846 resultados para Male and female students
Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC
This research used a quantitative study approach to investigate the “boy crisis” in Canada. Boy crisis advocates suggest that boys are being surpassed by girls on reading assessments and promote strategies to assist male students. A feminist framework was used in this study that allowed for an investigation and discussion of the factors that mediate between gender and success at reading comprehension, interpretation, and response to text without ignoring female students. Reading scores and questionnaire data compiled by the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program were used in this research, specifically the PCAP-13 2007 assessment of approximately 30,000 13-year-old students from all Canadian provinces and Yukon Territory (CMEC, 2008). Approximately 20,000 participants wrote the reading assessment, while 30,000 students completed the questionnaire responses. Predictor variables were tested using parametric tests such as independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square analysis, and Pearson r. Findings from this study indicate that although boys scored lower than girls on the PCAP-13 2007 reading assessment, factors were found to influence the reading scores of both male and female students to varying degrees. Socioeconomic status, perceptions of the reading material used in language arts classrooms, reading preference, reading interest, parental involvement, parental encouragement for reading, and self-efficacy were all found to affect the reading performance of boys and girls. Relationships between variables were also found and are discussed in this research. The analysis presented in this study allows parents, educators, and policy makers to begin to critically examine and re-evaluate boy crisis literature and offers suggestions on how to improve reading performance for all students of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
Objetivo: determinar la correlación entre el perfil psicomotor y el rendimiento lógico-matemáticoen los niños entre 4 y 8 años. Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal en 389niños y niñas estudiantes de ocho instituciones educativas públicas de la ciudad de Barranquillay del municipio de Puerto Colombia. Se evaluó el perfil psicomotor con la batería de Vítor DaFonseca y el rendimiento lógico-matemático mediante el promedio académico durante el períodode la medición. Se calculó la media aritmética, la desviación estándar y las proporciones, asícomo el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: la media para la edad fue 5,5±1,2años. Un60% fue de sexo femenino. Se encontró una correlación entre el perfil psicomotor y elrendimiento lógico-matemático de 0,12 (p=0,01). Conclusiones: existe una correlación directaentre el perfil psicomotor y el rendimiento lógico-matemático.
INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a prevalência do uso de drogas por estudantes da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp, comparada com outras oito escolas médicas paulistas (uso na vida, nos últimos 12 meses e nos últimos 30 dias). A pesquisa foi realizada entre 1994 e 1995, com 5.227 estudantes do 1o ao 6o ano de graduação. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi usado um questionário de auto-respostas, anônimo, incluindo o questionário da Organização Mundial da Saúde para levantamento de uso de drogas e álcool. Setenta e um por cento (3.725) dos alunos responderam ao mesmo, e destes, 421 eram de Botucatu. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre escolas e, nos 30 dias anteriores ao preenchimento do questionário, a prevalência do uso de drogas para os estudantes de Botucatu foi a seguinte, com a variação entre outras escolas mostrada entre parênteses: álcool 50% (42-50%); tabaco 7% (7-13%); solventes 8% (7-12%); maconha 6% (6-16%); benzodiazepínicos (BZD) 3% (2-9%); cocaína 0,5% (0,2-4%); anfetaminas 1 % (0-1%). Embora tenha se encontrado um uso crescente de todas as drogas do 1o ao 6o ano, e em especial os BZD, os estudantes não aprovam este uso. A análise de regressão logística indicou que o uso de álcool e drogas foi favorecido por: a) ser homem; b) perder aulas sem razão e referir ou ter muito tempo livre nos finais de semana; e c) ter uma atitude favorável em relação ao uso de álcool e drogas. Diferentemente de outras escolas, na Unesp não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes de gênero em relação ao uso de tranqüilizantes. No entanto, as mulheres iniciam uso mais precocemente e o fazem mais freqüentemente. Também as mulheres já faziam uso de maconha antes de entrar para a faculdade (30% mulheres X 10% homens), o contrário ocorrendo com solventes (50% homens X 2% mulheres), sendo essas diferenças estatisticamente significantes. CONCLUSÕES: Embora a pesquisa tenha focalizado o uso (não abuso ou dependência), os resultados sugerem a necessidade de as universidades estabelecerem uma política clara de orientação sobre uso de drogas e álcool para os estudantes, incluindo mudanças curriculares e programas de prevenção.
