866 resultados para Mach-Zehnder interferometers


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A novel crosslinkable polyurethane is used as the core layer of the electro-optic(E-O) modulator. The refractive index and dispersion of this material have been detected by analyzing the F-P oscillation in transmission spectra. Calculated results from the effective index method are given to design the Mach-Zehnder and straight 5-layer ridge wave-guide device (including the metal electrodes). With light at 1.31 mum being fiber coupled into waveguide, the mode properties of these devices have been demonstrated in a micron control system. The guided mode is accordant with the theoretical analysis.


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Advanced modulation formats have become increasingly important as telecoms engineers strive for improved tolerance to both linear and nonlinear fibre-based transmission impairments. Two important modulation schemes are Duobinary (DB) and Alternate-mark inversion (AMI) [1] where transmission enhancement results from auxiliary phase modulation. As advanced modulation formats displace Return-to-zero On-Off Keying (RZ-OOK), inter-modulation converters will become increasingly important. If the modulation conversion can be performed at high bitrates with a small number of operations per bit, then all-optical techniques may offer lower energy consumption compared to optical-electronic-optical approaches. In this paper we experimentally demonstrate an all-optical system incorporating a pair of hybrid-integrated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) gates which translate RZ-OOK to RZ-DB or RZ-AMI at 42.6 Gbps. This scheme includes a wavelength conversion to arbitrary output wavelength and has potential for high-level photonic integration, scalability to higher bitrates, and should exhibit regenerative properties [2].


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We numerically investigate a novel 40 Gbps OOK to AMI all-optical modulation format converter employing an SOA-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer.  We demonstrate operation with a 27-1 PRBS and explain the phase modulation's relationship with patterning.


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The development of ultra high speed (~20 Gsamples/s) analogue to digital converters (ADCs), and the delayed deployment of 40 Gbit/s transmission due to the economic downturn, has stimulated the investigation of digital signal processing (DSP) techniques for compensation of optical transmission impairments. In the future, DSP will offer an entire suite of tools to compensate for optical impairments and facilitate the use of advanced modulation formats. Chromatic dispersion is a very significant impairment for high speed optical transmission. This thesis investigates a novel electronic method of dispersion compensation which allows for cost-effective accurate detection of the amplitude and phase of the optical field into the radio frequency domain. The first electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) schemes accessed only the amplitude information using square law detection and achieved an increase in transmission distances. This thesis presents a method by using a frequency sensitive filter to estimate the phase of the received optical field and, in conjunction with the amplitude information, the entire field can be digitised using ADCs. This allows DSP technologies to take the next step in optical communications without requiring complex coherent detection. This is of particular of interest in metropolitan area networks. The full-field receiver investigated requires only an additional asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometer and balanced photodiode to achieve a 50% increase in EDC reach compared to amplitude only detection.


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The demand for optical bandwidth continues to increase year on year and is being driven primarily by entertainment services and video streaming to the home. Current photonic systems are coping with this demand by increasing data rates through faster modulation techniques, spectrally efficient transmission systems and by increasing the number of modulated optical channels per fibre strand. Such photonic systems are large and power hungry due to the high number of discrete components required in their operation. Photonic integration offers excellent potential for combining otherwise discrete system components together on a single device to provide robust, power efficient and cost effective solutions. In particular, the design of optical modulators has been an area of immense interest in recent times. Not only has research been aimed at developing modulators with faster data rates, but there has also a push towards making modulators as compact as possible. Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM) have proven to be highly successful in many optical communication applications. However, due to the relatively weak electro-optic effect on which they are based, they remain large with typical device lengths of 4 to 7 mm while requiring a travelling wave structure for high-speed operation. Nested MZMs have been extensively used in the generation of advanced modulation formats, where multi-symbol transmission can be used to increase data rates at a given modulation frequency. Such nested structures have high losses and require both complex fabrication and packaging. In recent times, it has been shown that Electro-absorption modulators (EAMs) can be used in a specific arrangement to generate Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation. EAM based QPSK modulators have increased potential for integration and can be made significantly more compact than MZM based modulators. Such modulator designs suffer from losses in excess of 40 dB, which limits their use in practical applications. The work in this thesis has focused on how these losses can be reduced by using photonic integration. In particular, the integration of multiple lasers with the modulator structure was considered as an excellent means of reducing fibre coupling losses while maximising the optical power on chip. A significant difficultly when using multiple integrated lasers in such an arrangement was to ensure coherence between the integrated lasers. The work investigated in this thesis demonstrates for the first time how optical injection locking between discrete lasers on a single photonic integrated circuit (PIC) can be used in the generation of coherent optical signals. This was done by first considering the monolithic integration of lasers and optical couplers to form an on chip optical power splitter, before then examining the behaviour of a mutually coupled system of integrated lasers. By operating the system in a highly asymmetric coupling regime, a stable phase locking region was found between the integrated lasers. It was then shown that in this stable phase locked region the optical outputs of each laser were coherent with each other and phase locked to a common master laser.


