318 resultados para Mali
BACKGROUND: Hypoglycaemia is a poor prognostic indicator in severe malaria. Intravenous infusions are rarely feasible in rural areas. The efficacy of sublingual sugar (SLS) was assessed in a pilot randomized controlled trial among hypoglycaemic children with severe malaria in Mali. METHODS: Of 151 patients with presumed severe malaria, 23 children with blood glucose concentrations < 60 mg/dl (< 3.3 mmol/l) were assigned randomly to receive either intravenous 10% glucose (IVG; n = 9) or sublingual sugar (SLS; n = 14). In SLS, a teaspoon of sugar, moistened with a few drops of water, was gently placed under the tongue every 20 minutes. The child was put in the recovery position. Blood glucose concentration (BGC) was measured every 5-10 minutes for the first hour. All children were treated for malaria with intramuscular artemether. The primary outcome measure was treatment response, defined as reaching a BGC of >or= 3.3 mmol/l (60 mg/dl) within 40 minutes after admission. Secondary outcome measures were early treatment response at 20 minutes, relapse (early and late), maximal BGC gain (CGmax), and treatment delay. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the groups in the primary outcome measure. Treatment response occurred in 71% and 67% for SLS and IVG, respectively. Among the responders, relapses occurred in 30% on SLS at 40 minutes and in 17% on IVG at 20 minutes. There was one fatality in each group. Treatment failures in the SLS group were related to children with clenched teeth or swallowing the sugar, whereas in the IVG group, they were due to unavoidable delays in beginning an infusion (median time 17.5 min (range 3-40).Among SLS, the BGC increase was rapid among the nine patients who really kept the sugar sublingually. All but one increased their BGC by 10 minutes with a mean gain of 44 mg/dl (95%CI: 20.5-63.4). CONCLUSION: Sublingual sugar appears to be a child-friendly, well-tolerated and effective promising method of raising blood glucose in severely ill children. More frequent repeated doses are needed to prevent relapse. Children should be monitored for early swallowing which leads to delayed absorption, and in this case another dose of sugar should be given. Sublingual sugar could be proposed as an immediate "first aid" measure while awaiting intravenous glucose. In many cases it may avert the need for intravenous glucose.
OBJECTIVES: Hypoglycaemia (glucose <2.2 mmol/l) is a defining feature of severe malaria, but the significance of other levels of blood glucose has not previously been studied in children with severe malaria. METHODS: A prospective study of 437 consecutive children with presumed severe malaria was conducted in Mali. We defined hypoglycaemia as <2.2 mmol/l, low glycaemia as 2.2-4.4 mmol/l and hyperglycaemia as >8.3 mmol/l. Associations between glycaemia and case fatality were analysed for 418 children using logistic regression models and a receiver operator curve (ROC). RESULTS: There was a significant difference between blood glucose levels in children who died (median 4.6 mmol/l) and survivors (median 7.6 mmol/l, P < 0.001). Case fatality declined from 61.5% of the hypoglycaemic children to 46.2% of those with low glycaemia, 13.4% of those with normal glycaemia and 7.6% of those with hyperglycaemia (P < 0.001). Logistic regression showed an adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 0.75 (0.64-0.88) for case fatality per 1 mmol/l increase in baseline blood glucose. Compared to a normal blood glucose, hypoglycaemia and low glycaemia both significantly increased the odds of death (AOR 11.87, 2.10-67.00; and 5.21, 1.86-14.63, respectively), whereas hyperglycaemia reduced the odds of death (AOR 0.34, 0.13-0.91). The ROC [area under the curve at 0.753 (95% CI 0.684-0.820)] indicated that glycaemia had a moderate predictive value for death and identified an optimal threshold at glycaemia <6.1 mmol/l, (sensitivity 64.5% and specificity 75.1%). CONCLUSIONS: If there is a threshold of blood glucose which defines a worse prognosis, it is at a higher level than the current definition of 2.2 mmol/l.
