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The ab initio/Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) approach has been applied to investigate the photodissociation mechanism of benzene at various wavelengths upon absorption of one or two UV photons followed by internal conversion into the ground electronic state. Reaction pathways leading to various decomposition products have been mapped out at the G2M level and then the RRKM and microcanonical variational transition state theories have been applied to compute rate constants for individual reaction steps. Relative product yields (branching ratios) for C6H5+H, C6H4+H-2, C4H4+C2H2, C4H2+C2H4, C3H3+C3H3, C5H3+CH3, and C4H3+C2H3 have been calculated subsequently using both numerical integration of kinetic master equations and the steady-state approach. The results show that upon absorption of a 248 nm photon dissociation is too slow to be observable in molecular beam experiments. In photodissociation at 193 nm, the dominant dissociation channel is H atom elimination (99.6%) and the minor reaction channel is H-2 elimination, with the branching ratio of only 0.4%. The calculated lifetime of benzene at 193 nm is about 11 mus, in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 10 mus. At 157 nm, the H loss remains the dominant channel but its branching ratio decreases to 97.5%, while that for H-2 elimination increases to 2.1%. The other channels leading to C3H3+C3H3, C5H3+CH3, C4H4+C2H2, and C4H3+C2H3 play insignificant role but might be observed. For photodissociation upon absorption of two UV photons occurring through the neutral hot benzene mechanism excluding dissociative ionization, we predict that the C6H5+H channel should be less dominant, while the contribution of C6H4+H-2 and the C3H3+C3H3, CH3+C5H3, and C4H3+C2H3 radical channels should significantly increase. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The strong mixing of many-electron basis states in excited atoms and ions with open f shells results in very large numbers of complex, chaotic eigenstates that cannot be computed to any degree of accuracy. Describing the processes which involve such states requires the use of a statistical theory. Electron capture into these “compound resonances” leads to electron-ion recombination rates that are orders of magnitude greater than those of direct, radiative recombination and cannot be described by standard theories of dielectronic recombination. Previous statistical theories considered this as a two-electron capture process which populates a pair of single-particle orbitals, followed by “spreading” of the two-electron states into chaotically mixed eigenstates. This method is similar to a configuration-average approach because it neglects potentially important effects of spectator electrons and conservation of total angular momentum. In this work we develop a statistical theory which considers electron capture into “doorway” states with definite angular momentum obtained by the configuration interaction method. We apply this approach to electron recombination with W20+, considering 2×106 doorway states. Despite strong effects from the spectator electrons, we find that the results of the earlier theories largely hold. Finally, we extract the fluorescence yield (the probability of photoemission and hence recombination) by comparison with experiment.


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Energy levels and radiative rates (. A-values) for transitions in Cr-like Cu VI and Zn VII are reported. These data are determined in the quasi-relativistic approach (QR), by employing a very large configuration interaction (CI) expansion which is highly important for these ions. No radiative rates are available in the literature to compare with our results, but our calculated energies are in close agreement with those compiled by NIST and other available theoretical data, for a majority of the levels. The A-values (and resultant lifetimes) are listed for all significantly contributing E1, E2 and M1 radiative transitions among the energetically lowest 322 levels of each ion.


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Calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and lifetimes are reported for eight ions of tungsten, i.e. S-like (W LIX) to F-like (W LXVI). A large number of levels have been considered for each ion and extensive configuration interaction has been included among a range of configurations. For the calculations, the general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (. grasp) has been adopted, and radiative rates (as well as oscillator strengths and line strengths) are listed for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions of the ions. Comparisons have been made with earlier available experimental and theoretical energies, although these are limited to only a few levels for most ions. Therefore for additional accuracy assessments, particularly for energy levels, analogous calculations have been performed with the flexible atomic code (. fac).


