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Vitellogenin (Vtg) is the precursor of yolk protein. Its expression and secretion are estrogen-regulated and are crucial for oocyte maturation. An in vitro xenoestrogen screening model was established by measuring Vtg induction in cultured primary hepatocytes from crucian carp. Vtg production was detected by biotin-avidin sandwich ELISA method while Vtg and cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) mRNA induction were measured by semi- quantitative PCR-primer dropping technique. Vtg and Vtg mRNA were dose-dependently induced by diethylstilbestrol (DES, 0.2-200 ng/mL) in hepatocytes of crucian carp. Co-treatment of the DES-induced hepatocytes with either 2,3,7,8-TCDD (TCDD, 0.1-4 pg/mL) or benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P, 5-1000 ng/mL) resulted in a reduction of Vtg production and an increment of CYP1A1 mRNA expression both in a dose dependent manner, indicating the anti-estrogenic effects of the compounds. However, at lower tested concentrations, TCDD (0.1, 0.2 pg/mL), B[a]P (5 ng/mL) seemed to have a potentiating effect on Vtg expression and secretion, although by their own these compounds had no observable estrogenic effect on Vtg induction. Tamoxifen (a selective estrogen receptor modulators, 1 nmol/L-1 mumol/L), and P-naphtho-flavone (beta-NF, an aryl hydrocarbon receptor inducing compounds, 2.5-1000 ng/mL) also were employed to study the possible interactions in DES-induced Vtg expression. In co-treatment of the DES-induced hepatocytes with beta-NF or tamoxifen, the decrease in Vtg production did parallel induction of CYP1A1 for beta-NF, but tamoxifen inhibited Vtg induction did not parallel induced CYP1A1 expression in all test concentrations. On the contrary, it was found that in co-treatment of the TCDD-induced hepatocytes with DES, TCDD induced CYP1A1 mRNA production was inhibited by DES also. These results implicated a possible cross talk between estrogen receptor- and aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated pathways in the hepatocytes.


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Photosynthetic performance was examined in Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve. under 12: 12-h light: dark (LD) cycle at ambient CO2 (350 muL L-1) and elevated CO2 (1000 muL L-1). At ambient CO2, the cellular chlorophyll a content, the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P-m), the initial slope of the light saturation curves ( a), the photochemical efficiency of PSII (F-v/F-m), the apparent carboxylating efficiency (ACE) and the photosynthetic affinity for CO2 [1/K-m (CO2)] all showed rhythmical changes with different amplitudes during the light period. The P-m had similar changing pattern in the light period with the ACE and 1/K-m (CO2) rather than with the alpha and F-v/F-m, indicating that rhythmical changes of photosynthetic capacity may be mainly controlled by the activity of C- reduction associated with CO2 uptake during the light period. The CO2 enrichment reduced the ACE and the affinity to CO2, and increased the a, cellular chlorophyll a content and P m based on cell number. By contrast, the changing patterns of all photosynthetic parameters examined here during the light period had almost the same for cells grown at ambient CO2 and elevated CO2, suggesting that the photosynthetic rhythms of S. costatum are not affected by CO2 enrichment.


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Forty embryonic hearts were taken out by anatomical needle from denuded embryos of the ovoviviparity guppy fish that were dechorioned by mechanic method or by trypsin digestion, and were in vitro cultured. In the cultured hearts, 80% have maintained beating in vitro for 4 weeks, and the longest record for beating was 142 d. Owing to fish embryo transparency, beating frequency and blood color changes are easily viewed from the embryonic hearts under a dissecting microscope. The current study established the in vitro culture method of embryonic hearts in guppy fish, which can be used as a model for the study of heart and cardiovascular system in vertebrates.


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As a large conspicuous intertidal brown alga, individuals of Sargassum horneri can reach a length of more than 7 m with a fresh weight of 3 kg along the coasts of the Eastern China Sea. The biomass of this alga as a vital component in coastal water ecology has been well documented. In recent years, a steady disappearance of the algal biomass along the once densely populated coastal areas of the Eastern China Sea has drawn attention in China. Efforts have been made to reconstruct the subtidal algal flora or even to grow the alga by use of long-lines. As part of the efforts to establish an efficient technique for producing seedlings of S. horneri, in this investigation a series of culture experiments were carried out in indoor raceway and rectangular tanks under reduced solar irradiance at ambient temperature in 2007-2008. The investigation demonstrated that: (1) sexual reproduction of S. horneri could be accelerated in elevated temperature and light climates, at least 3 months earlier than in the wild; (2) eggs of S. horneri had the potential to be fertilized up to 48 h, much longer than that of known related species; (3) suspension and fixed culture methods were both effective in growing the seedlings to the long-line cultivation stage; and (4) the life cycle of S. horneri in culture could be shortened to 4.5 months, thus establishing this alga as an appropriate model for investigating sexual reproduction in dieocious species of this genus.


