923 resultados para Low voltage direct current
The supply voltage decrease and powerconsumption increase of modern ICs made the requirements for low voltage fluctuation caused by packaging and on-chip parasitic impedances more difficult to achieve. Most of the research works on the area assume that all the nodes of the chip are fed at thesame voltage, in such a way that the main cause of disturbance or fluctuation is the parasitic impedance of packaging. In the paper an approach to analyze the effect of high and fast current demands on the on-chip power supply network. First an approach to model the entire network by considering a homogeneous conductive foil is presented. The modification of the timing parameters of flipflops caused by spatial voltage drops through the IC surface are also investigated.
The research of power-line communications has been concentrated on home automation, broadband indoor communications and broadband data transfer in a low voltage distribution network between home andtransformer station. There has not been carried out much research work that is focused on the high frequency characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution networks. The industrial low voltage distribution network may be utilised as a communication channel to data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors. The advantage of using power-line data transfer is that it does not require the installing of new cables. In the first part of this work, the characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution network components and the pilot distribution network are measured and modelled with respect topower-line communications frequencies up to 30 MHz. The distributed inductances, capacitances and attenuation of MCMK type low voltage power cables are measured in the frequency band 100 kHz - 30 MHz and an attenuation formula for the cables is formed based on the measurements. The input impedances of electric motors (15-250 kW) are measured using several signal couplings and measurement based input impedance model for electric motor with a slotted stator is formed. The model is designed for the frequency band 10 kHz - 30 MHz. Next, the effect of DC (direct current) voltage link inverter on power line data transfer is briefly analysed. Finally, a pilot distribution network is formed and signal attenuation in communication channels in the pilot environment is measured. The results are compared with the simulations that are carried out utilising the developed models and measured parameters for cables and motors. In the second part of this work, a narrowband power-line data transfer system is developed for the data transfer ofon-line condition monitoring of electric motors. It is developed using standardintegrated circuits. The system is tested in the pilot environment and the applicability of the system for the data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors is analysed.
Pienjännitejakeluverkko Suomessa on toteutettu 400 V:n kolmivaiheisella vaihtosähköllä. Pienestä jännitteestä johtuen 20/0.4 kV:n muuntajat täytyy sijoittaa lähelle kuluttajaa, jotta siirtohäviöt eivät nouse liian suuriksi. Suuremman vaihto- tai tasajännitteen käyttö pienjännitejakelussa kasvattaisi verkon tehonsiirtokapasiteettia ja mahdollistaisi pidempien siirtomatkojen käytön. Käynnissä olevassa tutkimushankkeessa käsitellään vaihtoehtoa, jossa tasajännitettä käytettäisiin 20 kV:n verkon ja kuluttajan välisessä tehonsiirrossa ja kuluttajalla sijaitseva vaihtosuuntaaja muodostaisi tasasähköstä standardien mukaista yksi- tai kolmivaiheista vaihtosähköä. Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään tehoelektroniikan soveltamista kuluttajalle sijoitetussa vaihtosuuntaajassa. Työssä tarkastellaan yksivaiheisia invertteritopologioita, niiden ohjausta ja soveltamista erilaisissa vaihtosuuntaajaratkaisuissa sekä LC- ja LCL-suotimien soveltuvuutta invertterin lähtöjännitteen suodatukseen. Lisäksi esitellään erilaisia rakenneratkaisuja vaihtosuuntauksen toteutukseen ja tarkastellaan näiden järjestelmien vikatilanteita ja sähköturvallisuutta. Lopuksi käsitellään koko järjestelmän häviöitä ja hyötysuhdetta eri suodinkomponenteilla sekä kytkentätaajuuksilla ja esitellään laboratorioprototyyppi. Työssä saatiin selville, että puolisiltainvertteri ei sovellu suurten kondensaattorien vuoksi syöttämään verkkotaajuista kuormaa, vaan joudutaan käyttämään kokosiltainvertteriä. Kokosiltainvertterin ja LC- tai LCL-suotimen käsittävää kokonaisuutta tarkasteltaessa havaittiin, että pienimmät häviöt saavutetaan LC-suotimella 5 %:n ja LCL-suotimella 1 %:n särövaatimuksella. Hyötysuhdekäyrää tarkasteltaessa saatiin sama tulos läpi koko invertterin tehoalueen. Suotimen häviöiden tarkka laskenta on kuitenkin erittäin haasteellista, joten tulokset ovat suuntaa-antavia.
