892 resultados para Llansol, Maria Gabriela, 1931-2008 - Os pregos na erva - Crítica e interpretação


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Purpose: Oral squamous cell carcinoma and its treatment are associated with facial disfigurement and functional inabilities that may lead to malnutrition or under nourishment. This study assessed the incidence of food restrictions in patients undergoing treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Method: We interviewed 120 patients in two hospitals in Sao Paulo, Brazil, using a structured food frequency questionnaire comprising the most commonly consumed foods in Brazil. This questionnaire was applied twice; the first time to inform dietary patterns prior to the diagnosis of cancer and the second time to assess recent modifications of diet that were associated with the disease and its treatment. Hospital files provided information on clinical status. Multivariate Poisson regression models assessed covariates with prognostic value. Results: One third of patients suffered major food restrictions (i.e., they reduced substantially the intake of more than 50% of the most commonly consumed food items before the diagnosis); 39% suffered a less severe condition (they could not eat less than 50% of the most commonly consumed food items before the diagnosis, and they needed changes in food preparation). Larger tumour size (adjusted incidence ratio IR = 1.45), posterior location (IR = 1.33), radiotherapy (IR = 1.84), loss of tongue mobility (IR = 1.36) and loss of teeth (IR = 1.25) in the surgery were associated significantly with the study outcome. Conclusion: This study identified clinical predictors of food restrictions in patients undergoing treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. This knowledge may contribute to improve patient care and management, and to develop interventions aimed at preventing nutritional depletion of these patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent systematic reviews concluded that the frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables is inversely associated with the risk of oral cancer. We assessed this association, specifically comparing results obtained to nonsmokers and smokers, as well to nondrinkers and drinkers. We conducted a case-control study involving 296 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (cases) attended in 3 major hospitals of Sao Paulo, Brazil, paired with 296 controls, recruited from outpatient units of the same hospitals. Multivariate models assessed the effect of fruits and salads according to smoking and drinking. The intake of fruit was associated with the prevention of the disease in the specific assessment among light [odds ratio (OR) = 0.46; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.27-0.78) and heavy (OR = 0.30; 95% CI = 0.14-0.65) smokers. The same was observed for vegetables consumption. For nonsmokers, no fruit (OR = 50; 95% CI = 0.22-1.12) or vegetable (for tomato, OR = 0.53; 95% CI = 0.31-0.93) was associated with reduced risk of oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Similar results were found in the stratified analysis according to drinking status with OR = 0.51 (95% CI = 0.30-0.87) and 0.18 for fruits (95% CI = 0.07-0.45), respectively, for light and heavy drinkers. This observation suggests that the protective effect of fruit and salad intake may modulate the deleterious effects from tobacco and alcohol.


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Studies investigating factors that influence tone recognition generally use recognition tests, whereas the majority of the studies on verbal material use self-generated responses in the form of serial recall tests. In the present study we intended to investigate whether tonal and verbal materials share the same cognitive mechanisms, by presenting an experimental instrument that evaluates short-term and working memories for tones, using self-generated sung responses that may be compared to verbal tests. This paradigm was designed according to the same structure of the forward and backward digit span tests, but using digits, pseudowords, and tones as stimuli. The profile of amateur singers and professional singers in these tests was compared in forward and backward digit, pseudoword, tone, and contour spans. In addition, an absolute pitch experimental group was included, in order to observe the possible use of verbal labels in tone memorization tasks. In general, we observed that musical schooling has a slight positive influence on the recall of tones, as opposed to verbal material, which is not influenced by musical schooling. Furthermore, the ability to reproduce melodic contours (up and down patterns) is generally higher than the ability to reproduce exact tone sequences. However, backward spans were lower than forward spans for all stimuli (digits, pseudowords, tones, contour). Curiously, backward spans were disproportionately lower for tones than for verbal material-that is, the requirement to recall sequences in backward rather than forward order seems to differentially affect tonal stimuli. This difference does not vary according to musical expertise.