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The reuse of holdfasts for regeneration of young seedlings or using wild juvenile plants as the seedling source has played the major role in commercial cultivation of the brown alga Hizikia fusiformis in East Asia over the past 20 years. The possibility of employing zygote-derived germlings for producing seedlings has been discussed in the literature, but has not yet become a reality. Three main obstacles have limited the use of zygotes as a main source of seedlings, (1) the dioecious nature of the algal life cycle which may lead to asynchronous male and female receptacle development and thus different timing of egg and spermatozoa expulsion, (2) the low attachment rate when using zygote-derived germlings with developed rhizoids from wild parental plants for seeding production, and (3) the problem of culturing young germlings in regions where water temperature is high in summer. In this investigation, shifting the timing of receptacle formation earlier than in nature was performed by tumbling the algae in a long-day tank (16-h light per day). Synchronization of egg and spermatozoa expulsion and thereafter fertilization were conducted in indoor tanks. Receptacle formation in constant long days could be shifted by 20 days earlier than in plants cultured on long lines in the open sea, or I month earlier than in plants growing on intertidal rocks. Synchronized expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon led to a high rate of fertilization. This was achieved by tumbling the male and female receptacle-bearing branchlets in the same tank at low density in high irradiance. In two independent trials, a total of 1,400,000 zygote-derived germlings were obtained from 620 g (fresh weight) female sporophytes. The germlings shed from the receptacles were at an identical developmental stage indicating high synchronization of expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon followed by fertilization. Approximately 63% ( +/-9.6%) of the germlings were shed from the receptacle between 16 and 24 It after fertilization and 20% ( +/-11.9%) remained on the receptacle for 3 days after fertilization. Germlings were seeded on string collectors before rhizoids started to elongate and the attachment efficiency was enhanced. Young seedlings reached 800 ( +/-50) mum in length in 25 days at 25 degreesC before they were transferred to open sea cultivation. These results provide the basis of a practical way of seedling production by use of zygote-derived germlings in the commercial cultivation of Hizikia fusiformis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Undaria pinnatifida (Harv.) Sur. is one of the three main seaweed species under commercial cultivation in China. In the mid-1990s the annual production was about 20000 tons dry. The supply of healthy sporelings is key to the success of commercial cultivation of Undaria. Previous studies demonstrated that instead of the zoospore collection method, sporelings can be cultured through the use of gametophyte clones. This paper reports the experimental results on mass culture of clones and sporeling raising in commercial scale. Light had an obvious effect on growth of gametophyte clones. Under an irradiance of 80 mumol m(-2) s(-1) and favorable temperature of 22-25degreesC, mean daily growth rate may reach as high as 37%. Several celled gametophyte fragments were sprayed onto the palm rope frame. Gametogenesis occurred after 4-6 days. Juvenile sporeling growth experiments showed that nitrate and phosphate concentrations of 2.9 10(-4) mol 1(-1) and 1.7 10(-5) mol 1(-1) were sufficient to enable the sporelings to maintain a high daily growth rate. Sporelings can reach a length of 1 cm in a month. Since 1997, extension of the clone technique has been carried out in Shandong Province. Large-scale production of sporelings for commercial cultivation of 14 and 31 hectares in 1997 and 1998 had been conducted successfully.


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The effect of temperature, salinity, nitrogen, culture density and depth on the growth of Gracilaria tenuistipitata were investigated between April 1985 and March 1986 in outdoor ponds in Guangxi Province, South China. The mean annual growth rate was 2.4% per day. Under favourable temperatures of 20-30-degrees-C, daily growth rate may reach as high as 3.3%. Salinity had an obvious effect on growth and photosynthesis and growth peaked at 21 parts per thousand, with a broad plateau between 7-27 parts per thousand. Growth experiments showed that a total nitrogen (NH4-N plus NO3-N) concentration of 4 muM was sufficient to enable the plants to maintain a daily growth rate of 2.7%. The best growth of the plant was obtained at a culture density of 0.5-1 kg M-2 and a culture depth of 30 cm in the pond.


