142 resultados para Lubrificação e lubrificantes


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Com o envelhecimento da população mundial, aumenta a cada dia a prevalência das doenças relacionadas à idade, com destaque para a osteoartrite, forma mais comum de doença articular e que, além da alta prevalência, relaciona-se a altos custos médicos e sociais. Dentre as modalidades de tratamento, a viscosuplementação, injeção intra-articular de derivados do ácido hialurônico, vem ganhando cada vez mais destaque. Trata-se de um polissacarídeo de alto peso molecular que possui, além das funções mecânicas de distribuição de peso e lubrificação, propriedades anti-inflamatórias e ação físico-química sobre diversos aspectos da articulação, sendo que tais efeitos são diretamente proporcionais ao peso molecular, concentração e presença de ligações cruzadas da droga utilizada. A viscosuplementação é procedimento simples e pode ser realizada ambulatorialmente. Traz benefício para dor e função, e também altera favoravelmente o curso da doença, melhorando quantitativamente e qualitativamente a cartilagem articular. Apresenta bom perfil de segurança e favorável relação custo-efetividade, sendo indicada tanto para osteoartrite quanto após um procedimento de artroscopia.


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Com o grande crescimento tecnológico e a necessidade de melhoria, um dos materiais que ganhou uma grande gama na área da engenharia mecânica é a cerâmica, pois possui vantagens físico-químicas e propriedades mecânicas significativas sobre o aço. Entretanto, sua usinagem é um processo difícil e delicado, que requer ainda uma grande atenção em relação ao seu estudo. Assim, o processo de retificação é um dos métodos que tem apresentado bons resultados, porém um grande problema acerca de tal processo é o uso excessivo de fluidos de corte, o que se tornou uma preocupação mundial, já que os fluidos apresentam graves problemas socioambientais, além disso, o fluido de corte é responsável por uma grande parte do custo final do processo, provocando, desse modo, um grande interesse em pesquisas referentes a métodos alternativos de forma a reduzir o consumo e melhorar as características do fluido de corte utilizado. Este trabalho visa comparar duas técnicas de lubri-refrigeração, o método convencional e a Lubrificação Otimizada. O uso do método otimizado é uma alternativa à diminuição do volume de fluido utilizado, já que este tem como princípio a aplicação de uma menor quantidade de fluido de corte com uma alta velocidade, localmente aplicada, ou seja, com essa redução benefícios ambientais e socioeconômicas são obtidos. A análise do trabalho será feita a partir da avaliação das variáveis de saída do processo de retificação plana tais como o comportamento rugosidade e desgaste do rebolo, já que por elas é possível avaliar o processo em relação a qualidade da peça versus custo. Com essas analises, pretende-se avaliar se a técnica otimizada é viável a substituição da refrigeração convencional na retificação plana de cerâmicas.


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Since the earliest developments of human history, friction has been a major issue. From the invention of the wheel and the use of the first lubricants to the studiesof coated and microtexturized surfaces, significant effort has been put on improvements that couldovercome the resistance to motion. Areview by Holmberg, Andersson and Erdemir[1] shows that, in an average passenger car, about one third of the total energy consumptionis due to friction losses. Of these, another one third is consumed in the engine system. The optimization of the lubricating oil formulation used ininternal combustion enginesis an important way to reduce friction, therefore improving energeticefficiencyand controllingemissions.Lubrication is also a way to assure the required protection to the system by maintaining wear rates in an adequate level, which helps to minimize maintenance costs.


