The DNA breakage effect of the anticancer agent 3,6-diaziridinyl-2,5-bis(carboethoxyamino)-1,4-benzoquinone (AZQ, NSC-182986) on bacteriophage PM2 DNA was investigated using agarose gel electrophoresis. AZQ caused both single-stranded and double-stranded breaks after reduction with NaBH(,4), but it was not active in the native state. At 120 (mu)M, it degraded 50% of the closed circular form I DNA into 40% form II DNA (single-stranded break) and 10% form III DNA (double-stranded break). It produced a dose-response breakage between 1 (mu)M and 320 (mu)M. The DNA breakage exhibited a marked pH dependency. At 320 (mu)M, AZQ degraded 80% and 60% of form I DNA at pH 4 and 10 respectively, but none between pH 6 to 8. The DNA breakage at physiologic pH was greatly enhanced when 10 (mu)M cupric sulfate was included in the incubation mixture. The DNA strand scission was inhibited by catalase, glutathione, KI, histidine, Tiron, and DABCO. These results suggest that the DNA breakage may be caused by active oxygen metabolites including hydroxyl free radical. The bifunctional cross-linking activity of reduced AZQ on isolated calf thymus DNA was investigated by ethidium fluorescence assay. The cross-linking activity exhibited a similar pH dependency; highest in acidic and alkaline pH, inactive under neutral conditions. Using the alkaline elution method, we found that AZQ induced DNA single-stranded breaks in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with 50 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The single-stranded break frequencies in rad equivalents were 17 with 50 (mu)M and 140 with 100 (mu)M of AZQ. In comparison, DNA cross-links appeared in cells treated with only 1 to 25 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The cross-linking frequencies in rad equivalents were 39 and 90 for 1 and 5 (mu)M of AZQ, respectively. Both DNA-DNA and DNa-protein cross-links were induced by AZQ in CHO cells as revealed by the proteinas K digestion assay. DNA cross-links increased within the first 4 hr of incubation in drug-free medium and slightly decreased by 12 hr, and most of the cross-links disappeared after cells were allowed to recovered for 24 hr.^ By electrochemical analysis, we found that AZQ was more readily reduced at acidic pH. However, incubation of AZQ with NaBH(,4) at pH 7.8 or 10, but not at 4, produced superoxide anion. The opening of the aziridinyl rings of AZQ at pH 4 was faster in the presence of NaBH(,4) than in its absence; no ring-opening was detected at pH 7.8 regardless of the inclusion of NaBH(,4). . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^
The effects of medium term (32 d) hypercapnia on the immune response of Mytilus edulis were investigated in mussels exposed to acidified (using CO2) sea water (pH 7.7, 7.5 or 6.7; control: pH 7.8). Levels of phagocytosis increased significantly during the exposure period, suggesting an immune response induced by the experimental set-up. However, this induced stress response was suppressed when mussels were exposed to acidified sea water. Acidified sea water did not have any significant effects on other immuno-surveillance parameters measured (superoxide anion production, total and differential cell counts). These results suggest that ocean acidification may impact the physiological condition and functionality of the haemocytes and could have a significant effect on cellular signalling pathways, particularly those pathways that rely on specific concentrations of calcium, and so may be disrupted by calcium carbonate shell dissolution.
