936 resultados para MODEL ANALYSIS
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dois métodos de filtragem são combinados neste trabalho com a finalidade de ressaltar determinadas feições, em um mapa aeromagnético, tais como lineamentos e anomalias de grande porte, provindos do embasamento. A filtragem visual consiste na observação estereoscópica de pares de mapas, especialmente elaborados para este fim. A filtragem numérica consiste na eliminação dos componentes espectrais indesejáveis (ruído) e no realce dos componentes espectrais de interesse (sinal). Ambos os métodos foram aplicados a mapas aeromagnéticos da Bacia do Médio Amazonas. As operações de filtragem numérica foram todas efetuadas no domínio dos espaços, através de convolução dos dados com filtros de dimensões 13x13. A análise preliminar do espectro é enfatizada como guia na elaboração de filtros. Os resultados da aplicação de cada filtro são discutidos em detalhe. Além das filtragens visual e numérica, vários modelos de falhas e de anomalias do intraembasamento e do supraembasemento são apresentados. A análise de modelos constitui um método de interpretação independente e complementar dos métodos de filtragens. Uma interpretação estrutural do embasamento da Bacia do Médio Amazonas é incluída. As direções principais dos lineamentos aeromagnéticos são E-W, NW60°, N-S, NF45° e NE6O°. Dois grabens sao bem evidenciados um com direção N-S, o mais recente próximo à borda do Alto do Purus. O outro, mais antigo, situa-se a leste do primeiro e tem direção NE45°. Duas anomalias de grande e médio porte (15-60km) possuem magnetização remanente com altos valores de inclinação negativa, o que corrobora a posição muito mais ao sul da Bacia Amazônica, no Paleozóico. Na integração dos dados aeromagnéticos com outros dados geofísicos, como sísmica e gravimetria, e resultados de fotointerpretação geológica, a consistência das informações independentes, em relação à interpretação aeromagnética, concorre para aumentar a viabilidade e a confiabilidade das técnicas aplica das neste trabalho.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper we present two studies, the first one completed and the second one in development, which are based in teaching approaches that propose the qualitative study of mathematical models as a strategy for the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts. These teaching approaches focus on subjects from Higher Education such as Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations and Topics of Differential and Integral Calculus. We denominate this common aspect of the teaching approaches as Model Analysis and in a preliminary level we relate it with Mathematical Modeling. Furthermore, we discuss some questions related with the choice of the theme and the role of Digital Technologies when Model Analysis is applied.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Aims: Development of effective immune-based therapies for patients with non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) depends on an accurate characterization of complex interactions that occur between immune cells and the tumour environment. Methods and results: Innate and adaptive immune responses were evaluated in relation to prognosis in 65 patients with surgically excised NSCLC. Immunohistochemistry and morphometry were used to determine the abundance and distribution of immune cells. We found low numbers of immune cells and levels of cytokines in the tumour environment when compared with surrounding parenchyma. Smoking was associated inversely with the adaptive immune response and directly with innate immunity. We observed a prominent adaptive immune response in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) but greater innate immune responses in adenocarcinomas and large cell carcinomas. Cox model analysis showed a low risk of death for smoking <41 packs/year, N-0 tambour stage, squamous carcinoma, CD4(+) > 16.81% and macrophages/monocytes >4.5%. Collectively, the data indicate that in NSCLC there is not a substantive local immune cell infiltrate within the tumour. Conclusion: Although immune cell infiltration is limited in NSCLC it appears to have an impact on prognosis and this may be of relevance for new immunotherapeutic approaches.
Background: Some studies have reported a decreased absorption of mycophenolic acid (MPA) from mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in renal transplanted (RTx) patients under proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs). There is still a lack of information regarding (1) whether this effect occurs when MMF is administered with either tacrolimus or cyclosporine A [calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs)], (2) whether the effect has the same amplitude during the first year after RTx, and finally (3) whether this decrease in exposure is clinically relevant. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the omeprazole effect in 348 12-hour pharmacokinetic samplings [area under the curve (AUC) 0-12h] performed on days 7, 14, 30, 60, 180, and 360 after RTx in 77 patients who participated in previous trials. Results: For all periods, the groups with and without PPI did not differ in all variables. By mixed-model analysis of variance, PPI reduced the MPA AUC(0-12h) (P < 0.0008) in the patients under both CNIs mainly due to decreased absorption (P = 0.049). In the tacrolimus group, a lower exposure seemed also due to a decreased MPA reabsorption at 10-12 hours. The PPI effect remains throughout the first year but was clinically more important on day 7. By Cox analysis, the use of PPI was associated with a 25% less chance of being adequately exposed to MPA (95% confidence interval 0.58-0.99, P = 0.04). Similarly, the number of patients underexposed to MPA (AUC < 30 ng.h/mL) was higher at most periods in the PPI group but again not statistically significant. Conclusions: These data indicate that PPI decreases the MPA exposure when associated with both CNIs but particularly in the first week after RTx. In this period, the MMF dose should be increased. This effect lasts throughout the first year but does not seem to be clinically relevant after the first week.
