990 resultados para Local actors
Cette recherche s'intéresse à l'acteur patronal organisé, encore peu étudié en Amérique du Nord. Pourtant, cet acteur est fortement organisé au Québec et il exerce une influence reconnue sur les politiques publiques et les relations industrielles. Cette recherche vise à mieux comprendre la logique d’action des employeurs et les lieux où ils exercent leur influence. Plus important encore, la recherche s’interroge sur les mécanismes de diffusion utilisés par les associations patronales pour transmettre à leurs membres des orientations et des lignes directrices à adopter. Tout comme pour l’acteur syndical qui doit développer sa capacité représentative (Dufour, Hege, Levesque et Murray, 2009), nous croyons qu’il en est de même pour l’acteur patronal. Bref, cette étude cherche à comprendre comment les associations patronales vont s'assurer que leurs membres adoptent des pratiques en lien avec les positions défendues dans les institutions du marché du travail et dans la sphère des politiques publiques. Notre question de recherche est la suivante : Quels sont les mécanismes développés par les associations patronales pour diffuser leurs orientations en matière de politiques publiques et de relations du travail en vue d’influencer les pratiques locales de gestion de leurs membres? Au plan théorique, cette étude mobilise les idées développées par les approches néo-institutionnalistes pour mieux expliquer comment les acteurs vont utiliser les institutions en place pour façonner les règles dans leurs intérêts, ce qui suppose d’abord une capacité de représentation et une cohérence dans les actions entre les niveaux où se situent l’acteur. On cherche à comprendre comment les associations peuvent coordonner les actions patronales en réaction aux changements qui s’opèrent dans l’environnement institutionnel. Les associations patronales sont des entrepreneurs institutionnels (Crouch, 2005) qui sont à la recherche active d’opportunités et de leviers de pouvoir à utiliser pour maximiser leurs intérêts de leurs membres et par la même occasion, réduire les incertitudes en provenance de l’environnement (Campbell, 2004; Streeck et Thelen, 2005; Crouch, 2005). Toujours au niveau théorique, cette étude se base sur les idées avancées par la sociologie des logiques d’action. Cette approche théorique nous permet de rendre compte des niveaux sectoriel et local où s’enracinent les comportements des employeurs. Au niveau sectoriel, il existe une pluralité d’instances qui contribuent à façonner les logiques d’actions des associations patronales. La sociologie des logiques d’actions nous permet d’envisager l’association patronale comme un groupe qui dispose d’une vie qui lui est propre avec une relative autonomie de fonctionnement. La capacité d’influence de l’association serait tributaire des mécanismes de coordination de l’action utilisés pour susciter l’accord au sein du groupe. Les mécanismes de coordination de l’action devraient permettre une connexion régulière et stable entre l’association et ses membres. Cette recherche s’intéresse aux associations patronales qui ont recours à un ensemble de moyens pour diffuser les orientations privilégiées aux entreprises membres. Au plan empirique, cette recherche propose de répondre aux trois objectifs suivants : (1) mieux comprendre les formes d’organisation patronales dans les mines au Québec; (2) mieux saisir la structure et la logique d’action des associations patronales sur les politiques publiques, les relations de travail et le marché du travail et finalement (3) mieux comprendre les mécanismes développés par les associations patronales pour diffuser leurs orientations en vue d’influencer les pratiques locales de gestion de leurs membres. Pour atteindre nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie qualitative de recherche soit une étude de cas du secteur des mines au Québec. Cette dernière a été conduite en trois étapes : la préparation, la collecte des données et l’interprétation (Merriam, 1998). Les données de cette étude ont été recueillies à l’hiver 2012, par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès de gestionnaires d’entreprises minières et de dirigeants d’associations minières. Une analyse qualitative du contenu de ces entrevues a été effectuée en lien avec la revue de littérature et nos propositions de recherche. À cette fin, nous avons utilisé la technique de l’appariement logique de Yin (1994), ce qui nous a permis de comparer nos observations à nos propositions de recherche. Au niveau des résultats, nous avons pu constater que les associations patronales du secteur des mines au Québec, endossent davantage le rôle de porte-parole