968 resultados para MOLECULAR-DATA


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Notes on the systematics of the orchid-bee genus Eulaema (Hymenoptera, Apidae). The classification of the genus Eulaema is modified in order to make it congruent with recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data. The speciosa group, containing E. peruviana, E. speciosa and related species, is removed from E. (Eulaema) and transferred to E. (Apeulaema). New morphological characters are presented to support the revised scope of the subgenera and their diagnostic features are revised. Six species groups are recognized herein: two in E. (Apeulaema) and four in E. (Eulaema). A list of valid species in each species group and an identification key to males of each of the subgenera and species groups are provided. Finally, an older overlooked designation of a type species for Eulaema is presented in the Appendix.


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Gesneriaceae are represented in the New World (NW) by a major clade (c. 1000 species) currently recognized as subfamily Gesnerioideae. Radiation of this group occurred in all biomes of tropical America and was accompanied by extensive phenotypic and ecological diversification. Here we performed phylogenetic analyses using DNA sequences from three plastid loci to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Gesnerioideae and to investigate its relationship with other lineages of Gesneriaceae and Lamiales. Our molecular data confirm the inclusion of the South Pacific Coronanthereae and the Old World (OW) monotypic genus Titanotrichum in Gesnerioideae and the sister-group relationship of this subfamily to the rest of the OW Gesneriaceae. Calceolariaceae and the NW genera Peltanthera and Sanango appeared successively sister to Gesneriaceae, whereas Cubitanthus, which has been previously assigned to Gesneriaceae, is shown to be related to Linderniaceae. Based on molecular dating and biogeographical reconstruction analyses, we suggest that ancestors of Gesneriaceae originated in South America during the Late Cretaceous. Distribution of Gesneriaceae in the Palaeotropics and Australasia was inferred as resulting from two independent long-distance dispersals during the Eocene and Oligocene, respectively. In a short time span starting at 34 Mya, ancestors of Gesnerioideae colonized several Neotropical regions including the tropical Andes, Brazilian Atlantic forest, cerrado, Central America and the West Indies. Subsequent diversification within these areas occurred largely in situ and was particularly extensive in the mountainous systems of the Andes, Central America and the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Only two radiations account for 90% of the diversity of Gesneriaceae in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, whereas half of the species richness in the northern Andes and Central America originated during the last 10 Myr from a single radiation.


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We examined sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp, n = 73) and control region (842-851 bp, n = 74) in the Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus (Pallas, 1771)), with samples drawn from across its range, from Western Europe to Japan. Phylogeographic analyses revealed region-specific haplotype groupings combined with overall low levels of inter-regional genetic divergence. Despite the enormous intervening distance, European and East Asian samples showed a net nucleotide divergence of only 0.36%. Based on an evolutionary rate for the cytochrome b gene of 2.4%(.)(site(.)lineage(.)million years)(-1), the initial divergence time of these populations is estimated at around 80 000 years before present. Our findings are consistent with available fossil evidence that has recorded repeated cycles of extinction and recolonization of Europe by M. minutus through the Quaternary. The molecular data further suggest that recolonization occurred from refugia in the Central to East Asian region. Japanese haplotypes of M. minutus, with the exception of those from Tsushima Is., show limited nucleotide diversity (0.15%) compared with those found on the adjacent Korean Peninsula. This finding suggests recent colonization of the Japanese Archipelago, probably around the last glacial period, followed by rapid population growth.


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Sex chromosomes are expected to evolve suppressed recombination, which leads to degeneration of the Y and heteromorphism between the X and Y. Some sex chromosomes remain homomorphic, however, and the factors that prevent degeneration of the Y in these cases are not well understood. The homomorphic sex chromosomes of the European tree frogs (Hyla spp.) present an interesting paradox. Recombination in males has never been observed in crossing experiments, but molecular data are suggestive of occasional recombination between the X and Y. The hypothesis that these sex chromosomes recombine has not been tested statistically, however, nor has the X-Y recombination rate been estimated. Here, we use approximate Bayesian computation coupled with coalescent simulations of sex chromosomes to quantify X-Y recombination rate from existent data. We find that microsatellite data from H. arborea, H. intermedia and H. molleri support a recombination rate between X and Y that is significantly different from zero. We estimate that rate to be approximately 10(5) times smaller than that between X chromosomes. Our findings support the notion that very low recombination rate may be sufficient to maintain homomorphism in sex chromosomes.