Financial markets play an important role in an economy performing various functions like mobilizing and pooling savings, producing information about investment opportunities, screening and monitoring investments, implementation of corporate governance, diversification and management of risk. These functions influence saving rates, investment decisions, technological innovation and, therefore, have important implications for welfare. In my PhD dissertation I examine the interplay of financial and product markets by looking at different channels through which financial markets may influence an economy.My dissertation consists of four chapters. The first chapter is a co-authored work with Martin Strieborny, a PhD student from the University of Lausanne. The second chapter is a co-authored work with Melise Jaud, a PhD student from the Paris School of Economics. The third chapter is co-authored with both Melise Jaud and Martin Strieborny. The last chapter of my PhD dissertation is a single author paper.Chapter 1 of my PhD thesis analyzes the effect of financial development on growth of contract intensive industries. These industries intensively use intermediate inputs that neither can be sold on organized exchange, nor are reference-priced (Levchenko, 2007; Nunn, 2007). A typical example of a contract intensive industry would be an industry where an upstream supplier has to make investments in order to customize a product for needs of a downstream buyer. After the investment is made and the product is adjusted, the buyer may refuse to meet a commitment and trigger ex post renegotiation. Since the product is customized to the buyer's needs, the supplier cannot sell the product to a different buyer at the original price. This is referred in the literature as the holdup problem. As a consequence, the individually rational suppliers will underinvest into relationship-specific assets, hurting the downstream firms with negative consequences for aggregate growth. The standard way to mitigate the hold up problem is to write a binding contract and to rely on the legal enforcement by the state. However, even the most effective contract enforcement might fail to protect the supplier in tough times when the buyer lacks a reliable source of external financing. This suggests the potential role of financial intermediaries, banks in particular, in mitigating the incomplete contract problem. First, financial products like letters of credit and letters of guarantee can substantially decrease a risk and transaction costs of parties. Second, a bank loan can serve as a signal about a buyer's true financial situation, an upstream firm will be more willing undertake relationship-specific investment knowing that the business partner is creditworthy and will abstain from myopic behavior (Fama, 1985; von Thadden, 1995). Therefore, a well-developed financial (especially banking) system should disproportionately benefit contract intensive industries.The empirical test confirms this hypothesis. Indeed, contract intensive industries seem to grow faster in countries with a well developed financial system. Furthermore, this effect comes from a more developed banking sector rather than from a deeper stock market. These results are reaffirmed examining the effect of US bank deregulation on the growth of contract intensive industries in different states. Beyond an overall pro-growth effect, the bank deregulation seems to disproportionately benefit the industries requiring relationship-specific investments from their suppliers.Chapter 2 of my PhD focuses on the role of the financial sector in promoting exports of developing countries. In particular, it investigates how credit constraints affect the ability of firms operating in agri-food sectors of developing countries to keep exporting to foreign markets.Trade in high-value agri-food products from developing countries has expanded enormously over the last two decades offering opportunities for development. However, trade in agri-food is governed by a growing array of standards. Sanitary and Phytosanitary standards (SPS) and technical regulations impose additional sunk, fixed and operating costs along the firms' export life. Such costs may be detrimental to firms' survival, "pricing out" producers that cannot comply. The existence of these costs suggests a potential role of credit constraints in shaping the duration of trade relationships on foreign markets. A well-developed financial system provides the funds to exporters necessary to adjust production processes in order to meet quality and quantity requirements in foreign markets and to maintain long-standing trade relationships. The products with higher needs for financing should benefit the most from a well functioning financial system. This differential effect calls for a difference-in-difference approach initially proposed by Rajan and Zingales (1998). As a proxy for demand for financing of agri-food products, the sanitary risk index developed by Jaud et al. (2009) is used. The empirical literature on standards and norms show high costs of compliance, both variable and fixed, for high-value food products (Garcia-Martinez and Poole, 2004; Maskus et al., 2005). The sanitary risk index reflects the propensity of products to fail health and safety controls on the European Union (EU) market. Given the high costs of compliance, the sanitary risk index captures the demand for external financing to comply with such regulations.The prediction is empirically tested examining the export survival of different agri-food