This PhD thesis discusses the rationale for design and use of synthetic oligosaccharides for the development of glycoconjugate vaccines and the role of physicochemical methods in the characterization of these vaccines. The study concerns two infectious diseases that represent a serious problem for the national healthcare programs: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections. Both pathogens possess distinctive carbohydrate structures that have been described as suitable targets for the vaccine design. The Group A Streptococcus cell membrane polysaccharide (GAS-PS) is an attractive vaccine antigen candidate based on its conserved, constant expression pattern and the ability to confer immunoprotection in a relevant mouse model. Analysis of the immunogenic response within at-risk populations suggests an inverse correlation between high anti-GAS-PS antibody titres and GAS infection cases. Recent studies show that a chemically synthesized core polysaccharide-based antigen may represent an antigenic structural determinant of the large polysaccharide. Based on GAS-PS structural analysis, the study evaluates the potential to exploit a synthetic design approach to GAS vaccine development and compares the efficiency of synthetic antigens with the long isolated GAS polysaccharide. Synthetic GAS-PS structural analogues were specifically designed and generated to explore the impact of antigen length and terminal residue composition. For the HIV-1 glycoantigens, the dense glycan shield on the surface of the envelope protein gp120 was chosen as a target. This shield masks conserved protein epitopes and facilitates virus spread via binding to glycan receptors on susceptible host cells. The broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody 2G12 binds a cluster of high-mannose oligosaccharides on the gp120 subunit of HIV-1 Env protein. This oligomannose epitope has been a subject to the synthetic vaccine development. The cluster nature of the 2G12 epitope suggested that multivalent antigen presentation was important to develop a carbohydrate based vaccine candidate. I describe the development of neoglycoconjugates displaying clustered HIV-1 related oligomannose carbohydrates and their immunogenic properties.
The vertical profile of aerosol in the planetary boundary layer of the Milan urban area is studied in terms of its development and chemical composition in a high-resolution modelling framework. The period of study spans a week in summer of 2007 (12-18 July), when continuous LIDAR measurements and a limited set of balloon profiles were collected in the frame of the ASI/QUITSAT project. LIDAR observations show a diurnal development of an aerosol plume that lifts early morning surface emissions to the top of the boundary layer, reaching maximum concentration around midday. Mountain breeze from Alps clean the bottom of the aerosol layer, typically leaving a residual layer at around 1500-2000 m which may survive for several days. During the last two days under analysis, a dust layer transported from Sahara reaches the upper layers of Milan area and affects the aerosol vertical distribution in the boundary layer. Simulation from the MM5/CHIMERE modelling system, carried out at 1 km horizontal resolution, qualitatively reproduced the general features of the Milan aerosol layer observed with LIDAR, including the rise and fall of the aersol plume, the residual layer in altitude and the Saharan dust event. The simulation highlighted the importance of nitrates and secondary organics in its composition. Several sensitivity tests showed that main driving factors leading to the dominance of nitrates in the plume are temperature and gas absorption process. A modelling study turn to the analysis of the vertical aerosol profiles distribution and knowledge of the characterization of the PM at a site near the city of Milan is performed using a model system composed by a meteorological model MM5 (V3-6), the mesoscale model from PSU/NCAR and a Chemical Transport Model (CTM) CHIMERE to simulate the vertical aerosol profile. LiDAR continuous observations and balloon profiles collected during two intensive campaigns in summer 2007 and in winter 2008 in the frame of the ASI/QUITSAT project have been used to perform comparisons in order to evaluate the ability of the aerosol chemistry transport model CHIMERE to simulate the aerosols dynamics and compositions in this area. The comparisons of model aerosols with measurements are carried out over a full time period between 12 July 2007 and 18 July 2007. The comparisons demonstrate the ability of the model to reproduce correctly the aerosol vertical distributions and their temporal variability. As detected by the LiDAR, the model during the period considered, predicts a diurnal development of a plume during the morning and a clearing during the afternoon, typically the plume reaches the top of the boundary layer around mid day, in this time CHIMERE