Sähkönjakeluverkkojen kehittäminen nykyistä käyttövarmemmiksi ja taloudellisemmiksi vaatii jatkuvasti uusia ratkaisumalleja. Lupaavaksi tekniikaksi sähkönjakeluverkkojen kehittämisessä on osoittautumassa tasasähkönjakelu tehoelektronisten komponenttien kehittyessä ja hintojen laskiessa samanaikaisesti. Pienjännitedirektiivi mahdollistaa tasajännitteen myötä aiempaa suurempien jännitteiden käytön pienjänniteverkoissa. Tasajännitteen käytöllä voidaan saavuttaa etuja mm. tehonsiirtokyvyssä, sähkönlaadussa, käyttövarmuudessa sekä kustannuksissa. Työssä tehdään yksityiskohtaisia teknistaloudellisia tarkasteluja perinteistä 20/0,4 kV tekniikkaa, 1000 V sähkönjakelua sekä tasasähköjärjestelmiä hyödyntäen ja verrataan näiden järjestelmien kustannuksia ja ominaisuuksia toisiinsa. Tutkimusalueet on valittu Fortum Sähkönsiirto Oy:n maaseutu- ja taajamaverkoista. Työssä pyritään hahmotta-maan teknistaloudellista käyttöaluetta eri tasasähkönjakelujärjestelmille sekä määrittä-mään tasasähkönjakelun käyttöpotentiaali tutkimuskohteena olleissa verkoissa. Lisäksi tutkitaan eri tekijöiden vaikutuksia tasasähköjakelun kannattavuuteen ja käyttövarmuu-teen sekä pyritään tuomaan esiin muitakin tasasähkönjakelujärjestelmien ominaisuuksia.
Yleisesti sähkönjakelussa käytettyä vaihtosähköä ollaan korvaamassa tasasähköllä pienjänniteverkoissa. Vaihtojännitteeseen verrattuna tasajännitteen käyttö mahdollistaa korkeampien jännitetasojen käytön ja paremman sähkönlaadun ja sitä kautta paremman käyttövarmuuden. Sähköverkossa käytettävien muuntajien ja suuntaajien osalta tarvitaan uudenlaisia rakenteita ja kehitystä, että tasajännitejakelun käyttöönotto olisi mahdollista. Oikeiden ratkaisujen löytämiseksi on tehty jo paljon tutkimusta, mutta valmiita järjestelmiä ei vielä ole laajemmin otettu käyttöön. Tasajänniteverkot tarvitsevat myös ohjauksen, säädön ja valvonnan takia tiedonsiirto-ominaisuuksia. Tietoa on mahdollista siirtää samassa kaapelissa, jota käytetään myös sähkön siirtoon. Haasteita asettavat mm. kaapeliin kytketyminen ja tiedonsiirtokanavassa esiintyvät häiriöt. Työssä muodostetaan malli tiedonsiirtokanavasta, jonka avulla voidaan mallintaa verkon käyttäytymistä eri taajuuksilla sekä simuloida sähköverkkoon muodostettavia tiedonsiirtokanavia.
