912 resultados para Local Variation Method
This study investigates face recognition with partial occlusion, illumination variation and their combination, assuming no prior information about the mismatch, and limited training data for each person. The authors extend their previous posterior union model (PUM) to give a new method capable of dealing with all these problems. PUM is an approach for selecting the optimal local image features for recognition to improve robustness to partial occlusion. The extension is in two stages. First, authors extend PUM from a probability-based formulation to a similarity-based formulation, so that it operates with as little as one single training sample to offer robustness to partial occlusion. Second, they extend this new formulation to make it robust to illumination variation, and to combined illumination variation and partial occlusion, by a novel combination of multicondition relighting and optimal feature selection. To evaluate the new methods, a number of databases with various simulated and realistic occlusion/illumination mismatches have been used. The results have demonstrated the improved robustness of the new methods.
Small-scale physical and numerical experiments were conducted to investigate the local concentration of waves (monochromatic and group) due to abrupt change of nearshore bathymetry in alongshore direction. Wave run-up motions along the shoreline were measured using an image analysis technique to compare localized concentration of wave energy, when waves propagate a over bathymetry composing rhythmic patterns of mild/steep slope bottom configurations. Measured alongshore variation of maximum wave run-up heights showed significant peak near the boundary, which has sudden alongshore change of depth, both under monochromatic and group wave trains. This phenomenon is found to be due to interaction of waves with neashore currents, which is further enhanced by excitation of long wave components by breaking of group waves. Furthermore, this paper discusses results of preliminary experiments carried out to test the effectiveness of several shore protection structure layouts in mitigating such wave concentrations. Numerical simulations were performed by using a model developed based on Nwogu (1993) Boussinesq-type equations; coupled with a transport equation to model energy dissipation due to wave breaking.
Stochastic Analysis of Saltwater Intrusion in Heterogeneous Aquifers using Local Average Subdivision
This study investigates the effects of ground heterogeneity, considering permeability as a random variable, on an intruding SW wedge using Monte Carlo simulations. Random permeability fields were generated, using the method of Local Average Subdivision (LAS), based on a lognormal probability density function. The LAS method allows the creation of spatially correlated random fields, generated using coefficients of variation (COV) and horizontal and vertical scales of fluctuation (SOF). The numerical modelling code SUTRA was employed to solve the coupled flow and transport problem. The well-defined 2D dispersive Henry problem was used as the test case for the method. The intruding SW wedge is defined by two key parameters, the toe penetration length (TL) and the width of mixing zone (WMZ). These parameters were compared to the results of a homogeneous case simulated using effective permeability values. The simulation results revealed: (1) an increase in COV resulted in a seaward movement of TL; (2) the WMZ extended with increasing COV; (3) a general increase in horizontal and vertical SOF produced a seaward movement of TL, with the WMZ increasing slightly; (4) as the anisotropic ratio increased the TL intruded further inland and the WMZ reduced in size. The results show that for large values of COV, effective permeability parameters are inadequate at reproducing the effects of heterogeneity on SW intrusion.
Puisque l’altération des habitats d’eau douce augmente, il devient critique d’identifier les composantes de l’habitat qui influencent les métriques de la productivité des pêcheries. Nous avons comparé la contribution relative de trois types de variables d’habitat à l’explication de la variance de métriques d’abondance, de biomasse et de richesse à l’aide de modèles d’habitat de poissons, et avons identifié les variables d’habitat les plus efficaces à expliquer ces variations. Au cours des étés 2012 et 2013, les communautés de poissons de 43 sites littoraux ont été échantillonnées dans le Lac du Bonnet, un réservoir dans le Sud-est du Manitoba (Canada). Sept scénarios d’échantillonnage, différant par l’engin de pêche, l’année et le moment de la journée, ont été utilisés pour estimer l’abondance, la biomasse et la richesse à chaque site, toutes espèces confondues. Trois types de variables d’habitat ont été évalués: des variables locales (à l’intérieur du site), des variables latérales (caractérisation de la berge) et des variables contextuelles (position relative à des attributs du paysage). Les variables d’habitat locales et contextuelles expliquaient en moyenne un total de 44 % (R2 ajusté) de la variation des métriques de la productivité des pêcheries, alors que les variables d’habitat latérales expliquaient seulement 2 % de la variation. Les variables les plus souvent significatives sont la couverture de macrophytes, la distance aux tributaires d’une largeur ≥ 50 m et la distance aux marais d’une superficie ≥ 100 000 m2, ce qui suggère que ces variables sont les plus efficaces à expliquer la variation des métriques de la productivité des pêcheries dans la zone littorale des réservoirs.
We examine the extent of population-level differentiation in life history traits of Pogonatum aloides, Polytrichum commune and Polytrichum juniperinum (Polytrichaceae) between upland and lowland localities within Britain. Reciprocal transplant studies are used to estimate the relative importance of genetic versus environmental effects on observed differences. We demonstrate significant life history differentiation between moss populations, and show that at least some of these are genetically determined, although environment and phenotypic plasticity are also significant components of the observed variation. The transplant experiments indicate divergence among populations in plasticity of male reproductive effort and of investment in vegetative shoots by females. Two tradeoffs are identified; one between the number and the size of spores, and the second between reproduction by spores versus vegetative reproduction. The patterns of life history variation observed between populations of Polytrichum juniperinum are consistent with selection along these implied tradeoff curves, and we propose that they reflect selective pressures arising from the spatial and demographic distribution of mortality at upland versus lowland sites. The results underscore the need for more studies of intra-specific life history variation in mosses.