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Este estudo consistiu na investigação sobre a interação dos lubrificantes empregados na usinagem de metais com a matéria orgânica natural (substâncias húmicas), a sua mobilidade no solo, a degradação microbiológica e a remoção dos mesmos do solo. Realizou-se, também, um estudo sobre as mudanças nas características dos fluidos após a sua utilização. Para o processo de degradação das amostras de fluido, submetidos aos efeitos de diferentes fatores ambientais, foram utilizados quatro tratamentos : (i) microrganismos nativos, chamada amostra controle; (ii) amostra controle com matéria orgânica proveniente de turfa; (iii) amostra controle acrescida de microrganismos existentes nos efluentes de máquinas de corte; e (iv) amostra controle com adição de microrganismos de compostagem. Para a pesquisa da degradação sem o efeito dos parâmetros climáticos, foram utilizadas amostras de solo contaminadas mantendo-se em estufa, e a inoculação dos microrganismos em meios de cultura com e sem acréscimo de fonte alternativa de carbono. Como técnicas analíticas, foram utilizadas a CG-DIC e a CG-EM. Essas técnicas são indicadas tanto para estudar a composição dos fluidos quanto dos produtos de degradação microbiológica, tendo sido otimizados métodos analíticos para serem empregados no monitoramento ambiental e de estudos de degradação. As análises por IVTF e por EF também foram empregadas na identificação e quantificação dos fluidos. Observou-se uma considerável interação dos fluidos solúveis com a matéria orgânica do solo, embora tenham se apresentado com alta mobilidade para alguns constituintes, bem como um acelerado processo de degradação durante o uso. De outro modo, os fluidos insolúveis se apresentaram mais imóveis, ficando retidos na matéria orgânica do solo, entretanto, foram mais prontamente degradados no ambiente que os solúveis. A adição de matéria orgânica e de microrganismos de compostagem acelerou o processo de degradação para todos os fluidos de corte investigados.


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Friction in hydrodynamic bearings are a major source of losses in car engines ([69]). The extreme loading conditions in those bearings lead to contact between the matching surfaces. In such conditions not only the overall geometry of the bearing is relevant, but also the small-scale topography of the surface determines the bearing performance. The possibility of shaping the surface of lubricated bearings down to the micrometer ([57]) opened the question of whether friction can be reduced by mean of micro-textures, with mixed results. This work focuses in the development of efficient numerical methods to solve thin film (lubrication) problems down to the roughness scale of measured surfaces. Due to the high velocities and the convergent-divergent geometries of hydrodynamic bearings, cavitation takes place. To treat cavitation in the lubrication problem the Elrod- Adams model is used, a mass-conserving model which has proven in careful numerical ([12]) and experimental ([119]) tests to be essential to obtain physically meaningful results. Another relevant aspect of the modeling is that the bearing inertial effects are considered, which is necessary to correctly simulate moving textures. As an application, the effects of micro-texturing the moving surface of the bearing were studied. Realistic values are assumed for the physical parameters defining the problems. Extensive fundamental studies were carried out in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime. Mesh-converged simulations considering the topography of real measured surfaces were also run, and the validity of the lubrication approximation was assessed for such rough surfaces.