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The sense of touch relies on detection of mechanical stimuli by specialized mechanosensory neurons. The scarcity of molecular data has made it difficult to analyze development of mechanoreceptors and to define the basis of their diversity and function. We show that the transcription factor c-Maf/c-MAF is crucial for mechanosensory function in mice and humans. The development and function of several rapidly adapting mechanoreceptor types are disrupted in c-Maf mutant mice. In particular, Pacinian corpuscles, a type of mechanoreceptor specialized to detect high-frequency vibrations, are severely atrophied. In line with this, sensitivity to high-frequency vibration is reduced in humans carrying a dominant mutation in the c-MAF gene. Thus, our work identifies a key transcription factor specifying development and function of mechanoreceptors and their end organs.


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Schmidtea mediterranea (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) is found in scattered localities on a few islands and in coastal areas of the western Mediterranean. Although S. mediterranea is the object of many regeneration studies, little is known about its evolutionary history. Its present distribution has been proposed to stem from the fragmentation and migration of the Corsica-Sardinia microplate during the formation of the western Mediterranean basin, which implies an ancient origin for the species. To test this hypothesis, we obtained a large number of samples from across its distribution area. Using known and new molecular markers and, for the first time in planarians, a molecular clock, we analysed the genetic variability and demographic parameters within the species and between its sexual and asexual populations to estimate when they diverged. Results: A total of 2 kb from three markers (COI, CYB and a nuclear intron N13) was amplified from ~200 specimens. Molecular data clustered the studied populations into three groups that correspond to the west, central and southeastern geographical locations of the current distribution of S. mediterranea. Mitochondrial genes show low haplotype and nucleotide diversity within populations but demonstrate higher values when all individuals are considered. The nuclear marker shows higher values of genetic diversity than the mitochondrial genes at the population level, but asexual populations present lower variability than the sexual ones. Neutrality tests are significant for some populations. Phylogenetic and dating analyses show the three groups to be monophyletic, with the west group being the basal group. The time when the diversification of the species occurred is between ~20 and ~4 mya, although the asexual nature of the western populations could have affected the dating analyses. Conclusions: S. mediterranea is an old species that is sparsely distributed in a harsh habitat, which is probably the consequence of the migration of the Corsica-Sardinia block. This species probably adapted to temperate climates in the middle of a changing Mediterranean climate that eventually became dry and hot. These data also suggest that in the mainland localities of Europe and Africa, sexual individuals of S. mediterranea are being replaced by asexual individuals that are either conspecific or are from other species that are better adapted to the Mediterranean climate.


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We compared specimens of Tripterygion tripteronotus from 52 localities of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters, using four gene sequences (12S rRNA, tRNA-valine, 16S rRNA and COI) and morphological characters. Two well-differentiated clades with a mean genetic divergence of 6.89±0.73% were found with molecular data, indicating the existence of two different species. These two species have disjunctive geographic distribution areas without any molecular hybrid populations. Subtle but diagnostic morphological differences were also present between the two species. T. tripteronotus is restricted to the northern Mediterranean basin, from the NE coast of Spain to Greece and Turkey, including the islands of Malta and Cyprus. T. tartessicum n. sp. is geographically distributed along the southern coast of Spain, from Cape of La Nao to the Gulf of Cadiz, the Balearic Islands and northern Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia. According to molecular data, these two species could have diverged during the Pliocene glaciations 2.7-3.6 Mya.


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Because of their role in limiting gene flow, geographical barriers like mountains or seas often coincide with intraspecific genetic discontinuities. Although the Strait of Gibraltar represents such a potential barrier for both plants and animals, few studies have been conducted on its impact on gene flow. Here we test this effect on a bat species (Myotis myotis) which is apparently distributed on both sides of the strait. Six colonies of 20 Myotis myotis each were sampled in southern Spain and northern Morocco along a linear transect of 1350 km. Results based on six nuclear microsatellite loci reveal no significant population structure within regions, but a complete isolation between bats sampled on each side of the strait. Variability at 600 bp of a mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b) confirms the existence of two genetically distinct and perfectly segregating clades, which diverged several million years ago. Despite the narrowness of the Gibraltar Strait (14 km), these molecular data suggest that neither males, nor females from either region have ever reproduced on the opposite side of the strait. Comparisons of molecular divergence with bats from a closely related species (M. blythii) suggest that the North African clade is possibly a distinct taxon warranting full species rank. We provisionally refer to it as Myotis cf punicus Felten 1977, but a definitive systematic understanding of the whole Mouse-eared bat species complex awaits further genetic sampling, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean areas.