Superoxide anion (O2−) plays a key role in the endogenous suppression of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity and has been implicated in the development of hypertension. In previous studies, we found that O2− is produced predominantly in the adventitia of isolated rabbit aorta and acts as a barrier to NO. In the present studies, we characterize the enzyme responsible for O2− production in the adventitia and show that this enzyme is a constitutively active NADPH oxidase with similar composition as the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Constitutive O2−-generating activity was localized to aortic adventitial fibroblasts and was enhanced by the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. Immunohistochemistry of aortic sections demonstrated the presence of p22phox, gp91phox, p47phox, and p67phox localized exclusively in rabbit aortic adventitia, coincident with the site of staining for O2− production. Furthermore, immunodepletion of p67phox from adventitial fibroblast particulates resulted in the loss of NADPH oxidase activity, which could be restored by the addition of recombinant p67phox. Further study into the regulation of this adventitial source of O2− is important in elucidating the mechanisms regulating the bioactivity of NO and may contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Glutaredoxins are small heat-stable proteins that act as glutathione-dependent disulfide oxidoreductases. Two genes, designated GRX1 and GRX2, which share 40–52% identity and 61–76% similarity with glutaredoxins from bacterial and mammalian species, were identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Strains deleted for both GRX1 and GRX2 were viable but lacked heat-stable oxidoreductase activity using β-hydroxyethylene disulfide as a substrate. Surprisingly, despite the high degree of homology between Grx1 and Grx2 (64% identity), the grx1 mutant was unaffected in oxidoreductase activity, whereas the grx2 mutant displayed only 20% of the wild-type activity, indicating that Grx2 accounted for the majority of this activity in vivo. Expression analysis indicated that this difference in activity did not arise as a result of differential expression of GRX1 and GRX2. In addition, a grx1 mutant was sensitive to oxidative stress induced by the superoxide anion, whereas a strain that lacked GRX2 was sensitive to hydrogen peroxide. Sensitivity to oxidative stress was not attributable to altered glutathione metabolism or cellular redox state, which did not vary between these strains. The expression of both genes was similarly elevated under various stress conditions, including oxidative, osmotic, heat, and stationary phase growth. Thus, Grx1 and Grx2 function differently in the cell, and we suggest that glutaredoxins may act as one of the primary defenses against mixed disulfides formed following oxidative damage to proteins.
Reactive oxygen intermediates generated by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase are critically important components of host defense. However, these highly toxic oxidants can cause significant tissue injury during inflammation; thus, it is essential that their generation and inactivation are tightly regulated. We show here that an endogenous proline-arginine (PR)-rich antibacterial peptide, PR-39, inhibits NADPH oxidase activity by blocking assembly of this enzyme through interactions with Src homology 3 domains of a cytosolic component. This neutrophil-derived peptide inhibited oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity of neutrophils in whole cells and in a cell-free assay of NADPH oxidase. Both oxidase inhibitory and direct antimicrobial activities were defined within the amino-terminal 26 residues of PR-39. Oxidase inhibition was attributed to binding of PR-39 to the p47phox cytosolic oxidase component. Its effects involve both a polybasic amino-terminal segment and a proline-rich core region of PR-39 that binds to the p47phox Src homology 3 domains and, thereby, inhibits interaction with the small subunit of cytochrome b558, p22phox. These findings suggest that PR-39, which has been shown to be involved in tissue repair processes, is a multifunctional peptide that can regulate NADPH oxidase production of superoxide anion O2-. thus limiting excessive tissue damage during inflammation.
The free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide anion react to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a highly toxic oxidant species. In vivo formation of ONOO- has been demonstrated in shock and inflammation. Herein we provide evidence that cytotoxicity in cells exposed to ONOO- is mediated by DNA strand breakage and the subsequent activation of the DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS). Exposure to ONOO- (100 microM to 1 mM) inhibited mitochondrial respiration in cultured J774 macrophages and in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The loss of cellular respiration was rapid, peaking 1-3 h after ONOO- exposure, and reversible, with recovery after a period of 6-24 h. The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration was paralleled by a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breakage, reaching its maximum at 20-30 min after exposure to ONOO-. We observed a dose-dependent increase in the activity of PARS in cells exposed to ONOO-. Inhibitors of PARS such as 3-aminobenzamide (1 mM) prevented the inhibition of cellular respiration in cells exposed to ONOO-. Activation of PARS by ONOO--mediated DNA strand breakage resulted in a significant decrease in intracellular energy stores, as reflected by a decline of intracellular NAD+ and ATP content. 3-Aminobenzamide prevented the loss of NAD+ and ATP in cells exposed to ONOO-. In contrast, impairment of cellular respiration by the addition of the nitric oxide donors S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine or diethyltriamine nitric oxide complex, was not associated with the development of DNA strand breaks, in concentrations up to 1 mM, and was largely refractory to PARS inhibition. Our results suggest that DNA damage and activation of PARS, an energy-consuming futile repair cycle, play a central role in ONOO--mediated cellular injury.