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The present thesis is focused on the development of a thorough mathematical modelling and computational solution framework aimed at the numerical simulation of journal and sliding bearing systems operating under a wide range of lubrication regimes (mixed, elastohydrodynamic and full film lubrication regimes) and working conditions (static, quasi-static and transient conditions). The fluid flow effects have been considered in terms of the Isothermal Generalized Equation of the Mechanics of the Viscous Thin Films (Reynolds equation), along with the massconserving p-Ø Elrod-Adams cavitation model that accordingly ensures the so-called JFO complementary boundary conditions for fluid film rupture. The variation of the lubricant rheological properties due to the viscous-pressure (Barus and Roelands equations), viscous-shear-thinning (Eyring and Carreau-Yasuda equations) and density-pressure (Dowson-Higginson equation) relationships have also been taken into account in the overall modelling. Generic models have been derived for the aforementioned bearing components in order to enable their applications in general multibody dynamic systems (MDS), and by including the effects of angular misalignments, superficial geometric defects (form/waviness deviations, EHL deformations, etc.) and axial motion. The bearing exibility (conformal EHL) has been incorporated by means of FEM model reduction (or condensation) techniques. The macroscopic in fluence of the mixedlubrication phenomena have been included into the modelling by the stochastic Patir and Cheng average ow model and the Greenwood-Williamson/Greenwood-Tripp formulations for rough contacts. Furthermore, a deterministic mixed-lubrication model with inter-asperity cavitation has also been proposed for full-scale simulations in the microscopic (roughness) level. According to the extensive mathematical modelling background established, three significant contributions have been accomplished. Firstly, a general numerical solution for the Reynolds lubrication equation with the mass-conserving p - Ø cavitation model has been developed based on the hybridtype Element-Based Finite Volume Method (EbFVM). This new solution scheme allows solving lubrication problems with complex geometries to be discretized by unstructured grids. The numerical method was validated in agreement with several example cases from the literature, and further used in numerical experiments to explore its exibility in coping with irregular meshes for reducing the number of nodes required in the solution of textured sliding bearings. Secondly, novel robust partitioned techniques, namely: Fixed Point Gauss-Seidel Method (PGMF), Point Gauss-Seidel Method with Aitken Acceleration (PGMA) and Interface Quasi-Newton Method with Inverse Jacobian from Least-Squares approximation (IQN-ILS), commonly adopted for solving uid-structure interaction problems have been introduced in the context of tribological simulations, particularly for the coupled calculation of dynamic conformal EHL contacts. The performance of such partitioned methods was evaluated according to simulations of dynamically loaded connecting-rod big-end bearings of both heavy-duty and high-speed engines. Finally, the proposed deterministic mixed-lubrication modelling was applied to investigate the in fluence of the cylinder liner wear after a 100h dynamometer engine test on the hydrodynamic pressure generation and friction of Twin-Land Oil Control Rings.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre o estudo dos efeitos térmicos e elásticos decorrentes da pressão de sustentação presentes nos mancais. Para tanto, propõe-se um modelo matemático baseado nas equações para mancais curtos considerando a região de cavitação e utilizando o princípio da continuidade de massa. Com isto, deduzem-se as equações para o mancal a partir das equações de Reynolds e da energia, aplicando uma solução modificada para a solução de Ocvirk, sendo as equações resolvidas numericamente pelo Método das Diferenças Finitas. Somado o tratamento de mecânica dos fluidos, o trabalho discute dois modelos térmicos de previsão de temperatura média do fluido e sua influência no campo de pressão, apresentando gráficos representativos do campo de pressão e de temperatura, assim como as diferenças e implicações das diferenças. Para o cálculo de deformação da estrutura, utiliza-se um Modelo de Elementos Finitos para uma dada geometria, fazendo-se uma avaliação da variação do campo de pressão e o quanto essa diferença afeta as demais propriedades do fluido. Por fim, com o modelo completo, calcula-se o quanto esse modelamento para mancais curtos se aproxima de soluções para mancais finitos, com base em resultados da literatura, chegando a desvios quase oito vezes menores que os previstos pela literatura. Além disso, pode-se estabelecer a abrangência do modelo, ou seja, prever as condições em que suas propriedades são válidas e podem ser utilizadas para estudos iniciais.


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No presente trabalho são estudadas chumaceiras axiais de esmagamento de película compressível. A lubrificação deste componente mecânico, é conseguida por meio de um fluido gasoso justificando a obtenção de soluções por via de experimentação numérica, uma vez que atualmente ainda não é possível recorrer-se a métodos analíticos. Através da simulação numérica, analisa-se a influência de alguns parâmetros operacionais na resposta deste tipo de chumaceira. Na análise dos resultados verifica-se que a posição média final do elemento suportado é independente da espessura de película inicial utilizada, desde que esta não ultrapasse o valor limite em que a pressão gerada não consiga fazer face à aceleração da massa durante a fase descendente, resultando no contacto entre as superfícies dos elementos da chumaceira. A utilização de frequências elevadas é recomendável uma vez que promove uma maior separação de superfícies, menor dissipação de energia por parte da película lubrificante e menor amplitude de oscilação do elemento suportado, embora com as desvantagens do período transiente ser superior e do ganho do afastamento do elemento suportado se reduzir significativamente, seguindo um modelo assimptótico. Em condições de pressão constante e frequência elevada, o sistema, com o aumento da massa, reage de forma a permitir uma melhor lubrificação da chumaceira e a reduzir a oscilação do elemento suportado. Por outro lado, a rigidez do sistema aumenta fazendo face a uma possível sobrecarga.


