996 resultados para MERCOSUl
This paper aims to examine regional integration processes in South America, particularly in Mercosur. The point of departure is the study of Brazilian foreign policy in the region. Possible consequences of international changes will be discussed, as well as the significance of new social and political forces. Continuity and ruptures in Brazilian behaviour as regards integration will be identified to understand strengths and weaknesses in building an independent position and in search of balance among other international power centres.
This article aims to briefly analyze, the recent movements that characterize the process of regional integration in South America, focusing on themes that comprised the current debate about the formation of Mercosur.
The Mercosul project, signed in 1991, represents the union of a political project, characterized by a democratic agreement among its members, with an economical project characterized by the trade liberalization among its regional members and among these with the global economy. So, it was constituted, with the aim to expand the national trades by the integration, to increase the economic development process with social justice. However, the Mercosul follows the historical trajectory of Latin America integration, characterized by models that aimed the economical development from the strengthening of the industry. According to that, the Mercosul politics are priority for economic issues, focused in the industrialization and trade relations, giving less priority to the social demands. In opposition to such ideas, in 2004 was created the Especialized Meeting about Family Farm (Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar - REAF) in the Mercosul, that aim to strengthen the public policies of the sector, to promote the commercialization of the family farm products in the region. So, the family farm, a sector historically marginalized from the integration projects, it is institutionalized in the Mercosul. In that way, the aim of this research is to discuss the reasons that leaded to the family farm institutionalization, and also to analyze the advances and problems of the Especialized Meeting about Family Farm
The process of institutionalization of MERCOSUR in recent years has increased the weight of regional integration in the internal policies of the Member States. In the Brazilian case, the bill that regulates direct elections for the MERCOSUR Parliament (Parlasul) in 2014 is an example of this influence, because it includes aspects that are related to discussions on the reform of the Brazilian political system, generating intense debate and controversy within the Congress. This article discusses the possible impacts that its adoption will have on the conduct of political reform in Brazil, on the assumption that this project represents a spillover of political reform for Brazilian regional plan. We assume that its approval can become a test of political reform planned to perform at the regional changes still under discussion in the brazilian legislature. We remind that the decision and approval of the criteria for the Parlasul direct elections is a competence of each Member-State.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The parliamentary representation in the Southern Cone integration is the main issue in this article, which analyzes some implications of the institutionalization of Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur). Consolidation and deepening of the integration process are related to the very weakness of congressional action under the Joint Parliamentary Committee and even the Parlasur. The hypothesis is that the creation of the Mercosur Parliament could contribute to the integration process only insofar as it could overcome the limitations experienced by the Joint Parliamentary Commission and go forward in building a democratic and representative body of regional integration.
This research intend to investigate the main concepts on the pedagogical activities from the 8th Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, through its history and in a field research made in 2011, by the occasion and in the same year of that edition. It tries to recognize the innovative points of its pedagogical curatorial project and its meaning for the educational art in museums - the expanded field of the art. The expository and educational experience in the Bienal do Mercosul, through its concepts, proposes a reflection about educational art in museums or big events
El escenario de la digitalización de los medios de comunicación, especialmente la televisión terrestre, y una política para el desarrollo de contenidos audiovisuales entraron en la agenda del MERCOSUR. Cambiar de el estándar de TV fue solamente el argumento embrionario para un conjunto de acciones destinadas a dar densidad a las iniciativas conjuntas de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay en la jóven integración polí- tica y económica del Cono Sur. Así, nos propone- mos la reflexión en torno a las políticas públicas que provocan la implementación de la televisión digital en los países miembros del MERCOSUR intentando delinear los intereses políticos, la reestructuración del mercado regional y el establecimiento de modelos, patrones y sistemas de cooperación entre los países miembros. El análisis nos permite inferir que los gobiernos con matices de de centroizquierda de MERCOSUR optaron por la integración de las políticas públi- cas para fortalecer de la hegemonía del bloque en la innovación tecnológica, el desarrollo de contenido compartido y el fortalecimiento del capitalismo inmaterial.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Devido à falta de bacias de drenagem significativas, a plataforma continental sul-sudeste brasileira foi considerada uma plataforma relíquia, na qual os sedimentos depositados representavam única e exclusivamente o fruto do retrabalhamento de sedimentos depositados em tratos de mar baixo. Nos últimos dez anos, a identificação de depósitos de mudbelts na plataforma continental interna e média, associada com o emprego de novos marcadores geoquímicos, permitiu a quebra desse paradigma, bem como o reconhecimento da importância da Bacia do Rio da Prata como elemento exportador de sedimentos para a margem continental do Atlântico Sudoeste. A utilização de isótopos radioativos, naturais e artificiais permitiu identificar o potencial de exportação de sedimentos de origem basáltica até a latitude de 25o S, permitindo separar, geoquimicamente, duas províncias sedimentares de plataforma, utilizando-se a Ilha de São Sebastião como feição morfológica a marcar essa diferenciação. A continuidade dos estudos, em colunas sedimentares holocênicas permitiu identificar o incremento do aporte do Rio da Prata, sobre a plataforma continental, na transição do Holoceno Médio para o Holoceno Tardio. Finalmente, novos estudos estão sendo propostos para avaliar a exportação desses sedimentos, em direção à bacia oceânica, através dos sistemas de cânions existentes no limite da província sedimentar da plataforma sul