982 resultados para MAMMALIAN TARGET


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Control of cell identity during development is specified in large part by the unique expression patterns of multiple homeobox-containing (Hox) genes in specific segments of an embryo. Trithorax and Polycomb-group (Trx-G and Pc-G) proteins in Drosophila maintain Hox expression or repression, respectively. Mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) is frequently involved in chromosomal translocations associated with acute leukemia and is the one established mammalian homologue of Trx. Bmi-1 was first identified as a collaborator in c-myc-induced murine lymphomagenesis and is homologous to the Drosophila Pc-G member Posterior sex combs. Here, we note the axial-skeletal transformations and altered Hox expression patterns of Mll-deficient and Bmi-1-deficient mice were normalized when both Mll and Bmi-1 were deleted, demonstrating their antagonistic role in determining segmental identity. Embryonic fibroblasts from Mll-deficient compared with Bmi-1-deficient mice demonstrate reciprocal regulation of Hox genes as well as an integrated Hoxc8-lacZ reporter construct. Reexpression of MLL was able to overcome repression, rescuing expression of Hoxc8-lacZ in Mll-deficient cells. Consistent with this, MLL and BMI-I display discrete subnuclear colocalization. Although Drosophila Pc-G and Trx-G members have been shown to maintain a previously established transcriptional pattern, we demonstrate that MLL can also dynamically regulate a target Hox gene.


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Uncertainty as to which member of a family of DNA-binding transcription factors regulates a specific promoter in intact cells is a problem common to many investigators. Determining target gene specificity requires both an analysis of protein binding to the endogenous promoter as well as a characterization of the functional consequences of transcription factor binding. By using a formaldehyde crosslinking procedure and Gal4 fusion proteins, we have analyzed the timing and functional consequences of binding of Myc and upstream stimulatory factor (USF)1 to endogenous cellular genes. We demonstrate that the endogenous cad promoter can be immunoprecipitated with antibodies against Myc and USF1. We further demonstrate that although both Myc and USF1 can bind to cad, the cad promoter can respond only to the Myc transactivation domain. We also show that the amount of Myc bound to the cad promoter fluctuates in a growth-dependent manner. Thus, our data analyzing both DNA binding and promoter activity in intact cells suggest that cad is a Myc target gene. In addition, we show that Myc binding can occur at many sites in vivo but that the position of the binding site determines the functional consequences of this binding. Our data indicate that a post-DNA-binding mechanism determines Myc target gene specificity. Importantly, we have demonstrated the feasibility of analyzing the binding of site-specific transcription factors in vivo to single copy mammalian genes.


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The exocyst is a protein complex required for the late stages of secretion in yeast. Unlike the SNAREs (SNAP receptors), important secretory proteins that are broadly distributed on the target membrane, the exocyst is specifically located at sites of vesicle fusion. We have isolated cDNAs encoding the rexo70, rsec5, and rsec15 subunits of the mammalian complex. The amino acid sequences encoded by these genes are between 21% and 24% identical to their yeast homologs. All three genes are broadly expressed and multiple transcripts are observed for rexo70 and rsec15. Characterization of cDNAs encoding the 84-kDa subunit of the mammalian complex revealed a novel protein. mAbs were generated to the mammalian rsec6 subunit of the exocyst complex. rsec6 immunoreactivity is found in a punctate distribution at terminals of PC12 cell processes at or near sites of granule exocytosis.


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The production of subtle or conditional mutations in mice through the combined use of site-specific and homologous recombination has become an increasingly widespread experimental paradigm in mammalian genetics. Embryonic stem cells containing recombinase transgenes that were expressed in the male germ line, but not in other tissues or in the embryonic stem cells themselves, would substantially simplify the production of such alleles. Here we show that transgenes comprised of the mouse protamine 1 promoter and the Cre recombinase coding sequence mediate the efficient recombination of a Cre target transgene in the male germ line, but not in other tissues. Embryonic stem cell lines generated from one of these transgenic strains were transfected with targeting vectors that included loxP-flanked selectable markers, and homologously recombined alleles containing the marker and functional loxP sites were isolated. These results establish the potential of the system for substantially reducing the time, effort, and resources required to produce homologously recombined alleles in mice that have been secondarily rearranged by a site-specific recombinase.