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Este estudo aborda a Segurança contra Incêndios com base no desempenho do edifício da Fábrica de Lubrificantes da Refinaria da Galp em Matosinhos, ou seja utilizando a Engenharia de Segurança contra Incêndios. É avaliada a segurança do edifício em questão segundo métodos de análise de risco tradicionais como o método de Gretener e o FRAME. Para a análise do edifício com base no desempenho, é utilizada a modelação de deflagração e propagação de incêndio no interior do edifício que constitui a Fábrica, utilizando o software FDS, com a aplicação Pyrosim, desenvolvida pelo NIST, nos Estados Unidos da América, que permite a obtenção de campos de temperaturas e evolução da propagação de fumos no volume de controlo definido. O objetivo principal do estudo consiste na determinação dos aspetos negativos em termos de Segurança ao Incêndio, para permitir que no futuro possa ser melhorada a Segurança, cumprindo o objetivo comum a este tipo de empreendimentos, que deverá ser o objetivo de ZERO ACIDENTES.


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Drilling fluids have fundamental importance in the petroleum activities, since they are responsible for remove the cuttings, maintain pressure and well stability, preventing collapse and inflow of fluid into the rock formation and maintain lubrication and cooling the drill. There are basically three types of drilling fluids: water-based, non-aqueous and aerated based. The water-based drilling fluid is widely used because it is less aggressive to the environment and provide excellent stability and inhibition (when the water based drilling fluid is a inhibition fluid), among other qualities. Produced water is generated simultaneously with oil during production and has high concentrations of metals and contaminants, so it’s necessary to treat for disposal this water. The produced water from the fields of Urucu-AM and Riacho da forquilha-RN have high concentrations of contaminants, metals and salts such as calcium and magnesium, complicating their treatment and disposal. Thus, the objective was to analyze the use of synthetic produced water with similar characteristics of produced water from Urucu-AM and Riacho da Forquilha-RN for formulate a water-based drilling mud, noting the influence of varying the concentration of calcium and magnesium into filtered and rheology tests. We conducted a simple 32 factorial experimental design for statistical modeling of data. The results showed that the varying concentrations of calcium and magnesium did not influence the rheology of the fluid, where in the plastic viscosity, apparent viscosity and the initial and final gels does not varied significantly. For the filtrate tests, calcium concentration in a linear fashion influenced chloride concentration, where when we have a higher concentration of calcium we have a higher the concentration of chloride in the filtrate. For the Urucu’s produced water based fluids, volume of filtrate was observed that the calcium concentration influences quadratically, this means that high calcium concentrations interfere with the power of the inhibitors used in the formulation of the filtered fluid. For Riacho’s produced water based fluid, Calcium’s influences is linear for volume of filtrate. The magnesium concentration was significant only for chloride concentration in a quadratic way just for Urucu’s produced water based fluids. The mud with maximum concentration of magnesium (9,411g/L), but minimal concentration of calcium (0,733g/L) showed good results. Therefore, a maximum water produced by magnesium concentration of 9,411g/L and the maximum calcium concentration of 0,733g/L can be used for formulating water-based drilling fluids, providing appropriate properties for this kind of fluid.


