312 resultados para Malus domestica Borkh


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Issued June 1976.


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The household-books of Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Angouleme, Anne, dowager duchess of Buckingham, and the expenses of an unknown earl.--cf. Pref.


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Background - Clostridium difficile is a bacterial healthcare-associated infection that may be transferred by houseflies (Musca domestica) due to their close ecological association with humans and cosmopolitan nature. Aim - To determine the ability of M. domestica to transfer C. difficile both mechanically and following ingestion. Methods - M. domestica were exposed to independent suspensions of vegetative cells and spores of C. difficile, then sampled on to selective agar plates immediately postexposure and at 1-h intervals to assess the mechanical transfer of C. difficile. Fly excreta was cultured and alimentary canals were dissected to determine internalization of cells and spores. Findings - M. domestica exposed to vegetative cell suspensions and spore suspensions of C. difficile were able to transfer the bacteria mechanically for up to 4 h upon subsequent contact with surfaces. The greatest numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs) per fly were transferred immediately following exposure (mean CFUs 123.8 +/− 66.9 for vegetative cell suspension and 288.2 +/− 83.2 for spore suspension). After 1 h, this had reduced (21.2 +/− 11.4 for vegetative cell suspension and 19.9 +/− 9 for spores). Mean C. difficile CFUs isolated from the M. domestica alimentary canal was 35 +/− 6.5, and mean C. difficile CFUs per faecal spot was 1.04 +/− 0.58. C. difficile could be recovered from fly excreta for up to 96 h. Conclusion - This study describes the potential for M. domestica to contribute to environmental persistence and spread of C. difficile in hospitals, highlighting flies as realistic vectors of this micro-organism in clinical areas.


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La violenza domestica è un crimine difficile da denunciare: la vittima è sentimentalmente legata al suo aggressore e, non di rado, proviene da contesti sociali che giustificano questo genere di violenze. D’altra parte, non sempre gli interventi posti in essere dalle istituzioni e dai servizi preposti al trattamento dei casi di violenza domestica risultano efficaci. Per ovviare a tali problematiche, alcuni sistemi giuridici occidentali hanno attivato procedimenti specializzati in violenza domestica che promuovono la cooperazione multidisciplinare tra sistema giudiziario e professionisti dell'intervento socio-sanitario. Il presente articolo si propone di indagare le modalità attraverso le quali il Tribunale di Montréal e la Sezione Fasce Deboli della Procura della Repubblica di Torino praticano la cooperazione specializzata in materia di violenza domestica, nell’ambito di un’analisi comparata di due realtà giudiziarie che, seppur piuttosto diverse, presentano interessanti punti comuni. Taking action to stop domestic violence may be a ‘hard job’ for an abused woman, as she is sentimentally involved in the relationship with the batterer and, not so rarely, she often belongs to a social group in which such abuses are justified or tolerated. On the other hand, the domestic violence service programs provided by state institutions and agencies may lack in efficacy. To face such situations some western jurisdictional systems have established specialized courts in domestic violence, that promote a coordinated response and involve both judiciary experts and professionals from the social and health care area. By means of a comparative analysis of the Court of Montreal and the Procura della Repubblica di Torino, Weaker Members Department, this article aims at investigating how the two courts handle the specialized cooperation as to domestic violence: two courts that, though quite different, show interesting similarities.


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Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of giving various types of feed additives to the chemical composition value of super chicken chicken (Gallus domestica). This research is an experimental research using 20 super chicken chickens that come from chicken growth research (growth study). The design used in this study was Completely Randomized Design (RAL), consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment given was (A0 = control (Vita chick 0.7 gram / liter; A1 = 20 ml / liter probio-FM; A2 = 0.08% MOS-oligosaccharide / kg of feed and A3 = herbal leuser KI 5 ml / liter). is a 90 day old super chicken breast Chicken Variable observed moisture content, protein content and fat content The data obtained were analyzed by using vocabulary and tested further by Duncan's Multiple Range Test The results showed that treatment (P> 0,05) to the value of water content and protein of super chicken fowl.Average value of water content at each treatment A0 (69,81%), A1 (70,74%), A2 (71,56%) and A3 (71,52%) while mean value of protein A0 (18,95%), A1 (19,61%), A2 (19,01%) and A3 (19,14%)) P <0,05) to the fat content of super chicken flesh, mean of fat content were A0 (2.02%), A1 (1.49%), A2 (1.37%) and A3 (2.0%).


