974 resultados para Low temperature physics


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A Langmuir probe has been used as a diagnostic of the temporally evolving electron component within a laser ablated Cu plasma expanding into vacuum, for an incident laser power density on target similar to that used for the pulsed laser deposition of thin films. Electron temperature data were obtained from the retarding region of the probe current/voltage (I/V) characteristic, which was also used to calculate an associated electron number density. Additionally, electron number density data were obtained from the saturation electron current region of the probe (I/V) characteristic. Electron number density data, extracted by the two different techniques, were observed to show the same temporal form, with measured absolute values agreeing to within a factor of 2. The Langmuir probe, in the saturation current region, has been shown for the first time to be a convenient diagnostic of the electron component within relatively low temperature laser ablated plasma plumes. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0034-6748(99)01503-8].


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The two-dimensional laser-plasma-interaction hydrodynamic code POLLUX has been used to simulate the ablation of a magnesium target by a 30-ns, 248-nm KrF excimer laser at low laser fluences of ≤10 J cm2. This code, originally written for much higher laser intensities, has been recently extended to include a detailed description of the equation of state in order to treat changes of phase within the target material, and also includes a Thomas Fermi description of the electrons. The simulated temporal and spatial evolution of the plasma plume in the early phase of the expansion (≤100 ns) is compared with experimental interferometric measurements of electron density. The expansion dynamics are in good agreement, although the simulated electron number density is about 2.5 times higher than the experimental values.


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We present spectral modeling results for neutral helium. Our underlying atomic data contains radiative transition rates that are generated from atomic structure calculations and electron-impact excitation rates, that are determined from both the standard R-matrix method and the R-matrix with pseudostates RMPS method. In this paper, we focus on transitions of particular importance to diagnostic line ratios. For example, our calculated rate coefficient for the electron-impact transition 1s3s 1S→1s3p 1P, which has a pronounced effect on the 728.1 nm diagnostic spectral line, is found to be in good agreement with previous experimental mea- surements. We also consider transitions from the 1s2 1S ground and 1s2s 3S terms to terms of the n=4 shell. They are found to be affected significantly by coupling of the bound states to the target continuum continuum coupling, which is included in our RMPS calculation, but not in our standard R-matrix calculation. We perform collisional-radiative calculations to determine spectral line intensity ratios for three ratios of particular interest, namely the 504.8 nm/471.3 nm, 492.2 nm/471.3 nm, and 492.2 nm/504.8 nm line ratios. Comparing our results determined from the RMPS excitation rates with those from the standard R-matrix excitation rates, we find that continuum coupling affects the rate coefficients significantly, leading to different values for all three line ratios. We also compare our modeling results with spectral measurements taken recently on the Auburn Helicon plasma device, finding that the ground and metastable populations are not in equilibrium, and that the experimental measurements are more consistent with the 1s2s 3S metastable term populations being short lived in the plasma.


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A Czerny Mount double monochromator is used to measure Raman scattered radiation near 90" from a crystalline, Silicon sample. Incident light is provided by a mixed gas Kr-Ar laser, operating at 5145 A. The double monochromator is calibrated to true wavelength by comparison of Kr and Ar emission Une positions (A) to grating position (A) display [1]. The relationship was found to be hnear and can be described by, y = 1.219873a; - 1209.32, (1) where y is true wavelength (A) and xis grating position display (A). The Raman emission spectra are collected via C"*""*" encoded software, which displays a mV signal from a Photodetector and allows stepping control of the gratings via an A/D interface. [2] The software collection parameters, detector temperature and optics are optimised to yield the best quality spectra. The inclusion of a cryostat allows for temperatmre dependent capabihty ranging from 4 K to w 350 K. Silicon Stokes temperatm-e dependent Raman spectra, generally show agreement with Uterature results [3] in their frequency haxdening, FWHM reduction and intensity increase as temperature is reduced. Tests reveal that a re-alignment of the double monochromator is necessary before spectral resolution can approach literature standard. This has not yet been carried out due to time constraints.


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The heat exchanged at the low-temperature first-order magnetostructural transition is directly measured in Gd5Ge4 . Results show that the origin and the temperature dependence of the heat exchanged varies with the reversible/irreversible character of the first-order transition. In the reversible regime, the heat exchanged by the sample is mostly due to the latent heat at the transition and decreases with decreasing temperature, while in the irreversible regime, the heat is irreversibly dissipated and increases strongly with decreasing temperature, reaching a value of 237 J/kg at 4 K.