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RESUME :Les fourmis du groupe Formica rufa, ou fourmis des bois, ainsi appelées en raison de leur préférence pour les écosystèmes forestiers, sont parmi les fourmis les plus fascinantes et les plus étudiées d'Europe. Ces fourmis jouent un rôle clé dans la plupart des forêts dans lesquelles elles vivent et sont considérées comme étant les meilleurs bioindicateurs de ces milieux. Pour ces raisons, les fourmis des bois sont protégées par la loi dans de nombreux pays européens, y compris en Suisse. Cependant, malgré leur protection, ces fourmis sont inscrites sur la liste rouge des espèces menacées dans plusieurs pays d'Europe et il est donc indispensable de bien les connaître afin de mieux les protéger.À l'heure actuelle, on considère que le groupe Formica rufa est composé de six espèces distinctes : F. rufa, F. polyctena, F. lugubris, F. paralugubris, F. aquilonia et F. pratensis. Toutefois, malgré la grande quantité d'études effectuées sur ces espèces, la systématique et l'identification des fourmis des bois sont toujours sujettes à discussion. Ceci est essentiellement dû au fait que ces espèces sont morphologiquement similaires et qu'elles sont parfois capables de s'hybrider ou de former des colonies mixtes.Une des conditions fondamentales pour toute étude en biologie de la conservation est l'identification correcte des espèces à protéger. Avec cette étude, nous désirons donc dénouer les problèmes liés à la systématique des fourmis des bois et analyser la diversité de ces espèces en adoptant une approche multidisciplinaire.Nous avons d'abord étudié la distribution des espèces jumelles F. lugubris et F. paralugubris dans les Álpes italiennes en re-analysant l'une des plus grandes collections de références sur ces espèces, déposée à l'Université de Pavie, Italie, et en récoltant de nouveaux échantillons sur le terrain. Nos analyses ont montré que F, paralugubris, décrite récemment et souvent «oubliée »par les chercheurs, est bien présente dans les Alpes et vit souvent en sympathie avec F. lugubris. Ensuite nous avons développé un outil moléculaire basé sur l'ADN mitochondrial pour une identification rapide et efficace de ces deux espèces. Au vu des bons résultats, nous avons étendu nos analyses génétiques (microsatellites) à toutes les espèces du groupe F. rufa, ce qui nous a permis de montrer que les outils moléculaires sont très efficaces pour identifier ces fourmis. En outre, nos analyses ont mis en évidence la présence d'une nouvelle espèce cryptique (appelée F. lugubris-X) au sein du Parc National Suisse. L'existence d'une nouvelle espèce peut avoir une grande influence sur les projets de conservation en faveur de ces espèces. Nous avons donc décidé de confirmer ce résultat avec des analyses comportementales et des analyses chimiques basées sur les phéromones sexuelles des différentes espèces, y compris F. lugubris-X. Les deux approches confirment nos données génétiques et indiquent que F. lugubris-X représente bel et bien une nouvelle espèce de fourmis des bois dans les Alpes Suisses.Les résultats de cette étude ont une grande importance du point de vue de la biodiversité. En plus, ils livrent aux futurs chercheurs des outils fiables pour l'identification des fourmis des bois et ouvrent de captivantes perspectives pour une meilleure protection de ces insectes et, par conséquent, de nos écosystèmes forestiers. .Abstract :Mound building red wood ants (species of the Formica rufa group) belong to one of the most studied groups of ants in Europe and have fundamental roles and positive effects in forested habitats of the northern hemisphere. In addition, they are considered among the most promising bioindicators of forest ecosystems. Because of their importance, these ants are protected by law in many European countries, including Switzerland. However, despite this protection, they are included on the red list of threatened species edited by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and on the red list of some particular countries like Switzerland. Because of their similar morphology and a high intraspecific variability, the morphological identification of these species can be quite complicated. In addition, they are sometimes able to hybridize or to form mixed colonies. Consequently, the taxonomy of this group of ants has been much debated during the past decades. Based on a phylogenetic study, today the group is considered to count six species in Europe: F. rufa, F. po/yctena, F. lugubris, F. paralugubris, F. aquilonia and F. pratensis. Nevertheless, the taxonomy of the group is often neglected mainly due to the lack of reliable and easy to use identification methods.Considering the importance of correct species assessment in conservation biology, in this study we want to disentangle the taxonomical difficulties within the Formica rufa group and to clarify the diversity of these protected ants, by using an integrative approach.We first analyzed the distribution of .the sibling species F. lugubris and F. paralugubris in the Italian Alps by collecting new samples on the field and by examining one of the major red wood ant collections, which is deposited at the University of Pavia, Italy. After that, we developed a molecular tool based on mitochondria) DNA, which provides a reliable and easy-to-use technique for the identification of F. lugubris and F. paralugubris. Afterwards, we extended the use of molecular markers for species identification to the whole F. rufa group and made a microsatellite analysis. Results confirm that molecular markers are consistent tools for species identification and that the six known species represent six different genetic pools. In addition, genetic data highlighted the existence of a new cryptic species in the Swiss Alps, called Formica lugubris-X.The presence of a new species can have a great influence on future conservation plans in favour of these protected ants and consequently for forested habitats. We therefore completed molecular data by behavioural (pupae recognition) and chemical analyses based on six pheromones of the entire F. rufa group. Both approaches are in accordance to genetic results and confirm that F. lugubris-X really represents a new cryptic species of red wood ant within the Swiss National Park (Eastern Swiss Alps).Results obtained in this study have a great importance in terms of biodiversity. Moreover, they provide important taxonomical information, reliable tools for species identifications and future perspectives for a consequent conservation of red wood ant species.