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The biosynthesis of anthocyanin in many plants is affected by environmental conditions. In apple (Malus×domestica Borkh.), concentrations of fruit anthocyanins are lower under hot climatic conditions. We examined the anthocyanin accumulation in the peel of maturing 'Mondial Gala' and 'Royal Gala' apples, grown in both temperate and hot climates, and using artificial heating of on-tree fruit. Heat caused a dramatic reduction of both peel anthocyanin concentration and transcripts of the genes of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. Heating fruit rapidly reduced expression of the R2R3 MYB transcription factor (MYB10) responsible for coordinative regulation for red skin colour, as well as expression of other genes in the transcriptional activation complex. A single night of low temperatures is sufficient to elicit a large increase in transcription of MYB10 and consequently the biosynthetic pathway. Candidate genes that can repress anthocyanin biosynthesis did not appear to be responsible for reductions in anthocyanin content. We propose that temperature-induced regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis is primarily caused by altered transcript levels of the activating anthocyanin regulatory complex.


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Previous reviews of plum phytochemical content and health benefits have concentrated on the European plum, Prunus domestica L.. However, the potential bioactivity of red and dark red fleshed Japanese plum, Prunus salicina Lindl., so called blood plums, appears to warrant a significant increase in exposure as indicated in a recent review of the whole Prunus genus. Furthermore, Japanese plums are the predominate plum produced on an international basis. In this review the nutrient and phytochemical content, breeding programs, horticultural practice, post harvest treatment and processing as well as bioactivity (emphasizing in vivo studies) of Japanese plum are considered with a focus on the anthocyanin content that distinguishes the blood plums.


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El presente trabajo experimental "Inclusión de harina de Larva de Mosca Doméstica (Musca domestica) en la dieta de pollos de engorde, es un estudio que se efectuó en El Instituto Politécnico Agroindustrial del Norte (IPADEN) "Naciones Unidas", ubicado en el kilómetro 114 1/2 carretera panamericana, (San Isidro, Matagalpa) por un periodo de siete meses. Este se desarrollo en dos etapas: 1. Producción de larva de mosca doméstica, donde se obtuvo una producción d 13.202 Kg de harina de larva de mosca seca, obtenida de una producción aproximada de 24.23 g de harina de larva de mosca seca (promedio) por Kg de estiércol de cerdo, aportando el 60.93% de proteína bruta. 2- inclusión de la harina de larva de mosca doméstica seca en la dieta de pollos, llevándose a cabo por un periodo de seis semanas. En el estudio se evaluaron dos tratamientos TI 16.34% de inclusión de HMLS y T2 0% de inclusión de HMLS, donde le utilizaron 56 pollos de engorde, sin sexar ( Mixtos ) ,de la línea Petter Hubbard de un día de edad y con un promedio de 60 g. Cada tratamiento estuvo conformado por cuatro repeticiones y 7 Pollos por cada repetición. El análisis estadístico empleado fue el Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA) donde se evaluaron las variables, Consumo, ganancia media diaria, conversión alimenticia y peso vivo final, obteniendo una GMD de 31.63 g y 23.96 g. no encontrando diferencia significativa al P>0.05 respectivamente, además se constató una utilidad económica de los tratamientos donde el T2 obtuvo la mejor utilidad con respecto al Tl.