In aerobic organisms, protection against oxidative damage involves the combined action of highly specialized antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of another gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that plays a critical role in detoxification of reactive oxygen species. This gene, named ATX1, was originally isolated by its ability to suppress oxygen toxicity in yeast lacking SOD. ATX1 encodes a 8.2-kDa polypeptide exhibiting significant similarity and identity to various bacterial metal transporters. Potential ATX1 homologues were also identified in multicellular eukaryotes, including the plants Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In yeast cells, ATX1 evidently acts in the transport and/or partitioning of copper, and this role in copper homeostasis appears to be directly relevant to the ATX1 suppression of oxygen toxicity: ATX1 was incapable of compensating for SOD when cells were depleted of exogenous copper. Strains containing a deletion in the chromosomal ATX1 locus were generated. Loss of ATX1 function rendered both mutant and wild-type SOD strains hypersensitive toward paraquat (a generator of superoxide anion) and was also associated with an increased sensitivity toward hydrogen peroxide. Hence, ATX1 protects cells against the toxicity of both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade antioxidante de extrato de folhas de oliveira (EFO) (Olea europaea L.) por diferentes metodologias analíticas in vitro e in situ, para verificação de efeito em sistemas biológicos. O extrato foi obtido a partir de folhas secas de oliveira, previamente micronizadas, em metanol/água (80/20%) na proporção 1:20 (m/v), após remoção de compostos solúveis em n-hexano. Após liofilização, no EFO foi avaliado o poder redutor por Folin-Ciocalteau, conteúdo de flavonoides totais, teor de oleuropeina, poder de redução do íon férrico (FRAP) e atividade antioxidante sobre DPPHo, ABTSo+, ânion superóxido (O2o-), ácido hipocloroso (HOCl) e óxido nítrico (NOo). O extrato foi também avaliado quanto ao efeito protetor sobre danos oxidativos em eritrócitos humanos. O ácido ascórbico foi utilizado como referência. O experimento foi repetido seis vezes (n = 6) e os ensaios realizados em duplicata. O poder redutor do extrato e o conteúdo de flavonoides totais e oleuropeína foram 131,7 ± 9,4 mg equivalente de ácido gálico/g extrato seco (ms), 19,4 ± 1,3 mg equivalente de quercetina/g ms e 25,5 ± 5,2 mg oleuropeína/g ms, respectivamente. O ensaio de FRAP apresentou 281,8 ± 22,8 mg equivalente de trolox/g ms. O EFO foi efetivo na inibição dos radicais DPPHo e ABTSo+, dependente da concentração de extrato, com valores de IC50 de 13,8 ± 0,8 e 16,1 ± 1,2 µg/mL, respectivamente. Com relação à atividade antioxidante sobre espécies reativas de importância biológica, o EFO apresentou forte capacidade de inibição de O2o- (IC50 = 52,6 ± 2,1 µg/mL) e NOo (IC50 = 48,4 ± 6,8 µg/mL), quando comparado ao ácido ascórbico. Porém, a inibição de HOCl não foi tão eficiente (IC50 = 714,1 ± 31,4 µg/mL). O EFO inibiu a hemólise induzida em eritrócitos de maneira dependente da concentração (IC50 = 7,8 ± 1,1 µg/mL), assim como a peroxidação lipídica e a formação de meta-hemoglobina, com valores de IC50 de 38,0 ± 11,7 e 186,3 ± 29,7 µg/mL, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que extrato de folhas de oliveira possui efetiva atividade antioxidante em sistemas biológicos, pelo efeito sequestrador de determinadas espécies reativas que participam dos processos bioquímicos, e pela prevenção de danos oxidativos em eritrócitos humanos. Portanto, sua ingestão pode estar relacionada com a prevenção de estresse oxidativo in vivo, com consequentes benefícios à saúde.