Esta pesquisa é um estudo transversal realizado junto a 2282 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursavam as três séries do ensino médio em três cidades do interior do oeste paulista. O instrumento de coleta de dados empregado foi um questionário autoaplicável com 131 questões. Neste artigo, abordamos as trajetórias sexuais de adolescentes de ambos os sexos que mantêm práticas sexuais homoeróticas ou não. Discutimos as relações desses adolescentes com seus familiares e grupos de pares e a questão de sair do armário como ferramenta política. Tendo como base as concepções de Sedgwick, analisamos os momentos em que sair do armário pode ser uma entre tantas maneiras de manifestação das diferentes sexualidades em relação à heteronormatividade. Apoiando-nos nas colocações de teóricos pós-estruturalistas, abordamos também as construções teóricas e as produções discursivas sobre a adolescência, apontando novas manifestações da juventude na contemporaneidade. Por fim, percebemos a existência de amplos fatores que afetam as decisões de jovens não heterossexuais quanto a sair (ou não) do armário para além da homofobia: eventos pessoais, histórias de vida e mesmo a revelação de sua sexualidade aos pais e/ou a outras pessoas.
This paper presents the results of a research where the phenomenon of indiscipline was problematized approaching its possible relationship with the production of gender identities, in and through school. By means of interviews and direct observation, in classes of the 8 th grade of a school was carried out a study about the (male and female) teachers' attitudes towards what they consider their pupils' indiscipline (which are teenagers, about 13 / 14 years old). At the same time it was made an analysis about the practices of school punishment, threreby a listing of the punishments imposed to desobedient students' behavior. This listing came out from consultation to the book of disciplinary records of the students. So it was possible to bring about, among others, some important aspects of this process: a) the coherence (or incoherence) between what teachers consider indiscipline and their actual practices and attitudes towards students' behavior; b) The diferences and analogies among (male and female) teachers'practices and attitudes c) The different ways in which teachers deal with the manifestations of gender and sexuality of the (male and female) students, at the same time associate them to the practices of insubordination and indiscipline; d) the production of identities, distinctions and inequalities of gender and sexuality, thru school practices.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This was part of the post-doctorate study developed at the Faculty of Eucation in the University of Salamanca - Spain in 2010 with the Professor José Maria Hernández Díaz, who teaches the subject “History of Education” at the Pedagogy course provided by the institution. The objective of this reflection is to present some characteristics of that course, in order to highlight some of its peculiarities, and also indicate some similar issues when compared to Brazilian courses, thus producing a research useful for comparison and deepening of teacher’s training. The method was based on quali-quantitative nature (WOODS, 1996; BESSON, 1995): participant observation (EZPELETA; ROCKWELL, 1986; KETELE; ROEGIERS, 1993) and a questionnaire application (HEGENBERG, 1976; BOOTH; COLOMB; WILLIAMS, 1995) to the first and third classes in 2010, which resulted in a total of 99 students: 17 male and 82 female. This comparative information evinces the feminisation in that course, establishing direct relationship with Brazilian research. Another data, which has not yet been duly checked in Brazil, concerns the intellectual/social role of women in the classroom. Although this data is especific from that school environment, it is an important key-point for teachers’ training and teaching. The potentiality of this reflexition is exactly on this point.