de l’industrie auprès du gouvernement que celui de développeur de services aux membres. Les actions des associations patronales s’exercent à tous les niveaux décisionnels afin d’assurer la meilleure promotion possible des intérêts des employeurs. La représentation politique représente le champ d’activité le plus important qui compose la logique d’action des associations patronales de la filière minérale québécoise. Mentionnons également que la représentation des intérêts des entreprises auprès du public et des médias est également vitale à l’action collective patronale dans un souci d’acceptabilité sociale. Les associations d’employeurs vont tenter principalement d’influencer les pratiques en relations industrielles qui permettent d’assurer une meilleure image de l’industrie et qui sont jugées prioritaires en fonction du contexte institutionnel en place. La recherche nous a permis d’observer un impact favorable et significatif à la capacité de diffusion pour cinq des sept mécanismes de diffusion faisant partie de notre modèle d’analyse. Trois de ces cinq mécanismes favorisent la capacité de diffusion descendante (transposition de la logique d’action sectorielle sur les pratiques locales des membres) et les deux autres favorisent plutôt la capacité de diffusion ascendante (transposition des enjeux locaux jugés prioritaires sur la logique d’action sectorielle). Les mécanismes qui supportent au mieux la cohésion au sein de l’association sont ceux qui impliquent une relation dynamique entre les représentants et les membres et entre les membres eux-mêmes d’où la pertinence d’une diffusion descendante et ascendante des orientations. Il est à noter qu’étant donné que cette recherche consiste en une étude de cas, des limites méthodologiques liées à la généralisation des résultats sont présentes. Il n’est pas aisé d’affirmer que les résultats de cette microanalyse soient généralisables en raison des spécificités du secteur à l’étude. En contrepartie, les analyses ont servi à l’élaboration d’un modèle qui pourra être utilisé dans des études futures.
Continuation and discontinuation of local institution in community based natural resource management
Currently the push toward frontier areas, which until twenty years ago were still largely untouched by commercial agriculture, is taking place on a massive scale. This push is being driven not the least by global economic developments, such as the price increase of agriculture commodities like coffee and cocoa. In most cases the indigenous communities become trapped between the state monopoly in natural resource management and the competition for resources by external actors. In this processes the indigenous communities start to lose their access to resources. Another victim in this process is the environment where the natural resources are imbedded. International and national organizations working to conserve environment have became conscious of the important role that indigenous people could fulfill as partners in this endeavour. This partnership in struggle has produced a new discourse on the relationship between indigenous people and their environment. As a further consequence, programs were set up to develop what became known as Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) with its numerous variations. Based on a case study in a village on the eastern border of the Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, this study questioned the basic assumption behind the concept of Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). Namely the assumption that communities living at the margin of forest are socially and culturally homogenous, still more or less egalitarian, and basically living in harmony with their natural environment. This study was inspired by the persistent critique – although still a minority – on the basic assumption the CBNRM from academicians and practitioners working through the Entitlement perspective. Another inspiration was the mounting critique toward the participatory approach. In its effort the study explore further the usefulness of certain approaches. One of the approach much relied on in this study was the local history of the community studied, through exerting oral and local written documents on local history, legends and local stories. These sources proofed quite capable in bringing the local history into the light. Another was the actor oriented approach, which later came to be supported by the concept of Social Pool Resources. The latter concept proofed to be useful as analytical instrument to integrate social institutions and the common pool resources, as a field of action for the different actors as human agencies.
