988 resultados para MEMBRANE ATTACK COMPLEX
Adrenoceptors (ARs), G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the plasma membrane, respond to endogenous catecholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline. These receptors mediate several important physiological functions being especially important in the cardiovascular system and in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Impairments in the function of these receptors can thus lead to severe diseases and disorders such as to cardiovascular diseases and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) venom has been shown to contain toxins that can antagonize the functions of GPCRs. The most well-known are muscarinic toxins (MTs) targeting muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) with high affinity and selectivity. However, some reports have indicated that these toxins might also act on the α1- and α2-ARs which can be divided into various subtypes; the α1-ARs to α1A-, α1B- and α1D-ARs and α2-ARs to α2A-, α2B- and α2C-ARs. In this thesis, the interaction of four common MTs (MT1, MT3, MT7 and MTα) with the adrenoceptors was characterized. It was also evaluated whether these toxins could be anchored to the plasma membrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) tail. Results of this thesis reveal that muscarinic toxins are targeting several α-adrenoceptor subtypes in addition to their previously identified target receptors, mAChRs. MTα was found to interact with high affinity and selectivity with the α2B-AR whereas MT7 confirmed its selectivity for the M1 mAChR. Unlike MTα and MT7, MT1 and MT3 have a broad range of target receptors among the α-ARs. All the MTs characterized were found to behave as non-competitive antagonists of receptor action. The interaction between MTα and the α2B-AR was studied more closely and it was observed that the second extracellular loop of the receptor functions as a structural entity enabling toxin binding. The binding of MTα to the α2B-AR appears to be rather complex and probably involves dimerized receptor. Anchoring MTs to the plasma membrane did not interfere with their pharmacological profile; all the GPI-anchored toxins created retained their ability to block their target receptors. This thesis shows that muscarinic toxins are able to target several subtypes of α-ARs and mAChRs. These toxins offer thus a possibility to create new subtype specific ligands for the α-AR subtypes. Membrane anchored MTs on the other hand could be used to block α-AR and mAChR actions in disease conditions such as in hypertension and in gastrointestinal and urinary bladder disorders in a cell-specific manner and to study the physiological functions of ARs and mAChRs in vivo in model organisms.
The duration of the intraerythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium is a key factor in the pathogenicity of this parasite. The simultaneous attack of the host red blood cells by the parasites depends on the synchronicity of their development. Unraveling the signals at the basis of this synchronicity represents a challenging biological question and may be very important to develop alternative strategies for therapeutic approaches. Recently, we reported that the synchrony of Plasmodium is modulated by melatonin, a host hormone that is synthesized only during the dark phases. Here we report that N-acetyl-serotonin, a melatonin precursor, also releases Ca2+ from isolated P. chabaudi parasites at micro- and nanomolar concentrations and that the release is blocked by 250 mM luzindole, an antagonist of melatonin receptors, and 20 mM U73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor. On the basis of confocal microscopy, we also report the ability of 0.1 µM melatonin and 0.1 µM N-acetyl-serotonin to cross the red blood cell membrane and to mobilize intracellular calcium in parasites previously loaded with the fluorescent calcium indicator Fluo-3 AM. The present data represent a step forward into the understanding of the signal transduction process in the host-parasite relationship by supporting the idea that the host hormone melatonin and N-acetyl-serotonin generate IP3 and therefore mobilize intracellular Ca2+ in Plasmodium inside red blood cells.
Formulations of a general bactericidal agent, chlorhexidine, mixed with a phospholipid at different concentrations are investigated using ^H NMR spectroscopy on a chain-deuterated lipid analog. Lipid-chlorhexidine formulation is known to release the drug into an aqueous medium slowly, maintaining a comparable concentration of the drug for up to four times longer than a direct aqueous solution. The NMR data does not support the proposed liposomal entrapment of chlorhexidine in lipid compartments. Complex thermal history of the lipid-chlorhexidine preparations is investigated in detail. In preparation for a counterpart measurement, using ^H NMR of deuterated chlorhexidine mixed with protonated lipid, the synthesis of a deuterated analog of chlorhexidine is performed.