In recent years, the network vulnerability to natural hazards has been noticed. Moreover, operating on the limits of the network transmission capabilities have resulted in major outages during the past decade. One of the reasons for operating on these limits is that the network has become outdated. Therefore, new technical solutions are studied that could provide more reliable and more energy efficient power distributionand also a better profitability for the network owner. It is the development and price of power electronics that have made the DC distribution an attractive alternative again. In this doctoral thesis, one type of a low-voltage DC distribution system is investigated. Morespecifically, it is studied which current technological solutions, used at the customer-end, could provide better power quality for the customer when compared with the current system. To study the effect of a DC network on the customer-end power quality, a bipolar DC network model is derived. The model can also be used to identify the supply parameters when the V/kW ratio is approximately known. Although the model provides knowledge of the average behavior, it is shown that the instantaneous DC voltage ripple should be limited. The guidelines to choose an appropriate capacitance value for the capacitor located at the input DC terminals of the customer-end are given. Also the structure of the customer-end is considered. A comparison between the most common solutions is made based on their cost, energy efficiency, and reliability. In the comparison, special attention is paid to the passive filtering solutions since the filter is considered a crucial element when the lifetime expenses are determined. It is found out that the filter topology most commonly used today, namely the LC filter, does not provide economical advantage over the hybrid filter structure. Finally, some of the typical control system solutions are introduced and their shortcomings are presented. As a solution to the customer-end voltage regulation problem, an observer-based control scheme is proposed. It is shown how different control system structures affect the performance. The performance meeting the requirements is achieved by using only one output measurement, when operating in a rigid network. Similar performance can be achieved in a weak grid by DC voltage measurement. An additional improvement can be achieved when an adaptive gain scheduling-based control is introduced. As a conclusion, the final power quality is determined by a sum of various factors, and the thesis provides the guidelines for designing the system that improves the power quality experienced by the customer.
In this thesis a control system for an intelligent low voltage energy grid is presented, focusing on the control system created by using a multi-agent approach which makes it versatile and easy to expand according to the future needs. The control system is capable of forecasting the future energy consumption and decisions making on its own without human interaction when countering problems. The control system is a part of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University’s smart grid project that aims to create a smart grid for the university’s own use. The concept of the smart grid is interesting also for the consumers as it brings new possibilities to control own energy consumption and to save money. Smart grids makes it possible to monitor the energy consumption in real-time and to change own habits to save money. The intelligent grid also brings possibilities to integrate the renewable energy sources to the global or the local energy production much better than the current systems. Consumers can also sell their extra power to the global grid if they want.
Recent technological developments have created new devices that could improve and simplify the construction of stimulus isolators. HEXFET transistors can switch large currents and hundreds of volts in nanoseconds. The newer opto-isolators can give a pulse rise time of a few nanoseconds, with output compatible with MOSFET devices, in which delays are reduced to nanoseconds. Integrated DC/DC converters are now available. Using these new resources we developed a new electrical stimulus isolator circuit with selectable constant-current and constant-voltage modes, which are precise and easy to construct. The circuit works like a regulated power supply in both modes with output switched to zero or to free mode through an opto-isolator device. The isolator analyses showed good practical performance. The output to ground resistance was 1011 ohms and capacitance 35 picofarads. The rise time and fall time were identical (5 µs) and constant. The selectable voltage or current output mode made it very convenient to use. The current mode, with higher output resistance values in low current ranges, permits intracellular stimulation even with tip resistances close to 100 megaohms. The high compliance of 200 V guarantees the value of the current stimulus. The very low output resistance in the voltage mode made the device highly suitable for extracellular stimulation with low impedance electrodes. Most importantly, these characteristics were achieved with a circuit that was easy to build and modify and assembled with components available in Brazil.
The most common reason for a low-voltage induction motor breakdown is a bearing failure. Along with the increasing popularity of modern frequency converters, bearing failures have become the most important motor fault type. Conditions in which bearing currents are likely to occur are generated as a side effect of fast du/dt switching transients. Once present, different types of bearing currents can accelerate the mechanical wear of bearings by causing deformation of metal parts in the bearing and degradation of the lubricating oil properties.The bearing current phenomena are well known, and several bearing current measurement and mitigation methods have been proposed. Nevertheless, in order to develop more feasible methods to measure and mitigate bearing currents, better knowledge of the phenomena is required. When mechanical wear is caused by bearing currents, the resulting aging impact has to be monitored and dealt with. Moreover, because of the stepwise aging mechanism, periodically executed condition monitoring measurements have been found ineffective. Thus, there is a need for feasible bearing current measurement methods that can be applied in parallel with the normal operation of series production drive systems. In order to reach the objectives of feasibility and applicability, nonintrusive measurement methods are preferred. In this doctoral dissertation, the characteristics and conditions of bearings that are related to the occurrence of different kinds of bearing currents are studied. Further, the study introduces some nonintrusive radio-frequency-signal-based approaches to detect and measure parameters that are associated with the accelerated bearing wear caused by bearing currents.