This EU funded 'HealthyHay'project stablished a sainfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia) germplasm bank at NIAB, Cambridge, with 306 accessions from around the world. A screening method was developed to characterise tannins by thiolytic degradation [1] directly in green plants for the first time. the method was validated by separate analysis of unextractable, extractable and purified tannins using thiolysis, HPLC-GPC and MALDI-TOF MS. Most tannins (58 to 73% of the total) could be recovered after Toyopearl HW50 fractionation with water, aqueous methanol and acetone. the greatest losses during purification occurred amongst larger molecular weight tannins with mean degree of polymerisation (mDP) > 18. The composition of water-,aqueous methanol- and acetone-soluble tannins differed considerably in their mDP and trans/cis ratios, but not in their prodelphinidin/orocyanidin (PD/PC) ratios.
The IntFOLD-TS method was developed according to the guiding principle that the model quality assessment would be the most critical stage for our template based modelling pipeline. Thus, the IntFOLD-TS method firstly generates numerous alternative models, using in-house versions of several different sequence-structure alignment methods, which are then ranked in terms of global quality using our top performing quality assessment method – ModFOLDclust2. In addition to the predicted global quality scores, the predictions of local errors are also provided in the resulting coordinate files, using scores that represent the predicted deviation of each residue in the model from the equivalent residue in the native structure. The IntFOLD-TS method was found to generate high quality 3D models for many of the CASP9 targets, whilst also providing highly accurate predictions of their per-residue errors. This important information may help to make the 3D models that are produced by the IntFOLD-TS method more useful for guiding future experimental work
An efficient method of combining neutron diffraction data over an extended Q range with detailed atomistic models is presented. A quantitative and qualitative mapping of the organization of the chain conformation in both glass and liquid phase has been performed. The proposed structural refinement method is based on the exploitation of the intrachain features of the diffraction pattern by the use of internal coordinates for bond lengths, valence angles and torsion rotations. Models are built stochastically by assignment of these internal coordinates from probability distributions with limited variable parameters. Variation of these parameters is used in the construction of models that minimize the differences between the observed and calculated structure factors. A series of neutron scattering data of 1,4-polybutadiene at the region 20320 K is presented. Analysis of the experimental data yield bond lengths for C-C and C=C of 1.54 and 1.35 Å respectively. Valence angles of the backbone were found to be at 112 and 122.8 for the CCC and CC=C respectively. Three torsion angles corresponding to the double bond and the adjacent R and β bonds were found to occupy cis and trans, s(, trans and g( and trans states, respectively. We compare our results with theoretical predictions, computer simulations, RIS models, and previously reported experimental results.
The use of kilometre-scale ensembles in operational forecasting provides new challenges for forecast interpretation and evaluation to account for uncertainty on the convective scale. A new neighbourhood based method is presented for evaluating and characterising the local predictability variations from convective scale ensembles. Spatial scales over which ensemble forecasts agree (agreement scales, S^A) are calculated at each grid point ij, providing a map of the spatial agreement between forecasts. By comparing the average agreement scale obtained from ensemble member pairs (S^A(mm)_ij), with that between members and radar observations (S^A(mo)_ij), this approach allows the location-dependent spatial spread-skill relationship of the ensemble to be assessed. The properties of the agreement scales are demonstrated using an idealised experiment. To demonstrate the methods in an operational context the S^A(mm)_ij and S^A(mo)_ij are calculated for six convective cases run with the Met Office UK Ensemble Prediction System. The S^A(mm)_ij highlight predictability differences between cases, which can be linked to physical processes. Maps of S^A(mm)_ij are found to summarise the spatial predictability in a compact and physically meaningful manner that is useful for forecasting and for model interpretation. Comparison of S^A(mm)_ij and S^A(mo)_ij demonstrates the case-by-case and temporal variability of the spatial spread-skill, which can again be linked to physical processes.
Global optimization seeks a minimum or maximum of a multimodal function over a discrete or continuous domain. In this paper, we propose a hybrid heuristic-based on the CGRASP and GENCAN methods-for finding approximate solutions for continuous global optimization problems subject to box constraints. Experimental results illustrate the relative effectiveness of CGRASP-GENCAN on a set of benchmark multimodal test functions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of apple slices immersed in 40, 50 and 60% (w/w) aqueous sucrose solutions was investigated to evaluate the influence of solution concentration on diffusivities. In the mathematical model, the diffusion coefficients were functions of the local water and sucrose concentration. The mass transfer equations were, simultaneously, solved for water and sucrose using an implicit numerical method. Material coordinates following the shrinkage of the solid were used. The predicted concentration profiles were integrated and compared to experimental data, showing a reasonable agreement with the measured data. on average, the effective diffusion coefficients for water and sucrose decreased as the osmotic solution concentration increased; that is the behavior of the binary coefficients in water-sucrose solutions. However, the diffusivities expressed as a function of the local concentration in the slices varied between the treatments. Water diffusion coefficients showed a remarkable variation throughout the slice and unusual behavior, which was associated to the cellular structure changes observed in tissue immersed in osmotic solutions. Cell structure changes occurred in different ways: moderate plasmolysis at 40%, accentuated plasmolysis at 50% and generalized damage of the cells at 60%. Intact vacuoles were observed after a long time of exposure (30 h) to 40 and 50% solutions. Effects of the concentration on tissue changes make it difficult to generalize the behavior of diffusion coefficients.