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A figueira (Ficus carica L.), pertencente à família das Moráceas, constitui-se numa das mais importantes frutíferas cultivadas, elevando o Brasil à condição de décimo maior produtor e exportador de figos do mundo. Porém, a ficicultura apresenta alguns problemas fitossanitários, além de, no Brasil, estar toda implantada com uma única cultivar, a Roxo de Valinhos, que produz frutos sem sementes, inviabilizando o melhoramento convencional. Nesse sentido, o melhoramento genético, com o uso de mutagênicos, passa a ser uma linha de pesquisa altamente importante, podendo contribuir enormemente para o desenvolvimento da cultura. Diante disto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi selecionar mutantes em plantas de figueira formadas por estacas irradiadas com raios gama, a fim de aumentar sua variabilidade genética com relação ao desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo. Utilizaram-se plantas formadas por estacas originadas de gemas da cultivar Roxo de Valinhos irradiadas com raios gama, no irradiador tipo Gamma a 0,10 m do ápice, na dose de Gy com taxa de dose de 238 Gy/h. O experimento constou de 450 tratamentos, sendo cada planta formada considerada um tratamento, numerando-as sequencialmente de 1 a 450 e cultivadas em espaçamento de 2,5 x 1,5 m.. As avaliações foram realizadas a partir das características tanto das folhas quanto dos frutos, bem como da incidência das principais pragas e doenças da cultura nestas plantas. Da análise dos dados, conclui-se que há variabilidade genética entre os tratamentos e que algumas plantas são prováveis mutantes, mostrando-se assim com potencial para posteriores estudos, devendo ser testadas em plantios comerciais.


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As opiniões de Monteiro Lobato a respeito dos temas saúde e doença não se esgotaram na discussão sobre a situação do Jeca Tatu; ele foi além, e em diversos trechos de sua obra adulta observam-se suas opiniões, seus relatos sobre a experiência de adoecer. O presente artigo resgata as concepções de saúde e doença observadas nos escritos de Monteiro Lobato. Por meio da análise de sua obra adulta, pudemos destacar opiniões, relatos sobre a experiência de adoecer de pessoas próximas e queridas, a possibilidade que a doença oferece de socializar as pessoas, o corporativismo médico, a atuação na Liga Pró-Saneamento, o paternalismo das práticas de saúde e a vulnerabilidade daqueles que possuem condição social desfavorável, além de outros tópicos, ora com traços de comicidade, ora com resignação e até com revolta. Assim, o presente estudo analisou a obra adulta do autor, discutindo trechos que tratam da saúde e da doença como experiência vivenciada nas primeiras décadas do século XX.


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The Clusterin (CLU) gene produces different forms of protein products which vary in their biological properties and distribution within the cell. Both the extra- and intracellular CLU forms regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis. Dis-regulation of CLU expression occurs in many cancer types, including prostate cancer. The role that CLU plays in tumorigenesis is still unclear. We found that CLU over-expression inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Here we show that depletion of CLU affects the growth of PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Following siRNA, all protein products quickly disappeared, inducing cell cycle progression and higher expression of specific proliferation markers (i.e. H3 mRNA, PCNA and cyclins A, B1 and D) as detected by RT-qPCR and Western blot. Quite surprisingly, we also found that the turnover of CLU protein is very rapid and tightly regulated by ubiquitin–proteasome mediated degradation. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide showed that CLU half-life is less than 2 hours. All CLU protein products were found poly-ubiquitinated by co-immuniprecipitation. Proteasome inhibition by MG132 caused stabilization and accumulation of all CLU protein products, strongly inducing the nuclear form of CLU (nCLU) and committing cells to caspase-dependent death. In conclusion, proteasome inhibition may induce prostate cancer cell death through accumulation of nCLU, a potential tumour suppressor factor.


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This study enters the world of migrants women daily involved in the work of caregiving to elderly people in Modena. The multidimensional analysis that characterizes this work brings together elements which are examined, simultaneously, as bounds and/or opportunities within the migratory experience of these women. The interviews collected will be analyzed in parallel and linked to the international debates on contemporary migrations: the meaning of transnational migrations, the role of the networks in guiding integration, the limits and strengths of multiculturalist theories, the concept of ‘superdiversity’, the link among entitlement, rights and access to citizenship. The present study place at the centre of its observation the “daily practices” that allow every migrant to negotiate its ‘power’, its ‘freedom’ and its ‘rights’, so as to recognize agency to these women in the creation of their strategies and social boundaries. Moreover, the study focuses on the ability and power of the State, and its institutions, to create categorizations among migrants based on their social and economic ‘usefulness’, which produce effects in the daily lives of these workers.