This research is a study about knowledge interface that aims to analyse knowledge discontinuities, the dynamic and emergent characters of struggles and interactions within gender system and ethnicity differences. The cacao boom phenomenon in Central Sulawesi is the main context for a changing of social relations of production, especially when the mode of production has shifted or is still underway from subsistence to petty commodity production. This agrarian change is not only about a change of relationship and practice, but, as my previous research has shown, also about the shift of knowledge domination, because knowledge construes social practice in a dialectical process. Agroecological knowledge is accumulated through interaction, practice and experience. At the same time the knowledge gained from new practices and experiences changes mode of interaction, so such processes provide the arena where an interface of knowledge is manifested. In the process of agro-ecological knowledge interface, gender and ethnic group interactions materialise in the decision-making of production and resource allocation at the household and community level. At this point, power/knowledge is interplayed to gain authority in decision-making. When authority dominates, power encounters resistance, whereas the dominant power and its resistance are aimed to ensure socio-economic security. Eventually, the process of struggle can be identified through the pattern of resource utilisation as a realisation of production decision-making. Such processes are varied from one community to another, and therefore, it shows uniqueness and commonalities, especially when it is placed in a context of shifting mode of production. The focus is placed on actors: men and women in their institutional and cultural setting, including the role of development agents. The inquiry is informed by 4 major questions: 1) How do women and men acquire, disseminate, and utilise their agro ecological knowledge, specifically in rice farming as a subsistence commodity, as well as in cacao farming as a petty commodity? How and why do such mechanisms construct different knowledge domains between two genders? How does the knowledge mechanism apply in different ethnics? What are the implications for gender and ethnicity based relation of production? ; 2) Using the concept of valued knowledge in a shifting mode of production context: is there any knowledge that dominates others? How does the process of domination occur and why? Is there any form of struggle, strategies, negotiation, and compromise over this domination? How do these processes take place at a household as well as community level? How does it relate to production decision-making? ; 3) Putting the previous questions in two communities with a different point of arrival on a path of agricultural commercialisation, how do the processes of struggle vary? What are the bases of the commonalities and peculiarities in both communities?; 4) How the decisions of production affect rice field - cacao plantation - forest utilisation in the two villages? How does that triangle of resource use reflect the constellation of local knowledge in those two communities? What is the implication of this knowledge constellation for the cacao-rice-forest agroecosystem in the forest margin area? Employing a qualitative approach as the main method of inquiry, indepth and dialogic interviews, participant observer role, and document review are used to gather information. A small survey and children’s writing competition are supplementary to this data collection method. The later two methods are aimed to give wider information on household decision making and perception toward the forest. It was found that local knowledge, particularly knowledge pertaining to rice-forest-cacao agroecology is divided according to gender and ethnicity. This constellation places a process of decision-making as ‘the arena of interface’ between feminine and masculine knowledge, as well as between dominant and less dominant ethnic groups. Transition from subsistence to a commercial mode of production is a context that frames a process where knowledge about cacao commodity is valued higher than rice. Market mechanism, as an external power, defines valued knowledge. Valued knowledge defines the dominant knowledge holder, and decision. Therefore, cacao cultivation becomes a dominant practice. Its existence sacrifices the presence of rice field and the forest. Knowledge about rice production and forest ecosystem exist, but is less valued. So it is unable to challenge the domination of cacao. Various forms of struggles - within gender an ethnicity context - to resist cacao domination are an expression of unequal knowledge possession. Knowledge inequality implies to unequal access to withdraw benefit from market valued crop. When unequal knowledge fails to construct a negotiated field or struggles fail to reveal ‘marginal’ decision, e.g. intensification instead of cacao expansion to the forest, interface only produces divergence. Gender and ethnicity divided knowledge is unabridged, since negotiation is unable to produce new knowledge that accommodates both interests. Rice is loaded by ecological interest to conserve the forest, while cacao is driven by economic interest to increase welfare status. The implication of this unmediated dominant knowledge of cacao production is the construction of access; access to the forest, mainly to withdraw its economic benefit by eliminating its ecological benefit. Then, access to cacao as the social relationship of production to acquire cacao knowledge; lastly, access to defend sustainable benefit from cacao by expansion. ‘Socio-economic Security’ is defined by Access. The convergence of rice and cacao knowledge, however, should be made possible across gender and ethnicity, not only for the sake of forest conservation as the insurance of ecological security, but also for community’s socio-economic security. The convergence might be found in a range of alternative ways to conduct cacao sustainable production, from agroforestry system to intensification.