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El nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), es una Cactácea originaria de México, cuyos usos van desde el alimenticio hasta la manufactura de diversos productos farmacéuticos, cosméticos y forrajeros, representa una posible alternativa alimenticia ante la escasez de alimentos en época de verano, ya que tiene capacidad de adaptación a zonas áridas y semiáridas. En este trabajo se analizó la influencia de diferentes niveles de compost (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 y 2.5 kg/planta) sobre la dinámica poblacional de arvenses y entomofauna asociada, en el cultivo de nopal. El ensayo se estableció en julio de 2008, en la finca Guadarrama, comunidad Buena Vista Sur, ubicada en el kilometro 56 ½ carretera Casares- La Boquita, Diriamba, Carazo. Las variables evaluadas respecto a las arvenses fueron; abundancia, dominancia y diversidad de especies. Respecto a la entomofauna, se elaboró un listado de artrópodos con su respectiva función biológica. Se realizó un control manual de malezas a los 75 días después de la siembra. Cynodon dactylon L. se presentó como arvense monocotiledónea de mayor abundancia con 37 plantas en el testigo, respecto a las dicotiledóneas que fue Waltheria indica L. con 8 plantas en 1 y 1.5 kg/planta. Diversidad; se encontraron 22 especies(8 más que las encontradas en este lugar en el ensayo precedente, 2007), de las cuales 4 fueron monocotiledóneas y 18 dicotiledóneas. La mayor cobertura se registró en 0.5 kg/planta con 17% y la menor en 2 kg/planta con 4 %. La mayor biomasa para monocotiledóneas fue encontrada en 1.5 kg/planta con 754 kg/ha, y la menor en 2.5 kg/planta con 346 kg/ha, para dicotiledóneas la mayor fue de 273 kg/ha en 2 kg/planta y la menor en el testigo con 123 kg/ha. Se reportaron 14 especies de artrópodos (fitófagos: como Acheta domesticus Bol., entomófagos: como Tegenaria domestica Clerk y defoliador: como Atta cephalotes L.


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[ES]En este trabajo se propone el diseño técnico de una microrred eléctrica para la recarga domestica del vehículo eléctrico a partir de energías renovables. Para ello se realizará un estudio del emplazamiento de la instalación y con los datos obtenidos se decidirá la fuente de generación renovable más adecuada para satisfacer el requerimiento de energía para la recarga. A continuación se elegirán los componentes que completen la instalación.


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八楞海棠是我国华北地区重要的苹果砧木,河南海棠是选育苹果矮化砧木的良好材料,进行八楞海棠和河南海棠胺芽茎尖培养具有重要的生产实际意义。主要结论如下;1)细胞分裂素和生长素的种类及浓度配比影响分化与增殖; 2)不同物候期的芽对分化增殖也有影响; 3)IBA促进八楞海棠生根。IAA促进河南海棠生根4)不定根起源于维管形成层细胞,其发生、形成与生长素种类。浓度密切相关。结合实验与文献,对蔗糖的作用.PZ和PG的作用,以及试管苗玻璃化现象作了讨论。


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花楸属隶属于蔷薇科苹果亚科,全世界约有100种左右,主要分布在北半球的亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。广义的花楸属包括下述六个亚属,即Subg. Aria, Subg. Chamaemespilus, Subg. Micromeles, Subg. Torminalis, Subg. Cormus, Subg. Sorbus。由于缺乏野外工作和标本不够丰富等原因,部分亚属的分类处理尚不能令人满意。同时,该属的范围及其属下部分类群的系统位置存在一定的争议。本文对广义花楸属的属下类群进行了研究,通过分支分析和表征分析以及分子系统学两方面的研究,对该属的属下类群的系统位置进行了探讨。 1、分支分析和表征分析 选取了广义花楸属(Sorbus L.)属下6个亚属的34种植物作为研究对象,并以Pyrus, Crataegus, Photinia, Malus和Cotoneaster作为外类群来研究花楸属属下类群的分类关系,对该属典型的30个形态性状数据进行编码,进行了分支分析和表征分析。结果表明,广义花楸属是一个非单系类群,外类群完全镶嵌于其中。广义花楸属属下的6个亚属各自也不能形成单系,只有花楸亚属(Subg. Sorbus)形成不严格的单系。因此,我们初步认为,花楸属应该仅包含复叶类群(Subg. Sorbus),或者还会有Subg. Cormus。由于其余的4个亚属尚不能形成规则的单系或聚类,因此进一步的研究宜采用分类群的更多性状或运用分子系统学的途径。 2、分子系统学 通过对花楸属23个种类的两个DNA片段:核nrDNA的ITS和叶绿体cpDNA的trnL-F进行简约分析,构建了广义花楸属5个亚属及其与近缘属的系统发育树。结果显示,由于外类群大多镶嵌于广义花楸属中,故花楸属不能形成一个单系。其中单叶类群Subg. Aria聚类较明显,并且得到了很高的支持率,而且该亚属与外类群Crataegus和Cotoneaster的关系要比它与其它亚属的关系更近,至于其是否是独立的属还有待进一步的研究。该属中的复叶类群Subg. Sorbus在图中并不能形成严格的单系,其分类位置值得重新考虑。