products from firms operating in Ghana, Mali, Malawi, Senegal and Tanzania. The results suggest that agri-food products that require more financing to keep up with food safety regulation of the destination market, indeed sustain longer in foreign market, when they are exported from countries with better developed financial markets.Chapter 3 analyzes the link between financial markets and efficiency of resource allocation in an economy. Producing and exporting products inconsistent with a country's factor endowments constitutes a serious misallocation of funds, which undermines competitiveness of the economy and inhibits its long term growth. In this chapter, inefficient exporting patterns are analyzed through the lens of the agency theories from the corporate finance literature. Managers may pursue projects with negative net present values because their perquisites or even their job might depend on them. Exporting activities are particularly prone to this problem. Business related to foreign markets involves both high levels of additional spending and strong incentives for managers to overinvest. Rational managers might have incentives to push for exports that use country's scarce factors which is suboptimal from a social point of view. Export subsidies might further skew the incentives towards inefficient exporting. Management can divert the export subsidies into investments promoting inefficient exporting.Corporate finance literature stresses the disciplining role of outside debt in counteracting the internal pressures to divert such "free cash flow" into unprofitable investments. Managers can lose both their reputation and the control of "their" firm if the unpaid external debt triggers a bankruptcy procedure. The threat of possible failure to satisfy debt service payments pushes the managers toward an efficient use of available resources (Jensen, 1986; Stulz, 1990; Hart and Moore, 1995). The main sources of debt financing in the most countries are banks. The disciplining role of banks might be especially important in the countries suffering from insufficient judicial quality. Banks, in pursuing their rights, rely on comparatively simple legal interventions that can be implemented even by mediocre courts. In addition to their disciplining role, banks can promote efficient exporting patterns in a more direct way by relaxing credit constraints of producers, through screening, identifying and investing in the most profitable investment projects. Therefore, a well-developed domestic financial system, and particular banking system, would help to push a country's exports towards products congruent with its comparative advantage.This prediction is tested looking at the survival of different product categories exported to US market. Products are identified according to the Euclidian distance between their revealed factor intensity and the country's factor endowments. The results suggest that products suffering from a comparative disadvantage (labour-intensive products from capital-abundant countries) survive less on the competitive US market. This pattern is stronger if the exporting country has a well-developed banking system. Thus, a strong banking sector promotes exports consistent with a country comparative advantage.Chapter 4 of my PhD thesis further examines the role of financial markets in fostering efficient resource allocation in an economy. In particular, the allocative efficiency hypothesis is investigated in the context of equity market liberalization.Many empirical studies document a positive and significant effect of financial liberalization on growth (Levchenko et al. 2009; Quinn and Toyoda 2009; Bekaert et al., 2005). However, the decrease in the cost of capital and the associated growth in investment appears rather modest in comparison to the large GDP growth effect (Bekaert and Harvey, 2005; Henry, 2000, 2003). Therefore, financial liberalization may have a positive impact on growth through its effect on the allocation of funds across firms and sectors.Free access to international capital markets allows the largest and most profitable domestic firms to borrow funds in foreign markets (Rajan and Zingales, 2003). As domestic banks loose some of their best clients, they reoptimize their lending practices seeking new clients among small and younger industrial firms. These firms are likely to be more risky than large and established companies. Screening of customers becomes prevalent as the return to screening rises. Banks, ceteris paribus, tend to focus on firms operating in comparative-advantage sectors because they are better risks. Firms in comparative-disadvantage sectors finding it harder to finance their entry into or survival in export markets either exit or refrain from entering export markets. On aggregate, one should therefore expect to see less entry, more exit, and shorter survival on export markets in those sectors after financial liberalization.The paper investigates the effect of financial liberalization on a country's export pattern by comparing the dynamics of entry and exit of different products in a country export portfolio before and after financial liberalization.The results suggest that products that lie far from the country's comparative advantage set tend to disappear relatively faster from the country's export portfolio following the liberalization of financial markets. In other words, financial liberalization tends to rebalance the composition of a country's export portfolio towards the products that intensively use the economy's abundant factors.