A foundational model of concurrency is developed in this thesis. We examine issues in the design of parallel systems and show why the actor model is suitable for exploiting large-scale parallelism. Concurrency in actors is constrained only by the availability of hardware resources and by the logical dependence inherent in the computation. Unlike dataflow and functional programming, however, actors are dynamically reconfigurable and can model shared resources with changing local state. Concurrency is spawned in actors using asynchronous message-passing, pipelining, and the dynamic creation of actors. This thesis deals with some central issues in distributed computing. Specifically, problems of divergence and deadlock are addressed. For example, actors permit dynamic deadlock detection and removal. The problem of divergence is contained because independent transactions can execute concurrently and potentially infinite processes are nevertheless available for interaction.
Una de les finalitats principals del tren d’alta velocitat és la d’aportar desenvolupament local en aquelles ciutats i territoris on se’n construeixi una estació. Per aquesta raó, calen reflexions teòriques que ajudin els agents i les institucions a planificar correctament l’arribada de la nova gran infraestructura de transport, especialment en els aspectes relacionats amb la capacitat d’organització dels actors territorials. La teoria reticular pot ser una base teòrica útil per evitar concepcions deterministes de la relació entre infraestructura i territori, per explicar com es produeix el procés de desenvolupament local i per demostrar la importància dels agents territorials en aquest procés
La presente monografía trata desde la perspectiva del Autoritarismo Subnacional las lógicas que se dieron entre la élite local y el paramilitarismo, como estrategia para impedir los diálogos entre el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y el Gobierno de Andrés Pastrana Arango en el periodo de 1998-2002. De igual modo trata el espacio regional del Magdalena Medio, como escenario activo y geoestratégico que determinó las dinámicas de legitimidad y autoridad en disputa por los diversos actores.
This article summarizes field notes related to the study of the actions performed by the Metropolitan Police of Santiago de Cali in the context of its ‘Plan Cuadrante’ (a micro-local security action plan) and the citizen’s perception towards it. Taking an ethnographic approach, it places special emphasis on the actions that imply identifying the main criminal and violent actors and activities. The study focuses on four local districts of the city: El Cortijo, Mariano Ramos, Terrón Colorado y Villa del Lago.
És més que evident la relació de Jacint Verdaguer amb el poble de Folgueroles. Tanmateix, aquest estudi mostra llur relació des d’una nova perspectiva, en la qual el desenvolupament territorial n’és la base. Folgueroles percep quelcom d’identitari en el poeta i el fa esdevenir recurs clau per tirar endavant un projecte de poble. Mitjançant la descripció del Sistema Local Territorial sorgit a Folgueroles al voltant de la figura del poeta, es defineix aquest projecte, els seus actors principals i les seves relacions, i, finalment, se’n farà una valoració
Global agreements have proliferated in the past ten years. One of these is the Kyoto Protocol, which contains provisions for emissions reductions by trading carbon through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The CDM is a market-based instrument that allows companies in Annex I countries to offset their greenhouse gas emissions through energy and tree offset projects in the global South. I set out to examine the governance challenges posed by the institutional design of carbon sequestration projects under the CDM. I examine three global narratives associated with the design of CDM forest projects, specifically North – South knowledge politics, green developmentalism, and community participation, and subsequently assess how these narratives match with local practices in two projects in Latin America. Findings suggest that governance problems are operating at multiple levels and that the rhetoric of global carbon actors often asserts these schemes in one light, while the rhetoric of those who are immediately involved locally may be different. I also stress the alarmist’s discourse that blames local people for the problems of environmental change. The case studies illustrate the need for vertical communication and interaction and nested governance arrangements as well as horizontal arrangements. I conclude that the global framing of forests as offsets requires better integration of local relationships to forests and their management and more effective institutions at multiple levels to link the very local to the very large scale when dealing with carbon sequestration in the CDM.