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The thesis reconstructs the cinema’s experience of Italian missionaries during the XX century in a historical-pragmatic key. Italian missionaries, who started producing movies around the Twenties, have used cinema as a helpful instrument for religious propaganda. They have considered the rules of the Catholic Church, the political and social context and the audience’s expectations. Each chapter (1-4) analyses the phenomenon inside the context constituted by the Italian colonial experiences, the relationship between Catholic Church and images during the Evangelization, the history of cinema and the history of missions. A specific chapter (chapter 5) is dedicated to the archives of missionary’s cinema and to the value to be assigned to this film production (in terms of social memory and archive’s memory). At the end of the first part, the thesis presents a proposal about the relationship between missionary’s cinema and visual anthropology. The second part of the thesis includes the film cards of the missionary’s movies preserved in Italy: 339 cards of Italian movies and 149 cards of foreign movies placed in different archives and bureaus.


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Nowadays licensing practices have increased in importance and relevance driving the widespread diffusion of markets for technologies. Firms are shifting from a tactical to a strategic attitude towards licensing, addressing both business and corporate level objectives. The Open Innovation Paradigm has been embraced. Firms rely more and more on collaboration and external sourcing of knowledge. This new model of innovation requires firms to leverage on external technologies to unlock the potential of firms’ internal innovative efforts. In this context, firms’ competitive advantage depends both on their ability to recognize available opportunities inside and outside their boundaries and on their readiness to exploit them in order to fuel their innovation process dynamically. Licensing is one of the ways available to firm to ripe the advantages associated to an open attitude in technology strategy. From the licensee’s point view this implies challenging the so-called not-invented-here syndrome, affecting the more traditional firms that emphasize the myth of internal research and development supremacy. This also entails understanding the so-called cognitive constraints affecting the perfect functioning of markets for technologies that are associated to the costs for the assimilation, integration and exploitation of external knowledge by recipient firms. My thesis aimed at shedding light on new interesting issues associated to in-licensing activities that have been neglected by the literature on licensing and markets for technologies. The reason for this gap is associated to the “perspective bias” affecting the works within this stream of research. With very few notable exceptions, they have been generally concerned with the investigation of the so-called licensing dilemma of the licensor – whether to license out or to internally exploit the in-house developed technologies, while neglecting the licensee’s perspective. In my opinion, this has left rooms for improving the understanding of the determinants and conditions affecting licensing-in practices. From the licensee’s viewpoint, the licensing strategy deals with the search, integration, assimilation, exploitation of external technologies. As such it lies at the very hearth of firm’s technology strategy. Improving our understanding of this strategy is thus required to assess the full implications of in-licensing decisions as they shape firms’ innovation patterns and technological capabilities evolution. It also allow for understanding the so-called cognitive constraints associated to the not-invented-here syndrome. In recognition of that, the aim of my work is to contribute to the theoretical and empirical literature explaining the determinants of the licensee’s behavior, by providing a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as ad-hoc conceptual tools to understand and overcome frictions and to ease the achievement of satisfactory technology transfer agreements in the marketplace. Aiming at this, I investigate licensing-in in three different fashions developed in three research papers. In the first work, I investigate the links between licensing and the patterns of firms’ technological search diversification according to the framework of references of the Search literature, Resource-based Theory and the theory of general purpose technologies. In the second paper - that continues where the first one left off – I analyze the new concept of learning-bylicensing, in terms of development of new knowledge inside the licensee firms (e.g. new patents) some years after the acquisition of the license, according to the Dynamic Capabilities perspective. Finally, in the third study, Ideal with the determinants of the remuneration structure of patent licenses (form and amount), and in particular on the role of the upfront fee from the licensee’s perspective. Aiming at this, I combine the insights of two theoretical approaches: agency and real options theory.


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In contrast to other B-cell neoplasias, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is characterized by increased non-leukaemic T-cells. In order to assess their replicative history, telomere length was analyzed in subsets of leucocytes from CLL patients. Naive and memory T-cells from ZAP-70(+)/CD38(+) patients exhibited significantly shorter average telomere lengths than ZAP-70(-)/CD38(-) patients. Compared to the age-related percentiles of telomere length values from healthy individuals practically all values of the naive and memory T-cells from the ZAP-70(+)/CD38(+) CLL patients fell below the 50th percentile. This indicated an extensive expansion and a role for T-cells in ZAP-70(+)/CD38(+) CLL patients.