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The precise generic delimitation of Aliella andPhagnalon, and their closest relatives within the Gnaphalieae are discussed in this review. Among the main results obtained, wehave found that the genera Aliella and Phagnalon are nested withinthe “Relhania clade” and Anisothrix, Athrixia and Pentatrichia aretheir closest relatives. Macowania is also part of the “Relhaniaclade”, whereas the subtribal affinities of Philyrophyllum liewithin the “crown radiation clade”. The monophyly of Aliellaand Phagnalon is not supported statistically. In addition,Aliella appears to be paraphylethic in most of the analysesperformed. The resulting phylogeny suggests an African origin forthe ancestor of Aliella and Phagnalon and identifies three mainclades within Phagnalon that constitute the following naturalgroups on a geographic basis: (1) the Irano-Turanian clade; (2) the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade; and (3) the Yemen-Ethiopian clade. Some endemics to Yemen and Ethiopia appeared merged in the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade, providing new evidence of the phytogeographical links betweenMacaronesia, Eastern Africa and Southern Arabia. Incongruities between thechloroplast and nuclear molecular data and the lack of resolution in some clades mayindicate that hybridization could have played an important role in the evolution anddiversification of both Phagnalon and Aliella.


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Climate-driven range fluctuations during the Pleistocene have continuously reshaped species distribution leading to populations of contrasting genetic diversity. Contemporary climate change is similarly influencing species distribution and population structure, with important consequences for patterns of genetic diversity and species' evolutionary potential1. Yet few studies assess the impacts of global climatic changes on intraspecific genetic variation2, 3, 4, 5. Here, combining analyses of molecular data with time series of predicted species distributions and a model of diffusion through time over the past 21 kyr, we unravel caribou response to past and future climate changes across its entire Holarctic distribution. We found that genetic diversity is geographically structured with two main caribou lineages, one originating from and confined to Northeastern America, the other originating from Euro-Beringia but also currently distributed in western North America. Regions that remained climatically stable over the past 21 kyr maintained a high genetic diversity and are also predicted to experience higher climatic stability under future climate change scenarios. Our interdisciplinary approach, combining genetic data and spatial analyses of climatic stability (applicable to virtually any taxon), represents a significant advance in inferring how climate shapes genetic diversity and impacts genetic structure.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of rice (Oryza sativa) landraces collected in Brazilian small farms. Twelve simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers characterized 417 landraces collected in 1986, 1987 and 2003, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The number of landraces with long and thin grain type increased in the evaluated period, probably due to market demand. Based on the molecular data, the genetic variability increased during this period and, as per to the factorial correspondence analysis, most of the accessions were grouped according to the year of collection. The incorporation of modern rice cultivars in landrace cultivation areas and the selection carried out by small farmers are the most probable factors responsible for increasing landrace genetic variability, during the evaluated period. Genotype exchange between farmers, selection practice and local environmental adaptation are able to generate novel adapted allele combinations, which can be used by breeding programs, to reinitiate the process.


