981 resultados para MUTUAL INFORMATION


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In this paper, single-carrier multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmit beamforming (TB) systems in the presence of high-power amplifier (HPA) nonlinearity are investigated. Specifically, due to the suboptimality of the conventional maximal ratio transmission/maximal ratio combining (MRT/MRC) under HPA nonlinearity, we propose the optimal TB scheme with the optimal beamforming weight vector and combining vector, for MIMO systems with nonlinear HPAs. Moreover, an alternative suboptimal but much simpler TB scheme, namely, quantized equal gain transmission (QEGT), is proposed. The latter profits from the property that the elements of the beamforming weight vector have the same constant modulus. The performance of the proposed optimal TB scheme and QEGT/MRC technique in the presence of the HPA nonlinearity is evaluated in terms of the average symbol error probability and mutual information with the Gaussian input, considering the transmission over uncorrelated quasi-static frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results are provided and show the effects on the performance of several system parameters, namely, the HPA parameters, numbers of antennas, quadrature amplitude modulation modulation order, number of pilot symbols, and cardinality of the beamforming weight vector codebook for QEGT.


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Data assimilation methods which avoid the assumption of Gaussian error statistics are being developed for geoscience applications. We investigate how the relaxation of the Gaussian assumption affects the impact observations have within the assimilation process. The effect of non-Gaussian observation error (described by the likelihood) is compared to previously published work studying the effect of a non-Gaussian prior. The observation impact is measured in three ways: the sensitivity of the analysis to the observations, the mutual information, and the relative entropy. These three measures have all been studied in the case of Gaussian data assimilation and, in this case, have a known analytical form. It is shown that the analysis sensitivity can also be derived analytically when at least one of the prior or likelihood is Gaussian. This derivation shows an interesting asymmetry in the relationship between analysis sensitivity and analysis error covariance when the two different sources of non-Gaussian structure are considered (likelihood vs. prior). This is illustrated for a simple scalar case and used to infer the effect of the non-Gaussian structure on mutual information and relative entropy, which are more natural choices of metric in non-Gaussian data assimilation. It is concluded that approximating non-Gaussian error distributions as Gaussian can give significantly erroneous estimates of observation impact. The degree of the error depends not only on the nature of the non-Gaussian structure, but also on the metric used to measure the observation impact and the source of the non-Gaussian structure.


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A fully automated and online artifact removal method for the electroencephalogram (EEG) is developed for use in brain-computer interfacing. The method (FORCe) is based upon a novel combination of wavelet decomposition, independent component analysis, and thresholding. FORCe is able to operate on a small channel set during online EEG acquisition and does not require additional signals (e.g. electrooculogram signals). Evaluation of FORCe is performed offline on EEG recorded from 13 BCI particpants with cerebral palsy (CP) and online with three healthy participants. The method outperforms the state-of the-art automated artifact removal methods Lagged auto-mutual information clustering (LAMIC) and Fully automated statistical thresholding (FASTER), and is able to remove a wide range of artifact types including blink, electromyogram (EMG), and electrooculogram (EOG) artifacts.