BACKGROUND: Effective lectures often incorporate activities that encourage learner participation. A challenge for educators is how to facilitate this in the large group lecture setting. This study investigates the individual student characteristics involved in encouraging (or dissuading) learners to interact, ask questions, and make comments in class. METHODS: Students enrolled in a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, St Kitts, were invited to complete a questionnaire canvassing their participation in the large group classroom. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) and the R software environment (http://www.r-project.org/). RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-two students completed the questionnaire (response rate, 85.7%). The results showed statistically significant differences between male and female students when asked to self-report their level of participation (P=0.011) and their confidence to participate (P<0.001) in class. No statistically significant difference was identified between different age groups of students (P=0.594). Student responses reflected that an "aversion to public speaking" acted as the main deterrent to participating during a lecture. Female participants were 3.56 times more likely to report a fear of public speaking than male participants (odds ratio 3.56, 95% confidence interval 1.28-12.33, P=0.01). Students also reported "smaller sizes of class and small group activities" and "other students participating" as factors that made it easier for them to participate during a lecture. CONCLUSION: In this study, sex likely played a role in learner participation in the large group veterinary classroom. Male students were more likely to participate in class and reported feeling more confident to participate than female students. Female students in this study commonly identified aversion to public speaking as a factor which held them back from participating in the large group lecture setting. These are important findings for veterinary and medical educators aiming to improve learner participation in the classroom. Potential ways of addressing this challenge include addition of small group activities and audience response systems during lectures, and inclusion of training interventions in public speaking at an early stage of veterinary and medical curricula.
Every Texas student is required to complete the FITNESSGRAM fitness assessment under legislation outlined in Senate Bill 530. This study described cardiovascular, body mass index (BMI), and overall fitness levels of students (grades 3–12) in the state of Texas during the 2009–2010 school year, and provides examples of how to effectively present results to Texas House Representatives using three unique health communication strategies. Given the Texas legislature mandates FITNESSGRAM collection yet did not require reporting according to their election district, the data were aggregated to 150 Texas House Representative Districts by sex and grade category to facilitate effective fitness data dissemination. Fitness data were also analyzed with results from the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) to provide insight into potential relationships between fitness and academic achievement. ^ The majority of students in Texas need improvement on at least 1 fitness assessment. In general, female students have superior fitness in elementary and middle school but the fitness edge is erased by high school. Female cardiovascular fitness deteriorates faster from elementary to high school compared to male students. Female BMI deteriorates and male BMI improves from elementary to high school. Cardiovascular fitness and overall fitness decreases from elementary to high school for both male and female students. ^ Student fitness was significantly and strongly independently correlated with academic achievement. Further analysis showed that House Representatives with TAKS scores in the top quartile consistently showed superior fitness. Small significant partial correlations remain between fitness and TAKS assessment after controlling for socioeconomic status. In general, correlations were stronger between female BMI and TAKS assessment compared to male students. Cardiovascular fitness was significantly correlated with TAKS assessment for both genders. This paper supports student fitness as a confounder in the relationship between socioeconomic status and academic achievement. Plus, student fitness has a strong correlation with academic that deserves further exploration. ^ Senate Bill 530 fails to organize and implement a health communication strategy that effectively disseminates the health data collected to stakeholders of interest. The lack of a vital health communication strategy results in an incomplete student health surveillance system. This paper outlines three unique strategies tailored to legislators. It is important to disseminate health information using a variety of methods tailored to your targeted audience. The use of interactive mapping technology presented (GIS) uses new technology that has the potential to effectively reach a large audience.^
No seu papel de instituição de ensino mas também de educadora, a escola enfrenta hoje um grande desafio face à emergência de alunos/as cada vez mais heterogéneos e fruto de um mundo em evolução mas também com novos problemas sociais e económicos. Por isso, precisa de constantemente questionar o seu modo de funcionamento e questionar o conhecimento que pretende que os alunos aprendam. Nesse processo de questionamento é necessário incluir os alunos e alunas, pois são eles que dão sentido à escola e determinam a sua existência. Para que isso possa acontecer é preciso que sejam ouvidos e que se tenham em conta as suas opiniões. Foi o que tentámos fazer no estudo que agora se apresenta: ouvir a opinião dos alunos e das alunas do 3.º ciclo do ensino básico sobre a sua escola, sobre a relação que têm com ela, com o que nela aprendem e com os seus professores/as. Os resultados que apurámos e interpretámos ao longo deste estudo de caso deixam perceber que os sujeitos participantes, na sua maioria, desenvolvem uma relação positiva com a escola que frequentam, com o que nela aprendem e com os seus professores e professoras.