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In complex with FKBP12, the immunosuppressant rapamycin binds to and inhibits the yeast TOR1 and TOR2 proteins and the mammalian homologue mTOR/FRAP/RAFT1. The TOR proteins promote cell cycle progression in yeast and human cells by regulating translation and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. A C-terminal domain of the TOR proteins shares identity with protein and lipid kinases, but only one substrate (PHAS-I), and no regulators of the TOR-signaling cascade have been identified. We report here that yeast TOR1 has an intrinsic protein kinase activity capable of phosphorylating PHAS-1, and this activity is abolished by an active site mutation and inhibited by FKBP12-rapamycin or wortmannin. We find that an intact TOR1 kinase domain is essential for TOR1 functions in yeast. Overexpression of a TOR1 kinase-inactive mutant, or of a central region of the TOR proteins distinct from the FRB and kinase domains, was toxic in yeast, and overexpression of wild-type TOR1 suppressed this toxic effect. Expression of the TOR-toxic domain leads to a G1 cell cycle arrest, consistent with an inhibition of TOR function in translation. Overexpression of the PLC1 gene, which encodes the yeast phospholipase C homologue, suppressed growth inhibition by the TOR-toxic domains. In conclusion, our findings identify a toxic effector domain of the TOR proteins that may interact with substrates or regulators of the TOR kinase cascade and that shares sequence identity with other PIK family members, including ATR, Rad3, Mei-41, and ATM.


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The ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of mitotic cyclin B, which is catalyzed by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme H10 (UbcH10), begins around the time of the metaphase–anaphase transition and continues through G1 phase of the next cell cycle. We have used cell-free systems from mammalian somatic cells collected at different cell cycle stages (G0, G1, S, G2, and M) to investigate the regulated degradation of four targets of the mitotic destruction machinery: cyclins A and B, geminin H (an inhibitor of S phase identified in Xenopus), and Cut2p (an inhibitor of anaphase onset identified in fission yeast). All four are degraded by G1 extracts but not by extracts of S phase cells. Maintenance of destruction during G1 requires the activity of a PP2A-like phosphatase. Destruction of each target is dependent on the presence of an N-terminal destruction box motif, is accelerated by additional wild-type UbcH10 and is blocked by dominant negative UbcH10. Destruction of each is terminated by a dominant activity that appears in nuclei near the start of S phase. Previous work indicates that the APC/C–dependent destruction of anaphase inhibitors is activated after chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate. In support of this, we show that addition of dominant negative UbcH10 to G1 extracts blocks destruction of the yeast anaphase inhibitor Cut2p in vitro, and injection of dominant negative UbcH10 blocks anaphase onset in vivo. Finally, we report that injection of dominant negative Ubc3/Cdc34, whose role in G1–S control is well established and has been implicated in kinetochore function during mitosis in yeast, dramatically interferes with congression of chromosomes to the metaphase plate. These results demonstrate that the regulated ubiquitination and destruction of critical mitotic proteins is highly conserved from yeast to humans.


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A recombinant adenovirus (rAd) expressing Cre recombinase derived from bacteriophage P1 has already been extensively used for the conditional gene activation and inactivation strategies in mammalian systems. In this study, we generated AxCAFLP, a rAd expressing FLP recombinase derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and carried out quantitative comparisons with Cre-expressing rAd in both in vitro and in cultured cells to provide another efficient gene regulation system in mammalian cells. In the in vitro experiments, the relative recombination efficiency of FLP expressed in 293 cells infected with FLP-expressing rAd was approximately one-thirtieth that of Cre even at 30°C, the optimum temperature for FLP activity, and was approximately one-ninetieth at 37°C. Co-infection experiments in HeLa cells using a target rAd conditionally expressing LacZ under the control of FLP showed that an FLP-expressing rAd, infected at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 5, was able to activate the transgene in almost 100% of HeLa cells whereas the Cre-expressing rAd was sufficient at an MOI of 0.2. Since an MOI of 5 is ordinarily used in rAd experiments, these results showed that the FLP-expressing rAd is useful for gene activation strategies and is probably applicable to a sequential gene regulation system in combination with Cre-expressing rAd in mammalian cells.