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This paper proposes a filter-based algorithm for feature selection. The filter is based on the partitioning of the set of features into clusters. The number of clusters, and consequently the cardinality of the subset of selected features, is automatically estimated from data. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is also investigated. A variant of this filter that considers feature-class correlations is also proposed for classification problems. Empirical results involving ten datasets illustrate the performance of the developed algorithm, which in general has obtained competitive results in terms of classification accuracy when compared to state of the art algorithms that find clusters of features. We show that, if computational efficiency is an important issue, then the proposed filter May be preferred over their counterparts, thus becoming eligible to join a pool of feature selection algorithms to be used in practice. As an additional contribution of this work, a theoretical framework is used to formally analyze some properties of feature selection methods that rely on finding clusters of features. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nowadays, noninvasive methods of diagnosis have increased due to demands of the population that requires fast, simple and painless exams. These methods have become possible because of the growth of technology that provides the necessary means of collecting and processing signals. New methods of analysis have been developed to understand the complexity of voice signals, such as nonlinear dynamics aiming at the exploration of voice signals dynamic nature. The purpose of this paper is to characterize healthy and pathological voice signals with the aid of relative entropy measures. Phase space reconstruction technique is also used as a way to select interesting regions of the signals. Three groups of samples were used, one from healthy individuals and the other two from people with nodule in the vocal fold and Reinke`s edema. All of them are recordings of sustained vowel /a/ from Brazilian Portuguese. The paper shows that nonlinear dynamical methods seem to be a suitable technique for voice signal analysis, due to the chaotic component of the human voice. Relative entropy is well suited due to its sensibility to uncertainties, since the pathologies are characterized by an increase in the signal complexity and unpredictability. The results showed that the pathological groups had higher entropy values in accordance with other vocal acoustic parameters presented. This suggests that these techniques may improve and complement the recent voice analysis methods available for clinicians. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Statistical methods have been widely employed to assess the capabilities of credit scoring classification models in order to reduce the risk of wrong decisions when granting credit facilities to clients. The predictive quality of a classification model can be evaluated based on measures such as sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy, correlation coefficients and information theoretical measures, such as relative entropy and mutual information. In this paper we analyze the performance of a naive logistic regression model (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 1989) and a logistic regression with state-dependent sample selection model (Cramer, 2004) applied to simulated data. Also, as a case study, the methodology is illustrated on a data set extracted from a Brazilian bank portfolio. Our simulation results so far revealed that there is no statistically significant difference in terms of predictive capacity between the naive logistic regression models and the logistic regression with state-dependent sample selection models. However, there is strong difference between the distributions of the estimated default probabilities from these two statistical modeling techniques, with the naive logistic regression models always underestimating such probabilities, particularly in the presence of balanced samples. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to carry out an applicative, comparative and exhaustive study between several entropy based indicators of independence and correlation. We considered some indicators characterized by a wide and consolidate literature, like mutual information, joint entropy, relative entropy or Kullback Leibler distance, and others, more recently introduced, like Granger, Maasoumi and racine entropy, also called Sρ, or utilized in more restricted domains, like Pincus approximate entropy or ApEn. We studied the behaviour of such indicators applying them to binary series. The series was designed to simulate a wide range of situations in order to characterize indicators limit and capability and to identify, case by case, the more useful and trustworthy ones. Our target was not only to study if such indicators were able to discriminate between dependence and independence because, especially for mutual information and Granger, Maasoumi and Racine, that was already demonstrated and reported in literature, but also to verify if and how they were able to provide information about structure, complexity and disorder of the series they were applied to. Special attention was paid on Pincus approximate entropy, that is said by the author to be able to provide information regarding the level of randomness, regularity and complexity of a series. By means of a focused and extensive research, we furthermore tried to clear the meaning of ApEn applied to a couple of different series. In such situation the indicator is named in literature as cross-ApEn. The cross-ApEn meaning and the interpretation of its results is often not simple nor univocal and the matter is scarcely delved into by literature, thereby users can easily leaded up to a misleading conclusion, especially if the indicator is employed, as often unfortunately it happens, in uncritical manner. In order to plug some cross-ApEn gaps and limits clearly brought out during the experimentation, we developed and applied to the already considered cases a further indicator we called “correspondence index”. The correspondence index is perfectly integrated into the cross-ApEn computational algorithm and it is able to provide, at least for binary data, accurate information about the intensity and the direction of an eventual correlation, even not linear, existing between two different series allowing, in the meanwhile, to detect an eventual condition of independence between the series themselves.


