994 resultados para Met-RANTES
Questo elaborato si concentra sulla serie televisiva americana How I met your mother e sulla traduzione italiana dei titoli degli episodi che la compongono. In particolare, si prederanno in esame quelle proposte traduttive che non rispettano appieno le regole che governano la tipologia testuale del titolo, e verranno proposte soluzioni alternative. In seguito, si analizzeranno alcuni dei titoli appartenenti alla stagione inedita in Italia, per i quali si proporranno delle traduzioni appropriate. Al fine di rendere più concreta questa analisi, una parte della tesi verrà anche dedicata agli aspetti teorici indicati da Maurizio Viezzi riguardo alla tipologia testuale del titolo. Inoltre, si parlerà anche delle varie funzioni individuate dalla studiosa di traduzione Christiane Nord che dovrebbero generalmente regolamentare la traduzione di questo tipo di testo.
Il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo quello di fornire informazioni generiche sul doppiaggio, comprendenti la sua nascita, il suo sviluppo e le tecniche adottare da traduttori, dialoghisti e adattatori che si occupano della traduzione audiovisiva. Partendo da questi aspetti generici, l’analisi si focalizzerà sulla traduzione per il doppiaggio, in particolare per quanto concerne gli aspetti umoristici e comici di serie televisive e film, prendendo come esempio più specifico la sitcom americana “How I Met Your Mother”. Lo studio si concentrerà su un confronto tra la versione originale americana in lingua inglese e la versione doppiata in italiano, individuando problemi legati alla traduzione, rese adeguate e, in alcuni casi, inadeguate. Nello specifico, nel primo capitolo si definiranno le fasi che hanno caratterizzato la storia del doppiaggio, dalla sua nascita al suo stato attuale. Successivamente si esporranno le tecniche di doppiaggio e le difficoltà che i traduttori inevitabilmente incontrano durante il processo di adattamento audiovisivo. Nel secondo capitolo, invece, si forniranno le definizioni di comicità e umorismo secondo diversi autori e fonti autorevoli, concentrandosi soprattutto sulle problematiche derivanti dalla non universalità dell’umorismo. Nella seconda parte del capitolo si analizzeranno più a fondo le tecniche del doppiaggio legate al mondo dell’umorismo e della comicità e le numerose problematiche derivanti dalla presenza di battute di spirito, giochi di parole e barzellette nella versione originale. Nel terzo e ultimo capitolo lo studio si focalizzerà sulla sitcom americana “How I Met Your Mother”, fornendone una breve trama e presentazione dei personaggi. L’analisi diverrà successivamente più dettagliata e riguarderà alcune espressioni comiche ricorrenti e dialoghi tratti dalla settima e ottava stagione della serie televisiva in questione, concentrandosi in particolare su quelle scene in cui entra in gioco l’umorismo e la loro resa nella lingua di arrivo, in questo caso l’italiano.
Point mutations emerge as one of the rate-limiting steps in tumor response to small molecule inhibitors of protein kinases. Here we characterized the response of the MET mutated variants, V1110I, V1238I, V1206L and H1112L to the small molecule SU11274. Our results reveal a distinct inhibition pattern of the four mutations with IC(50) values for autophosphorylation inhibition ranging between 0.15 and 1.5muM. Differences were further seen on the ability of SU11274 to inhibit phosphorylation of downstream MET transducers such as AKT, ERK, PLCgamma and STAT3 and a variety of MET-dependent biological endpoints. In all the assays, H1112L was the most sensitive to SU11274, while V1206L was less affected under the used concentration range. The differences in responses to SU11274 are discussed based on a structural model of the MET kinase domain.
Functionally critically located gliomas represent a challenging subgroup of intrinsic brain neoplasms. Standard therapeutic recommendations often cannot be applied, because radical treatment and preservation of neurological function are contrary goals. The successful targeting of gliomas with locally injected beta radiation-emitting (90)Y-DOTAGA-substance P has been shown previously. However, in critically located tumours, the mean tissue range of 5 mm of (90)Y may seriously damage adjacent brain areas. In contrast, the alpha radiation-emitting radionuclide (213)Bi with a mean tissue range of 81 microm may have a more favourable toxicity profile. Therefore, we evaluated locally injected (213)Bi-DOTA-substance P in patients with critically located gliomas as the primary therapeutic modality.
Abnormal activation of cellular DNA repair pathways by deregulated signaling of receptor tyrosine kinase systems has broad implications for both cancer biology and treatment. Recent studies suggest a potential link between DNA repair and aberrant activation of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition (MET), an oncogene that is overexpressed in numerous types of human tumors and considered a prime target in clinical oncology. Using the homologous recombination (HR) direct-repeat direct-repeat green fluorescent protein ((DR)-GFP) system, we show that MET inhibition in tumor cells with deregulated MET activity by the small molecule PHA665752 significantly impairs in a dose-dependent manner HR. Using cells that express MET-mutated variants that respond differentially to PHA665752, we confirm that the observed HR inhibition is indeed MET-dependent. Furthermore, our data also suggest that decline in HR-dependent DNA repair activity is not a secondary effect due to cell cycle alterations caused by PHA665752. Mechanistically, we show that MET inhibition affects the formation of the RAD51-BRCA2 complex, which is crucial for error-free HR repair of double strand DNA lesions, presumably via downregulation and impaired translocation of RAD51 into the nucleus. Taken together, these findings assist to further support the role of MET in the cellular DNA damage response and highlight the potential future benefit of MET inhibitors for the sensitization of tumor cells to DNA damaging agents.