The purpose of this study was to (a) develop an evaluation instrument capable of rating students' perceptions of the instructional quality of an online course and the instructor’s performance, and (b) validate the proposed instrument with a study conducted at a major public university. The instrument was based upon the Seven Principles of Good Practice for Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson, 1987). The study examined four specific questions. 1. Is the underlying factor structure of the new instrument consistent with Chickering and Gamson's Seven Principles? 2. Is the factor structure of the new instrument invariant for male and female students? 3. Are the scores on the new instrument related students’ expected grades? 4. Are the scores on the new instrument related to the students' perceived course workload? ^ The instrument was designed to measure students’ levels of satisfaction with their instruction, and also gathered information concerning the students’ sex, the expected grade in the course, and the students’ perceptions of the amount of work required by the course. A cluster sample consisting of an array of online courses across the disciplines yielded a total 297 students who responded to the online survey. The students for each course selected were asked to rate their instructors with the newly developed instrument. ^ Question 1 was answered using exploratory factor analysis, and yielded a factor structure similar to the Seven Principles.^ Question 2 was answered by separately factor-analyzing the responses of male and female students and comparing the factor structures. The resulting factor structures for men and women were different. However, 14 items could be realigned under five factors that paralleled some of the Seven Principles. When the scores of only those 14 items were entered in two principal components factor analyses using only men and only women, respectively and restricting the factor structure to five factors, the factor structures were the same for men and women.^ A weak positive relationship between students’ expected grades and their scores on the instrument was found (Question 3). There was no relationship between students’ perceived workloads for the course and their scores on the instrument (Question 4).^
Much research has focused on students’ transition from secondary school to university. Less is known about the transition from first to second year of a university degree programme. Given the difficulties that many students face at this stage of their education, research into the relevant factors is required. Through questionnaires and focus groups, views of second- and third-year aerospace and mechanical engineering students in our university have been gathered. A large majority believed that both the volume and difficulty of work increased in second year. Many stated that first year was slightly too trivial and could have been made more challenging to prepare them better for second year. Different teaching and assessment styles in second year were considered to affect attendance and performance. The survey revealed that students were generally very well settled into university life by the end of first year and were happy with their choice of course and only 23% reported that financial responsibilities have had a negative effect on their academic performance. Differences were observed between male and female students. Male students believed that transition was helped by having regular assessments and by worked examples in lectures. Females found the teaching staff were the most helpful factor for a successful transition. The results indicate that males require more structure and guidance whereas females are more independent and settle in better.
Neste estudo exploratório procurouse identificar as representações sociais que jovens universitários elaboram sobre a aids e a percepção de risco em relação à infecção pelo HIV. Utilizou-se um instrumento de evocação que se baseia na associação livre de ideias, partindo-se do termo indutor aids. Participaram da pesquisa 201 estudantes, de ambos os sexos, matriculados em diferentes cursos de uma universidade pública. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa de computação EVOC. Os resultados indicaram que os universitários construíram um saber sobre a aids ancorado no conhecimento médico-científico sobre a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Sexo, morte e doença foram as palavras mais evocadas que, junto a medo, constituem o provável núcleo organizador das representações acerca da aids. Crenças e preconceito relacionados a grupos estigmatizados e a comportamentos considerados desviantes não apareceram nas associações dos universitários. Percebem-se como vulneráveis à infecção identificando comportamentos de risco em toda a população, inclusive no grupo interno. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze male and female adolescents' vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, based on their knowledge, values and practices. This is an exploratory-descriptive study, performed using a quantitative approach. The students answered a questionnaire from which relevant questions were selected for the analysis. The participants were 207 adolescents, 43.5% male and 56.5% female. Most adolescents report having initiated sexual activities. It was observed that the participants have knowledge deficits regarding HIV transmission and safe sexual practices. Although they report knowing about condom use as a method of protection against HIV, they do not always use them. It was observed that there are values connected to the representations of gender, but it is noticed there is an evolution regarding the autonomy and power of the girls' negotiation regarding condom use.