131 resultados para MNEs


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A tanulmánykötet a globális értékláncok névvel fémjelezett jelenséget veszi górcső alá. A fókuszban a multinacionális vállalatcsoportok ill. a nemzetközi cégek állnak. A tíz tanulmány különböző megközelítések alapján betekintést ad abba, hogy hogyan ragadhatják meg és vizsgálhatják a kutatók a globális értékláncokat a vállalatok, ill. vezetőik nézőpontjából, mi következik a kutatási eredményekből a vállalatok vezetői számára, és milyen következményei vannak a globális értékláncok karakteres és terjedő jelenlétének a nemzetgazdaságok gazdasági politikáit formálókra. A tanulmánykötet szerzői a 2012/2013.tanév tavaszi félévében a Nemzetközi üzleti gazdaságtan c. PhD kurzus hallgatói voltak. ______ The working paper is to provide a Hungarian language overview on the research finding s on Global Value Chain and global factory. The phenomenon behind them is recognized but under researched in Hungary. The chapters of the working paper are to cover as many angles and perspectives of Global Value Chain as many it is possible. Each chapter is based on a published English language paper. Theoretical and conceptual issues, considerations of MNEs and small- and medium sized enterprises and that of national policies are discussed. Authors of the working paper attended the International Business PhD course in the spring semester of 2012/2013.


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This thesis explains why multinational enterprises (MNEs) headquartered in Spain made significant investments in Latin America in the 1990s. Two independent variables are considered: structural reforms in Latin America, and liberalization in Spain. The first independent variable concerns the ways in which Latin American governments adopted a series of reforms that made their economies attractive to foreign investors. The second variable explains how the prospects of liberalization and foreign competition led Spanish firms to invest abroad in order to expand their businesses. The study will also show the competitive advantage of Spanish MNEs, vis-a-vis other foreign and local competitors in Latin America. This thesis takes an international political economy approach. The core of the thesis shows the development of Spanish direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s. The theoretical perspectives on MNEs are provided by theory of the firm, industrial organizations theory and alliance theory. ^


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Multinational enterprises (MNEs) from Spain made large foreign direct investments (FDIs) in Latin America between 1990 and 2002, making Spain the second largest direct investor in this region since 1998, behind the United States. This dissertation explains the reasons that led Spanish firms to make these FDIs, as well as their operations in Latin America. Seven Spanish MNEs were included in this study, BBVA and SCH (banking), Telefónica (telecommunications), Endesa, Iberdrola and Unión Fenosa (public utilities), and Repsol-YPF (oil and natural gas). Quantitative and qualitative data were used. Data were collected from the firms' annual reports, from their archives and from personal interviews with senior executives, as well as from academic and specialized publications. ^ Results indicate that the large Spanish FDIs in Latin America were highly concentrated in a few firms from five sectors. The FDIs of these firms alone accounted for 70 percent of total Spanish FDI in Latin America in this period. The reasons for these investments were firm-specific and sector specific. A series of institutional conditions existed in Spain between the 1970s and the 1990s that allowed the employees of the firms to develop the knowledge and devise strategies to adjust to that set of conditions. First, the policies of the Spanish state favored the creation of large firms in these sectors, operating under conditions of monopoly sometimes. Secondly, the consumers put pressure on the firms to provide better and cheaper products as the Spanish economy grew and modernized. Thirdly, the employees of the firms had to adjust their services and products to the demands of the consumers and to the constraints of the state and the market. They adjusted the internal organization of the firm to be able to produce the goods and services that the market demanded. Externally, they also adopted patterns of interaction with outside agents and institutions. This patterned behavior was the “corporate culture” of each firm and the “normative framework” in which their employees operated. When the managers of the firms perceived that there were similar conditions in Latin America, they decided to operate there as well by making FDIs. ^


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This thesis examines two research questions: (1) Why do Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) try to influence trade negotiations in the Latin American context? and (2) How do MNEs influence the trade negotiation process in Latin America? The results show that the MNE's main reasons for participation are: (1) to gain market access and, specifically, to reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers; (2) to create a beneficial regulatory environment for the MNE; and (3) to set the rules of the game by influencing the business environment in which its industry or its specific company is required to operate. The main approaches reported by the interviewees as to how MNEs participate are: (1) the MNE directly lobbies domestic government officials, principally the United States Trade Representative office; (2) a business, trade or industry association lobbies domestic government officials on the MNE's behalf; and (3) the MNE lobbies Congress.