A single-phase superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) using a 0.9 m length of YBCO coated conductor (CC) tape was tested in 220 V-60 Hz line for fault current up to 1 kA, operating in 77 K. In this work are presented the IN experimental curves measured under DC and AC currents for the electrical characterization of the CC tape in order to design a low voltage current limiter. The experimental setup is described and the test results are presented for a unit conducting a steady nominal AC current of 50 A and also during the fault time (I to 5 cycles.) the performance of the CC-based SFCL providing the limiting resistance developed in the whole tape length after few milliseconds of the beginning of the fault was analyzed.
This work presents the design and procedure of a DC-to-AC converter using a ZVS Commutation Cell developed by Barbi and Martins (1991) and applied to the family of DC-to-DC PWM converters. Firstly, we show the cell applied to buck converter. The stages of operation and the main current and voltage equations of the resonant devices are presented. Next, we adapt the converter to the regenerative operation mode. Hence, the full bridge converter at low frequency operation is conected on the DC-to-DC stage (at high frequency) output ends (Seixas, 1993). Commutation of zero voltage for all switches, PWM at constant frequency and neither overvoltage nor additional current stress are observed by digital simulation. The design example and experimental results obtained by prototype rated at 275 V, 1 kW and 40 kHz are also presented.
Maximum Power Point tracking (MPPT) in photovoltaic (PV) systems may be achieved by controlling either the voltage or current of the PV device. There is no consensus in the technical literature about how is the best choice. This paper provides a comparative analysis performance among current and voltage control using two different MPPT strategies: the perturb and observe (P&O) and the incremental conductance techniques. © 2011 IEEE.
To become competitive, ultimately, photovoltaics should have its costs reduced and use photovoltaic systems of greater efficiency. The main steps in this direction are the use of new materials, the improvement in the manufacture of modules and the adoption of techniques of maximum power point tracking and of solar tracking. This article aims at presenting the project and development of an azimuth and elevation solar tracker, based on a new conception of the positioning sensor, composed of an array of four photoresistors. The two direct current motors that operate in the vertical and horizontal axes are controlled by a proportional-integral microcontroller. The conditions of the project were low cost, small energy consumption and versatility. The microcontroller can also incorporate a maximum power point tracking algorithm. The performance of solar tracker prototype in the initial phase of field tests can be considered appropriate. © Institution of Engineers Australia, 2013.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Charge transport and shelf-degradation of MEH-PPV thin-films were investigated through stationary (e.g. current versus voltage - JxV) and transient (e.g. Time-of-Flight - ToF, Dark-Injection Space-Charge-Limited Current - DI-SCLC, Charge Extraction by Linearly Increasing Voltage - CELN) current techniques. Charge carrier mobility in nanometric films was best characterized through JxV and DI-SCLC. It approaches 10(-6) cm(2)Ns under a SCLC regime with deep traps for light-emitting diode applications. ToF measurements performed on micrometric layers (i.e. - 3 mu m) confirmed studies in 100 nm-thick films as deposited in OLEDs. All results were comparable to a similar poly(para-phenylene vinylene) derivative, MDMO-PPV. Electrical properties extracted from thin-film transistors demonstrated mobility dependence on carrier concentration in the channel (similar to 10(-7)-10(-4) cm(2)/Vs). At low accumulated charge levels and reduced free carrier concentration, a perfect agreement to the previously cited techniques was observed. Degradation was verified through mobility reduction and changes in trap distribution of states. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.