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La ricerca in oggetto ha analizzato le relazioni tra migrazione e salute mentale nel Distretto di Pianura Est dell'AUSL di Bologna. Attraverso un dispositivo d’indagine multi-disciplinare basato sui quadri teorici dell'Antropologia Medica Critica, della Salute Pubblica e della Psichiatria, la ricerca si è inserita nell’ampio contesto di sperimentazione di un innovativo modello di assistenza per pazienti migranti, denominato Centro di Consultazione Socio- Culturale. L'architettura dello studio si rifà a un modello di Ricerca-Azione Partecipata e Multi-Situata fondato su un approccio analitico e auto-riflessivo, il quale ha consentito di problematizzare, oltre alle azioni e alle traiettorie dei vari soggetti che operano nel campo della ricerca, anche le categorie oggetto della ricerca stessa. L'analisi, profondamente radicata nel dato empirico, è stata condotta a partire dall'esperienza degli attori sociali coinvolti. Le esperienze, le informazioni e le rappresentazioni reciproche sono state co-costruite in forma partecipativa attraverso l'uso combinato di metodologie quali-quantitative proprie sia delle discipline sanitarie sia di quelle sociali. Come materiali della ricerca sono stati utilizzati: dati primari e secondari prodotti dalle istituzioni e dalle organizzazioni del territorio stesso; informazioni provenienti dall'osservazione partecipante; colloqui con informatori-chiave; interviste semi-strutturate con decisori politici, amministratori, organizzazioni del territorio, operatori dei servizi, cittadini e pazienti. La ricerca ha dimostrato la validità delle prospettive teoriche utilizzate e delle strategie di lavoro proposte. Il modello di lavoro multi-disciplinare e multi-metodologico si è rivelato produttivo nell'indagare congiuntamente le prospettive degli attori coinvolti insieme alle loro traiettorie, alle reciproche interconnessioni e alle relazioni tra processi locali e globali. L’analisi auto-riflessiva ha consentito di analizzare le attività del Centro di Consultazione evidenziandone vantaggi e limiti. Infine, la collaborazione tra Salute Pubblica e Antropologia Medica Critica ha dimostrato una grande potenzialità e produttività sia sul versante della ricerca scientifica sia su quello dell'assistenza sanitaria.


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The objective of this work is to characterize the genome of the chromosome 1 of A.thaliana, a small flowering plants used as a model organism in studies of biology and genetics, on the basis of a recent mathematical model of the genetic code. I analyze and compare different portions of the genome: genes, exons, coding sequences (CDS), introns, long introns, intergenes, untranslated regions (UTR) and regulatory sequences. In order to accomplish the task, I transformed nucleotide sequences into binary sequences based on the definition of the three different dichotomic classes. The descriptive analysis of binary strings indicate the presence of regularities in each portion of the genome considered. In particular, there are remarkable differences between coding sequences (CDS and exons) and non-coding sequences, suggesting that the frame is important only for coding sequences and that dichotomic classes can be useful to recognize them. Then, I assessed the existence of short-range dependence between binary sequences computed on the basis of the different dichotomic classes. I used three different measures of dependence: the well-known chi-squared test and two indices derived from the concept of entropy i.e. Mutual Information (MI) and Sρ, a normalized version of the “Bhattacharya Hellinger Matusita distance”. The results show that there is a significant short-range dependence structure only for the coding sequences whose existence is a clue of an underlying error detection and correction mechanism. No doubt, further studies are needed in order to assess how the information carried by dichotomic classes could discriminate between coding and noncoding sequence and, therefore, contribute to unveil the role of the mathematical structure in error detection and correction mechanisms. Still, I have shown the potential of the approach presented for understanding the management of genetic information.


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n this paper we present a novel hybrid approach for multimodal medical image registration based on diffeomorphic demons. Diffeomorphic demons have proven to be a robust and efficient way for intensity-based image registration. A very recent extension even allows to use mutual information (MI) as a similarity measure to registration multimodal images. However, due to the intensity correspondence uncertainty existing in some anatomical parts, it is difficult for a purely intensity-based algorithm to solve the registration problem. Therefore, we propose to combine the resulting transformations from both intensity-based and landmark-based methods for multimodal non-rigid registration based on diffeomorphic demons. Several experiments on different types of MR images were conducted, for which we show that a better anatomical correspondence between the images can be obtained using the hybrid approach than using either intensity information or landmarks alone.


