999 resultados para Medical Subject Headings::Geographicals::Geographic Locations::Americas::South America
BACKGROUND Persons with schizophrenia and related disorders may be particularly sensitive to a number of determinants of service use, including those related with illness, socio-demographic characteristics and organizational factors. The objective of this study is to identify factors associated with outpatient contacts at community mental health services of patients with schizophrenia or related disorders. METHODS This cross-sectional study analyzed 1097 patients. The main outcome measure was the total number of outpatient consultations during one year. Independent variables were related to socio-demographic, clinical and use of service factors. Data were collected from clinical records. RESULTS The multilevel linear regression model explained 46.35% of the variance. Patients with significantly more contacts with ambulatory services were not working and were receiving welfare benefits (p = 0.02), had no formal education (p = 0.02), had a global level of severity of two or three (four being the most severe) (p < 0.001), with one or more inpatient admissions (p < 0.001), and in contact with both types of professional (nurses and psychiatrists) (p < 0.001). The patients with the fewest ambulatory contacts were those with diagnoses of persistent delusional disorders (p = 0.04) and those who were attended by four of the 13 psychiatrists (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS As expected, the variables that explained the use of community service could be viewed as proxies for severity of illness. The most surprising finding, however, was that a group of four psychiatrists was also independently associated with use of ambulatory services by patients with schizophrenia or related disorders. More research is needed to carefully examine how professional support networks interact to affect use of mental health.
The prescription, widely discussed and defined conceptually in recent years in an environment of widening the spectrum of responsibilities nurse, has capacity for integration and definition in the area of accident and emergency care and carried out over the patient urgently, about emergencies and life-long commitment. Be necessary to frame throughout the legal framework, following the amendment of the Twelfth Additional Provision of Law 29/2006 of guarantees and rational use of drugs and medical devices, can be waived and implementation required, provided under model and through the nursing process and method and as an exponent and endorsementn of science and advanced clinical practice, to join the idea of interdisciplinary professional consensus that the law posed by the preparation and implementation of standardized protocols, algorithms and / or clinical practice guidelines in the context of what has come to be called "collaborative standard prescription": Prescription to the nurse in certain clinical situations in terms of a performance protocol, agreed with multidisciplinary team care health of the population (Group Protocols), which can be considered an intermediate step in the evolution towards independent nurse prescribing, providing nurses experience of a prescription under these protocols and demonstrating their capabilities.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
OBJECTIVE This study was designed to evaluate the impact of a teleassistance system on the metabolic control of type 2 diabetes patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We conducted a 1-year controlled parallel-group trial comparing patients randomized (1) to an intervention group, assigned to a teleassistance system using real-time transmission of blood glucose results, with immediate reply when necessary, and telephone consultations, or (2) to a control group, being regularly followed-up at their healthcare center. Study subjects were type 2 diabetes patients >30 years of age followed in the primary care setting. RESULTS A total of 328 type 2 diabetes patients were recruited from 35 family practices in the province of Málaga, Spain. There was a reduction in hemoglobin A1c after 12 months from 7.62 +/- 1.60% to 7.40 +/- 1.43% (P = 0.027) in the intervention group and from 7.44 +/- 1.31% to 7.35 +/- 1.38% (P = 0.303) in the control group. The difference in the change between groups was not statistically significant. There was also a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and body mass index in the intervention group. In the control group, the only significant decline was in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS A teleassistance system using real-time transmission of blood glucose results with an option to make telephone consultations is feasible in the primary care setting as a support tool for family physicians in their follow-up of type 2 diabetes patients.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
International recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with acquired hemophilia A.
Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder characterized by autoantibodies directed against circulating coagulation factor (F) VIII. Typically, patients with no prior history of a bleeding disorder present with spontaneous bleeding and an isolated prolonged aPTT. AHA may, however, present without any bleeding symptoms, therefore an isolated prolonged aPTT should always be investigated further irrespective of the clinical findings. Control of acute bleeding is the first priority, and we recommend first-line therapy with bypassing agents such as recombinant activated FVII or activated prothrombin complex concentrate. Once the diagnosis has been achieved, immediate autoantibody eradication to reduce subsequent bleeding risk should be performed. We recommend initial treatment with corticosteroids or combination therapy with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide and suggest second-line therapy with rituximab if first-line therapy fails or is contraindicated. In contrast to congenital hemophilia, no comparative studies exist to support treatment recommendations for patients with AHA, therefore treatment guidance must rely on the expertise and clinical experience of specialists in the field. The aim of this document is to provide a set of international practice guidelines based on our collective clinical experience in treating patients with AHA and contribute to improved care for this patient group.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Granada virus (GRV), a new phlebovirus within the Naples serocomplex, has been recently described in phlebotomine sandflies from Spain. The presence of anti-GRV immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies was investigated by indirect fluorescence assay (IFA) and neutralization test (NT) in 920 serum samples from the Granada population. By IFA, an overall GRV seroprevalence of 15.8% (N = 145) was observed, significantly increasing up to 65 years. NT was positive in 18% of anti-GRV IFA-positive samples. IgG antibodies against Toscana virus (TOSV), a hyperendemic phlebovirus within Granada province, were detected in 40% of anti-GRV-positive cases. Anti-GRV IgM antibodies were detected in 36 (6.6%) of 547 acute-phase serum samples from individuals with febrile illness, exanthema, and/or acute respiratory infection. All positives were anti-TOSV IgM-negative. GRV may infect humans, with most cases being asymptomatic. The codetection of anti-GRV and anti-TOSV IgG antibodies could be attributable to cross-reactivity or exposure to the same transmission vector.
Goal: To study an August 2004 outbreak of brucellosis notified in Velez-Rubio (Almeria) and to determine the source of that infection as well as its transmission mechanisms, in addition to proposing preventive measures. Methodology: Descriptive study and paired case controls (three controls were selected for each case). Setting: Health Centers in de Vélez-Rubio (Almeria) and Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville). Population: Suspected/probable case: a person with compatible clinical symptoms and positive brusella agglutination diagnosed between July 2005 and March 2005. Confirmed case: in addition to identifying the causal agent, laboratory test results resulted in a confirmation. Interventions: Report forms, epidemiological surveys, clinical histories, and laboratory tests were used as sources of data. Odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals were calculated to study the relationship among cases, sources of infection, and transmission mechanisms. The Chi Square test and Yates correction were employed. Results: 10 cases were identified (9 in Almeria and 1 in Seville), 8 of them pobable and 2 confirmed, in persons between the ages of 45 and 81. The symptoms first appeared between the months of May and September 2005. Fever was the most frequent symptom (100%). The OR for the consumption of fresh, non.-pasteurized cheese was 112 (CI 4,48-16968,94), p< 0,001. Infected animals were intervened. Conclusions: The inter-provincial outbreak of brucellosis was confirmed as stemming from the consumption of non-pasteurized cheese sold on the street. The source of infection was identified and the Department of Agriculture carried out the necessary actions.