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The heavy part of the oil can be used for numerous purposes, e.g. to obtain lubricating oils. In this context, many researchers have been studying alternatives such separation of crude oil components, among which may be mentioned molecular distillation. Molecular distillation is a forced evaporation technique different from other conventional processes in the literature. This process can be classified as a special distillation case under high vacuum with pressures that reach extremely low ranges of the order of 0.1 Pascal. The evaporation and condensation surfaces must have a distance from each other of the magnitude order of mean free path of the evaporated molecules, that is, molecules evaporated easily reach the condenser, because they find a route without obstacles, what is desirable. Thus, the main contribution of this work is the simulation of the falling-film molecular distillation for crude oil mixtures. The crude oil was characterized using UniSim® Design and R430 Aspen HYSYS® V8.5. The results of this characterization were performed in spreadsheets of Microsoft® Excel®, calculations of the physicochemical properties of the waste of an oil sample, i.e., thermodynamic and transport. Based on this estimated properties and boundary conditions suggested by the literature, equations of temperature and concentration profiles were resolved through the implicit finite difference method using the programming language Visual Basic® (VBA) for Excel®. The result of the temperature profile showed consistent with the reproduced by literature, having in their initial values a slight distortion as a result of the nature of the studied oil is lighter than the literature, since the results of the concentration profiles were effective allowing realize that the concentration of the more volatile decreases and of the less volatile increases due to the length of the evaporator. According to the transport phenomena present in the process, the velocity profile tends to increase to a peak and then decreases, and the film thickness decreases, both as a function of the evaporator length. It is concluded that the simulation code in Visual Basic® language (VBA) is a final product of the work that allows application to molecular distillation of petroleum and other similar mixtures.


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On the basis of human evolution and the population increase was necessary, the emergence of new sources of energy, the development of new products and technologies. One such product, object of the industry revolution and of great importance to the development of humanity is the oil, a substance composed primarily of hydrocarbons which give rise to several other products as fuels, lubricants, polymers, solvents, cooking gas, asphalt for roads, fertilizers, medicines, paints, among other. However, mishandling this product may cause leaks and spills that generate huge damages to the environment and the economy. Soon, with the purpose of contributing to decrease is problematic, in this master's work was carried out an intensive search of the possible potential of the fibers of Ceiba pentandra (L.) "Kapok" and Calotropis Procera as bioadsorbents of petroleum in water. The choice of these fibers is due to surface properties such as oleophylics and hydrophobic, their buoyancy and yet, being biodegradable natural polymers derived from the Brazilian Northeast. This research was used experimental planning with response surface methodology (RSM) with the software Design Expert. The results were statistically efficient, obtaining a R2= 0.9995 for Calotropis Procera and a R2= 0.9993 for Kapok. And that, both fibers showed adsorption efficiency, removing more than 80% petroleum in water static and dynamic state.


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Lubricants and cutting middle distillates typically have large amounts of n-paraffins to increase its freezing point and fluidity. Accordingly, the removal of n-paraffins of long chain lubricants oils and diesel is essential to get a product with good cold flow properties. The development of new catalysts, which exhibit thermal stability and catalytic activity for the hydroisomerization reaction is still a challenge. Thus, silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) were synthesized by different routes. Have been used also post-synthesis treatment for obtaining hybrid structures and others synthesis have been carried out with mesoporous template (soft and hard-template). Therefore, SAPO have been impregnated with H2PtCl6 solution by the incipient wetness method. Then assessments of catalytic activities in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions of hexadecane have been held. Besides SAPO, niobium phosphate - NbP - were also impregnated with platinum and evaluated in the same reaction. After impregnation, these catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, infrared spectroscopy with adsorbed pyridine (IV-PY), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resonance nuclear magnetic 29Si (29Si-NMR). The characterization results by XRD have shown that it has been possible to obtain mesoporous SAPOs. However, for the syntheses with soft template there was collapse of the structure after removal of the organic template. Even so, these catalysts have been actives. It was possible to obtain hybrid materials through the synthesis of SAPO-11 made with hard templates and by means of post-synthesis treatments samples of SAPO-11. Moreover, NbP has shown characteristic XRD of amorphous materials, with high acidity and were active in the conversion of hexadecane.