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The low-temperature reactivity of water (D2O) adsorbed on clean and oxygen pre-covered Cu(1 1 0) was studied using high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HRXPS) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). On the clean surface partial dissociation to hydroxyl was observed already at 95 K. Upon annealing to 220 K hydrogen bonded water-hydroxyl chains are formed. Upon further annealing water desorbs leaving behind a layer of hydroxyl, most of which desorbs recombinatively eventually. With pre-adsorbed oxygen water reacts to hydroxyl lifting the added-row reconstruction even below 225 K. Upon annealing this adsorbate layer passes through essentially the same stages as without pre-adsorbed oxygen.


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A variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength is applied to Si-doped Al0.56Ga0.44As (indirect bandgap material) for a wide range of temperature. The lower the temperature the lower the photocurrent below 70 K. In the range 13-30 K there is a decrease in the photoconductivity spectrum slightly above the bandgap transition energy, followed by another increase in the conductivity. We interpret these results in the light of existing models and confirm the trapping by the X-valley effective mass state. which is responsible for attenuation of persistent photoconductivity below 70 K. A DX0 intermediate state which has non-negligible lifetime is proposed as responsible for the decrease in the photoconductivity with about 561 nm of wavelength of exciting light, in the investigated 13-30 g range.


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Polycrystalline Co7Sb2O12 compounds have been synthesized by a chemical route, which is based on a modified polymeric precursor method. In order to study the physical properties of the samples, X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analyses (TG and DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IR), specific surface area (BET), and magnetization measurements were performed on these materials. Characterization through XRD revealed that the samples are single-phase after a heat-treatment at 1100degreesC for 2h, while the X-ray patterns of the samples heat-treated at lower temperatures revealed the presence of additional Bragg reflections belonging to the Co6Sb2O6 phase. These data were analyzed by means of Rietveld refinement and further analyze showed that Co7Sb2O12 displays an inverse spinel crystalline structure. In this structure, the Co2+ ions occupy the eight tetrahedral positions, and the sixteen octahedral positions are randomly occupied by the Sb5+ and Co2+ ions. IR studies disclosed two strong absorption bands, v(1) and v(2), in the expected spectral range for a spinel-type binary oxide with space group Fd3m. Exploratory studies concerning the magnetic properties indicated that this sample presents a spin-glass transition at T-f similar to 64 K. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We present a detailed low-temperature investigation of the statics and dynamics of the anions and methyl groups in the organic conductors (TMTSF) 2PF6 and (TMTSF)2AsF6 (TMTSF: tetramethyl-tetraselenafulvalene). The 4 K neutron-scattering structure refinement of the fully deuterated (TMTSF)2PF6-D12 salt allows locating precisely the methyl groups at 4 K. This structure is compared to the one of the fully hydrogenated (TMTSF)2PF6-H12 salt previously determined at the same temperature. Surprisingly, it is found that deuteration corresponds to the application of a negative pressure of 5×102 MPa to the H12 salt. Accurate measurements of the Bragg intensity show anomalous thermal variations at low temperature both in the deuterated PF 6 and AsF6 salts. Two different thermal behaviors have been distinguished. Small Bragg-angle measurements reflect the presence of low-frequency modes at characteristic energies θE = 8.3 K and θE = 6.7 K for the PF6-D12 and AsF6-D12 salts, respectively. These modes correspond to the low-temperature methyl group motion. Large Bragg-angle measurements evidence an unexpected structural change around 55 K, which probably corresponds to the linkage of the anions to the methyl groups via the formation of F...D-CD2 bonds observed in the 4 K structural refinement. Finally we show that the thermal expansion coefficient of (TMTSF)2PF6 is dominated by the librational motion of the PF6 units. We quantitatively analyze the low-temperature variation of the lattice expansion via the contribution of Einstein oscillators, which allows us to determine for the first time the characteristic frequency of the PF6 librations: θE ≈ 50 K and θE = 76 K for the PF6-D12 and PF6-H12 salts, respectively. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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A comprehensive study of pulsed nitriding in AISI H13 tool steel at low temperature (400 degrees C) is reported for several durations. X-ray diffraction results reveal that a nitrogen enriched compound (epsilon-Fe2-3N, iron nitride) builds up on the surface within the first process hour despite the low process temperature. Beneath the surface, X-ray Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) indicates relatively higher nitrogen concentrations (up to 12 at.%) within the diffusion layer while microscopic nitrides are not formed and existing carbides are not dissolved. Moreover, in the diffusion layer, nitrogen is found to be dispersed in the matrix and forming nanosized precipitates. The small coherent precipitates are observed by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) while the presence of nitrogen is confirmed by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Hardness tests show that the material hardness increases linearly with the nitrogen concentration, reaching up to 14.5 GPa in the surface while the Young Modulus remains essentially unaffected. Indeed, the original steel microstructure is well preserved even in the nitrogen diffusion layer. Nitrogen profiles show a case depth of about similar to 43 mu m after nine hours of nitriding process. These results indicate that pulsed plasma nitriding is highly efficient even at such low temperatures and that at this process temperature it is possible to form thick and hard nitrided layers with satisfactory mechanical properties. This process can be particularly interesting to enhance the surface hardness of tool steels without exposing the workpiece to high temperatures and altering its bulk microstructure. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation of the thermodynamic properties: specific heat, magnetization, and thermal expansion in the vicinity of the field-induced quantum critical point (QCP) around the lower critical field H-c1 approximate to 2 T in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2). A T-3/2 behavior in the specific heat and magnetization is observed at very low temperatures at H = H-c1, which is consistent with the universality class of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons. The temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient at H-c1 shows minor deviations from the expected T-1/2 behavior. Our experimental study is complemented by analytical calculations and quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which reproduce nicely the measured quantities. We analyze the thermal and the magnetic Gruneisen parameters, which are ideal quantities to identify QCPs. Both parameters diverge at H-c1 with the expected T-1 power law. By using the Ehrenfest relations at the second-order phase transition, we are able to estimate the pressure dependencies of the characteristic temperature and field scales.