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Drosophila Armadillo and its mammalian homologue β-catenin are scaffolding proteins involved in the assembly of multiprotein complexes with diverse biological roles. They mediate adherens junction assembly, thus determining tissue architecture, and also transduce Wnt/Wingless intercellular signals, which regulate embryonic cell fates and, if inappropriately activated, contribute to tumorigenesis. To learn more about Armadillo/β-catenin's scaffolding function, we examined in detail its interaction with one of its protein targets, cadherin. We utilized two assay systems: the yeast two-hybrid system to study cadherin binding in the absence of Armadillo/β-catenin's other protein partners, and mammalian cells where interactions were assessed in their presence. We found that segments of the cadherin cytoplasmic tail as small as 23 amino acids bind Armadillo or β-catenin in yeast, whereas a slightly longer region is required for binding in mammalian cells. We used mutagenesis to identify critical amino acids required for cadherin interaction with Armadillo/β-catenin. Expression of such short cadherin sequences in mammalian cells did not affect adherens junctions but effectively inhibited β-catenin–mediated signaling. This suggests that the interaction between β-catenin and T cell factor family transcription factors is a sensitive target for disruption, making the use of analogues of these cadherin derivatives a potentially useful means to suppress tumor progression.


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The drugs in clinical use against African sleeping sickness are toxic, costly, or inefficient. We show that Trypanosoma brucei, which causes this disease, has very low levels of CTP, which are due to a limited capacity for de novo synthesis and the lack of salvage pathways. The CTP synthetase inhibitors 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON) and α-amino-3-chloro-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazoleacetic acid (acivicin) reduced the parasite CTP levels even further and inhibited trypanosome proliferation in vitro and in T. brucei-infected mice. In mammalian cells, DON mainly inhibits de novo purine biosynthesis, a pathway lacking in trypanosomes. We could rescue DON-treated human and mouse fibroblasts by the addition of the purine base hypoxanthine to the growth medium. For treatment of sleeping sickness, we propose the use of CTP synthetase inhibitors alone or in combination with appropriate nucleosides or bases.


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Papain family cysteine proteases are key factors in the pathogenesis of cancer invasion, arthritis, osteoporosis, and microbial infections. Targeting this enzyme family is therefore one strategy in the development of new chemotherapy for a number of diseases. Little is known, however, about the efficacy, selectivity, and safety of cysteine protease inhibitors in cell culture or in vivo. We now report that specific cysteine protease inhibitors kill Leishmania parasites in vitro, at concentrations that do not overtly affect mammalian host cells. Inhibition of Leishmania cysteine protease activity was accompanied by defects in the parasite’s lysosome/endosome compartment resembling those seen in lysosomal storage diseases. Colocalization of anti-protease antibodies with biotinylated surface proteins and accumulation of undigested debris and protease in the flagellar pocket of treated parasites were consistent with a pathway of protease trafficking from flagellar pocket to the lysosome/endosome compartment. The inhibitors were sufficiently absorbed and stable in vivo to ameliorate the pathology associated with a mouse model of Leishmania infection.


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An extensive, highly diversified multigene family of novel immune-type receptor (nitr) genes has been defined in Danio rerio (zebrafish). The genes are predicted to encode type I transmembrane glycoproteins consisting of extracellular variable (V) and V-like C2 (V/C2) domains, a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic tail. All of the genes examined encode immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in the cytoplasmic tail. Radiation hybrid panel mapping and analysis of a deletion mutant line (b240) indicate that a minimum of ≈40 nitr genes are contiguous in the genome and span ≈0.6 Mb near the top of zebrafish linkage group 7. One flanking region of the nitr gene complex shares conserved synteny with a region of mouse chromosome 7, which shares conserved synteny with human 19q13.3-q13.4 that encodes the leukocyte receptor cluster. Antibody-induced crosslinking of Nitrs that have been introduced into a human natural killer cell line inhibits the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase that is triggered by natural killer-sensitive tumor target cells. Nitrs likely represent intermediates in the evolution of the leukocyte receptor cluster.