From Mali, the first record of the bat Rhinopoma hardwickei is communicated. From Niger, new data of the same bat actualise the problem of subspecific rank of older material from this country
O presente trabalho aborda a problemática da Gestão da Escola Secundária de Calheta de São Miguel, sobretudo na percepção da gestão feita no respectivo estabelecimento e propor um conjunto de soluções para o melhoramento do seu funcionamento no futuro próximo. O trabalho teve como suporte teórico alguns autores como: Peter drucker, George Odiorne, Paul Mali, Humble, Sebastião Teixeira, Adalberto Chiavenato e outros autores que retratam a problemática da gestão das organizações, focando a relação existente entre gestão das organizações e os resultados.
Este artigo se centra em uma análise crítica das intervenções externas humanitárias, principalmente no panorama pós-Guerra Fria, nos denominados Estados “frágeis”, “falhados” ou “colapsados”. Incide, concretamente, sobre as causas e as consequências da emergência das intervenções externas militares unilaterais nos finais da década de 90 do século passado, abordando os casos mais emblemáticos e controversos, como os ocorridos em Kosovo, Afeganistão, Iraque e, mais recentemente, na Líbia e no Mali. Ele procura traçar, também, de forma embrionária, os caminhos que podem levar à ultrapassagem dos limites apresentados pela solução multilateral e unilateral no tque ange às intervenções externas militares de cariz humanitário.
Tuta absoluta é praga minadora de folhas desenvolve-se principalmente no tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) e não só mas também em outras espécies de Solanáceas tais como batata comum (Solanum tuberosum), beringela (Solanum melongina), Pimentos (Capsicum sp.) e no tomate silvestre (Lycopersicon hirsutum), (Solanum dulcamara), (Solanum nigrum), (Solanum elaeagnifolium), (Datura stramonium), (Datura ferox) e (Nicotiana glauca). No entretanto, esta praga ataca espécies de tomate em grande escala a nível dos trópicos, Sub-trópicos e regiões temperadas causando prejuízos económicos consideráveis (USDA, 2011). Esta praga encontra-se presente na América do Sul, (Chili, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador, Uruguai, Perú, Venezuela, Argentina). No continente Africano ela encontra-se na Africa Ocidental e Central designadamente no Benim, Camarões Cabo-Verde, Costa do Marfim, Congo Brazzaville, Gambia, Gabão, Ghana, Guiné-Conakry, Guiné- Bissau, Mali, Mauritânia, Niger, Nigéria, República Democrático do Congo, Serra Leoa, Senegal, Tchad e Togo. Pela primeira vez T. absoluta foi assinalada na Europa em 2006, e em Espanha na comunidade Valenciana em 2007 (Vieira, 2008). O cultivo de tomate em Cabo Verde tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Atualmente tomate é o legume mais cultivado em Cabo Verde. A sua quota parte na produção hortícola que não ultrapassavam os 1.000 t há uns anos, atinge atualmente 4200 t, o que representa 23% da produção total dos legumes. Apesar de alguns constrangimentos, nomeadamente problemas de ordem fitossanitária e escassez de água de rega a disponibilidade e a utilização generalizada das variedades locais, permitiram um escalonamento da produção durante o na, compreendendo o período quente e húmido. Um outro fator que contribui para o aumento substancial da produção, é a salinização de água de rega, em várias zonas do regadio. Os agricultores destas zonas viram nesta cultura a única saída para obterem algum rendimento (MAP/ CPDA/INIDA/ FAO GCP/CV/036/NET s/data). Em Cabo Verde a área média de um campo de produção de tomate é de 750 m2 sendo máxima de 1.400 m2. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecimento instantâneo de presença ou ausência da nova praga Tuta absoluta no país que foi recentemente encontrada na Sub-região Saariana na Costa Ocidental e Central de África.