A Araucaria angustifolia é uma conífera endêmica das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil sendo considerada uma espécie em extinção devido ao extenso extrativismo madeireiro. Atualmente, existem inúmeros projetos visando o reflorestamento e o uso sustentável deste pinheiro. Em vista destes pontos, o estudo das propriedades dos componentes das folhas com o intuito da utilização destes com fins comerciais tornou-se de extrema importância. As suas folhas foram submetidas à extração com solventes e foram identificados seis biflavonóides majoritários, dentre estes a amentoflavona e a ginkgetina, que são apontados como agentes contra inflamações e artrites. A fração rica de biflavonóides (BFF) extraída da araucaria foi testada frente a sua atividade em proteger contra danos em biomoléculas provocadas por espécies reativas de oxigênio, capacidade em quelar metais e proteção contra raios UV. A capacidade do BFF em proteger contra danos provocados por espécies reativas de oxigênio foi comparado com compostos conhecidamente antioxidantes, como o α-tocoferol, Trolox®, quercetina, rutina e com padrões de biflavonóides, a amentoflavona e ginkgetina. O BFF demonstrou que possui uma constante de supressão do 1O2 (50 x 106 M-1s-1), superior ao da quercetina (9 x 106 M-1s-1) e foi o mais eficiente na proteção contra quebras de simples fita em DNA plasmidial, provocado por esta espécie reativa. Ainda em relação à proteção de DNA plasmidial o BFF foi capaz de proteger também contra estes danos provocados através da reação de Fenton, apesar de não demonstrar a mesma eficiência da quercetina que mostrou ser um potente protetor destes danos. O BFF protegeu contra lipoperoxidação em lipossomos de fosfatidilcolina induzida por raios UV e reação de Fenton. Em análises realizadas com espectrometria de massas foi observada a formação de complexos destes biflavonóides com íons metálicos como ferro, cobre e alumínio que possuem um papel importante na formação de radicais livres. Em relação à capacidade fotoprotetora do BFF, este inibiu a formação de dímeros de pirimidina que são apontados como causadores de câncer de pele induzidos, principalmente por radiação UV-B. Esta ação protetora foi superior àquela conferida ao p-metoxicinamato de octila, um conhecido fotoprotetor. Com o intuito de permitir a solubilização do BFF em soluções aquosas e assim, avaliar a ação do BFF em células, incorporou-se o BFF em ciclodextrina. Essa inclusão favoreceu a incorporação de BFF em células CV1-P na concentração aproximada de 0,4 µg/ml após 24 horas de incubação. Essa concentração incorporada não demonstrou ser tóxica para as células no teste com MTT. Assim, o BFF tem despertado grande interesse em relação ao seu potencial na utilização nas mais variadas áreas como cosmética, alimentos e fitoterápicos.
In the present Letter several carbolactones (oxidative products) are obtained under aprotic cathodic conditions in the preparative scaled electrolysis of 1,2-quinones in a divided electrochemical cell and in the presence of oxygen. When 9,10-phenanthrenequinone is reduced 6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one and [1,1′-biphenyl]-2,2′-dicarboxylic acid are obtained as major products. In the reduction of 1,2-naphthoquinone, 2-benzopyran-1(1H)-one, and 2-(2-carboxyethenyl)-benzoic acid were formed as main products. The proposed mechanism to explain the formation of these and other products, that involves an electron-transfer reaction to the oxygen in air, is now discussed.