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Lubricants and cutting middle distillates typically have large amounts of n-paraffins to increase its freezing point and fluidity. Accordingly, the removal of n-paraffins of long chain lubricants oils and diesel is essential to get a product with good cold flow properties. The development of new catalysts, which exhibit thermal stability and catalytic activity for the hydroisomerization reaction is still a challenge. Thus, silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) were synthesized by different routes. Have been used also post-synthesis treatment for obtaining hybrid structures and others synthesis have been carried out with mesoporous template (soft and hard-template). Therefore, SAPO have been impregnated with H2PtCl6 solution by the incipient wetness method. Then assessments of catalytic activities in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions of hexadecane have been held. Besides SAPO, niobium phosphate - NbP - were also impregnated with platinum and evaluated in the same reaction. After impregnation, these catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, infrared spectroscopy with adsorbed pyridine (IV-PY), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resonance nuclear magnetic 29Si (29Si-NMR). The characterization results by XRD have shown that it has been possible to obtain mesoporous SAPOs. However, for the syntheses with soft template there was collapse of the structure after removal of the organic template. Even so, these catalysts have been actives. It was possible to obtain hybrid materials through the synthesis of SAPO-11 made with hard templates and by means of post-synthesis treatments samples of SAPO-11. Moreover, NbP has shown characteristic XRD of amorphous materials, with high acidity and were active in the conversion of hexadecane.


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The thermodynamic performance of a refrigeration system can be improved by reducing the compression work by a particular technique for a specific heat removal rate. This study examines the effect of small concentrations of Al2O3 (50 nm) nanoparticles dispersion in the mineral oil based lubricant on the: viscosity, thermal conductivity, and lubrication characteristics as well as the overall performance (based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics) of the refrigerating system using R134a or R600a as refrigerants. The study looked at the influences of variables: i) refrigerant charge (100, 110, 120 and 130 g), ii) rotational speed of the condenser blower (800 and 1100 RPM) and iii) nanoparticle concentration (0.1 and 0.5 g/l) on the system performance based on the Taguchi method in a matrix of L8 trials with the criterion "small irreversibility is better”. They were carried pulldown and cycling tests according to NBR 12866 and NBR 12869, respectively, to evaluate the operational parameters: on-time ratio, cycles per hour, suction and discharge pressures, oil sump temperature, evaporation and condensation temperatures, energy consumption at the set-point, total energy consumption and compressor power. In order to evaluate the nanolubricant characteristics, accelerated tests were performed in a HFRR bench. In each 60 minutes test with nanolubricants at a certain concentration (0, 0.1 and 0.5 g/l), with three replications, the sphere (diameter 6.00 ± 0.05 mm, Ra 0.05 ± 0.005 um, AISI 52100 steel, E = 210 GPa, HRC 62 ± 4) sliding on a flat plate (cast iron FC200, Ra <0.5 ± 0.005 um) in a reciprocating motion with amplitude of 1 mm, frequency 20 Hz and a normal load of 1,96 N. The friction coefficient signals were recorded by sensors coupled to the HFRR system. There was a trend commented bit in the literature: a nanolubricant viscosity reduction at the low nanoparticles concentrations. It was found the dominant trend in the literature: increased thermal conductivity with increasing nanoparticles mass fraction in the base fluid. Another fact observed is the significant thermal conductivity growth of nanolubricant with increasing temperature. The condenser fan rotational speed is the most influential parameter (46.192%) in the refrigerator performance, followed by R600a charge (38.606%). The Al2O3 nanoparticles concentration in the lubricant plays a minor influence on system performance, with 12.44%. The results of power consumption indicates that the nanoparticles addition in the lubricant (0.1 g/L), together with R600a, the refrigerator consumption is reduced of 22% with respect to R134a and POE lubricant. Only the Al2O3 nanoparticles addition in the lubricant results in a consumption reduction of about 5%.