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Energies and lifetimes are reported for the eight Br-like ions with 43≤Z≤50, namely Tc IX, Ru X, Rh XI, Pd XII, Ag XIII, Cd XIV, In XV, and Sn XVI. Results are listed for the lowest 375 levels, which mostly belong to the 4s24p5, 4s24p44ℓ, 4s4p6,4s24p45ℓ, 4s24p34d2, 4s4p54ℓ, and 4s4p55ℓ configurations. Extensive configuration interaction among 39 configurations (generating 3990 levels) has been considered and the general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (grasp) has been adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates are listed for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions involving the lowest 375 levels. Previous experimental and theoretical energies are available for only a few levels of three, namely Ru X, Rh XI and Pd XII. Differences with the measured energies are up to 4% but the present results are an improvement (by up to 0.3 Ryd) in comparison to other recently reported theoretical data. Similarly for radiative rates and lifetimes, prior results are limited to those involving only 31 levels of the 4s24p5, 4s24p44d, and 4s4p6 configurations for the last four ions. Moreover, there are generally no discrepancies with our results, although the larger calculations reported here differ by up to two orders of magnitude for a few transitions.


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Real-time remote sales assistance is an underdeveloped component of online sales services. Solutions involving web page text chat, telephony and video support prove problematic when seeking to remotely guide customers in their sales processes, especially with configurations of physically complex artefacts. Recently, there has been great interest in the application of virtual worlds and augmented reality to create synthetic environments for remote sales of physical artefacts. However, there is a lack of analysis and development of appropriate software services to support these processes. We extend our previous work with the detailed design of configuration context services to support the management of an interactive sales session using augmented reality. We detail the context and configuration services required, presenting a novel data service streaming configuration information to the vendor for business analytics. We expect that a fully implemented configuration management service, based on our design, will improve the remote sales experience for both customers and vendors alike via analysis of the streamed information.


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In this paper we introduce the idea of "social contraptions", which are interactive physical devices employed as designerly explorations of social relations as mediated by physical space and artefacts. We present two independent but related design explorations that were situated in fine art and industrial research contexts. We argue that these contraptions open up for exploration some interaction issues related to the theme of ’Embodied Facilitation'. This is particularly in relation to awareness and coordination between interactants as mediated by the spatial and material configuration of the contraptions. These methods, as well as the insights gained from them can contribute to the development of the emerging field of embodied interaction.


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In this paper two-dimensional (2-D) numerical investigation of flow past four square cylinders in an in-line square configuration are performed using the lattice Boltzmann method. The gap spacing g=s/d is set at 1, 3 and 6 and Reynolds number ranging from Re=60 to 175. We observed four distinct wake patterns: (i) a steady wake pattern (Re=60 and g=1) (ii) a stable shielding wake pattern (80≤Re≤175 and g=1) (iii) a wiggling shielding wake pattern (60≤Re≤175 and g=3) (iv) a vortex shedding wake pattern (60≤Re≤175 and g=6) At g=1, the Reynolds number is observed to have a strong effect on the wake patterns. It is also found that at g=1, the secondary cylinder interaction frequency significantly contributes for drag and lift coefficients signal. It is found that the primary vortex shedding frequency dominates the flow and the role of secondary cylinder interaction frequency almost vanish at g=6. It is observed that the jet between the gaps strongly influenced the wake interaction for different gap spacing and Reynolds number combination. To fully understand the wake transformations the details vorticity contour visualization, power spectra of lift coefficient signal and time signal analysis of drag and lift coefficients also presented in this paper.


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Executive Summary This project has commenced an exploration of learning and information experiences in the QUT Cube. Understanding learning in this environment has the potential to inform current implementations and future project development. In this report, we present early findings from the first phase of an investigation into what makes learning possible in the context of a giant interactive multi-media display such as the QUT Cube, which is an award-winning configuration that hosts several projects.


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The (overall trans) addition of hydrogen chloride to cyclohex-1- enecarbonitrile in anhydrous alcoholic media proceeds to give cis-2-chlorocyclohexanecarboxylate (together with some cis-2- chlorocyclohexanecarboxamide): no corresponding products with the trans-configuration are detectable. In anhydrous ether the addition proceeds to give a single isomer, presumably cis-, of 2-chlorocyclohexanecarbonitrile, indicating that the configuration of the products may not be equilibrium-controlled in alcoholic media. An examination of the steric factors indicates that the transition state for protonation of the presumed intermediate, 2-chlorocyclohexylidenemethylideneimine, leading to cis-product is favoured if interaction between the lateral π-orbital of the C-N double bond and the lone-pairs on the chlorine atom at the 2-position is large. Consideration of interactions in the transition states meets Zimmerman's criticism that invoking A1, 3 interaction existing in ground states to explain product configuration takes insufficient account of the Curtin-Hammett principle.