Photosynthesis in general is a key biological process on Earth and Photo system II (PSII) is an important component of this process. PSII is the only enzyme capable of oxidizing water and is largely responsible for the primordial build-up and present maintenance of the oxygen in the atmosphere. This thesis endeavoured to understand the link between structure and function in PSII with special focus on primary photochemistry, repair/photodamage and spectral characteristics. The deletion of the PsbU subunit ofPSII in cyanobacteria caused a decoupling of the Phycobilisomes (PBS) from PSII, likely as a result of increased rates of PSII photodamage with the PBS decoupling acting as a measure to protect PSII from further damage. Isolated fractions of spinach thylakoid membranes were utilized to characterize the heterogeneity present in the various compartments of the thylakoid membrane. It was found that the pooled PSIILHCII pigment populations were connected in the grana stack and there was also a progressive decrease in the reaction rates of primary photochemistry and antennae size of PSII as the sample origin moved from grana to stroma. The results were consistent with PSII complexes becoming damaged in the grana and being sent to the stroma for repair. The dramatic quenching of variable fluorescence and overall fluorescent yield of PSII in desiccated lichens was also studied in order to investigate the mechanism by which the quenching operated. It was determined that the source of the quenching was a novel long wavelength emitting external quencher. Point mutations to amino acids acting as ligands to chromophores of interest in PSII were utilized in cyanobacteria to determine the role of specific chromophores in energy transfer and primary photochemistry. These results indicated that the Hl14 ligated chlorophyll acts as the 'trap' chlorophyll in CP47 at low temperature and that the Q130E mutation imparts considerable changes to PSII electron transfer kinetics, essentially protecting the complex via increased non-radiative charge Photosynthesis in general is a key biological process on Earth and Photo system II (PSII) is an important component of this process. PSII is the only enzyme capable of oxidizing water and is largely responsible for the primordial build-up and present maintenance of the oxygen in the atmosphere. This thesis endeavoured to understand the link between structure and function in PSII with special focus on primary photochemistry, repair/photodamage and spectral characteristics. The deletion of the PsbU subunit ofPSII in cyanobacteria caused a decoupling of the Phycobilisomes (PBS) from PSII, likely as a result of increased rates of PSII photodamage with the PBS decoupling acting as a measure to protect PSII from further damage. Isolated fractions of spinach thylakoid membranes were utilized to characterize the heterogeneity present in the various compartments of the thylakoid membrane. It was found that the pooled PSIILHCII pigment populations were connected in the grana stack and there was also a progressive decrease in the reaction rates of primary photochemistry and antennae size of PSII as the sample origin moved from grana to stroma. The results were consistent with PSII complexes becoming damaged in the grana and being sent to the stroma for repair. The dramatic quenching of variable fluorescence and overall fluorescent yield of PSII in desiccated lichens was also studied in order to investigate the mechanism by which the quenching operated. It was determined that the source of the quenching was a novel long wavelength emitting external quencher. Point mutations to amino acids acting as ligands to chromophores of interest in PSII were utilized in cyanobacteria to determine the role of specific chromophores in energy transfer and primary photochemistry. These results indicated that the Hl14 ligated chlorophyll acts as the 'trap' chlorophyll in CP47 at low temperature and that the Q130E mutation imparts considerable changes to PSII electron transfer kinetics, essentially protecting the complex via increased non-radiative charge.