produces highest concentrations in the upper levels as detected by LiDAR. The model, moreover can reproduce LiDAR observes enhancement aerosols concentrations above the boundary layer, attributing the phenomena to dust out intrusion. Another important information from the model analysis regard the composition , it predicts that a large part of the plume is composed by nitrate, in particular during 13 and 16 July 2007 , pointing to the model tendency to overestimates the nitrous component in the particular matter vertical structure . Sensitivity study carried out in this work show that there are a combination of different factor which determine the major nitrous composition of the “plume” observed and in particular humidity temperature and the absorption phenomena are the mainly candidate to explain the principal difference in composition simulated in the period object of this study , in particular , the CHIMERE model seems to be mostly sensitive to the absorption process.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die OH-Radikalausbeuten beider Doppelbindungen von alpha-Phellandren, alpha-Terpinen, Limonen und Terpinolen bei der Ozonolyse getrennt voneinander bestimmt. Dabei wurde sich die hohe zeitliche Auflösung des PTR-MS zunutze gemacht. Es wurden die OH-Radikale mittels Cyclohexan abgefangen und aus dem daraus gebildeten Cyclohexanon die OH-Radikalausbeute berechnet. Dadurch konnten zum ersten Mal die OH-Radikalausbeuten der langsamer reagierenden Doppelbindung bestimmt werden. Es ergaben sich für alpha-Phellandren 8%11% (±3%), alpha-Terpinen 12%14% (±4%), Limonen 7%10% (±3%) und für Terpinolen 39%48% (±14%). Desweiteren wurde eine theoretische Diskussion über den Reaktionsmechanismus der Ozonolyse und dem daraus gebildetem Criegee-Intermediat durchgeführt. Dadurch konnten die OH-Radikalausbeuten erklärt werden und eine Voraussage über die OH-Radikalausbeute bei anderen Verbindungen ist mit diesen Überlegungen möglich. In einer Messkampagne in Paris konnten verschiedene VOCs und andere atmosphärisch relevante Komponenten wie Ozon, CO, NO2 und NO gemessen werden. Aus diesen Daten wurde zum einen ein Datenpaket in Igor gefertigt, welches die Interpretation der Daten erleichtern sollte. Zum anderen wurden die Daten mit einem PMF-Model analysiert.Durch die Analyse verschiedener Komponenten konnte die Frage beantwortet werden, ob die Lösungsmittelindustrie in und um Paris einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentrationen gewisser Komponenten in der Luft hat. Über die Korrelation von Benzol und Toluol mit schwarzem Kohlenstoff und den typischen Tagesverlauf mit zwei Konzentrationsmaxima dieser Komponenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass als Hauptquelle diese beiden Stoffe nur der Straßenverkehr infrage kommt. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Luftmassen die Paris erreichen einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentration gewisser Komponenten in der Luft haben. Dadurch konnte gut zwischen lokalen Quellen und weit transportierten VOCs unterschieden werden. Schließlich konnten über das PFM-Model ein Großteil der in Paris gemessenen Substanzen in sieben unterschiedliche Quellen eingeteilt werden und deren prozentualer Einfluss während ozeanischer Luftmassen und kontinentalen Luftmassen bestimmt werden. Um Bestandteile von organischem Aerosol mithilfe eines PTR-MS und dessen schonender Ionisationstechnik detektieren zu können, wurde erfolgreich ein Einlass für das PTR-MS entwickelt der es ermöglicht neben den Messungen von VOCs in der Gasphase auch organisches Aerosol zu sammeln, desorbieren und zu detektieren. Zu Testen des neuen Einlasses wurden verschiedene Laborexperimente durchgeführt und es wurde eine Messkampagne in Cabauw (nahe Utrecht, NL) durchgeführt. Die Labortests des neuen Einlasses zeigen, dass es möglich ist organisches Aerosol und VOCs (Aerosol Precurser) in der Gasphase mit einem einzelnen Instrument zu messen. Dazu wurden in einer Smog Chamber Isopren, alpha-Pinen, Limonen und beta-Caryophyllen jeweils mit Ozon zur Reaktion gebracht. Die Messungen in der Gasphase zeigten, dass verschiedene Komponenten wie gewohnt mit hoher Zeitauflösung durch das PTR-MS detektiert werden konnten. Die Messungen des Aerosols zeigten, dass es möglich ist, viele der aus den Reaktionen bekannten Produkte direkt oder mit geringer Fragmentation zu detektieren. Die Messkampagne in Cabauw zeigte, dass es mit diesem Einlass möglich ist über einen langen Zeitraum Aerosol und VOCs mit nur einem Instrument zu messen. Die Gasphasenmessungen sind unbeeinflusst von den Modifikationen, die an dem PTR-MS und der Driftröhre vorgenommen werden mussten um Aerosol detektieren zu können. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich natürliches organisches Aerosol von Aerosol aus einer Smog Chamber im Dampfdruck unterscheidet. Deswegen muss man vorsichtig sein, falls man diese zwei Aerosolarten miteinander vergleichen will.