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An improved dual-gas quasi-phase matching (QPM) foil target for high harmonic generation (HHG) is presented. The target can be setup with 12 individual gas inlets each feeding multiple nozzles separated by a minimum distance of 10 μm. Three-dimensional gas density profiles of these jets were measured using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. These measurements reveal how the jets influence the density of gas in adjacent jets and how this leads to increased local gas densities. The analysis shows that the gas profiles of the jets are well defined up to a distance of about 300 μm from the orifice. This target design offers experimental flexibility, not only for HHG/QPM investigations, but also for a wide range of experiments due to the large number of possible jet configurations. We demonstrate the application to controlled phase tuning in the extreme ultraviolet using a 1 kHz-10 mJ-30 fs-laser system where interference between two jets in the spectral range from 17 to 30 nm was observed.


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Nesta tese investigam-se e desenvolvem-se dispositivos para processamento integralmente óptico em redes com multiplexagem densa por divisão no comprimento de onda (DWDM). O principal objectivo das redes DWDM é transportar e distribuir um espectro óptico densamente multiplexado com sinais de débito binário ultra elevado, ao longo de centenas ou milhares de quilómetros de fibra óptica. Estes sinais devem ser transportados e encaminhados no domínio óptico de forma transparente, sem conversões óptico-eléctrico-ópticas (OEO), evitando as suas limitações e custos. A tecnologia baseada em amplificadores ópticos de semicondutor (SOA) é promissora graças aos seus efeitos não-lineares ultra-rápidos e eficientes, ao potencial para integração, reduzido consumo de potência e custos. Conversores de comprimento de onda são o elemento óptico básico para aumentar a capacidade da rede e evitar o bloqueio de comprimentos de onda. Neste trabalho, são estudados e analisados experimentalmente métodos para aumentar a largura de banda operacional de conversores de modulação cruzada de ganho (XGM), a fim de permitir a operação do SOA para além das suas limitações físicas. Conversão de um comprimento de onda, e conversão simultânea de múltiplos comprimentos de onda são testadas, usando interferómetros de Mach-Zehnder com SOA. As redes DWDM de alto débito binário requerem formatos de modulação optimizados, com elevada tolerância aos efeitos nefastos da fibra, e reduzida ocupação espectral. Para esse efeito, é vital desenvolver conversores integramente ópticos de formatos de modulação, a fim de permitir a interligação entre as redes já instaladas, que operam com modulação de intensidade, e as redes modernas, que utilizam formatos de modulação avançados. No âmbito deste trabalho é proposto um conversor integralmente óptico de formato entre modulação óptica de banda lateral dupla e modulação óptica de banda lateral residual; este é caracterizado através de simulação e experimentalmente. Adicionalmente, é proposto um conversor para formato de portadora suprimida, através de XGM e modulação cruzada de fase. A interligação entre as redes de transporte com débito binário ultra-elevado e as redes de acesso com débito binário reduzido requer conversão óptica de formato de impulso entre retorno-a-zero (RZ) e não-RZ. São aqui propostas e investigadas duas estruturas distintas: uma baseada em filtragem desalinhada do sinal convertido por XGM; uma segunda utiliza as dinâmicas do laser interno de um SOA com ganho limitado (GC-SOA). Regeneração integralmente óptica é essencial para reduzir os custos das redes. Dois esquemas distintos são utilizados para regeneração: uma estrutura baseada em MZI-SOA, e um método no qual o laser interno de um GC-SOA é modulado com o sinal distorcido a regenerar. A maioria dos esquemas referidos é testada experimentalmente a 40 Gb/s, com potencial para aplicação a débitos binários superiores, demonstrado que os SOA são uma tecnologia basilar para as redes ópticas do futuro.