Les protéines DOCK180 et ELMO coopèrent ensemble biochimiquement et génétiquement afin d’activer la GTPase Rac1 lors de plusieurs évènements biologiques. Toutefois, le rôle que jouent ces protéines dans la signalisation par Rac est encore mal compris. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que Dock180 agit comme activateur de Rac, alors que ELMO est requis pour l’intégration de la signalisation de Rac plutôt que son activation per se. Nous postulons que ELMO agit comme signal de localisation intracellulaire afin de restreindre de façon spatio-temporelle la signalisation de Rac en aval de Dock180, et/ou que ELMO agit comme protéine d’échafaudage entre Rac et ses effecteurs pour amplifier la migration cellulaire. Dans l’objectif nº 1, nous démontrons que le domaine PH atypique de ELMO1 est le site d’interaction principal entre cette protéine et DOCK180. De plus, nous démontrons que la liaison entre ELMO et DOCK180 n’est pas nécessaire pour l’activation de Rac, mais est plutôt essentielle pour faciliter la réorganisation du cytosquelette induite par l’activation de Rac en aval de Dock180. Ces résultats impliquent que ELMO pourrait jouer des rôles additionnels dans la signalisation par Rac. Dans l’objectif nº 2, nous avons découvert l’existence d’une homologie structurelle entre ELMO et un module d’autorégulation de la formine Dia1, et avons identifié trois nouveaux domaines dans la protéine ELMO : les domaines RBD, EID et EAD. De façon analogue à Dia1, nous avons découvert que ELMO à l’état basal est autoinhibé grâce à des intéractions intramoléculaires. Nous proposons que l’état d’activation des protéines ELMO est régulé de façon similaire aux formines de la famille Dia, c’est-à-dire grâce à des interactions avec d’autres protéines. Dans l’objectif nº 3, nous identifions un domaine RBD polyvalent chez ELMO. Ce domaine possède une double spécificité pour les GTPases de la famille Rho et Arf. Nous avons découvert que Arl4A agit comme signal de recrutement membranaire pour le module ELMO/DOCK180/Rac. Nos résultats nous permettent de supposer que d’autres GTPases pourraient être impliquées dans l’activation et la localisation de cette voie de signalisation. Nous concluons qu’à l’état basal, ELMO et DOCK180 forment un complexe dans lequel ELMO est dans sa conformation autoinhibée. Bien que le mécanisme d’activation de ELMO ne soit pas encore bien compris, nous avons découvert que, lorsqu’il y a stimulation cellulaire, certaines GTPases liées au GTP peuvent intéragir avec le domaine RBD de ELMO pour relâcher les contacts intramoléculaires et/ou localiser le complexe à la membrane. Ainsi, les GTPases peuvent servir d’ancrage au complexe ELMO/DOCK180 pour assurer une regulation spatiotemporelle adequate de l’activation et de la signalisation de Rac.
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) forment la plus grande et la plus diversifiée des familles de protéines localisées à la surface cellulaire et responsables de la transmission de signaux à l’intérieur des cellules. D’intenses recherches effectuées au cours des trente dernières années ont mené à l’identification de dizaines de protéines interagissant avec les RCPGs et contrôlant la signalisation, la désensibilisation, l’internalisation et la dégradation de ces importantes cibles pharmacologiques. Contrairement aux processus régulant l’activité des récepteurs à partir de la membrane plasmique, les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant la biosynthèse des RCPGs dans le reticulum endoplasmique (RE) et leur transport jusqu’à la surface cellulaire sont très peu caractérisés. Une meilleure compréhension de ces processus nécessite l’identification de la machinerie protéique responsable de la maturation des RCPGs. Un crible protéomique basé sur le transfert d’énergie de résonance de bioluminescence (BRET), qui permet la mesure d’interactions protéiques dans les cellules vivantes, a mené à l’identification de plusieurs nouvelles protéines localisées dans la voie de sécrétion et interagissant potentiellement avec les RCPGs. Ces protéines étant localisées dans les compartiments cellulaires (reticulum endoplasmique et appareil de Golgi) responsables de la synthèse, du repliement adéquat et du transport à la membrane plasmique des récepteurs, il est très probable qu’elles soient impliquées dans le contrôle de l’expression des RCPGs à la surface cellulaire. La caractérisation de l’homologue humain de cornichon 4 (CNIH4), un nouvel intéracteur des RCPGs identifié dans le crible, a démontré que cette protéine localisée dans les compartiments précoces