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Understanding how decisions for international investments are made and how this affects the overall pattern of investments and firm’s performance is of particular importance both in strategy and international business research. This dissertation introduced first home-host country relatedness (HHCR) as the degree to which countries are efficiently combined within the investment portfolios of firms. It theorized and demonstrated that HHCR will vary with the motivation for investments along at least two key dimensions: the nature of foreign investments and the connectedness of potential host countries to the rest of the world. Drawing on cognitive psychology and decision-making research, it developed a theory of strategic decision making proposing that strategic solutions are chosen close to a convenient anchor. Building on research on memory imprinting, it also proposed that managers tend to rely on older knowledge representation. In the context of international investment decisions, managers use their home countries as an anchor and are more likely to choose as a site for foreign investments host countries that are ‘close’ to the home country. These decisions are also likely to rely more strongly on closeness to time invariant country factors of historic and geographic nature rather than time-variant institutions. Empirical tests using comprehensive investments data by all public multinational companies (MNC) worldwide, or over 15,000 MNCs with over half a million subsidiaries, support the claims. Finally, the dissertation introduced the concept of International Coherence (IC) defined as the degree to which an MNE’s network comprises countries that are related. It was hypothesized that maintaining a high level of coherence is important for firm performance and will enhance it. Also, the presence of international coherence mitigates some of the negative effects of unrelated product diversification. Empirical tests using data on foreign investments of over 20,000 public firms, while also developing a home-host country relatedness index for up to 24,300 home-host pairs, provided support for the theory advanced.


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While most studies take a dyadic view when examining the environmental difference between the home country of a multinational enterprise (MNE) and a particular foreign country, they ignore that an MNE is managing a network of subsidiaries embedded in diverse environments. Additionally, neither the impacts of global environments on top executives nor the effects of top executives’ capabilities to handle institutional complexity are fully explored. Thus, using a three-essay format, this dissertation tried to fill these gaps by addressing the effects of institutional complexity and top management characteristics on top executive compensation and firm performance. ^ Essay 1 investigated the impact of an MNE’s institutional complexity, or the diversity of national institutions facing an MNE’s network of subsidiaries, on the top management team (TMT) compensation. This essay proposed that greater political and cultural complexity leads to not only greater TMT total compensation but also to a greater portion of TMT compensation linked with long-term performance. The arguments are supported in this essay by using an unbalanced panel dataset including 296 U.S. firms with 1,340 observations. ^ Essay 2 explored TMT social capital and its moderating role on value creation and appropriation by the chief executive officer (CEO). Using a sample with 548 U.S. firms and 2,010 observations, it found that greater TMT social capital does facilitate the effects of CEO intellectual capital and social capital on firm growth. Finally, essay 3 examined the performance implications for the fit between managerial information-processing capabilities and institutional complexity. It proposed that institutional complexity is associated with the needs of information-processing. On the other hand, smaller TMT turnover and larger TMT size reflect larger managerial information-processing capabilities. Consequently, superior performance is achieved by the match among institutional complexity, TMT turnover, and TMT size. All hypotheses in essay 3 are supported in a sample of 301 U.S. firms and 1,404 observations. ^ To conclude, this dissertation advances and extends our knowledge on the roles of institutional environments and top executives on firm performance and top executive compensation.^


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Organizational researchers have recently taken an interest in the ways in which social movements, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other secondary stakeholders attempt to influence corporate behavior. Scholars, however, have yet to carefully probe the link between secondary stakeholder legal action and target firm stock market performance. This is puzzling given the sharp rise in NGO-initiated civil lawsuits against corporations in recent years for alleged overseas human rights abuses and environmental misconduct. Furthermore, few studies have considered how such lawsuits impact a target firm’s intangible assets, namely its image and reputation. Structured in the form of three essays, this dissertation examined the antecedents and consequences of secondary stakeholder legal activism in both conceptual and empirical settings. ^ Essay One argued that conventional approaches to understanding political risk fail to account for the reputational risks to multinational enterprises (MNEs) posed by transnational networks of human rights NGOs employing litigation-based strategies. It offered a new framework for understanding this emerging challenge to multinational corporate activity. Essay Two empirically tested the relationship between the filing of human rights-related civil lawsuits and corporate stock market performance using an event study methodology and regression analysis. The statistical analysis performed showed that target firms experience a significant decline in share price upon filing and that both industry and nature of the lawsuit are significantly and negatively related to shareholder wealth. Essay Three drew upon social movement and social identity theories to develop and test a set of hypotheses on how secondary stakeholder groups select their targets for human rights-related civil lawsuits. The results of a logistic regression model offered support for the proposition that MNE targets are chosen based on both interest and identity factors. The results of these essays suggest that legal action initiated by secondary stakeholder groups is a new and salient threat to multinational business and that firms doing business in countries with weak political institutions should factor this into corporate planning and take steps to mitigate their exposure to such risks.^


