897 resultados para Merge and acquisitions
This research looks at the collective imagination in which it keeps alive the issue of heroin wise. Two wise women appear in the narratives of popular history and the History of Donzela Theodora and History Imperatriz Porcina, collated by Luís da Câmara Cascudo in his Five Books of the People. The universality, mobility and circularity of these narratives are discussed by authors such as Bakhtin and Guinzburg. The research is developed from three key categories: Knowledge Magic as the knowledge of tradition (Almeida), sensitive knowledge (Levi-Strauss), thought mythical / magical / symbolic (Morin); Wise Women as carriers of this knowledge, which merge and overlap with the imagery of witches and healers; and Mythical Elements which corresponds to the archetypal images (Jung and Silveira), symbols and other images that relate to the magic universe, the magical beliefs and practices considered, ie belonging to the imaginary magic (Bethencourt). Porcina and Theodora are understood as bearers of knowledge of Métis (Detienne and Vernant), or the cunning intelligence, the manipulation of phármakon (Derrida), the healing potion, which may be the word or ointment of the herb. The route takes us to meet the great archetype of the Wise Woman as psychic power of the feminine, the anima. Narratives are medicinal balms (Estes) and is the clash between the anima and its embodiments by wise women, and animus, his opponents, which gives the transmutation of the psyche, a work comparable to that of alchemyThe Knowledge Magic, operating through the female, myth and nature can recover from its essential value to the emerging paradigm that suggests a more complete human science and a more plural
The text aims to discuss the problems that this would be set: - What are the concepts of public school children about their right to primary education, as required step in the Basic Education? - What are conducted by children on the elementary school, in terms of its structure, teaching, and acquisitions provide for their users, especially when it comes to literacy? In order to answer these questions, we conducted within the qualitative a case study within twenty children of the early years of elementary public school, ten of the School Mauricio de Sousa and ten children of the School Monteiro Lobato. with construction procedures of data, we worked with observation, semi-directive interview, questionnaire and document analysis. In analyzing the data, two categories emerged: right to education and school for children. The first focuses on what children think about the legal guarantee to school, seeking to understand if they understand the educational area as a right and relate what the law says and the reality in which they participate. The category for school children, including their purposes, characteristics, space literacy and its relationship with the teacher. In this sense, we comment, taking as its founding, the speech of children in their schools, focusing on how they perceive the school in terms of its structure and functioning, relations with the knowledge and the other children. With regard to child rights, the appreciation of Brazilian children should be the basis of the struggle for a more just, democratic, nondiscriminatory. However, children show not recognize education as a right, but as one who deserves the credit, that is, those children who are always attentive, do not fight and do not complain. In interviews, children express a simple wish child that the school had toys. A school for children should be a place with its own characteristics: cheerful, lively, colorful, which included the same time, security and challenges. Children point to the hope that the course of action the teacher was guided by respect their differences in a more emotional, especially with regard to issues of authority and discipline of the group. The most important learning is for all subjects learning to read / write, differing in the idea of how to learn. Unfortunately, for some students, learning reading and writing appears as a difficult and enjoyable process is not perceived by some subjects up to recognize the instrumental writing. Finally, we point to the actors of the school to launch a more accurate to say that the children and how to outline your main locus of learning
This paper describes the development of a mechatronic system for a predictive maintenance grounded on wear particle analysis. The reckoning of wear particles containing in lubricating industrial oils brings the image acquisition system into being. The ISO 4406:1999 standard is a guide to establish the counting and evaluation processes of particles. The system applied to the acquisition and analysis of the data consists of a digital camera, a monocular microscope and an oil filtering system. A computational program was developed with the application of Visual Microsoft C++ in a way to detain the oil sample image from the microscope slide to the computer screen. Quantitative analyses of the wear debris particles bulk are exploited applying a graphical interface that was developed to render the image processing of the sample test. The implemented system has a reachable cost thus it can be applied for schooling goals and for bolstering laboratories of minor industries and medium size companies.