de la voie de sécrétion (RE et ERGIC) interagit de façon sélective avec les RCPGs. De plus, la suppression de l’expression endogène de cette protéine préalablement non-caractérisée, diminue le transport à la membrane plasmique d’un récepteur, indiquant que CNIH4 influence positivement l’export des RCPGs du RE. Ceci est supporté par l’observation que la surexpression de CNIH4 à de faibles niveaux favorise la maturation d’un récepteur mutant normalement retenu dans le RE. Nous avons également pu démontrer que CNIH4 est associée à la protéine Sec23, une des composantes de l’enveloppe des vésicules COPII qui sont responsables du transport des protéines du RE vers le Golgi, suggérant que CNIH4 pourrait favoriser le recrutement des récepteurs dans ces vésicules. La surexpression de CNIH4 à de très hauts niveaux provoque également la rétention intracellulaire des récepteurs. Cet effet dominant négatif pourrait être causé par la titration d’un autre facteur d’export des RCPGs. Une deuxième étude a permis de révéler que la protéine transmembranaire 9 (TMEM9), un nouvel intéracteur des RCPGs également identifié dans le crible, interagit sélectivement avec les récepteurs et avec CNIH4. La surexpression de cette protéine aux fonctions précédemment inconnues, rétablit le transport normal d’un récepteur en présence de CNIH4 surexprimée. De plus, la co-expression de TMEM9 potentialise la capacité de CNIH4 à augmenter la maturation d’un récepteur mutant normalement retenu dans le RE, suggérant que ces deux protéines forment un complexe régulant la maturation des RCPGs. Au cours de cette thèse, de nouvelles protéines interagissant avec les RCPGs et contrôlant leur expression à la membrane plasmique ont donc été identifiées, permettant une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes régulant le transport des récepteurs du RE à la surface cellulaire.
PVC supported liquid membrane and carbon paste potentiometric sensors incorporating an Mn(III)-porphyrin complex as a neutral host molecule were developed for the determination of paracetamol. The measurements were carried out in solution at pH 5.5. Under such conditions paracetamol exists as a neutral molecule. The mechanism of molecular recognition between the Mn(III)-porphyrin and paracetamol, leading to potentiometric signal generation, is discussed.The sensitivity and selectivity toward paracetamol of carbon paste and polymeric liquid membrane electrodes incorporating an Mn(III)-porphyrin host were compared. The applicability of these sensors to the direct determination of paracetamol was checked by performing a recovery test in human plasma.
This thesis describes several important advancements in the understanding of the assembly of outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. A first study was performed to identify binding regions in the trimeric chaperone Skp for outer membrane proteins. Skp is known to facilitate the passage of unfolded outer membrane proteins (OMPs) through the periplasm to the outer membrane (OM). A gene construct named “synthetic chaperone protein (scp)” gene was used to express a fusion protein (Scp) into the cytoplasm of E. coli. The scp gene was used as a template to design mutants of Scp suitable for structural and functional studies using site-directed spectroscopy. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was used to identify distances in Skp-OmpA complexes that separate regions in Scp and in outer membrane protein A (OmpA) from E. coli. For this study, single cysteine (Cys) mutants and single Cys - single tryptophan (Trp) double mutants of Scp were prepared. For FRET experiments, the cysteines were labeled with the tryptophan fluorescence energy acceptor IAEDANS. Single Trp mutants of OmpA were used as fluorescence energy donors. In the second part of this thesis, the function of BamD and the structure of BamD-Scp complexes were examined. BamD is an essential component of the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex of the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to probe the interactions of BamD with lipid membranes and to investigate the interactions of BamD with possible partner proteins from the periplasm and from the OM. A range of single cysteine (Cys) and single tryptophan (Trp) mutants of BamD were prepared. A very important conclusion from the extensive FRET study is that the essential lipoprotein BamD interacts and binds to the periplasmic chaperone Skp. BamD contains tetratrico peptide repeat (TPR) motifs that are suggested to serve as docking sites for periplasmic chaperones such as Skp.
