1000 resultados para Marinha, poderes e atribuições, Brasil


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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O Autor aborda que, a partir do fortalecimento da jurisdição constitucional, Constituição/1988, novas técnicas interpretativas serão permitidas, no intuito de ampliar a atuação jurisdicional em assuntos tradicionalmente de alçada dos Poderes Legislativo e Executivo.


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O sistema estuarino-lagunar da Bacia do Pina e Rio Capibaribe situa-se no Recife (PE) Brasil, formado pela confluência dos rios Capibaribe, Tejipió, Jiquiá, Jordão e Pina, de grande importância para a Região Metropolitana do Recife. A variação vertical da porcentagem de carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3) no ambiente e a susceptibilidade magnética são ferramentas utilizadas para identificar o processo sedimentar dominante durante a deposição em ambientes costeiros e marinhos, podendo ser de origem marinha ou continental. Foi recuperado um testemunho, com 109 cm, localizado no setor médio do sistema estuarino. Os valores de susceptibilidade foram obtidos com o medidor da marca Bartington MS 2C, descritos visualmente quanto a granulometria e estruturas sedimentares, sub-amostrados em intervalos de 2 cm para a %CaCO3. Os valores de susceptibilidade variaram de 1 a 24 SI, os valores de carbonato variaram de 1,56 a 41,17 %. De acordo com a descrição visual foi observado a presença de granocrescência ascendente entre areia fina a média, cascalho biodetríticos, fragmentos de CaCO3, camadas de lama com matéria orgânica, fragmentos plásticos em algumas profundidades e a presença de uma camada de cascalho terrígeno. Por ser um ambiente de transição continental/marinho, a variação da sedimentação possivelmente está associada ao regime pluviométrico, onde em períodos chuvosos o sedimento fino presente no ambiente é remobilizado, e no período seco a pouca vazão fluvial favorece a deposição de finos. No intervalo 14 – 16 cm foi observado a maior porcentagem de CaCO3 indicando influência marinha durante a sedimentação. Diversos pulsos de sedimentação predominantemente terrígena foram observados na coluna sedimentar, representados por picos mais altos de susceptibilidade magnética provavelmente associados à ciclicidade das cheias do rio Capibaribe. As variações verticais de carbonato e da susceptibilidade obtidas foram importantes na identificação da variabilidade de influência terrígena ou marinha durante o processo de sedimentação recente no estuário


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Os oceanos e as praias têm recebido todo o tipo de fragmentos, que podem ter impactos econômicos, estéticos e ecológicos (USEPA, 1992). Dentre esses fragmentos, estão os pellets ou grânulos plásticos, que são utilizados na indústria para manufatura de diversos produtos (Ogata et al, 2009). Esses grânulos entram no ambiente de forma acidental ou intencional durante o transporte ou produção de plástico (ITF, 1988) e representam um importante constituinte da poluição marinha por resíduos sólidos, estando presentes em todos os oceanos e praias do mundo, com relatos desde a década de 70 (Turra, 2008). Efeitos adversos que podem ocorrer em organismos que ingerem esses grânulos incluem bloqueio do trato intestinal, redução de consumo alimentar e aumento à exposição dos produtos químicos (Endo et al., 2005). Segundo Karapanagioti e Klontza (2008), os grânulos de baixa densidade flutuam na superfície do oceano e chegam nas praias. Sendo orgânicos, os grânulos adsorvem contaminantes hidrofóbicos, como hidrocarbonetos, presentes ao longo percurso até chegar na praia (Mato et al., 2001). Esses compostos estão entre contaminantes que podem afetar o ambiente marinho e podem ser provenientes de vazamentos de óleo e queima incompleta de combustíveis fósseis (NRC, 1985). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados desses compostos em grânulos de plástico coletados na superfície do sedimento da Praia do Embaré, Baixada Santista, SP, região muito afetada pela introdução de hidrocarbonetos.


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The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities


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The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities


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The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities


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