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Posttranscriptional regulation of genes of mammalian iron metabolism is mediated by the interaction of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) with RNA stem-loop sequence elements known as iron-responsive elements (IREs). There are two identified IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, each of which binds consensus IREs present in eukaryotic transcripts with equal affinity. Site-directed mutagenesis of IRP1 and IRP2 reveals that, although the binding affinities for consensus IREs are indistinguishable, the contributions of arginine residues in the active-site cleft to the binding affinity are different in the two RNA binding sites. Furthermore, although each IRP binds the consensus IRE with high affinity, each IRP also binds a unique alternative ligand, which was identified in an in vitro systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment procedure. Differences in the two binding sites may be important in the function of the IRE-IRP regulatory system.


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This paper describes the use of the baculovirus Autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) as a vector for gene delivery into mammalian cells. A modified AcMNPV virus was prepared that carried the Escherichia coli lacZ reporter gene under control of the Rous sarcoma virus promoter and mammalian RNA processing signals. This modified baculovirus was then used to infect a variety of mammalian cell lines. After infection of the human liver cell lines HepG2, >25% of the cells showed high-level expression of the transduced gene. Over 70% of the cells in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes showed expression of beta-galactosidase after exposure to the virus. Cell lines from other tissues showed less or no expression of lacZ after exposure to the virus. The block to expression in less susceptible cells does not appear to result from the ability to be internalized by the target cell but rather by events subsequent to viral entry. The onset of lacZ expression occurred within 6 hr of infection in HepG2 cells and peaked 12-24 hr postinfection. Because AcMNPV is able to replicate only in insect hosts, is able to carry large (>15 kb) inserts, and is a highly effective gene delivery vehicle for primary cultures of hepatocytes, AcMNPV may be a useful vector for genetic manipulation of liver cells.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic hepatitis. The virus does not replicate efficiently in cell cultures, and it is therefore difficult to assess infection-neutralizing antibodies and to evaluate protective immunity in vitro. To study the binding of the HCV envelope to cell-surface receptors, we developed an assay to assess specific binding of recombinant envelope proteins to human cells and neutralization thereof. HCV recombinant envelope proteins expressed in various systems were incubated with human cells, and binding was assessed by flow cytometry using anti-envelope antibodies. Envelope glycoprotein 2 (E2) expressed in mammalian cells, but not in yeast or insect cells, binds human cells with high affinity (Kd approximately 10(-8) M). We then assessed antibodies able to neutralize E2 binding in the sera of both vaccinated and carrier chimpanzees, as well as in the sera of humans infected with various HCV genotypes. Vaccination with recombinant envelope proteins expressed in mammalian cells elicited high titers of neutralizing antibodies that correlated with protection from HCV challenge. HCV infection does not elicit neutralizing antibodies in most chimpanzees and humans, although low titers of neutralizing antibodies were detectable in a minority of infections. The ability to neutralize binding of E2 derived from the HCV-1 genotype was equally distributed among sera from patients infected with HCV genotypes 1, 2, and 3, demonstrating that binding of E2 is partly independent of E2 hypervariable regions. However, a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against the E2 hypervariable region 1 can partially neutralize binding of E2, indicating that at least two neutralizing epitopes, one of which is hypervariable, should exist on the E2 protein. The neutralization-of-binding assay described will be useful to study protective immunity to HCV infection and for vaccine development.


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An in vitro genetic system was developed as a rapid means for studying the specificity determinants of RNA-binding proteins. This system was used to investigate the origin of the RNA-binding specificity of the mammalian spliceosomal protein U1A. The U1A domain responsible for binding to U1 small nuclear RNA was locally mutagenized and displayed as a combinatorial library on filamentous bacteriophage. Affinity selection identified four U1A residues in the mutagenized region that are important for specific binding to U1 hairpin II. One of these residues (Leu-49) disproportionately affects the rates of binding and release and appears to play a critical role in locking the protein onto the RNA. Interestingly, a protein variant that binds more tightly than U1A emerged during the selection, showing that the affinity of U1A for U1 RNA has not been optimized during evolution.