The work presented in this PhD thesis includes various partial studies aimed at developing a decision support system for membrane bioreactor integrated control. The decision support systems (DSS) have as a main goal to facilitate the operation of complex processes due to the multiple variables that are processed. For this reason, the research used has focused on aspects related to nutrient removal, and on the development of indicators or sensors capable of facilitating, automating and controlling the filtration process in an integrated way with the biological processes that taking place. Work has also been done on the design, development, implementation and validation of tools based on the knowledge made available by the automatic control and the supervision of the MBRs
Surfactin is a bacterial lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis and is a powerful surfactant, having also antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor properties. The recovery and purification of surfactin from complex fermentation broths is a major obstacle to its commercialization; therefore, a two-step membrane filtration process was developed using a lab scale tangential flow filtration (TFF) unit with 10 kDa MWCO regenerated cellulose (RC) and polyethersulfone (PES)membranes at three different transmembrane pressure (TMP) of 1.5 bar, 2.0 bar and 2.5 bar. Two modes of filtrations were studied, with and without cleaning of membranes prior to UF-2. In a first step of ultrafiltration (UF-1), surfactin was retained effectively by membranes at above its critical micelle concentration (CMC); subsequently in UF-2, the retentate micelles were disrupted by addition of 50% (v/v) methanol solution to allow recovery of surfactin in the permeate. Main protein contaminants were effectively retained by the membrane in UF-2. Flux of permeates, rejection coefficient (R) of surfactin and proteinwere measured during the filtrations. Overall the three different TMPs applied have no significant effect in the filtrations and PES is the more suitable membrane to selectively separate surfactin from fermentation broth, achieving high recovery and level of purity. In addition this two-step UF process is scalable for larger volume of samples without affecting the original functionality of surfactin, although membranes permeability can be affected due to exposure to methanolic solution used in UF-2.
Platelets are small blood cells vital for hemostasis. Following vascular damage, platelets adhere to collagens and activate, forming a thrombus that plugs the wound and prevents blood loss. Stimulation of the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) allows recruitment of proteins to receptor-proximal signaling complexes on the inner-leaflet of the plasma membrane. These proteins are often present at low concentrations; therefore, signaling-complex characterization using mass spectrometry is limited due to high sample complexity. We describe a method that facilitates detection of signaling proteins concentrated on membranes. Peripheral membrane proteins (reversibly associated with membranes) were eluted from human platelets with alkaline sodium carbonate. Liquid-phase isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis were used to identify proteins that changed in levels on membranes from GPVI-stimulated platelets. Immunoblot analysis verified protein recruitment to platelet membranes and subsequent protein phosphorylation was preserved. Hsp47, a collagen binding protein, was among the proteins identified and found to be exposed on the surface of GPVI-activated platelets. Inhibition of Hsp47 abolished platelet aggregation in response to collagen, while only partially reducing aggregation in response to other platelet agonists. We propose that Hsp47 may therefore play a role in hemostasis and thrombosis.
Nucleophilic attack of (triphenylphosphonio) cyclopentadienide on the dichlorodiazomethane-tungsten complex trans[ BrW(dppe)(2)(N2CCl2)]PF6 [dppe is 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino) ethane] results in C-C bond formation and affords the title compound, trans-[W(C24H18ClN2P)Br(C26H24P2)(2)]PF6 center dot 0.6CH(2)Cl(2). This complex, bis[1,2- bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane] bromido{chloro[3-(triphenylphosphonio) cyclopentadienylidene] diazomethanediido} tungsten hexafluorophosphate dichloromethane 0.6-solvate, contains the previously unknown ligand chloro[3-(triphenylphosphonio) cyclopentadienylidene] diazomethane. Evidence from bond lengths and torsion angles indicates significant through-ligand delocalization of electron density from tungsten to the nominally cationic phosphorus(V) centre. This structural analysis clearly demonstrates that the tungsten-dinitrogen unit is a powerful pi-electron donor with the ability to transfer electron density from the metal to a distant acceptor centre through an extended conjugated ligand system. As a consequence, complexes of this type could have potential applications as nonlinear optical materials and molecular semiconductors.