La voie de signalisation des phosphoinositides joue un rôle clé dans la régulation du tonus vasculaire. Plusieurs études rapportent une production endogène de l’angiotensin II (Ang II) et de l’endothéline-1 (ET-1) par les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) de rats spontanément hypertendus (spontaneously hypertensive rats : SHR). De plus, l’Ang II exogène induit son effet prohypertrophique sur les CMLVs selon un mécanisme dépendant de la protéine Gqα et de la PKCẟ. Cependant, le rôle de l’axe Gqα/PLCβ/PKCẟ dans l’hypertrophie des CMLVs provenant d’un modèle animal de l’hypertension artérielle n’est pas encore étudié. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’examiner le rôle de l’axe Gqα/PLCβ1 dans les mécanismes moléculaires de l’hypertrophie des CMLVs provenant d’un modèle animal d’hypertension artérielle essentielle (spontaneously hypertensive rats : SHR). Nos premiers résultats indiquent que contrairement aux CMLVs de SHR âgés de 12 semaines (absence d’hypertrophie cardiaque), les CMLVs de SHR âgés de 16 semaines (présence d’hypertrophie cardiaque) présentent une surexpression protéique endogène de Gqα et de PLCβ1 par rapport aux CMLVs de rats WKY appariés pour l’âge. L’inhibition du taux d’expression protéique de Gqα et de PLCβ1 par des siRNAs spécifiques diminue significativement le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR. De plus, la surexpression endogène des Gqα et PLCβ1, l’hyperphosphorylation de la molécule ERK1/2 et le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR de 16 semaines ont été atténués significativement par des antagonistes des récepteurs AT1 (losartan) et ETA (BQ123), mais pas par l’antagoniste du récepteur ETB (BQ788). L’inhibition pharmacologique des MAPKs par PD98059 diminue significativement la surexpression endogène de Gqα/PLCβ1 et le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR. D’un côté, l’inhibition du stress oxydatif (par DPI, inhibiteur de la NAD(P)H oxidase, et NAC , molécule anti-oxydante), de la molécule c-Src (PP2) et des récepteurs de facteurs de croissance (AG1024 (inhibiteur de l’IGF1-R), AG1478 (inhibiteur de l’EGFR) et AG1295 (inhibiteur du PDGFR)) a permis d’atténuer significativement la surexpression endogène élevée de Gqα/PLCβ1 et l’hypertrophie des CMLVs de SHR. D’un autre côté, DPI, NAC et PP2 atténuent significativement l’hyperphosphorylation de la molécule c-Src, des RTKs (récepteurs à activité tyrosine kinase) et de la molécule ERK1/2. Dans une autre étude, nous avons aussi démontré que la PKCẟ montre une hyperphosphorylation en Tyr311 dans les CMLVs de SHR comparées aux CMLVs de WKY. La rottlerin, utilisée comme inhibiteur spécifique de la PKCẟ, inhibe significativement cette hyperphosphorylation en Tyr311 dépendamment de la concentration. L’inhibition de l’activité de la PKCẟ par la rottlerin a été aussi associée à une atténuation significative de la surexpression protéique endogène de Gqα/PLCβ1 et l’hypertrophie des CMLVs de SHR. De plus, l’inhibition pharmacologique de l’activité de la PKCẟ, en amont du stress oxydatif, a permis d’inhiber significativement l’activité de la NADPH, le taux de production élevée de l’ion superoxyde ainsi que l’hyperphosphorylation de la molécule ERK1/2, de la molécule c-Src et des RTKs. À notre surprise, nous avons aussi remarqué une surexpression protéique de l’EGFR et de l’IGF-1R dans les CMLVs de SHR à l’âge de 16 semaines. L’inhibition pharmacologique de l’activité de la PKCẟ, de la molécule c-Src et du stress oxydatif a permis d’inhiber significativement la surexpression protéique endogène de ces RTKs. De plus, l’inhibition de l’expression protéique de l’EGFR et de la molécule c-Src par des siRNA spécifiques atténue significativement le taux d’expression protéique élevé de Gqα et de PLCβ1 ainsi que le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR. Des siRNAs spécifiques à la PKCẟ ont permis d’atténuer significativement le taux de synthèse protéique élevé dans les CMLVs de SHR et confirment le rôle important de la PKCẟ dans les mécanismes moléculaires de l’hypertrophie des CMLVs selon une voie dépendante du stress oxydatif. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent un rôle important de l’activation endogène de l’axe Gqα-PLCβ-PKCẟ dans le processus d’hypertrophie vasculaire selon un mécanisme impliquant une activation endogène des récepteurs AT1/ETa, de la molécule c-Src, du stress oxidatif, des RTKs et des MAPKs.