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo o estudo de novos dispositivos fotónicos aplicados a sistemas de comunicações por fibra óptica e a sistemas de processamento de sinais RF. Os dispositivos apresentados baseiam-se em processamento de sinal linear e não linear. Dispositivos lineares ópticos tais como o interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder permitem adicionar sinais ópticos com pesos fixos ou sintonizáveis. Desta forma, este dispositivo pode ser usado respectivamente como um filtro óptico em amplitude com duas saídas complementares, ou, como um filtro óptico de resposta de fase sintonizável. O primeiro princípio de operação serve como base para um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. O segundo princípio de operação é explorado num novo sistema fotónico de direccionamento do campo eléctrico radiado por um agregado de antenas, e também num novo compensador sintonizável de dispersão cromática. O processamento de sinal é não linear quando sinais ópticos são atrasados e posteriormente misturados entre si, em vez de serem linearmente adicionados. Este princípio de operação está por detrás da mistura de um sinal eléctrico com um sinal óptico, que por sua vez é a base de um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. A mistura de sinais ópticos em meios não lineares permite uma operação eficiente numa grande largura espectral. Tal operação é usada para realizar conversão de comprimento de onda sintonizável. Um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal de elevada largura de banda é misturado com duas bombas ópticas não moduladas com base em processos não lineares paramétricos num guia de ondas de niobato de lítio com inversão periódica da polarização dos domínios ferroeléctricos. Noutro trabalho, uma bomba pulsada em que cada pulso tem um comprimento de onda sintonizável serve como base a um novo conversor de sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal para um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda. A bomba é misturada com o sinal óptico de entrada através de um processo não linear paramétrico numa fibra óptica com parâmetro não linear elevado. Todos os dispositivos fotónicos de processamento de sinal linear ou não linear propostos são experimentalmente validados. São também modelados teoricamente ou através de simulação, com a excepção dos que envolvem mistura de sinais ópticos. Uma análise qualitativa é suficiente nestes últimos dispositivos.


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Over the years, the increased search and exchange of information lead to an increase of traffic intensity in todays optical communication networks. Coherent communications, using the amplitude and phase of the signal, reappears as one of the transmission techniques to increase the spectral efficiency and throughput of optical channels. In this context, this work present a study on format conversion of modulated signals using MZI-SOAs, based exclusively on all- optical techniques through wavelength conversion. This approach, when applied in interconnection nodes between optical networks with different bit rates and modulation formats, allow a better efficiency and scalability of the network. We start with an experimental characterization of the static and dynamic properties of the MZI-SOA. Then, we propose a semi-analytical model to describe the evolution of phase and amplitude at the output of the MZI-SOA. The model’s coefficients are obtained using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. We validate the model experimentally, by exploring the dependency of the optical signal with the operational parameters of the MZI-SOA. We also propose an all-optical technique for the conversion of amplitude modulation signals to a continuous phase modulation format. Finally, we study the potential of MZI-SOAs for the conversion of amplitude signals to QPSK and QAM signals. We show the dependency of the conversion process with the operational parameters deviation from the optimal values. The technique is experimentally validated for QPSK modulation.


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All-optical solutions for switching and routing packet-based traffic are crucial for realizing a truly transparent network. To meet the increasing requirements for higher bandwidth, such optical packet switched networks may require the implementation of digital functions in the physical layer. This scenario stimulated us to research and develop innovative high-speed all-optical storage memories, focusing mainly on bistables whose state switching is triggered by a pulsed clock signal. In clocked devices, a synchronization signal is responsible for controlling the enabling of the bistable. This thesis also presents novel solutions to implement optical logic gates, which are basic building blocks of any processing system and a fundamental element for the development of complex processing functionalities. Most of the proposed schemes developed in this work are based on SOA-MZI structures due to their inherent characteristics such as, high extinction ratio, high operation speed, high integration capability and compactness. We addressed the experimental implementation of an all-optical packet routing scheme, with contention resolution capability, using interconnected SOAMZIs. The impact on the system performance of the reminiscent power of the blocked packets, from the non ideal switching performed by the SOA-MZIs, was also assessed.