Includes bibliography
A current trend in the agricultural area is the development of mobile robots and autonomous vehicles for precision agriculture (PA). One of the major challenges in the design of these robots is the development of the electronic architecture for the control of the devices. In a joint project among research institutions and a private company in Brazil a multifunctional robotic platform for information acquisition in PA is being designed. This platform has as main characteristics four-wheel propulsion and independent steering, adjustable width, span of 1,80m in height, diesel engine, hydraulic system, and a CAN-based networked control system (NCS). This paper presents a NCS solution for the platform guidance by the four-wheel hydraulic steering distributed control. The control strategy, centered on the robot manipulators control theory, is based on the difference between the desired and actual position and considering the angular speed of the wheels. The results demonstrate that the NCS was simple and efficient, providing suitable steering performance for the platform guidance. Even though the simplicity of the NCS solution developed, it also overcame some verified control challenges in the robot guidance system design such as the hydraulic system delay, nonlinearities in the steering actuators, and inertia in the steering system due the friction of different terrains. Copyright © 2012 Eduardo Pacincia Godoy et al.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Há tempos a humanidade tem vivenciado um longo processo de midiatização social, intensificado com o advento das técnicas de reprodução da arte e da cultura. Este processo, na contemporaneidade, possibilitou a transformação da experiência real-histórica da música em experiência midiática. Neste contexto, cultura e negócios se fundem e se mundializam, reestruturando-se mutuamente. Na Amazônia paraense, a complexidade e as possibilidades dessa experiência midiática da música têm conduzido a região a mais uma onda de adequações a contextos globais. A dissertação trata dos processos comunicacionais e de identidade cultural por meio das materialidades de dois fenômenos da experiência da música contemporânea percebida na Amazônia paraense: o projeto de divulgação de música — Terruá Pará — e a Banda de Thrash Metal Antcorpus. As análises partiram da reflexão de que a comunicação pode ser entendida como uma hermenêutica da existência, atravessada por uma ambiência midiática. Dentre as observações verificadas, destacaram-se, pela importância: a midiatização social por meio de interações tecnológicas, isto é, tecnointerações, que vetorizam apropriações, e as incorporações de expressões musicais, tanto de agrupamentos de jovens quanto de profissionais relacionados às indústrias culturais locais. Ao vetorizar esses processos por meio de imagens midiáticas das experiências musicais, de identidade e diferença cultural, as tecno-interações exibem experiências sonoras da urbe, que em alguns casos sofreram processos metonímicos que evidenciam um sistema de norma do sentir que aqui denominamos política de estesia.
Há tempos a psicologia tem se ocupado de pesquisas com foco no cuidado institucional. Este interesse fez aflorar no campo científico a necessidade de se estudar os ambientes coletivos de cuidado da criança na perspectiva do Nicho Desenvolvimental, onde o ambiente físico e social, as práticas de cuidado comumente adotadas na rotina institucional, além da psicologia dos que cuidam são subsistemas que devem ser entendidos de forma integrada e indissociável. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, assim, aspectos do ambiente físico e social, conhecimentos e concepções sobre desenvolvimento infantil, rotinas e práticas de cuidado presentes entre educadores de uma instituição de acolhimento infantil. Fizeram parte do estudo 100 educadores (95% da população) responsáveis pelo cuidado diário a crianças encaminhadas a um espaço de acolhimento infantil. Os educadores responderam ao Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory (KIDI), instrumento composto por 75 questões, dividido em quatro categorias: práticas de cuidado, saúde e segurança, normas e aquisições e princípios do desenvolvimento. Deste universo, foram selecionados 10 educadores, que compuseram as sessões observacionais, com destaque para as rotinas de cuidado na instituição, sendo que o critério principal para essa escolha foi à seleção com base no desempenho obtido no KIDI. Das sessões observacionais foram selecionados momentos em que cada educador esteve envolvido com situações de banho, alimentação, sono e brincadeira. A partir destes relatos foram extraídos episódios que ilustram práticas de cuidado e atividades de rotina na instituição. Os resultados mostram que entre estes profissionais a maioria é mulher (99%), com mais de 35 anos, possui filhos, completou o ensino médio e tem mais de 24 meses de experiência como educador. No que concerne ao resultado da aplicação do instrumento, vê-se que 66% dos educadores acertaram em média 66 questões. Deste modo, apresentaram desempenho superior a 50% de acerto em todas as categorias avaliadas pelo instrumento, entretanto os melhores resultados foram obtidos em assertivas