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Laminaria japonica, Undaria pinnatifida, Ulva lactuca, Grateloupia turuturu and Palmaria palmata are Suitable species that fit the requirements of a seaweed-animal integrated aquaculture system in terms of their viable biomass, rapid growth and promising nutrient uptake rates. fit this investigation, the responses of the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield of the five algal species in tumble Culture were assessed at a temperature range of 10 similar to 30 degrees C. The results revealed that Ulva lactuca was the most resistant species to high temperature, withstanding 30 degrees C for 4 h without apparent decline in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield. While the arctic alga Palmaria palmata was the most vulnerable one, showing significant decline in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield at 25 degrees C for 2 h. The cold-water species Laminaria japonica, however, demonstrated strong ability to cope with higher temperature (24 similar to 26 degrees C) for shorter time (within 24 h) without significant decline in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield. Grateloupia turuturu showed a general decrease in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield with the rising temperature from 23 to 30 degrees C, similar to the temperate kelp Undaria pinnatifida. Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence yields of these algae were characterized differently indicating the existence of species-unique strategy to cope with high light. Measurements of the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield after short exposure to direct solar irradiance revealed how long these exposures could be without significant photoinhibition or with promising recovery in photosynthetic activities. Seasonal pattern of alternation of algal species in tank culture in the Northern Hemisphere at the latitude of 36 degrees N was proposed according to these basic measurements.


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The cold-water subtidal brown alga Laminaria japonica has been commercially fanned in the Far East and has been on top of all marine-fanned species in terms of farming area and annual output worldwide. The successful trials of transplantation of young sporophytes from the north to the south in winter along the Chinese coast in the 1950s led to the spreading of cultivation activities down to a latitude of 25-26 degrees N. Up to today, nearly 50% of the annual output of this farmed alga, as a cold-water species, comes from the sub-tropical south in China. The demand to have high-temperature-tolerant strains/ecotypes in farming area calls for a practical method to judge and select the desired parental plants for breeding programs and for seedling production. In this paper, we report our results on using chlorophyll fluorescence measurement and short-term growth performance in tank culture to estimate the temperature tolerance of offspring from two populations, Fujian Farmed Population (FFP) sampled from Fujian province (latitude: 25-26 degrees N) in subtropical area and Qingdao Wild Population (QWP) sampled from Qingdao (latitude: 36 degrees N). Contrary to what has been usually thought, the results revealed that offspring from Qingdao wild population in the north showed better performance both in short-term growth and survival rates and in optimal quantum efficiency (F-v/F-m) when exposed to higher temperature (20-25 degrees C). This result was further confirmed by fluorescence quenching analysis. QWP distributed along the southern distribution limit at a latitude of 36 degrees N in the Pacific west coast is thus taken as a more ideal one than the fanned population in subtropical region as a source of parental plants for breeding high-temperature-tolerant varieties. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Russell M. Morphew, Hazel A. Wright, E. James LaCourse, Debra J. Woods and Peter M. Brophy (2007). Comparative proteomics of excretory-secretory proteins released by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica in sheep host bile and during in vitro culture ex host. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 6 (6), 963-972. Sponsorship: BBSRC / EU RAE2008


