962 resultados para Materials handling equipment industry
Prepared for U. S. Atomic Energy Commission by Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation, Apollo, Penn.
Title from caption.
Project staff: Doug Dougherty, John Kopatz, Kris Kersey.
Mode of access: Internet.
"November, 1919."
Item 1005-C.
In this article we review and critique the current body of scientific knowledge regarding the use of team lifting including: (a) psychophysical studies of team lifting capacity, and (b) studies of manual handling, patient handling, and stretcher carriage performed by lifting teams. The consensus of the research literature is that team-lifting capacity is greater than the lifting capacity of an individual, but that the capacity of lifting teams is less than the summed capacity of individual team members. Further, biomechanical, psychophysical, and physiological stress tends to be reduced compared to the equivalent lifts and transfers performed by individuals. However, the stress associated with team lifting depends on a broad range of individual team member, load, task and environmental factors, which can interact in unexpected ways. Caution is therefore recommended against making broad assumptions regarding the use of team lifting. Future studies are needed to examine how effort and load are distributed among lifting team members, with emphasis on identifying factors that may increase the risk of injury.
A busca por maior competitividade frente ao mercado cada vez mais concorrido, a perseguição pela maximização dos lucros nas organizações, e as maneiras para tornar as organizações mais eficientes são assuntos largamente debatidos em discussões nos ambientes empresariais e acadêmicos, áreas em que a administração é requerida para analisar o universo de possibilidades em busca dos objetivos acima. Principalmente sobre as pequenas e médias empresas (PME), os impactos dos custos decorrentes de falta de infraestruturas adequadas em transportes, movimentação de materiais e em logística em geral, tornam estas organizações menos competitivas. Uma das alternativas que deve ser apresentada é um agrupamento destas organizações em um mesmo espaço físico, os denominados clusters, a fim de compartilharem alguns destes custos, além de experiências para atingirem alguns ganhos também em escala. Na logística, existe a possibilidade de compartilhamento de diversos serviços, onde deverá ser identificada boa parte do potencial de ganho com este modelo, que é aplicado para diversos segmentos inclusive ao redor do mundo. Em especial no Brasil onde a carga tributária é elevada e muito complexa, quando se opta pelo modelo de cluster, haverá ganhos em escala inclusive na tributação fiscal das movimentações de mercadorias. Através do levantamento bibliográfico e a comparação de dados de diversos artigos e de instituições públicas e privadas, objetiva-se apresentar as vantagens das operações no modelo cluster, a possibilidade dos ganhos pelo cooperativismo existente nestes empreendimentos entre outras formas de benefícios possíveis na logística compartilhada pelas empresas do cluster, além de possíveis desvantagens e limitações. .
In diesem Artikel werden Leistungsverfügbarkeit und Echtzeitfähigkeit am Beispiel eines Lagersystems für intelligente Behälter betrachtet. Es wird dabei die Echtzeitfähigkeit dieses Systems anhand einer realistischen Fallstudie in einem Stetigfördersystem analysiert. Anhand dieser Analyse wird ein Konzept für die gezielte Planung eines Lagersystems für eine spezifische Leistungsverfügbarkeit entworfen. Kernbestandteil ist ein Kommunikationsprotokoll, das die Reservierung von Fördermitteln mittels logischer Zeit erlaubt. Über eine veränderte Reservierungsstrategie kann ein geeigneter Dispositionszeitpunkt berechnet werden, der eine Termineinhaltung aller Aufträge garantiert.
Die Wahrung der Reproduzierbarkeit empirisch erhobener Messdaten fordert eine konsequente Anwendung einer einheitlichen und standardisierten Methode. Am IFL des KIT wurde deshalb eine Prozessbeschreibung entworfen, die speziell für die Messung von Fördermitteln der Intralogistik angewandt werden kann. Neben der Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Messungen müssen die erhobenen Daten anschließend statistisch ausgewertet und interpretiert werden. Die Methode wird in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt und am Beispiel von Leistungs- und Energiemessungen angewandt.