Toll-like receptors are a group of pattern-recognition receptors that play a crucial role in "danger" recognition and induction of the innate immune response against bacterial and viral infections. TLR3 has emerged as a key sensor of viral dsRNA, resulting in the induction of the anti-viral molecule, IFN- . Thus, a clearer understanding of the biological processes that modulate TLR3 signaling is essential. Previous studies have shown that the TLR adaptor, Mal/TIRAP, an activator of TLR4, inhibits TLR3-mediated IFN- induction through a mechanism involving IRF7. In this study, we sought to investigate whether the TLR adaptor, MyD88, an activator of all TLRs except TLR3, has the ability to modulate TLR3 signaling. Although MyD88 does not significantly affect TLR3 ligand-induced TNF- induction, MyD88 negatively regulates TLR3-, but not TLR4-, mediated IFN- and RANTES production; this process is mechanistically distinct from that employed by Mal/TIRAP. We show that MyD88 inhibits IKK -, but not TBK1-, induced activation of IRF3. In doing so, MyD88 curtails TLR3 ligand-induced IFN- induction. The present study shows that while MyD88 activates all TLRs except TLR3, MyD88 also functions as a negative regulator of TLR3. Thus, MyD88 is essential in restricting TLR3 signaling, thereby protecting the host from unwanted immunopathologies associated with the excessive production of IFN- . Our study offers a new role for MyD88 in restricting TLR3 signaling through a hitherto unknown mechanism whereby MyD88 specifically impairs IKK -mediated induction of IRF3 and concomitant IFN- and RANTES production.
Activation of beta-catenin is a hallmark of hepatoblastoma (HB) and appears to play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. While aberrant accumulation of the beta-catenin is a common event in HB, mutations or deletions in CTNNB1 (beta-catenin gene) do not always account for the high frequency of protein expression. In this study we have investigated alternative activation of beta-catenin by HGF/c-Met signaling in a large cohort of 98 HB patients enrolled in the SIOPEL-3 clinical trial.
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma), characterized by ichthyotic, rippled hyperkeratosis, erythroderma and skin blistering, is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in keratin 1 or keratin 10 (K10) genes. A severe phenotype is caused by a missense mutation in a highly conserved arginine residue at position 156 (R156) in K10.
Met-regulated expression signature defines a subset of human hepatocellular carcinomas with poor prognosis and aggressive phenotype. Kaposi-Novak P, Lee JS, Gomez-Quiroz L, Coulouarn C, Factor VM, Thorgeirsson SS. Identification of specific gene expression signatures characteristic of oncogenic pathways is an important step toward molecular classification of human malignancies. Aberrant activation of the Met signaling pathway is frequently associated with tumour progression and metastasis. In this study, we defined the Met-dependent gene expression signature using global gene expression profiling of WT and Met-deficient primary mouse hepatocytes. Newly identified transcriptional targets of the Met pathway included genes involved in the regulation of oxidative stress responses as well as cell motility, cytoskeletal organization, and angiogenesis. To assess the importance of a Met-regulated gene expression signature, a comparative functional genomic approach was applied to 242 human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) and 7 metastatic liver lesions. Cluster analysis revealed that a subset of human HCCs and all liver metastases shared the Met-induced expression signature. Furthermore, the presence of the Met signature showed significant correlation with increased vascular invasion rate and microvessel density as well as with decreased mean survival time of HCC patients. We conclude that the genetically defined gene expression signatures in combination with comparative functional genomics constitute an attractive paradigm for defining both the function of oncogenic pathways and the clinically relevant subgroups of human cancers. [Abstract reproduced by permission of J Clin Invest 2006;116:1582-1595].
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, glycodelin, osteoprotegerin, and soluble CD163 are possible peritoneal fluid markers for endometriosis and to compare them with the established chemokine markers interleukin-8 and regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted. STUDY DESIGN: Determination of the concentrations of interleukin-8, regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, glycodelin, CD163, osteoprotegerin, and progesterone in the peritoneal fluid collected from women undergoing laparoscopy. RESULTS: From a total of 132 women, 77 women were diagnosed with endometriosis, and 55 women were free of the disease and served as control subjects. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and osteoprotegerin showed significantly (P < 0.05) elevated peritoneal fluid concentrations as a function of the severity of the disease, together with interleukin-8 and regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (P < .001). Glycodelin and CD163 did not differ between cases and control subjects. Many of these marker concentrations were intercorrelated strongly. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and osteoprotegerin may play a role in the inflammation process of endometriosis, but interleukin-8 and regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted are superior peritoneal fluid markers.