961 resultados para Martin, Gregory, d.1582.


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In addition to maintaining the GenBank® nucleic acid sequence database, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides data analysis and retrieval resources that operate on the data in GenBank and a variety of other biological data made available through NCBI’s Web site. NCBI data retrieval resources include Entrez, PubMed, LocusLink and the Taxonomy Browser. Data analysis resources include BLAST, Electronic PCR, OrfFinder, RefSeq, UniGene, HomoloGene, Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP), Human Genome Sequencing, Human MapViewer, GeneMap’99, Human–Mouse Homology Map, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP), Entrez Genomes, Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs) database, Retroviral Genotyping Tools, Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP), SAGEmap, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), Online Mendelian Inheri­tance in Man (OMIM), the Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB) and the Conserved Domain Database (CDD). Augmenting many of the Web applications are custom implementations of the BLAST program optimized to search specialized data sets. All of the resources can be accessed through the NCBI home page at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.


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The Medicago Genome Initiative (MGI) is a database of EST sequences of the model legume Medicago truncatula. The database is available to the public and has resulted from a collaborative research effort between the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and the National Center for Genome Resources to investigate the genome of M.truncatula. MGI is part of the greater integrated Medicago functional genomics program at the Noble Foundation (http://www.noble .org), which is taking a global approach in studying the genetic and biochemical events associated with the growth, development and environmental interactions of this model legume. Our approach will include: large-scale EST sequencing, gene expression profiling, the generation of M.truncatula activation-tagged and promoter trap insertion mutants, high-throughput metabolic profiling, and proteome studies. These multidisciplinary information pools will be interfaced with one another to provide scientists with an integrated, holistic set of tools to address fundamental questions pertaining to legume biology. The public interface to the MGI database can be accessed at http://www.ncgr.org/research/mgi.


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In vascular plants, mutations leading to a defect in debranching enzyme lead to the simultaneous synthesis of glycogen-like material and normal starch. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii comparable defects lead to the replacement of starch by phytoglycogen. Therefore, debranching was proposed to define a mandatory step for starch biosynthesis. We now report the characterization of small amounts of an insoluble, amylose-like material found in the mutant algae. This novel, starch-like material was shown to be entirely dependent on the presence of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI), the enzyme responsible for amylose synthesis in plants. However, enzyme activity assays, solubilization of proteins from the granule, and western blots all failed to detect GBSSI within the insoluble polysaccharide matrix. The glycogen-like polysaccharides produced in the absence of GBSSI were proved to be qualitatively and quantitatively identical to those produced in its presence. Therefore, we propose that GBSSI requires the presence of crystalline amylopectin for granule binding and that the synthesis of amylose-like material can proceed at low levels without the binding of GBSSI to the polysaccharide matrix. Our results confirm that amylopectin synthesis is completely blocked in debranching-enzyme-defective mutants of C. reinhardtii.


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The plant-intracellular interaction of the avirulence protein AvrPto of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato, the agent of bacterial speck disease, and the corresponding tomato resistance protein Pto triggers responses leading to disease resistance. Pto, a serine/threonine protein kinase, also interacts with a putative downstream kinase, Pto-interactor 1, as well as with members of a family of transcription factors Pto-interactors 4, 5, and 6. These proteins are likely involved, respectively, in a phosphorylation cascade resulting in hypersensitive cell death, and in defense gene activation. The mechanism by which the interaction of AvrPto and Pto initiates defense response signaling is not known. To pursue the hypothesis that tertiary interactions are involved, we modified the yeast two-hybrid protein interaction trap and conducted a search for tomato proteins that interact with Pto only in the presence of AvrPto. Five classes of AvrPto-dependent Pto interactors were isolated, and their interaction specificity confirmed. Also, to shed light on a recently demonstrated virulence activity of AvrPto, we conducted a standard two-hybrid screen for tomato proteins in addition to Pto that interact with AvrPto: i.e., potential virulence targets or modifiers of AvrPto. By constructing an N-terminal rather than a C-terminal fusion of AvrPto to the LexA DNA binding domain, we were able to overcome autoactivation by AvrPto and identify four classes of specific AvrPto-interacting proteins.


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A major therapeutic target in the search for a cure to the devastating Alzheimer's disease is γ-secretase. This activity resides in a multiprotein enzyme complex responsible for the generation of Aβ42 peptides, precipitates of which are thought to cause the disease. γ-Secretase is also a critical component of the Notch signal transduction pathway; Notch signals regulate development and differentiation of adult self-renewing cells. This has led to the hypothesis that therapeutic inhibition of γ-secretase may interfere with Notch-related processes in adults, most alarmingly in hematopoiesis. Here, we show that application of γ-secretase inhibitors to fetal thymus organ cultures interferes with T cell development in a manner consistent with loss or reduction of Notch1 function. Progression from an immature CD4−/CD8− state to an intermediate CD4+/CD8+ double-positive state was repressed. Furthermore, treatment beginning later at the double-positive stage specifically inhibited CD8+ single-positive maturation but did not affect CD4+ single-positive cells. These results demonstrate that pharmacological γ-secretase inhibition recapitulates Notch1 loss in a vertebrate tissue and present a system in which rapid evaluation of γ-secretase-targeted pharmaceuticals for their ability to inhibit Notch activity can be performed in a relevant context.


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Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.


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Inheritance of each chromosome depends upon its centromere. A histone H3 variant, centromere protein A (CENP-A), is essential for epigenetically marking centromere location. We find that CENP-A is quantitatively retained at the centromere upon which it is initially assembled. CENP-C binds to CENP-A nucleosomes and is a prime candidate to stabilize centromeric chromatin. Using purified components, we find that CENP-C reshapes the octameric histone core of CENP-A nucleosomes, rigidifies both surface and internal nucleosome structure, and modulates terminal DNA to match the loose wrap that is found on native CENP-A nucleosomes at functional human centromeres. Thus, CENP-C affects nucleosome shape and dynamics in a manner analogous to allosteric regulation of enzymes. CENP-C depletion leads to rapid removal of CENP-A from centromeres, indicating their collaboration in maintaining centromere identity.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Cover title.


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"July 1995."


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"September 1995."


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Cover title.


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"Contract AT(11-1)-229."