973 resultados para Lobo reservoir


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Reconhecida como agente de doença humana em 1982, E.coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pode causar diarréia sanguinolenta, colite hemorrágica e síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). EHEC constitui um subgrupo especialmente virulento das E.coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (Stx). O fator crítico da sua virulência é a toxina Shiga, capaz de interromper a síntese proteica da célula eucariótica. São conhecidos dois subgrupos de Stx, Stx1 e Stx2. Stx1 possui duas variantes Stx1c e Stx1d. Stx2 possui muitas variantes. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que cepas com os perfis toxigênicos Stx2 ou Stx2/Stx2c seriam mais frequentemente associadas a pacientes com SHU. Além da expressão de Stx, EHEC do sorotipo O157:H7 colonizam a mucosa intestinal induzindo a formação de lesões denominadas attaching/effacing (A/E). Para a produção da lesão A/E, é necessária a presença de uma ilha de patogenicidade cromossômica denominada LEE, composta por cinco operons, LEE 1 a LEE5. Em LEE 5 são codificadas a adesina intimina e o seu receptor Tir, o qual é translocado por um sistema de secreção tipo III (SSTT) e em LEE 4 são codificadas as proteínas secretadas EspA,B e D. Em EHEC O157:H7 são descritos muitos fatores de virulência, codificados em ilhas de patogenicidade, no cromossomo e no megaplasmídio pO157. Bovinos são o principal reservatório deste patógeno e alimentos de origem bovina e produtos contaminados com fezes de bovinos são causadores de surtos epidêmicos. Em nosso país EHEC O157:H7 é isolada do reservatório animal mas é muito rara a sua ocorrência em doença humana. Notamos que nas cepas bovinas predomina Stx2c, enquanto nas cepas humanas predomina o perfil toxigenico Stx2/Stx2c. Quanto a interação com enterocitos humanos cultivados in vitro (linhagem Caco-2), verificamos que tanto cepas bovinas quanto humanas mostram idêntica capacidade de invadir e persistir no compartimento intracelular das células Caco-2. No entanto, em comparação com as cepas humanas, as cepas bovinas mostram uma reduzida capacidade de produzir lesões A/E. Empregamos qPCR para aferir a transcrição de três diferentes locus (eae, espA e tir) situados nos operons LEE4 e LEE5 de cepas bovinas e humanas, durante a infecção de células Caco-2. Verificamos diferenças na expressão dos genes, especialmente espA, entre cepas bovinas e humanas com maior expressão para estas ultimas, em linha com os achados dos testes FAS. Através de clonagem e expressão de proteínas recombinantes, purificamos as proteínas Eae, EspA e Tir e obtivemos anticorpos específicos, empregados para acompanhar a sua expressão ao longo da infecção de células Caco-2, por imunofluorescencia. Verificamos que as três proteínas são detectadas tanto em cepas bovinas quanto humanas, mas nestas ultimas, a marcação é precoce e torna-se mais intensa com o avanço da infecção. Nossos resultados indicam que cepas EHEC O157:H7 isoladas do reservatório bovino em nosso país apresentam diferenças importantes em relação ao perfil toxigenico e a capacidade de indução de lesões A/E, características apontadas na literatura como relevantes para a virulência do micro-organismo. Por outro lado, nossos achados quanto a capacidade de invadir e multiplicar-se no interior de enterócitos pode explicar a persistência do patógeno no reservatório animal e a sua capacidade de transmissão horizontal.


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Principles adopted by China for the development of reservoir fisheries are discussed. Production of some of reservoirs of China with that of India is compared. The reasons for obtaining higher production in China have been recognised as: emphasis on utilization of all resources for food production; direct feeding; use of selected varieties of fast growing carps; keeping 15 pigs per hectare of water area for application of pig void and application of manure; production of fingerlings at the reservoir sites enclaving coves and bays; grading and removing obstructions from bottom; rational harvesting and stocking and improvement of reservoir shore areas as a whole. Some of these measures which could be implemented in Indian conditions are briefly described.


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Following an account of factors influencing the biological productivity of reservoirs in India, details are given of energy transformation through primary production. An ecosystem approach to the management of reservoir fisheries is discussed, considering also socio-economic factors to be taken into account.