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The recent remarkable growth in bandwidth of both wired optical and wireless access networks supports a burst of new high bandwidth Internet applications such as: peer-topeer file sharing, cloud storage, on-line gaming, video streaming, etc. Within this scenario, the convergence of fixed and wireless access networks offers significant opportunities for network operators to satisfy user demands, and simultaneously reduce the cost of implementing and running separated wireless and wired networks. The integration of wired and wireless network can be accomplished within several scenarios and at several levels. In this thesis we will focus on converged radio over fiber architectures, particularly on two application scenarios: converged optical 60 GHz wireless networks and wireless overlay backhauling over bidirectional colorless wavelength division multiplexing passive optical networks (WDM-PONs). In the first application scenario, optical 60 GHz signal generation using external modulation of an optical carrier by means of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) Mach- Zehnder modulators (MZM) is considered. The performance of different optical modulation techniques, robust against fiber dispersion is assessed and dispersion mitigation strategies are identified. The study is extended to 60 GHz carriers digitally modulated with data and to systems employing subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) mm-wave channels. In the second application scenario, the performance of WDM-PONs employing reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs), transmitting an overlay orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless signal is assessed analytically and experimentally, with the relevant system impairments being identified. It is demonstrated that the intermodulation due to the beating of the baseband signal and wireless signal at the receiver can seriously impair the wireless channel. Performance degradation of the wireless channel caused by the RSOA gain modulation owing to the downstream baseband data is also assessed, and system design guidelines are provided.


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A novel optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM) based on the Mach-Zelauler interferometer (MZI) and the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed for the first tittle to the authors ' knowledge. In the structure, the Mach-Zehnder interferometer acts as an optical switch. The principle of the OADM is analyzed in this paper. The OADM can add/drop one of the multi-input channels or pass the channel directly by adjusting the difference of the two arms of the interferometer. The channel isolation is more than 20 dB


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Die laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (LIPS) ist eine spektrochemische Elementanalyse zur Bestimmung der atomaren Zusammensetzung einer beliebigen Probe. Für die Analyse ist keine spezielle Probenpräparation nötig und kann unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen an Proben in jedem Aggregatzustand durchgeführt werden. Femtosekunden Laserpulse bieten die Vorteile einer präzisen Ablation mit geringem thermischen Schaden sowie einer hohen Reproduzierbarkeit. Damit ist fs-LIPS ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug für die Mikroanalyse technischer Proben, insbesondere zur Untersuchung ihres Ermüdungsverhaltens. Dabei ist interessant, wie sich die initiierten Mikrorisse innerhalb der materialspezifschen Struktur ausbreiten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher ein schnelles und einfach zu handhabendes 3D-Rasterabbildungsverfahren zur Untersuchung der Rissausbreitung in TiAl, einer neuen Legierungsklasse, entwickelt werden. Dazu wurde fs-LIPS (30 fs, 785 nm) mit einem modifizierten Mikroskopaufbau (Objektiv: 50x/NA 0.5) kombiniert, welcher eine präzise, automatisierte Probenpositionierung ermöglicht. Spektrochemische Sensitivität und räumliches Auflösungsvermögen wurden in energieabhängigen Einzel- und Multipulsexperimenten untersucht. 10 Laserpulse pro Position mit einer Pulsenergie von je 100 nJ führten in TiAl zum bestmöglichen Kompromiss aus hohem S/N-Verhältnis von 10:1 und kleinen Lochstrukturen mit inneren Durchmessern von 1.4 µm. Die für das Verfahren entscheidende laterale Auflösung, dem minimalen Lochabstand bei konstantem LIPS-Signal, beträgt mit den obigen Parametern 2 µm und ist die bislang höchste bekannte Auflösung einer auf fs-LIPS basierenden Mikro-/Mapping-Analyse im Fernfeld. Fs-LIPS Scans von Teststrukturen sowie Mikrorissen in TiAl demonstrieren eine spektrochemische Sensitivität von 3 %. Scans in Tiefenrichtung erzielen mit denselben Parametern eine axiale Auflösung von 1 µm. Um die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und ein besseres Verständnis für die physikalischen Prozesse während der Laserablation zu erhalten, wurde in Pump-Probe-Experimenten untersucht, in wieweit fs-Doppelpulse den laserinduzierten Abtrag sowie die Plasmaemission beeinflussen. Dazu wurden in einem Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer Pulsabstände von 100 fs bis 2 ns realisiert, Gesamtenergie und Intensitätsverhältnis beider Pulse variiert sowie der Einfluss der Materialparameter untersucht. Sowohl das LIPS-Signal als auch die Lochstrukturen zeigen eine Abhängigkeit von der Verzögerungszeit. Diese wurden in vier verschiedene Regimes eingeteilt und den physikalischen Prozessen während der Laserablation zugeordnet: Die Thermalisierung des Elektronensystems für Pulsabstände unter 1 ps, Schmelzprozesse zwischen 1 und 10 ps, der Beginn des Abtrags nach mehreren 10 ps und die Expansion der Plasmawolke nach über 100 ps. Dabei wird das LIPS-Signal effizient verstärkt und bei 800 ps maximal. Die Lochdurchmesser ändern sich als Funktion des Pulsabstands wenig im Vergleich zur Tiefe. Die gesamte Abtragsrate variiert um maximal 50 %, während sich das LIPS-Signal vervielfacht: Für Ti und TiAl typischerweise um das Dreifache, für Al um das 10-fache. Die gemessenen Transienten zeigen eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit, jedoch kaum eine Energie- bzw. materialspezifische Abhängigkeit. Mit diesen Ergebnissen wurde eine gezielte Optimierung der DP-LIPS-Parameter an Al durchgeführt: Bei einem Pulsabstand von 800 ps und einer Gesamtenergie von 65 nJ (vierfach über der Ablationsschwelle) wurde eine 40-fache Signalerhöhung bei geringerem Rauschen erzielt. Die Lochdurchmesser vergrößerten sich dabei um 44 % auf (650±150) nm, die Lochtiefe um das Doppelte auf (100±15) nm. Damit war es möglich, die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig die hohe räumliche Auflösung aufrecht zu erhalten.