1 On rat isolated pulmonary arteries, vasorelaxation by S-nitrosocaptopril (SNOcap) was compared with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and nitroprusside, and inhibition by SNOcap of contractions to angiotensin I was compared with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril. 2 SNOcap was equipotent as a vasorelaxant on main (i.d. 2-3 mm) and intralobar (i.d. 600 mum)pulmonary arteries (pIC(50) values: 5.00 and 4.85, respectively). Vasorelaxant responses reached equilibrium rapidly (2-3 min). 3 Pulmonary vasorelaxant responses to SNOcap, like GSNO, were (i) partially inhibited by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo(4,3-a)-quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were abolished and (ii) potentiated by hydroxocobalamin (HCOB; NO. free radical scavenger; 100 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were inhibited. 4 The relative potencies for pulmonary vasorelaxation compared with inhibition of platelet aggregation were: SNOcap 7: 1; GSNO 25: 1; nitroprusside > 2000:1. 5 SNOcap, like captopril, concentration-dependently and time-dependently increased the EC50 for angiotensin I but not angiotensin II. The dependence on incubation time was independent of the presence of tissue but differed for SNOcap and captopril. This difference reflected the slow dissociation of SNOcap and instability of captopril, and precluded a valid comparison of the potency of the two drugs. After prolonged incubation (greater than or equal to 5.6 h) SNOcap was more effective than captopril. 6 Thus, in pulmonary arteries SNOcap (i) possesses NO donor properties characteristic of S-nitrosothiols but different from nitroprusside and (ii) inhibits ACE at least as effectively as captopril. These properties suggest that SNOcap could be valuable in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
In previous studies it has been established that resistance to superoxide by Neisseria gonorrhoeae is dependent on the accumulation of Mn(II) ions involving the ABC transporter, MntABC. A mutant strain lacking the periplasmic binding protein component (MntC) of this transport system is hypersensitive to killing by superoxide anion. In this study the mntC mutant was found to be more sensitive to H2O2 killing than the wild-type. Analysis of regulation of MntC expression revealed that it was de-repressed under low Mn(II) conditions. The N. gonorrhoeae mntABC locus lacks the mntR repressor typically found associated with this locus in other organisms. A search for a candidate regulator of mntABC expression revealed a homologue of PerR, a Mn-dependent peroxide-responsive regulator found in Gram-positive organisms. A perR mutant expressed more MntC protein than wild-type, and expression was independent of Mn(II), consistent with a role for PerR as a repressor of mntABC expression. The PerR regulon of N. gonorrhoeae was defined by microarray analysis and includes ribosomal proteins, TonB-dependent receptors and an alcohol dehydrogenase. Both the mntC and perR mutants had reduced intracellular survival in a human cervical epithelial cell model.
The CH2-linked glycoform of rheumatoid IgG is abnormal in having a reduced galactose content. This has been postulated to be a synthetic defect due to a decrease in the level of rheumatoid B cell galactosyltransferase. However, more recent work has indicated that agalactosylation may be common to chronic inflammatory diseases. In this work we have investigated the effect of oxygen free radicals (OFRs), which are generated by activated phagocytic cells at inflammatory sites, on the carbohydrate moiety of IgG. Radiolytically generated peroxy (ROO.) and hydroxyl radicals (OH.) but not superoxide anion radicals (O2.-) were found to destroy galactose on IgG. After OH. attack, this was associated with an increase in the availability of N-acetylglucosamine, possibly due to its presence as a terminal residue. These results suggest that the agalactosylation associated with chronic inflammation may not only be synthetic in nature, but may also be a consequence of post-synthetic degradation by OFRs.
The metabolism of a mixture of [2-14C] and [3',5',7,9-3H] folic acid was studied in female weanling rats. Intact folates and folate catabolites were excreted in the urine. Folate polyglutamates were found in the tissues. Rats treated with the oestrogen diethylstilbestrol and 17 -ethynyloestradiol exhibited marked changes in the metabolic handling of folic acid and folate catabolism was greatly increased compared to controls. Allopurinol treatment gave greater label retention in the gut, with a substantial increase in catabolism compared to normals. A dose response relationship was illustrated between allopurinol dose and folate catabolism. After lead acetate dosing there was little radioactivity in the urine and tissues over 72h and more radioactivity was retained in the faeces compared to normals. Excretion of intact folates was depressed, especially 5MeTHF and 10CHOTHF. A tenfold increase in both lead and folic acid dosage resulted in an even further decrease of radioactivity in the tissues and urine over 72h. Excretion in the faeces was further elevated. Ferrous sulphate administration resulted in increased catabolism. The retention of radioactivity in the liver, kidney and gut was greatly reduced. A new method of folate analysis; Sephadex LH-20 was introduced. In vitro superoxide anion formation was illustrated using an allopurinol/xanthine oxidase system. Histological studies were employed to qualitatively and quantitatively illustrate the oxidative status in livers and brains of allopurinol and ferrous sulphate dosed rats. Increased dose related formazan deposition was observed when livers of pretreated animals were incubated with nitroblue tetrazolium. Formazan deposition was reduced in pretreated animals also treated with the anti-oxidants vitamin E, mannitol or 4-hydroxy-methyl-4,6-ditertiary-butylphenol. A possible route of folate catabolism is scission by a non-enzymic oxidation involving active oxygen species.