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Matatilla Reservoir, located in semi arid region, (Lat. 25 degree 15'N and Long. 78 degree 23'E) has an area (at FRL) of 13,893 ha, volume and shore development 0.663 and 1.65, shoreline 73.6 km. Volume and shore development indicate that greater part of the reservoir is shallow, which is a favourable point for fish productivity. Temperature and dissolved oxygen gradually decreased with the increase in depth. Carbon dioxide was absent from the surface but invariably present in the bottom (3.6 ppm) pH remained alkaline (7.2-8.4 ppm) throughout the year. Alkalinity, chloride, calcium, magnesium, hardness and priductivity was maximum in pre-monsoon and minimum in monsoon except for calcium and manganesium in post-monsoon. Phosphate, nitrogen and ammonical nitrogen were found in traces. These variations may be due to influx and outflow of water and use of reservoir water for multipurpose activities.


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The comparative efficiencies of simple gill net, vertical line net and framed net in exploiting the fishery of Hirakud Reservoir in Orissa were studied. Though comparatively costlier to fabricate, the framed net gave better results than the other two.


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En la evolución de los lobos sudamericanos, son varios los factores que modelaran sus comportamientos reproductivos y las diferencias entre los sexos que podemos observar en la naturaleza. Una de las principales características es la capacidad de desarrollar un comportamiento reproductivo plástico y cambiante. La influencia de las variaciones ecológicas sobre los sistemas reproductivos modelan las características de las estrategias reproductivas en los pinnípedos, y el lobo marino sudamericano es un ejemplo de ello. Se describen estrategias reproductivas y del comportamiento de la especie Otaria flavescens que ha sido estudiada en detalle en la peníncula de Valdés, Argentina (océano Atlántico sudoccidental).


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Morphometric characteristics of Lamellidens lamellatus were studied using a random sample of 138 individuals collected from Bathalagoda reservoir in Kurunegala district. The largest number of individuals in the collection was between 40-50 mm in length. They had a body weight between 60-80 gm. The most abundant bio-chemical component in the adductor and in the foot was protein. Carbohydrate and lipid quantities were almost equal while ash showed the least value. The total protein content ranged from 48.8% to 73.4%; the carbohydrate content from 12.64% to 23.8%; and lipid content from 12.0% to 28.1% of their dry weight. It was found that there were significant relationships between the length and the body weight; and between length and volume.


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Although the reservoir area in south-east Asia is considerable, the fish production is low in the majority of reservoirs. Although high fish production has been recorded in a number of reservoirs in Sri Lanka and Indonesia, high fish production in reservoirs has with few exceptions resulted from the introduction of typical lake species from Africa. Addition of further lake fish species especially into deeper reservoirs will probably increase present fish yields. Diversification of the lake fish fauna can be achieved by introduction of species indigenous to the region like Etroplus suratensis. In this introduction of fish species, three points may be noted with specific reference to Tilapia spp.: (a) Lakes without indigenous cyprinids show marked fluctuation in fish catch with the introduction of Tilapia, and this could be stabilised by the introduction of predators and more diverse species. (b) Lakes with a moderate diversity of fish fauna show a high stabilised production with the introduction of Tilapia, presumably because of the effect of predator pressure on excessive Tilapia breeding. (c) Lowland lakes with a rich diversity of indigenous fish species colonising lakes may not require the introduction of Tilapia. Introduction of invertebrates into reservoirs in south east-Asia has not been done deliberately so far. However, the experience in other parts of the world, notably the Soviet Union, indicates that such introductions are likely to prove beneficial and to increase fish production. The potential for a considerable increase in fish production from reservoirs exists in south-east Asia. Proper management is likely to cost less than what is required for fish culture. Rural areas are likely to benefit most from increased fish production in reservoirs, and this might be a way to provide cheap protein where it is most urgently needed.


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Based on the present investigation and reviewing the published and unpublished documents critically, this communication considers the post impoundment changes in the fish fauna of Kaptai reservoir. Investigation reveals that a total of 73 species of fish belongs to 47 genera, 25 families and 2 species of prawn are present in the reservoir. Of them, 31 are commercially important, 6 and 9 species are newly identified.


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Frame nets and simple gill nets of identical mesh size were experimented to determine their comparative efficiency for exploiting economic size group of Catla catla. The results indicated that frame nets of 90 mm mesh bar as the most effective.