Siramesine (SRM) is a sigma-2 receptor agonist which has been recently shown to inhibit growth of cancer cells. Fluorescence spectroscopy experiments revealed two distinct binding sites for this drug in phospholipid membranes. More specifically, acidic phospholipids retain siramesine on the bilayer surface due to a high-affinity interaction, reaching saturation at an apparent 1:1 drug-acidic phospholipid stoichiometry, where after the drug penetrates into the hydrocarbon core of the membrane. This behavior was confirmed using Langmuir films. Of the anionic phospholipids, the highest affinity, comparable to the affinities for the binding of small molecule ligands to proteins, was measured for phosphatidic acid (PA, mole fraction Of X-PA = 0.2 in phosphatidylcholine vesicles), yielding a molecular partition coefficient of 240 +/- 80 x 10(6). An MD simulation on the siramesine:PA interaction was in agreement with the above data. Taking into account the key role of PA as a signaling molecule promoting cell growth our results suggest a new paradigm for the development of anticancer drugs, viz. design of small molecules specifically scavenging phospholipids involved in the signaling cascades controlling cell behavior.
In common with other positive-strand RNA viruses, replication of feline calicivirus (FCV) results in rearrangement of intracellular membranes and production of numerous membrane-bound vesicular structures on which viral genome replication is thought to occur. In this study, bioinformatics approaches have identified three of the FCV non-structural proteins, namely p32, p39 and p30, as potential transmembrane proteins. These proteins were able to target enhanced cyan fluorescent protein to membrane fractions where they behaved as integral membrane proteins. Immunofluorescence microscopy of these proteins expressed in cells showed co-localization with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) markers. Further electron microscopy analysis of cells co-expressing FCV p39 or p30 with a horseradish peroxidase protein containing the KDEL ER retention motif demonstrated gross morphological changes to the ER. Similar reorganization patterns, especially for those produced by p30, were observed in naturally infected Crandel-Rees feline kidney cells. Together, the data demonstrate that the p32, p39 and p30 proteins of FCV locate to the ER and lead to reorganization of ER membranes. This suggests that they may play a role in the generation of FCV replication complexes and that the endoplasmic reticulum may represent the potential source of the membrane vesicles induced during FCV infection.
Collagen-related peptide (CRP) stimulates powerful activation of platelets through the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-FcR gamma-chain complex. We have combined proteomics and traditional biochemistry approaches to study the proteome of CRP-activated platelets, focusing in detail on tyrosine phosphorylation. In two separate approaches, phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitations followed by 1-D-PAGE, and 2-DE, were used for protein separation. Proteins were identified by MS. By following these approaches, 96 proteins were found to undergo PTM in response to CRP in human platelets, including 11 novel platelet proteins such as Dok-1, SPIN90, osteoclast stimulating factor 1, and beta-Pix. Interestingly, the type I transmembrane protein G6f was found to be specifically phosphorylated on Tyr-281 in response to platelet activation by CRP, providing a docking site for the adapter Grb2. G6f tyrosine phoshporylation was also found to take place in response to collagen, although not in response to the G protein-coupled receptor agonists, thrombin and ADP. Further, we also demonstrate for the first time that Grb2 and its homolog Gads are tyrosine-phosphorylated in CRP-stimulated platelets. This study provides new insights into the mechanism of platelet activation through the GPVI collagen receptor, helping to build the basis for the development of new drug targets for thrombotic disease.