are sharpened by using many hydrocarbons with different reactivities and accounting for their variability and measurement uncertainty. A novel technique is used to construct prior background distributions of many species, described by variation of a single parameter . This exploits the high correlation of species, related by the first principal component of many NMHC samples. The Bayesian method obtains posterior estimates of , K and following each air mass. Median values are typically between 0.5 and 2.0 × 106 molecules cm−3, but are elevated to between 2.5 and 3.5 × 106 molecules cm−3, in low-level pollution. A comparison of estimates from absolute NMHC concentrations and NMHC ratios assuming zero background (the “photochemical clock” method) shows similar distributions but reveals systematic high bias in the estimates from ratios. Estimates of K are ∼0.1 day−1 but show more sensitivity to the prior distribution assumed.
The calculation of accurate and reliable vibrational potential functions and normal co-ordinates is discussed, for such simple polyatomic molecules as it may be possible. Such calculations should be corrected for the effects of anharmonicity and of resonance interactions between the vibrational states, and should be fitted to all the available information on all isotopic species: particularly the vibrational frequencies, Coriolis zeta constants and centrifugal distortion constants. The difficulties of making these corrections, and of making use of the observed data are reviewed. A programme for the Ferranti Mercury Computer is described by means of which harmonic vibration frequencies and normal co-ordinate vectors, zeta factors and centrifugal distortion constants can be calculated, from a given force field and from given G-matrix elements, etc. The programme has been used on up to 5 × 5 secular equations for which a single calculation and output of results takes approximately l min; it can readily be extended to larger determinants. The best methods of using such a programme and the possibility of reversing the direction of calculation are discussed. The methods are applied to calculating the best possible vibrational potential function for the methane molecule, making use of all the observed data.
If the potential field due to the nuclei in the methane molecule is expanded in terms of a set of spherical harmonics about the carbon nucleus, only the terms involving s, f, and higher harmonic functions differ from zero in the equilibrium configuration. Wave functions have been calculated for the equilibrium configuration, first including only the spherically symmetric s term in the potential, and secondly including both the s and the f terms. In the first calculation the complete Hartree-Fock S.C.F. wave functions were determined; in the second calculation a variation method was used to determine the best form of the wave function involving f harmonics. The resulting wave functions and electron density functions are presented and discussed
The absorption intensities of the two infra-red active vibrations in methane have been obtained from a perturbation calculation on the equilibrium wave functions derived in the preceding paper. The perturbation field is the change in the potential field due to the nuclei which results from moving the nuclei in the vibrational coordinate concerned, and a simplified form of second order perturbation theory, developed by Pople and Schofield, is used for the calculation. The main approximation involved is the neglect of f and higher harmonics in the spherical harmonic expansion of the nuclear field. The resulting dipole moment derivatives are approximately three times larger than the experimental values, but they show qualitative features and sign relationships which are significant.