Tuta absoluta é praga minadora de folhas desenvolve-se principalmente no tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) e não só mas também em outras espécies de Solanáceas tais como batata comum (Solanum tuberosum), beringela (Solanum melongina), Pimentos (Capsicum sp.) e no tomate silvestre (Lycopersicon hirsutum), (Solanum dulcamara), (Solanum nigrum), (Solanum elaeagnifolium), (Datura stramonium), (Datura ferox) e (Nicotiana glauca). No entretanto, esta praga ataca espécies de tomate em grande escala a nível dos trópicos, Sub-trópicos e regiões temperadas causando prejuízos económicos consideráveis (USDA, 2011). Esta praga encontra-se presente na América do Sul, (Chili, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador, Uruguai, Perú, Venezuela, Argentina). No continente Africano ela encontra-se na Africa Ocidental e Central designadamente no Benim, Camarões Cabo-Verde, Costa do Marfim, Congo Brazzaville, Gambia, Gabão, Ghana, Guiné-Conakry, Guiné- Bissau, Mali, Mauritânia, Niger, Nigéria, República Democrático do Congo, Serra Leoa, Senegal, Tchad e Togo. Pela primeira vez T. absoluta foi assinalada na Europa em 2006, e em Espanha na comunidade Valenciana em 2007 (Vieira, 2008). O cultivo de tomate em Cabo Verde tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Atualmente tomate é o legume mais cultivado em Cabo Verde. A sua quota parte na produção hortícola que não ultrapassavam os 1.000 t há uns anos, atinge atualmente 4200 t, o que representa 23% da produção total dos legumes. Apesar de alguns constrangimentos, nomeadamente problemas de ordem fitossanitária e escassez de água de rega a disponibilidade e a utilização generalizada das variedades locais, permitiram um escalonamento da produção durante o na, compreendendo o período quente e húmido. Um outro fator que contribui para o aumento substancial da produção, é a salinização de água de rega, em várias zonas do regadio. Os agricultores destas zonas viram nesta cultura a única saída para obterem algum rendimento (MAP/ CPDA/INIDA/ FAO GCP/CV/036/NET s/data). Em Cabo Verde a área média de um campo de produção de tomate é de 750 m2 sendo máxima de 1.400 m2. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecimento instantâneo de presença ou ausência da nova praga Tuta absoluta no país que foi recentemente encontrada na Sub-região Saariana na Costa Ocidental e Central de África.
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Microlepidoptera:Gelechiidae) é praga minadora de folhas desenvolve-se principal-mente no tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) e não só mas também em outras espécies de Solanáceas tais como batata comum (Solanum tuberosum), beringela (Solanum melongina), Pimentos (Capsicum sp.) e no tomate silvestre (Lycopersicon hirsutum), (Solanum dulcamara), (Solanum nigrum), (Solanum elaeagnifolium), (Datura stramonium), (Datura ferox) e (Nicotiana glauca). Esta praga ataca espécies de tomate em grande escala a nível dos trópicos, Sub-trópicos e regiões temperadas causando prejuízos económicos consideráveis (USDA, 2011). Esta praga encontra-se presente na América do Sul, (Chili, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador, Uruguai, Perú, Venezuela, Argentina). No continente Africano ela encontra-se na Africa Ocidental e Central designadamente no Benim, Camarões, Cabo-Verde, Costa do Marfim, Congo Brazzaville, Gambia, Gabão, Ghana, Guiné-Conakry, Guiné- Bissau, Mali, Mauritâ-nia, Niger, Nigéria, República Democrático do Congo, Serra Leoa, Senegal, Tchad e Togo. Pela primeira vez T. abso-luta foi assinalada na Europa em 2006, e em Espanha na comunidade Valenciana em 2007 (Vieira, 2008). O cultivo de tomate em Cabo Verde tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Actualmente tomate é o legume mais cultivado em Cabo Verde. A sua quota parte na produção hortícola que não ultrapassavam os 1.000 t há uns anos, atinge actualmente 4200 t, o que representa 23% da produção total dos legumes. Apesar de alguns constrangimentos, nomeadamente problemas de ordem fitossanitária e escassez de água de rega a disponibi-lidade e a utilização generalizada das variedades locais, permitiram um escalonamento da produção durante o ano, compreendendo o período quente e húmido. Um outro fator que contri-bui para o aumento substancial da produção, é a salinização de água de rega, em várias zonas do regadio. Os agricultores destas zonas viram nesta cultura a única saída para obterem algum rendimento (MAP/ CPDA/INIDA/ FAO GCP/CV/036/NET s/data). Em Cabo Verde a área média de um campo de produção de tomate é de 750 m2 sendo máxima de 1.400 m2. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecimento instantâneo de presença ou ausência da nova praga Tuta absoluta no país que foi recentemente encontrada na Sub-região Saariana na Costa Ocidental e Central de África.