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The present work aimed at evaluating the divergence among common bean accessions by their agronomic, morphological and molecular traits, based on the Ward-MLM procedure. A collection of 57 accessions from the gene bank of Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo was used in this study, from which: 31 were landraces belonging to the community Fortaleza, in the municipality of Muqui, ES, Brazil; 20 accessions were provided by Embrapa Trigo; and 6 were commercial cultivars. Five agronomic traits (plant cycle, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds, and grain yield), five morphological traits (growth habit, plant size, seed shape, seed color, and commercial group) and 16 microsatellite primers were evaluated. High genetic variability was detected considering morphological, agronomic and molecular traits in the 57 common bean accessions studied. The Ward-MLM procedure showed that the ideal number of groups was five, according to the pseudo F and pseudo t² criteria. The accessions from Andean origin had heavier seeds than others and formed a cluster. The Ward-MLM statistical procedure is a useful technique to detect genetic divergence and to cluster genotypes by simultaneously using morphological, agronomic and molecular data.


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The term "spindle cell liposarcoma" has been applied to liposarcomas (LPSs) composed predominantly or exclusively of spindled cells. These tumors have been considered variants of well-differentiated LPS (WDL), myxoid LPS, and spindle cell lipoma, suggesting that this is a heterogenous group of lesions. Using strict morphologic criteria and molecular and immunohistochemical analyses, we have identified a homogenous group of spindle cell lipomatous tumors, histologically and genetically distinct from other forms of LPS, which we have called "fibrosarcoma-like lipomatous neoplasm." Cases classified as "spindle cell LPS" or "low-grade LPS with spindle cell features" were reviewed. Final selection criteria included: (1) an exclusive low-grade spindle cell component resembling fibrosarcoma; (2) a mixture of bland fibroblastic cells resembling the preadipocyte and early-adipocyte stage of embryonic fat; and (3) molecular-genetic analysis that excluded other forms of lipomatous tumors. Of the initial 25 cases identified, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was uninformative in 2 cases; 5 were reclassified as WDL on the basis of molecular data (MDM2 amplification) and 6 as spindle cell lipoma (CGH profiles with a few gains and losses including a constant loss of chromosome 13 and frequent losses of chromosomes 16 and 6). The 12 remaining cases showed flat CGH profiles; of these cases, 11 were negative for DDIT3 gene rearrangements, and 1 result was uninterpretable. Patients ranged in age from 15 to 82 years (mean 50 y); male patients were affected slightly more often (7:5). Tumors arose in the deep (6) and superficial (3) soft tissue of the groin (4), buttock (3), thigh (2), flank (1), shoulder (1), and paratesticular tissue (1) and ranged in size from 2 to 20 cm (mean 7.5 cm). Clinical follow-up in 11 patients (9 mo to 20 y; mean 68 mo) showed no recurrences or metastases. As defined above, "fibrosarcoma-like lipomatous neoplasm" is a unique lipomatous tumor that should be distinguished from WDL/(low-grade) dedifferentiated LPS and myxoid LPS on combined histologic/molecular features because of its better prognosis.