relacionadas às práticas de cuidado (80%) e princípios do desenvolvimento (68%). A escolaridade se apresentou como variável significativa no nível de conhecimento. No que se refere à rotina institucional verifica-se que o espaço conta com um conjunto de normas e regras que são seguidas pelos educadores e crianças, em horários e locais determinados. Observou-se ainda que o conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento infantil se apresenta como variável relevante para a qualidade das interações e do cuidado oferecido à criança, especialmente nas situações de brincadeira e sono. Identificou-se que os educadores alteram a rotina, modificam o ambiente físico e social e adaptam suas práticas de acordo com a demanda e estrutura da situação, visando promover o seu bem estar, mas também o da criança, dando-lhe possibilidade de alterar o ambiente de acordo com seus interesses. Além de proporcionar à criança experiências que resgatam a comunidade cultural ao qual fazem parte. A partir dos resultados encontrados neste estudo, verifica-se o quanto se faz importante conhecer estes espaços enquanto um Nicho de Desenvolvimento que guarda mútua relação entre ambiente, práticas e a psicologia dos cuidadores, e que, portanto devem ser entendidos nas suas diversas dimensões.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
The objective of this study is to demonstrate how Public Relations can deal with the issue of culture clash between companies undergoing mergers and acquisitions. Within this environment of organizational change, there is the question of human and social as well as the importance of the relationship with all the publics. The Public Relations professional should be part of the organization systems to inform and promote a culture present, and participated in the climates changes and its consequences within these environments
In the 15th and early 16th centuries, when traveling eastward and westward no longer proved extraordinary, travel writings, such as those of Marco Polo or Jean de Mandeville, were printed and reprinted and have been in the world of exchanges and acquisitions both in Portugal and in other parts of Europe. However, although they have played a key role in defining foreign worlds for Europe, reflecting the aspirations of their time and providing news about the universe to be discovered, these reports do not always necessarily tell of trips that were actually taken. Several of them, on the contrary, do no more than draw together, for contemporary readers, passages of interest taken from other writings; passages which, based on their regularity and frequency, would allow for a narrative staged as travel to be taken as truth for contemporaries and immediate successors. In the Iberian Peninsula of the late 15th century, an account written by an author about whom nothing is known, Gomez de Santisteban, who defines himself as a companion of Prince Pedro on a supposed trip to the Holy Land, was among those reports integrated into the description and the perception of the land being discovered. The driving question of this paper is, therefore, how Santisteban, though he wrote memories of trips that he did not take, achieved credibility like those travelers whose trips have been recognized as authentic.
The ever more interconnected and competitive markets have contributed to the increase in the number of companies seeking mergers and acquisitions, as they undergo significant cultural dimensions that can influence the success of an organization. This study analyses how the process of change can happen, considering the importance of culture, the complexities of the internal public and the interaction between professionals, with the aid of Public Relations. The analysis is grounded on theoretical principles concerning intercultural communication and the role of the professional as a manager of communicational barriers. It also recommends the application of storytelling as an organizational strategy in order to mediate potentially conflicting changes that could be facilitated with the work of Public Relations
Spurred by the consumer market, companies increasingly deploy smartphones or tablet computers in their operations. However, unlike private users, companies typically struggle to cover their needs with existing applications, and therefore expand mobile software platforms through customized applications from multiple software vendors. Companies thereby combine the concepts of multi-sourcing and software platform ecosystems in a novel platform-based multi-sourcing setting. This implies, however, the clash of two different approaches towards the coordination of the underlying one-to-many inter-organizational relationships. So far, however, little is known about impacts of merging coordination approaches. Relying on convention theory, we addresses this gap by analyzing a platform-based multi-sourcing project between a client and six software vendors, that develop twenty-three custom-made applications on a common platform (Android). In doing so, we aim to understand how unequal coordination approaches merge, and whether and for what reason particular coordination mechanisms, design decisions, or practices disappear, while new ones emerge.