BACKGROUND: Inpatient case fatality from severe malaria remains high in much of sub-Saharan Africa. The majority of these deaths occur within 24 hours of admission, suggesting that pre-hospital management may have an impact on the risk of case fatality. METHODS: Prospective cohort study, including questionnaire about pre-hospital treatment, of all 437 patients admitted with severe febrile illness (presumed to be severe malaria) to the paediatric ward in Sikasso Regional Hospital, Mali, in a two-month period. FINDINGS: The case fatality rate was 17.4%. Coma, hypoglycaemia and respiratory distress at admission were associated with significantly higher mortality. In multiple logistic regression models and in a survival analysis to examine pre-admission risk factors for case fatality, the only consistent and significant risk factor was sex. Girls were twice as likely to die as boys (AOR 2.00, 95% CI 1.08-3.70). There was a wide variety of pre-hospital treatments used, both modern and traditional. None had a consistent impact on the risk of death across different analyses. Reported use of traditional treatments was not associated with post-admission outcome. INTERPRETATION: Aside from well-recognised markers of severity, the main risk factor for death in this study was female sex, but this study cannot determine the reason why. Differences in pre-hospital treatments were not associated with case fatality.
Despite the fact that there are more than twenty thousand biomedical journals in the world, research into the work of editors and publication process in biomedical and health care journals is rare. In December 2012, the Esteve Foundation, a non-profit scientific institution that fosters progress in pharmacotherapy by means of scientific communication and discussion organized a discussion group of 7 editors and/or experts in peer review biomedical publishing. They presented findings of past editorial research, discussed the lack of competitive funding schemes and specialized journals for dissemination of editorial research, and reported on the great diversity of misconduct and conflict of interest policies, as well as adherence to reporting guidelines. Furthermore, they reported on the reluctance of editors to investigate allegations of misconduct or increase the level of data sharing in health research. In the end, they concluded that if editors are to remain gatekeepers of scientific knowledge they should reaffirm their focus on the integrity of the scientific record and completeness of the data they publish. Additionally, more research should be undertaken to understand why many journals are not adhering to editorial standards, and what obstacles editors face when engaging in editorial research.
El objetivo de esta artículo es presentar un análisis crítico del ensayo de Giovane Reale, Saggezza antica. Terapia per i mali dll'uomo d'oggi, complementando la adhesión del autor italiano al pensamiento griego más metafísico con el recordatorio de otras muchas sabidurías griegas de índole diferente que habría que tener en cuenta para aplicar, utilizando sus mismas palabras, una terapia correcta a los males del hombre contemporáneo.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar una análisi crítica de l'assaig de Giovane Reale, Saggezza antica. Terapia per i mali dll'uomo d'oggi, complementant l'adhesió de l'autor italià al pensament grec més metafísic amb el recordatori de moltes més savieses gregues d'índole diferent que paga la pena de tenir en compte per aplicar, emprant les seves paraules, una teràpia correcta als mals de l'home contemporani.