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Low-temperature (LT) magnetic remanence and hysteresis measurements, in the range 300-5 K, were combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in order to characterize the magnetic inventory of strongly diagenetically altered sediments originating from the Niger deep-sea fan. We demonstrate the possibility of distinguishing between different compositions of members of the magnetite-ulvöspinel and ilmenite-hematite solid solution series on a set of five representative samples, two from the upper suboxic and three from the lower sulfidic anoxic zone of gravity core GeoB 4901. Highly sensitive LT magnetic measurements were performed on magnetic extracts resulting in large differences in the magnetic behavior between samples from the different layers. This emphasizes that both Fe-Ti oxide phases occur in different proportions in the two geochemical environments. Most prominent are variations in the coercivity sensitive parameter coercive field (BC). At room-temperature (RT) hysteresis loops for all extracts are narrow and yield low coercivities (6-13 mT). With decreasing temperature the loops become more pronounced and wider. At 5 K an approximately 5-fold increase in BC for the suboxic samples contrasts a 20-25-fold increase for the samples from the anoxic zone. We demonstrate that this distinct increase in BC at LT corresponds to the increasing proportion of the Ti-rich hemoilmenite phase, while Fe-rich (titano-)magnetite dominates the magnetic signal at RT. This trend is also seen in the room-temperature saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (RT-SIRM) cycles: suboxic samples show remanence curves dominated by Fe-rich mineral phases while anoxic samples display curves clearly dominated by Ti-rich particles. We show that the EDS intensity ratios of the characteristic Fe Kalpha and Ti Kalpha lines of the Fe-Ti oxides may be used to differentiate between members of the magnetite-ulvöspinel and ilmenite-hematite solid solution series. Furthermore it is possible to calculate an approximate composition for each grain if the intensity ratios of natural particles are linked to well-known standards. Thus, element spectra with high Fe/Ti intensity ratios were found to be rather typical of titanomagnetite while low Fe/Ti ratios are indicative of hemoilmenite. The EDS analyses confirm the LT magnetic results, Fe-rich magnetic phases dominate in the upper suboxic environment whereas Ti-rich magnetic phases comprise the majority of particles in the lower anoxic domain: The mineral assemblage of the upper suboxic environments is composed of magnetite (~19%), titanomagnetite (~62%), hemoilmenite (~17%) and ~2% other particles. In the lower anoxic sediments, reductive diagenetic alteration has resulted in more extensive depletion of the (titano-)magnetite phase, resulting in a relative enrichment of the hemoilmenite phase (~66%). In these strongly anoxic sediments stoichiometric magnetite is barely preserved and only ~5% titanomagnetite was detected. The remaining ~28% comprises Ti-rich particles such as pseudobrookite or rutile.