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Functional food ingredients, with scientifically proven and validated bioactive effects, present an effective means of inferring physiological health benefits to consumers to reduce the risk of certain diseases. The search for novel bioactive compounds for incorporation into functional foods is particularly active, with brewers’ spent grain (BSG, a brewing industry co-product) representing a unique source of potentially bioactive compounds. The DNA protective, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects of phenolic extracts from both pale (P1 - P4) and black (B1 – B4) BSG were examined. Black BSG extracts significantly (P < 0.05) protected against DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and extracts with the highest total phenolic content (TPC) protected against 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN-1)-induced oxidative DNA damage, measured by the comet assay. Cellular antioxidant activity assays were used to measured antioxidant potential in the U937 cell line. Extracts P1 – P3 and B2 - B4 demonstrated significant (P < 0.05) antioxidant activity, measured by the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity and gluatathione (GSH) content assays. Phenolic extracts P2 and P3 from pale BSG possess anti-inflammatory activity measured in concanavalin-A (conA) stimulated Jurkat T cells by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); significantly (P < 0.05) reducing production of interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-4 (IL-4, P2 only), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ). Black BSG phenolic extracts did not exhibit anti-inflammatory effects in vitro. Hydroxycinnamic acids (HA) have previously been shown to be the phenolic acids present at highest concentration in BSG; therefore the HA profile of the phenolic extracts used in this research, the original barley (before brewing) and whole BSG was characterised and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The concentration of HA present in the samples was in the order of ferulic acid (FA) > p-coumaric acid (p-CA) derivatives > FA derivatives > p-CA > caffeic acid (CA) > CA derivatives. Results suggested that brewing and roasting decreased the HA content. Protein hydrolysates from BSG were also screened for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. A total of 34 BSG protein samples were tested. Initial analyses of samples A – J found the protein samples did not exert DNA protective effects (except hydrolysate H) or antioxidant effects by the comet and SOD assays, respectively. Samples D, E, F and J selectively reduced IFN-γ production (P < 0.05) in Jurkat T cells, measured using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Further testing of hydrolysates K – W, including fractionated hydrolysates with molecular weight < 3, < 5 and > 5 kDa, found that higher molecular weight (> 5 kDa) and unfractionated hydrolysates demonstrate greatest anti-inflammatory effects, while fractionated hydrolysates were also shown to have antioxidant activity, by the SOD activity assay. A commercially available yogurt drink (Actimel) and snack-bar and chocolate-drink formulations were fortified with the most bioactive phenolic and protein samples – P2, B2, W, W < 3 kDa, W < 5 kDa, W > 5 kDa. All fortified foods were subjected to a simulated gastrointestinal in vitro digestion procedure and bioactivity retention in the digestates was determined using the comet and ELISA assays. Yogurt fortified with B2 digestate significantly (P < 0.05) protected against H2O2-induced DNA damage in Caco-2 cells. Greatest immunomodulatory activity was demonstrated by the snack-bar formulation, significantly (P < 0.05) reducing IFN-γ production in con-A stimulated Jurkat T cells. Hydrolysate W significantly (P < 0.05) increased the IFN-γ reducing capacity of the snack-bar. Addition of fractionated hydrolysate W < 3 kDa and W < 5 kDa to yogurt also reduced IL-2 production to a greater extent than the unfortified yogurt (P < 0.05).


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Folliculogenesis is a complex process regulated by various paracrine and autocrine factors. In vitro growth systems of primordial and preantral follicles have been developed for future use of immature oocytes, as sources of fertilizable oocytes and for studying follicular growth and oocyte maturation mechanisms. Rodents were often chosen for in vitro follicular culture research and a lot of factors implicated in folliculogenesis have been identified using this model. To date, the mouse is the only species in which the whole process of follicular growth, oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryo transfer into recipient females was successfully performed. However, the efficiency of in vitro culture systems must still be considerably improved. Within the follicle, numerous events affect cell proliferation and the acquisition of oocyte developmental competency in vitro, including interactions between the follicular cells and the oocyte, and the composition of the culture medium. Effects of the acting factors depend on the stage of follicle development, the culture system used and the species. This paper reviews the action of endocrine, paracrine factors and other components of culture medium on in vitro growth of preantral follicles in rodents.


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and three-dimensional (3D) woven poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds are promising tools for skeletal tissue engineering. We hypothesized that in vitro culture duration and medium additives can individually and interactively influence the structure, composition, mechanical, and molecular properties of engineered tissues based on hMSCs and 3D poly(ɛ-caprolactone). Bone marrow hMSCs were suspended in collagen gel, seeded on scaffolds, and cultured for 1, 21, or 45 days under chondrogenic and/or osteogenic conditions. Structure, composition, biomechanics, and gene expression were analyzed. In chondrogenic medium, cartilaginous tissue formed by day 21, and hypertrophic mineralization was observed in the newly formed extracellular matrix at the interface with underlying scaffold by day 45. Glycosaminoglycan, hydroxyproline, and calcium contents, and alkaline phosphatase activity depended on culture duration and medium additives, with significant interactive effects (all p < 0.0001). The 45-day constructs exhibited mechanical properties on the order of magnitude of native articular cartilage (aggregate, Young's, and shear moduli of 0.15, 0.12, and 0.033 MPa, respectively). Gene expression was characteristic of chondrogenesis and endochondral bone formation, with sequential regulation of Sox-9, collagen type II, aggrecan, core binding factor alpha 1 (Cbfα1)/Runx2, bone sialoprotein, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and osteocalcin. In contrast, osteogenic medium produced limited osteogenesis. Long-term culture of hMSC on 3D scaffolds resulted in chondrogenesis and regional mineralization at the interface between soft, newly formed engineered cartilage, and stiffer underlying scaffold. These findings merit consideration when developing grafts for osteochondral defect repair.


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Physiological studies on M. parvicella have been conducted to determine the rate of growth of this organism in pure culture. The organism displayed a doubling time of 128 days despite its profuse abundance in a local Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTW). An extensive survey has been ongoing since February 2000 into the extent of M. parvicella in the WWTW. A suite of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies has been developed to detect and quantify M. parvicella.