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Desde hace mucho tiempo hemos defendido la idea de que Museo no es solo una institución, sino que debe ser entendido también como un proceso, fenómeno, flujo o acontecimiento. En el escenario contemporáneo del conocimiento, es fundamental que se pueda percibir al Museo más allá de su forma institucionalizada: solamente así será posible comprender con alguna precisión y profundidad sus nuevas formas de presentación y las relaciones que se establecen entre este fenómeno y las nuevas representaciones sociales. Este artículo presenta algunas reflexiones sobre el tema a partir del análisis de autores del campo museal, haciendo especial énfasis en los argumentos de base teórico-filosófica, o de base comunicacional, a partir de los cuales la Museología se ha estructurado como campo disciplinario.


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Los museos tienen normalmente mucha dificultad en justificar su existencia y en demostrar su valor real y su contribución al desarrollo de las comunidades a las que sirven. El coste del mantenimiento de un museo, después de inaugurado, nunca parece estar justificado para las tutelas y financiadores que lo promovieron. El museo, grande o pequeño, puede ser un elemento esencial en el desarrollo cultural del conjunto social, pero necesita tener una actividad que lo justifique y que su labor sea reconocida. Para contribuir con eficacia debe compartir con la comunidad su misión y sus actividades y para probar su valor debe tener sistemas de evaluación que permitan verificar si su labor de investigación y acción sobre el patrimonio, de promoción de la cultura y la ciudadanía y de colaboración con escuelas y asociaciones, reduce el fracaso escolar, aumenta la participación en la vida y cultura o contribuye a la cohesión social y a la formación de ciudadanos más responsables y solidarios. La Sociomuseología estudia estos campos de la actividad del museo, acompaña experiencias y propone soluciones a estas dificultades.


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Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att åskådliggöra hur några gymnasielärare behöriga i svenska som andraspråk respektive svenska betraktar skönlitteraturens roll i ämnet svenska som andraspråk (SVA) och hur det praktiska klassrumsarbetet med litteraturundervisning ser ut. I uppsatsen diskuteras även lärarnas syn på skönlitteraturen i SVA-ämnet i jämförelse med i svenskämnet i relation ämnes- och kursplanerna i Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011. För att uppnå syftet och besvara frågeställningarna har jag genomfört en kvalitativ studie där fyra lärare intervjuats, samtliga verksamma på nationella program. Av resultaten framkommer att lärarna starkt betonar skönlitteraturens betydelse i SVA-undervisningen. De viktigaste motiven för skönlitteraturen som lyfts fram är språkutveckling, identitetsutveckling, främjande av empatisk och demokratisk förmåga samt som förmedlare av svenska referensramar. Vid valen av litterära texter beaktar lärarna styrdokumentens skrivningar samt språkliga faktorer. Två arbetssätt som framhålls är boksamtal och tematiskt arbete. Det litterära samtalet framhävs som positivt för lärandet liksom läsande i en större kontext inom ett gemensamt tema. Lärarna understryker att skillnaderna i styrdokumenten mellan svenskämnena är alltför stora vad avser skrivningar om skönlitteratur och de anser att SVA borde likna svenskämnet mera vad gäller det litterära ämnesinnehållet.


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We examine whether monitors are likely to compromise their monitoring objectivity in the face of economically important clients in international business settings. In the context of external auditing and assurance services, we measure monitor objectivity by whether auditors are more (or less) likely to issue to their important clients modified audit opinions, that is, audit opinions provided to outside investors about the firm that demotes explicit areas of concern. Using a large cross-country sample, we document that auditors are more likely to issue modified opinions to their economically important clients relative to other clients. Furthermore, we find that this association is stronger (1) for Big N auditors, (2) for multinational audit clients, and (3) in countries with stronger legal regimes. These results suggest that monitors prioritize the protection of their reputation over lucrative economic relationships, and such information certification function is more pronounced for international auditors, multinational client firms, and in strong legal regimes.