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Les Champignons Endomycorhiziens Arbusculaires (CEA) forment une symbiose racinaire avec environ 80% des espèces connues de plantes vasculaires. Ils occupent une position écologique très importante liée aux bénéfices qu'ils confèrent aux plantes. Des études moléculaires effectuées sur des gènes ribosomaux ont révélé un très grand polymorphisme, tant à l'intérieur des espèces qu'entre celles-ci. Ces champignons étant coenocytiques et multinucléés, l'organisation de cette variabilité génétique intraspécifique pourrait avoir différentes origines. Ce travail se propose d'examiner l'organisation et l'évolution de cette variabilité. Sur la base de fossiles, l'existence des CEA remonte à au moins 450 millions d'années. Cette symbiose peut donc être considérée comme ancienne. Les premières données moléculaires n'indiquant pas de reproduction sexuée, une hypothèse fut élaborée stipulant que les CEA seraient des asexués ancestraux. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre 2) met en évidence l'existence de recombinaison dans différents CEA mais montre également que celle-ci est insuffisante pour purger les mutations accumulées. La reproduction étant essentiellement asexuée, on peut prédire que les nombreux noyaux ont probablement divergé génétiquement. En collaboration avec M. Hijri nous avons pu vérifier cette hypothèse (chapitre 2). Dans le chapitre 3 j'ai cherché à comprendre si le polymorphisme était également présent dans une population naturelle du CEA Glomus intraradices au niveau intraspécifique, ce qui n'avait encore jamais été examiné. En comparant les empreintes génétiques d'individus obtenus chacun à partir d'une spore mise en culture, j'ai clairement démontré que d'importantes différences génétiques existent entre ceux-ci. Un résultat similaire, portant sur des traits quantitatifs d'individus de la même population, a été trouvé par A. Koch. Les deux études en ensemble montre que le polymorphisme génétique dans cette population est suffisamment grand pour être important au niveau écologique. Dans le chapitre 4, j'ai cherché a examiner le polymorphisme des séquences du gène BiP au sein d'un individu. C'est la première étude qui examine la diversité génétique du génome de CEA avec un autre marqueur que l'ADN ribosomique. J'ai trouvé 31 types de séquences différentes du gène BiP issu d'un isolat de G. intraradices mis en culture à partir d'une seule spore. Cette variation n'était pas restreinte à des zones sélectivement neutres du BiP. Mes résultats montrent qu'il y a un grand nombre de variants non-fonctionnels, proportionnellement au faible nombre de copies attendues par noyau. Ceci va dans le sens d'une partition de l'information génétique entre les noyaux.<br/><br/>Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are root symbionts with about 80% of all known species of vascular land plants. AMF are ecologically important because of the benefits that they confer to plants. Molecular studies on AMF showed that rDNA sequences were highly variable between species and within species. Because AMF are coenocytic and multinucleate there are several possibilities how this intraspecific genetic variation could be organized. Therefore, the organization and evolution of this variation in AMF were investigated in the present work. Based on fossil records the AMF symbiosis has existed for 450 Million years and is therefore considered ancient. First molecular data indicated no evident sexual reproduction and gave rise to the hypothesis that AMF might be ancient asexuals. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) shows evidence for recombination in different AMF but also indicates that it has not been frequent enough to purge accumulated mutations. Given asexual reproduction, it has been predicted that the many nuclei in AMF should diverge leading to genetically different nuclei. This hypothesis has been confirmed by an experiment of M. Hijri and is also included in chapter 2 as the results were published together. In chapter 3 I then investigated whether intraspecific genetic variation also exists in a field population of the AMF Glomus intraradices. Comparing genetic fingerprints of individuals derived from single spores I could clearly show that large genetic differences exist. A similar result, based on quantitative genetic traits, was found for the same population by A. Koch. The two studies taken together show that the genetic variation observed in the population is high enough to be of ecological relevance. Lastly, in chapter 4, I investigated within individual genetic variation among BiP gene sequences. It is the first study that has analyzed genetic diversity in the AMF genome in a region of DNA other than rDNA. I found 31 sequence variants of the BiP gene in one G. intraradices isolate that originated from one spore. Genetic variation was not only restricted to selectively neutral parts of BiP. A high number of predicted non-functional variants compared to a likely low number of copies per nucleus indicated that functional genetic information might even be partitioned among nuclei. The results of this work contribute to our understanding of potential evolutionary strategies of ancient asexuals, they also suggest that genetic differences in a population might be ecologically relevant and they show that this variation even occurs in functional regions of the AMF genome.