427 resultados para Malabar rites.


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Introduction and Rationale: A central argument in the thesis is that performative acts of control, sexual potency and spontaneity are central to the continuous construction of embodied masculine identities. The acts of control, and particularly issues of spontaneity, are central to understandings and addressing the difficulties men face at varying levels of embodied identity. Using Watson’s (2000) ‘Male body schema’, I will explore the challenges and opportunities men face when negotiating normative, pragmatic, and experiential embodiment. I will later then explore the importance of these levels of embodiment to achieving visceral embodiment; or what I would define as a renewed unconscious satisfaction and ability to achieve and maintain normative, pragmatic and experiential forms of embodiment. Purpose and Objectives: Using the concept of liminality, and permanent liminality, the thesis explores how we can interpret and understand men’s experience of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, and their struggle to regain power and control in the context of diagnosis, and also the side effects to treatment. The strategies men adopt in seeking out personalised medical programmes of treatment with their doctors are explored in detail. The power and control that can be exercised over medical professionals and treatment options is demonstrated. Method: Collecting responses online from prostate specific discussion boards via gatekeepers, and from interviews on the ‘health talk’ online database, three intersecting conceptual categories - liminality, masculinity and the body/embodiment - are combined in this research. Liminality and ‘time’ are directly linked to notions of ‘success’ and ‘outcome’ during the treatment process, and mark distinct points at which men, and their families, expect measures or limits to have been reached. Exploring liminality within the context of Turner’s ‘rites of passage’, I explore the difficulty men face in concluding the third stage of the rites; reintegration. Results: Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, impotence and incontinence, in particular, have profound implications for the continuous construction of embodied masculine identities, and thus identity in general, making the construction of hegemonic ideals in the context of a highly ‘performative’ society highly troublesome. The issue of ‘spontaneity’ in the construction of various forms of embodied identities is of particular concern for men who contributed to this study.


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My dissertation examines the traces of inverse (mytho)mysticism, more synchronous with mythical alchemy than transcendent mystery, in H.D.’s mature work (1946-1961). Whereas H.D.’s earliest works respond to a fin de siècle occultism and a collective psyche troubled by the eschatological distress that, as Susan Acheson writes, “was widespread amongst modernist writers grappling with …world events and with the implications of Nietzsche’s inaugural annunciation of modernity in terms of the death of God” (187), her later oeuvre is dedicated to the same work of soul undertaken by the “secret cult of Night” in Vale Ave. Here, her thematic scope faces two ways: backward to ancient Greek mystery cults and their palingenesic rites and forward to depth psychologists searching for the Soul of the World. Vale Ave plays a pronounced role in my study as symbolic guide; in its seventy-four sequences the layering of time in the “trilogy” of past, present, and future that H.D. had explored during the years of the Second World War in order to get behind the fallen walls of cause and effect collapses into two distinct phases of human origin—“meeting” (evolution) and “parting” (involution)—and the poem invites Lilith and Lucifer to be its archetypal guides. My method for the study is imaginal, entering such disciplines as history, philosophy, and theology and bringing psychological understanding to them. John Walsh’s introduction to Vale Ave notes H.D.’s theme “that the human psyche exists in a dimension outside of time and space as well as within them. In Vale Ave, H.D. presents the extremity of this dual-dimensionality: metempsychosis” (vii). However, the concept that H.D. investigates is more than a literary processus of characters who adopt different masks and appear at various junctures in a chronological unwinding of history. I explore H.D.'s works as part of a Modernist tradition of writing “books of the dead” designed not to guide the soul after death, but to draw the gaze upon “a nearer thing,” as H.D. writes in Erige Cor Tuum Ad Me In Caelum, the wisdom intrinsic in the spirit of life itself.


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This research aims, through performance, fashion photography, video making and the theatrical devices that accompany such practice, to explore the style of a contemporary, largely male, subcultural collective. The common term that joins these loosely bound groups is revival as they appear driven by an impulse to simulate and re-enact the dress, rites and rituals of British and American subcultures from a perceived golden era. The similarities with re-enactment societies are also explored and exploited to the end of developing new style- based aesthetics in male fashion image-making formed around an elaborate re- enactment of Spartacus and the Third Servile Wars. Examined through comparative visuals (revivalists / re-enactors) a common thread is found in the wearing of leather as a metaphor for resistance, style and a pupa-like second skin. Subsequent findings of this research suggest that the cuirass of popular culture emerges as the motorcycle jacket of both the sword and sandal epic and the historical re-enactor. Addressing extremes in narcissistic dress and behaviour amongst certain individuals within these older male communities, this study also questions parts of established theory on subcultural development within the field of cultural studies and postulates on a metaphorical dandy gene. Citing two leading practitioners in the field of fashion photography the work of both Richard Prince and Bruce Weber is viewed through the lens of the subcultural aesthete and conclusions drawn as to their role as agents provocateurs in the development of the fashion image with a revival based narrative. In addition the often used term retro is examined, categorised and granted its own genre within fashion image- making and defined as being separate from the practice element of this research. Reflecting a multi-disciplinary approach that engages the researcher as Bricoleur and participant observer this research operates in the reflexive realm and uses simulation as a key method of enquiry. The practice-led outcome of this investigation takes the form of a final research exhibition that takes the form of a substantial installation of photography, video, clothing and textile prints. Key terms: dandy gene, historical re-enactment groups, internal theatre, narcissism, narrative image-making, reflexive practice, revival as theatre, subcultures,


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RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN FRANÇAIS La présente recherche se veut être un examen de la première enquête quantitative menée en Suisse sur les paroisses et communautés religieuses. La recherche vise de à appréhender la dynamique institutionnelle du champ religieux de ce pays. En relation avec une enquête similaire menée aux États-Unis (National Congregations Study, Chaves, 2004) la présente recherche analyse les données récoltées auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de plus de mille responsables spirituels des communautés religieuses de Suisse. Dans la perspective de la sociologie des organisations, elle examine le positionnement des communautés dans le champ institutionnel pour comprendre comment elles s'activent pour se maintenir dans la durée. Les communautés, pour assurer leurs services sur le long terme, sont imbriquées dans des structures confessionnelles avec des contraintes administratives diverses selon leur reconnaissance légale. En conséquence, la dynamique du champ religieux institutionnel est différenciée en trois environnements, selon leur degré de reconnaissance, qui demandent des réponses particulières à chacun pour pouvoir s'adapter et perdurer. Ces trois environnements poussent les groupes qui s'y logent à adopter des structures identiques. Pratiquer la religion ensemble, c'est ainsi se rendre dans une communauté avec une forme de rituel et d'engagement des membres correspondant à la reconnaissance du groupe par la société. Même pratiquée fortuitement, la religion collective est loin d'être un acte fortuit. RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN ANGLAIS Practice the religion together Analysis of parishes and religious congregations in Switzerland in a perspective of sociology of organization This research is intended as a review of the first quantitative survey conducted in Switzerland on parishes and religious communities. The research aims to understand the dynamics of institutional religious field in this country. In connection with a similar survey conducted in the U.S. (National Congregations Study, Chaves, 2004) this research examines data gathered from a representative sample of over a thousand spiritual leaders of religious communities in Switzerland. From the perspective of sociology of organization, it examines the position of communities in the institutional field to understand how they are activated to maintain over time. Communities to ensure their services over the long term, are nested within denominational structures with different administrative constraints according to their legal recognition. Consequently, the dynamics of the religious field is differentiated into three institutional environments according to their degree of recognition, which require specific responses to each in order to adapt and endure. These three environments grow groups staying there to adopt identical structures.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59472


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59473