The scope of the reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) mechanism has broadened REDD+ to accommodate different country interests such as natural forests, protected areas, as well as forests under community-based management. In Tanzania the REDD+ mechanism is still under development and pilot projects are at an early stage. In this paper, we seek to understand how local priorities and needs could be met in REDD+ implementation and how these expectations match with global mitigation benefits. We examine the local priorities and needs in the use of land and forest resources in the Angai Villages Land Forest Reserve (AVLFR) in the Liwale District of Lindi Region in Tanzania. Primary data was collected in two villages, Mihumo and Lilombe, using semistructured key informant interviews and participatory rural appraisal methods. In addition, the key informant interviews were conducted with other village, district, and national level actors, as well as international donors. Findings show that in the two communities REDD+ is seen as something new and is generating new expectations among communities. However, the Angai villagers highlight three key priorities that have yet to be integrated into the design of REDD+: water scarcity, rural development, and food security. At the local level improved forest governance and sustainable management of forest resources have been identified as one way to achieve livelihood diversification. Although the national goals of REDD+ include poverty reduction, these goals are not necessarily conducive to the goals of these communities. There exist both structural and cultural limits to the ability of the Angai villages to implement these goals and to improve forestry governance. Given the vulnerability to current and future climate variability and change it will be important to consider how the AVLFR will be managed and for whose benefit?
This research aims to extend our understanding of the duality between global integration and local responsiveness in multinational corporations (MNCs) by exploring the perceptions of corporate HR actors regarding the intra-organisational factors that alter the balance between these pressures. It examines the perceptions and actions of key actors in the context of two Korean MNCs. The study shows the importance attributed to a range of socio-procedural factors by corporate actors and which, therefore, inform the practical management of the dual forces, notably: HR expertise, social ties, trustworthy relationships and co-involvement in decision processes.
In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on the participation of national actors in United Nations peace operations, reflecting what has become a near orthodox commitment to ‘local ownership.’ Advocates of local ownership assert that it: (1) increases the legitimacy of UN peacebuilding efforts; (2) increases the sustainability of peacebuilding activities after the departure of the UN; and (3) increases democratic governance in post-conflict states. While such thinking about local ownership has informed UN peacebuilding policy to a large extent, the UN has, to date, assumed these positive benefits without critically examining the causal mechanisms that allegedly produce them, specifying the conditions under which this correlation holds, or providing convincing evidence for these assertions. Moreover, exactly what local ownership is, what is being owned, and who local ‘owners’ are remain unclear. Indeed a closer examination of ownership’s relation with legitimacy, sustainability, and democratization reveal a plethora of contradictions that imply that local ownership may in fact decrease the UN’s ability to deliver peacekeeping results. Crucially, however, the UN persists in adopting a local ownership approach to peacebuilding, suggesting that it does so because it is normatively appropriate rather than operationally effective.
Desenvolvimento local, cidadania e arranjos produtivos locais: um estudo no estado do Rio de Janeiro
The aim of the present study was to verify how the participation and interaction of the local government public and private instittutions and civil society, might promote sustainable development, taking as a reference the Local Productive Arrangements (LPA) of Nova Friburgo and its Region. This work was conducted after a theoretical discussion concerning local development, citizenship, local development with citizenship and local productive arrangements. Afterwards, semi-structured interviews were realized with 32 citizens from five cities that were part of the Fashion Development Council, using the discourse analysis to data treatment. It was verified that the productive arrangement in the Centro-Norte Fluminense region of the Rio de Janeiro State has one of its main competitive advantages the pool of institutions, that articulate and support the underwear fashion sector. However, the APL presents many other characteristics making impossible to classify it as a cluster or an industrial district since there is still a need for cooperation among institutions and undertakers. In addition, there is no integration between the government instances and civil society in relation to the LPA development. So, it is concluded that there is a need for more union and dialogue among all of these involved actors, to overcome ¿bottle-necks¿ in the sector of underwear fashion in the region, such as informality of a huge number of companies and the low qualification of employees and undertakers.