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Coulomb interaction strengths (Udd and Uff) have been calculated from Hartree-Fock-Slater atomic calculations for 3d transition and 5f actinide elements, respectively. By decomposing the different contributions to the response (screening) to the 3d charge fluctuation, we show that a substantial reduction in Udd arises due to the relaxation of the 3d charge distribution itself. This, combined with the screening due to the response of the 4s charge density, is shown to provide a very compact screening charge comparable to the metallic case, explaining the success of the atomic calculations for estimating U even in the metals. A pronounced dependence of Udd (or Uff) on the number of electrons nd (nf) or the electronic configuration is also shown here.


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The concept of short range strong spin-two (f) field (mediated by massive f-mesons) and interacting directly with hadrons was introduced along with the infinite range (g) field in early seventies. In the present review of this growing area (often referred to as strong gravity) we give a general relativistic treatment in terms of Einstein-type (non-abelian gauge) field equations with a coupling constant Gf reverse similar, equals 1038 GN (GN being the Newtonian constant) and a cosmological term λf ƒ;μν (ƒ;μν is strong gravity metric and λf not, vert, similar 1028 cm− is related to the f-meson mass). The solutions of field equations linearized over de Sitter (uniformly curves) background are capable of having connections with internal symmetries of hadrons and yielding mass formulae of SU(3) or SU(6) type. The hadrons emerge as de Sitter “microuniverses” intensely curved within (radius of curvature not, vert, similar10−14 cm).The study of spinor fields in the context of strong gravity has led to Heisenberg's non-linear spinor equation with a fundamental length not, vert, similar2 × 10−14 cm. Furthermore, one finds repulsive spin-spin interaction when two identical spin-Image particles are in parallel configuration and a connection between weak interaction and strong gravity.Various other consequences of strong gravity embrace black hole (solitonic) solutions representing hadronic bags with possible quark confinement, Regge-like relations between spins and masses, connection with monopoles and dyons, quantum geons and friedmons, hadronic temperature, prevention of gravitational singularities, providing a physical basis for Dirac's two metric and large numbers hypothesis and projected unification with other basic interactions through extended supergravity.


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The non-resonant perturbation formula for the measurement of interaction impedance of a folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was derived for the relevant electromagnetic field configuration at the axis of the beam-hole of the structure. Efficacy of the theory was benchmarked through virtual measurement using 3D electromagnetic modeling in CST-studio.


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A method for modelling and predicting the noise generated by the interaction between the unsteady wake shed from the rotor and a downstream row of stators in a modern ultra-high bypass ducted turbofan engine is described. An analytically-based model is developed to account for three main features of the problem. First, the way in which a typical unsteady wake disturbance from the rotor interacts and is distorted by the mean swirling flow as it propagates downstream. The analysis allows for the inclusion of mean entropy gradients and entropy perturbations. Second, the effects of real stator-blade geometry and proper representation of the genuinely three-dimensional nature of the problem. Third, to model the propagation of the resulting noise back upstream in mean swirling flow. The analytical nature of the problem allows for the inclusion of all wake harmonics and enables the response at all blade passing frequencies to be determined. Example results are presented for an initial wake distribution corresponding to a genuine rotor configuration. Comparisons between numerical data and the asymptotic model for the wake evolution are made. Copyright © 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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An experimental study was conducted on shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions caused by a blunt swept fin-plate configuration at Mach numbers of 5.0, 7.8, 9.9 for a Reynolds number range of (1.0.similar to 4.7) x 10(7)/m. Detailed heat transfer and pressure distributions were measured at fin deflection angles of up to 30 degrees for a sweepback angle of 67.6 degrees. Surface oil flow patterns and liquid crystal thermograms as well as schlieren pictures of fin shock shape were taken. The study shows that the flow was separated at deflection of 10 degrees and secondary separation were detected at deflection of theta greater than or equal to 20 degrees. The heat transfer and pressure distributions on flat plate showed an extensive plateau region followed by a distinct dip and local peak close to the fin foot. Measurements of the plateau pressure and heat transfer were in good agreement with existing prediction methods, but pressure and heating peak measurements at M greater than or equal to 6 were significantly lower than predicted by the simple prediction techniques at lower Mach numbers.