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Esta tese é dedicada às redes de período longo, LPG’s, em fibra óptica, escritas por exposição a radiação ultravioleta (UV) ou por exposição a descargas eléctricas, e às suas aplicações em comunicações ópticas e em sistemas sensores. Numa primeira fase estudaram-se os aspectos teóricos fundamentais para a compreensão das LPG, nomeadamente os dois modelos matemáticos propostos na literatura, para a transmissão espectral de uma LPG, o modelo de duas camadas e o modelo de três camadas. Em seguida, estudou-se o deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante perante mudanças de parâmetros externos. Aqui, verificou-se que para variações da temperatura no exterior da LPG, o deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante é linear. Por outro lado, para variações de índice de refracção exterior, verificou-se que à medida que o índice exterior se aproxima dos valores do índice de refracção da bainha, o comprimento de onda ressonante tende para valores mais baixos. Por último, realizou-se um estudo da transmissão espectral de duas aplicações que envolvem LPG’s, nomeadamente dois tipos de interferómetros e filtros ópticos. Numa segunda fase, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta de simulação destes modelos, que permitia não só a obtenção dos espectros de transmissão das LPG’s mas também a obtenção das curvas de phase matching em função do período da rede e do comprimento de onda ressonante. A aplicação permitia também a obtenção das curvas do deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante, perante variações do índice de refracção exterior ou da temperatura. Para além disso, essa ferramenta realiza a simulação dos espectros de transmissão de filtros ópticos e de interferómetros de Michelson e de Mach-Zehnder construídos com base em LPG’s. A última fase do trabalho, a componente laboratorial, foi realizada na Unidade de Optoelectrónica e Sistemas Electrónicos do INESC Porto, onde foram construídos e testados os dispositivos estudados anteriormente, com o intuito de validar a aplicação desenvolvida. A ferramenta de simulação demonstrou ser capaz de simular de forma adequada os diversos aspectos do comportamento das LPG’s que foram estudados. A comparação dos resultados obtidos permitiu concluir que o modelo mais correcto para o estudo das LPG’s é o modelo de três camadas, o que está de acordo com o esperado.