A relação entre cultura e desenvolvimento é um dos assuntos centrais dos debates contemporâneos que vão além do ambiente acadêmico e atinge a agenda política em diversos países. A cultura exerce um papel importante para o desenvolvimento que não se restringe à dimensão econômica, pois é capaz de construir ou reconstruir identidades, elevar a auto-estima individual e coletiva, adicionar valor ao patrimônio existencial humano. Faz-se necessário, ainda, um outro conceito de desenvolvimento, calcado em outras lógicas, sendo geográfica, social e culturalmente referenciado e promovendo uma transformação social profunda. No Brasil, alguns governos locais vêm assumindo o seu papel de protagonista do desenvolvimento com base nessa proposta. Em Nova Iguaçu - cidade localizada na Baixada fluminense - vem sendo desenvolvida uma política pública cujo protagonista e indutora é a Prefeitura municipal. Trata-se do Programa Bairro-Escola que, embora tenha como centralidade a educação, articula diversas secretarias da prefeitura e promove benefícios e oportunidades sociais às crianças, adolescentes e aos demais moradores da cidade que extrapolam o aspecto educacional. Para a sua operacionalização, a Prefeitura desenvolve parcerias com atores de diversas naturezas. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi compreender de que maneira o Bairro-Escola de Nova Iguaçu, especialmente seus programas, projetos e ações culturais, contribui para o desenvolvimento local. No que diz respeito à metodologia, a estratégia de pesquisa adotada, foi o estudo de caso. Para a coleta dos dados primários e secundários foram adotadas duas técnicas, a saber: bibliográfica-documental; e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com alguns representantes do Bairro-Escola e da Secretaria de Cultura de Nova Iguaçu. Os resultados indicam que o Bairro-Escola aponta para um esforço de inclusão e desenvolvimento social por meio de programas e ações integradas. Em síntese, as contribuições ao desenvolvimento proporcionadas pelo Bairro-Escola, pelas vias da cultura, em Nova Iguaçu são: ampliação do acesso da população à leitura - criação de cinco bibliotecas ramais nas Escolas da Rede Pública Municipal e reequipamento de duas bibliotecas comunitárias; criação de uma Escola de ensino e formação em audiovisual (Escola Livre de Cinema), com núcleos em quatro bairros da cidade; criação de uma Escola Livre de Música Eletrônica, atendendo, inicialmente, a 400 crianças beneficiárias do Bairro-Escola; oportunidade de experimentação artística para quase 7.000 crianças e jovens; capacitação de 52 artistas locais em artes cênicas; criação de um grupo cultural formado por artistas locais (Grupo Nós da Baixada) - grupo de artes cênicas no bairro Cerâmica; oportunidade de estágio (renda e aperfeiçoamento profissional) para cerca de 90 jovens nas oficinas culturais; perspectiva de trabalho para 96 grupos artístico-culturais locais, por meio do convênio com o Ministério da Cultura; fortalecimento de grupos artístico-culturais locais, por meio de assessoramento para a profissionalização e desenvolvimento desses grupos.
O objetivo dessa dissertação foi investigar o processo de formação do Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) de estanho em São João del-Rei - A7 Estanho, particularizando suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento local do município. O trabalho foi conduzido mediante uma discussão teórica sobre a situação das micro e pequenas empresas no Brasil, sobre a importância econômica e social dos arranjos produtivos locais, seus impactos no desenvolvimento regional e/ou local, principalmente de municípios sem infra-estrutura para atrair grandes empresas, e sobre políticas públicas que estão em andamento e que se voltam para o fomento desse tipo de aglomerado. Foram realizadas cerca de quatorze entrevistas no município de São João del-Rei: seis integrantes da Associação, uma funcionária, dois representantes das principais instituições parceiras, um representante do governo local e quatro membros da sociedade civil, que possuíam informações relevantes sobre a A7. O método empregado no tratamento dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo. Como resultados, no que diz respeito à análise dos programas que deram origem e/ou sustentação ao aglomerado, verificou-se que dois programas foram mais contundentes em suas contribuições à Associação: o Programa Empreender, da Federaminas, que permitiu a união dos empresários em torno de um objetivo comum, e o Projeto Via Design, do Sebrae, que possibilitou uma série de vantagens ao grupo, solidificando-o no mercado. No que se refere à participação dos diversos atores (membros da A7, poder público, instituições parceiras, sociedade civil) na construção do APL, pode-se perceber que o nível de atuação e comprometimento variava de acordo com as motivações pessoais, cargos ou funções formais exercidas e grau de relacionamento com a Associação. As contribuições ao desenvolvimento local do município, geradas pelo arranjo produtivo, foram enumeradas como geração de emprego e renda, ainda de forma incipiente, mas com possibilidades de crescimento futuro, e divulgação do turismo e cultura sãojoanense.