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Studies with chronic schizophrenia patients have demonstrated that patients fluctuate between rigid and unpredictable responses in decision-making situations, a phenomenon which has been called dysregulation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether schizophrenia patients already display dysregulated behavior at the beginning of their illness. Thirty-two first-episode schizophrenia or schizophreniform patients and 30 healthy controls performed the two-choice prediction task. The decision-making behavior of first-episode patients was shown to be characterized by a high degree of dysregulation accompanied by low metric entropy and a tendency towards increased mutual information. These results indicate that behavioral abnormalities during the two-choice prediction task are already present during the early stages of the illness.


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In this article, the authors evaluate a merit function for 2D/3D registration called stochastic rank correlation (SRC). SRC is characterized by the fact that differences in image intensity do not influence the registration result; it therefore combines the numerical advantages of cross correlation (CC)-type merit functions with the flexibility of mutual-information-type merit functions. The basic idea is that registration is achieved on a random subset of the image, which allows for an efficient computation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. This measure is, by nature, invariant to monotonic intensity transforms in the images under comparison, which renders it an ideal solution for intramodal images acquired at different energy levels as encountered in intrafractional kV imaging in image-guided radiotherapy. Initial evaluation was undertaken using a 2D/3D registration reference image dataset of a cadaver spine. Even with no radiometric calibration, SRC shows a significant improvement in robustness and stability compared to CC. Pattern intensity, another merit function that was evaluated for comparison, gave rather poor results due to its limited convergence range. The time required for SRC with 5% image content compares well to the other merit functions; increasing the image content does not significantly influence the algorithm accuracy. The authors conclude that SRC is a promising measure for 2D/3D registration in IGRT and image-guided therapy in general.


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Information theory-based metric such as mutual information (MI) is widely used as similarity measurement for multimodal registration. Nevertheless, this metric may lead to matching ambiguity for non-rigid registration. Moreover, maximization of MI alone does not necessarily produce an optimal solution. In this paper, we propose a segmentation-assisted similarity metric based on point-wise mutual information (PMI). This similarity metric, termed SPMI, enhances the registration accuracy by considering tissue classification probabilities as prior information, which is generated from an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Diffeomorphic demons is then adopted as the registration model and is optimized in a hierarchical framework (H-SPMI) based on different levels of anatomical structure as prior knowledge. The proposed method is evaluated using Brainweb synthetic data and clinical fMRI images. Both qualitative and quantitative assessment were performed as well as a sensitivity analysis to the segmentation error. Compared to the pure intensity-based approaches which only maximize mutual information, we show that the proposed algorithm provides significantly better accuracy on both synthetic and clinical data.


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BACKGROUND: Variants in the complement cascade genes and the LOC387715/HTRA1, have been widely reported to associate with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of visual impairment in industrialized countries. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the association between the LOC387715 A69S and complement component C3 R102G risk alleles in the Finnish case-control material and found a significant association with both variants (OR 2.98, p = 3.75 x 10(-9); non-AMD controls and OR 2.79, p = 2.78 x 10(-19), blood donor controls and OR 1.83, p = 0.008; non-AMD controls and OR 1.39, p = 0.039; blood donor controls), respectively. Previously, we have shown a strong association between complement factor H (CFH) Y402H and AMD in the Finnish population. A carrier of at least one risk allele in each of the three susceptibility loci (LOC387715, C3, CFH) had an 18-fold risk of AMD when compared to a non-carrier homozygote in all three loci. A tentative gene-gene interaction between the two major AMD-associated loci, LOC387715 and CFH, was found in this study using a multiplicative (logistic regression) model, a synergy index (departure-from-additivity model) and the mutual information method (MI), suggesting that a common causative pathway may exist for these genes. Smoking (ever vs. never) exerted an extra risk for AMD, but somewhat surprisingly, only in connection with other factors such as sex and the C3 genotype. Population attributable risks (PAR) for the CFH, LOC387715 and C3 variants were 58.2%, 51.4% and 5.8%, respectively, the summary PAR for the three variants being 65.4%. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Evidence for gene-gene interaction between two major AMD associated loci CFH and LOC387715 was obtained using three methods, logistic regression, a synergy index and the mutual information (MI) index.