Elintarviketeollisuudessa tärkeimpiä pakkausmateriaaleja ovat erilaiset kartonkipakkaukset ja erityisesti niiden kuljetuksessa käytettävät aaltopahvipakkaukset. Aaltopahvilta vaadittavia ominaisuuksia ovat muun muassa puristuslujuus ja kosteudenkestävyys. Elintarvikekäyttöön tarkoitetuilla aaltopahveilla on myös tiettyjä vaatimuksia niissä käytettävistä yhdisteistä. Erilaiset kuitumateriaalit käyttäytyvät vettyessään eri tavalla ja niistä voi liueta yhdisteitä pakattavaan elintarvikkeeseen. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää vettymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja veden vaikutus aaltopahvin rakenteeseen. Havaittiin, että ligniiniä tai uuteaineita sisältävä mekaanisesti valmistettu kartonkimateriaali ei sido vettä yhtä paljon kuin kemiallisesti valmistettu tai valkaistu kartonki. Aaltopahvissa tapahtuvan kapillaariabsorptio sai veden nousemaan pääasiassa aallotuskartonkiin. Vesi imeytyi korkeammalle puolikemiallisesti valmistetuissa aaltopahveissa kuin keräyskartonkipahveissa, jotka eivät myöskään turvonneet yhtä voimakkaasti. Työssä kartoitettiin myös elintarvikekäyttöä rajoittavia liukoisia yhdisteitä, jotka löytyivät paperiteollisuudessa yleisesti käytetyistä liimoista. Tällaisia yhdisteitä olivat märkälujaliimojen formaldehydiyhdisteet ja polyamidoamiini-epikloorihydriinihartsi. Keräyskartongin joukossa olevat raskasmetallit rajoittavat myös niiden käyttöä elintarvikepakkauksissa.
The purpose of this report is to present the Crossdock Door Assignment Problem, which involves assigning destinations to outbound dock doors of Crossdock centres such that travel distance by material handling equipment is minimized. We propose a two fold solution; simulation and optimization of the simulation model - simulation optimization. The novel aspect of our solution approach is that we intend to use simulation to derive a more realistic objective function and use Memetic algorithms to find an optimal solution. The main advantage of using Memetic algorithms is that it combines a local search with Genetic Algorithms. The Crossdock Door Assignment Problem is a new domain application to Memetic Algorithms and it is yet unknown how it will perform.
There is a growning need to address psychological health and safety in the workplace. Ergonomics tends to be widely recognized for its physical applications, such as ¨office¨ and ¨manual materials handling¨ however the other domains of specialization of ergonomics (cognitive and organizational) appear to be less well known. This study evaluates the level of understanding that professionals who practice ergonomics have of the relation between ergonomics and the control of psychosocial hazards in the workplace. A survey was distributed to ergonomics practitioners and asked them about their awareness of the relation between ergonomics and workplace psychosocial hazard control. Ergonomists and human factors specialists demonstrated a greater awareness of this relationship than other allied occupational groups that also practice ergonomics, however they indicated that there may be difficulties in the “real world” applying these areas of knowledge into practice. Participants who demonstrated a high level of awareness of the relation between ergonomics and psychosocial hazard control demonstrated stronger organizational commitment than participants with a low awareness. Ergonomics practitioners who reported having employer support for professional development also demonstrated a higher degree of awareness of the relation between ergonomics and psychosocial hazard control, as did the professionals who had been practicing in the field the longest. This research provides some insight for professional associations for Ergonomists, employers of Ergonomists, and human resource professionals about how ergonomics practitioners perceive the ergonomics field and the profession as well as their employing organization.
The purpose of this report is to present the Crossdock Door Assignment Problem, which involves assigning destinations to outbound dock doors of Crossdock centres such that travel distance by material handling equipment is minimized. We propose a two fold solution; simulation and optimization of the simulation model - simulation optimization. The novel aspect of our solution approach is that we intend to use simulation to derive a more realistic objective function and use Memetic algorithms to find an optimal solution. The main advantage of using Memetic algorithms is that it combines a local search with Genetic Algorithms. The Crossdock Door Assignment Problem is a new domain application to Memetic Algorithms and it is yet unknown how it will perform.
Indoor Air 2016 - The 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate