433 resultados para Librarian


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During the 18th Annual 2008 SAIL meeting at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, Vielka Chang-Yau, librarian, mentioned the need to digitize and make available through the Aquatic Commons some of the early documents related to the U.S. biological survey of Panama from 1910 to 1912. With the assistance of SAIL, a regional marine librarian’s group, a digital project developed and this select bibliography represents the sources used for the project. It will assist researchers and librarians in finding online open access documents written during the construction of the Panama Canal, specifically between 1910-1912. As the project progressed, other items covering the region and its biological diversity were discovered and included. The project team expects that the coverage will continue to expand over time. (PDF contains 9 pages)


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Esta pesquisa discute a participação do bibliotecário na formação de equipes multidisciplinares dos grupos de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (ATS), caracterizando sua atuação num novo campo que se abre para os bibliotecários em instituições de pesquisa. O objetivo geral baseia-se na criação de uma Biblioteca Digital (BD) com os parâmetros de qualidade da informação inerentes a ATS, a partir dos documentos gerados pelo Serviço de Comutação Bibliográfica (SCB) da Rede de Bibliotecas da FIOCRUZ, recomendando a inserção do bibliotecário na equipe multidisciplinar para ATS. A metodologia foi dividida em três partes: levantamento do estado da arte do conhecimento produzido na Saúde Coletiva, onde se insere a Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde, e da Ciência da Informação, pesquisa exploratória com uma abordagem qualitativa para coleta de dados junto ao grupo de pesquisadores de ATS de diversas instituições públicas e privadas e uma abordagem quantitativa para coleta de dados dos profissionais do SCB da Rede de Bibliotecas da Fiocruz e análise dos dados. Verificou-se que existe uma participação ativa do bibliotecário nas atividades de ATS, no que diz respeito, à formulação de estratégias de busca em base de dados, revisão de protocolos de busca, localização de publicações relevantes, auxílio para realização de revisões sistemática para os grupos de pesquisa. Pressupõe a criação de uma BD permitindo o compartilhamento de todos os documentos digitais gerados pelas bibliotecas. Com essa iniciativa pretende-se contribuir para impulsionar a produção do conhecimento científico e tecnológico na área da saúde e de ATS.


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Urquhart,C., Spink, S., Thomas, R. & Weightman, A. (2007). Developing a toolkit for assessing the impact of health library services on patient care. Report to LKDN (Libraries and Knowledge Development Network). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University. Sponsorship: Libraries and Knowledge Development Network/ NHS


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Poster pokazuje metody komunikacji z czytelnikiem stosowane w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w technologii mediów cyfrowych. Cyfrowe narzędzia komunikacji stały się bardzo pomocne, niemal niezbędne w pozyskiwaniu nowych czytelników, podtrzymywaniu i rozwijaniu współpracy w społeczności w sieci Web.2.0, zarówno tej globalnej, jak i lokalnej akademickiej. Strona WWW jako statyczna komunikacyjnie jest wspierana przez fora dyskusyjne, chaty, wideokonferencje, warsztaty informacyjne, które są prowadzone w czasie rzeczywistym. Twórczą siłę relacji społecznych z biblioteką rozwinęły interaktywne serwisy społecznościowe (Facebook) oraz komunikatory internetowe integrowane na platformie Ask a Librarian. Biblioteka stała się Biblioteką 2.0 ukierunkowaną na komunikację z czytelnikiem. Aktywne uczestnictwo i udział czytelników przy tworzeniu zasobów naukowych wdrożyliśmy w projekcie instytucjonalnego repozytorium - Adam Mickiewicz Repository (AMUR). Biblioteka zmienia się dla czytelników i z czytelnikami. Wykorzystywane platformy i serwisy społecznościowe dostarczają unikatowych danych o nowych potrzebach informacyjnych i oczekiwaniach docelowego Patrona 2.0, co skutkuje doskonaleniu usług istniejących i tworzeniu nowych. Biblioteka monitoruje usługi i potrzeby czytelników przez prowadzone badania społeczne. Technologie cyfrowe stosowane w komunikacji sprawiają, iż biblioteka staje się bliższa, bardziej dostępna, aby stać się w rezultacie partnerem dla stałych i nowych czytelników. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu bierze udział w programach europejskich w zakresie katalogowania i digitalizacji zasobu biblioteki cyfrowej WBC, w zakresie wdrożenia nowych technologii i rozwiązań podnoszących jakość usług bibliotecznych, działalności kulturotwórczej (Poznańska Dyskusyjna Akademia Kominksu, deBiUty) i edukacji informacyjnej. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu jest członkiem organizacji międzynarodowych: LIBER (Liga Europejskich Bibliotek Naukowych), IAML (Stowarzyszenie Bibliotek Muzycznych, Archiwów i Ośrodków Dokumentacji), CERL - Europejskie Konsorcjum Bibliotek Naukowych.


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Poster zaprezentowany na XIII Krajowym Forum Informacji Naukowej i Technicznej w Zakopanem.


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For many librarians, institutional repositories (IRs) promised significant change for academic libraries. We envisioned enlarging collection development scope to include locally produced scholarship and an expansion of library services to embrace scholarly publication and distribution. However, at the University of Rochester, as at many other institutions, this transformational technology was introduced in the conservative, controlled manner associated with stereotypical librarian culture, and so these expected changes never materialized. In this case study, we focus on the creation of our institutional repository (a potentially disruptive technology) and how its success was hampered by our organizational culture, manifested as a lengthy and complicated set of policies. In the following pages, we briefly describe our repository project, talk about our original policies, look at the ways those policies impeded our project, and discuss the disruption of those policies and the benefits in user uptake that resulted.


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Los cambios sufridos por los modelos de comunicación científica hacen que las bibliotecas universitarias se vean obligadas a dar nuevos servicios. Para adecuarse al investigador los bibliotecarios están desarrollando habilidades, colaborando con cada vez más estamentos y sustentando el acceso abierto. Apoyándose en una lista de posibles servicios, basada en la literatura especializada, este trabajo pretende cuantificar y evaluar el apoyo a la investigación desde las bibliotecas universitarias españolas. El sondeo demuestra la aparición de nuevos servicios e infraestructuras. Pero estas asistencias no suelen sistematizarse, difundirse ni evaluarse. Y, por otra parte, las consecuentes inversiones en personal y TIC han generado una brecha entre universidades


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BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease and strokes, are highly prevalent conditions and are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an effective form of secondary prevention for CVD but there is a lack of information regarding which specific behaviour change techniques (BCTs) are included in programmes that are associated with improvements in cardiovascular risk factors. This systematic review will describe the BCTs which are utilised within home-based CR programmes that are effective at reducing a spectrum of CVD risk factors.

METHODS/DESIGN: The review will be reported in line with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidance. Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials of home-based CR initiated following a vascular event (myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease and stroke patients) will be included. Articles will be identified through a comprehensive search of MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Cochrane Database guided by a medical librarian. Two review authors will independently screen articles retrieved from the search for eligibility and extract relevant data, identifying which specific BCTs are included in programmes that are associated with improvements in particular modifiable vascular risk factors.

DISCUSSION: This review will be of value to clinicians and healthcare professionals working with cardiovascular patients by identifying specific BCTs which are used within effective home-based CR. It will also inform the future design and evaluation of complex health service interventions aimed at secondary prevention in CVD.


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Ausgangspunkt für die vorliegende Arbeit ist die These, dass Informationsberatung in Anlehnung an die in den USA verbreiteten Research Consultations eine ergänzende Methode zur prozessorientierten Förderung von Informationskompetenz an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken sein kann. Im Zuge der Diskussion dieser These werden zunächst die der Dienstleistung zugrunde liegenden Konzepte wie etwa das Rollenverständnis des consultant librarian und das des counseling librarian vorgestellt. Daraufhin wird die in der Fachliteratur geführte Diskussion um die Einordnung der Dienstleistung aufgegriffen und Informationsberatung gegenüber den herkömmlichen Dienstleistungen Auskunftsdienst und Informationskompetenzschulung abgegrenzt. Dabei zeigt sich, dass professionelle bibliothekarische Beratung im Zuge der Förderung des informellen Lernens einen neuen, eigenständigen und nutzerorientierten Service darstellt, der den aktuellen Bedarf nach individueller Betreuung durch persönliche Ansprechpartner und Expertenberatung deckt. Durch die inhaltliche und zeitliche Flexibilität der Dienstleistung können Nutzer am point of need abgeholt werden. Umsetzungsmodelle finden sich bspw. an der Wissensbar der SLUB Dresden, dem Helpdesk Lern- und Arbeitstechniken an der KIT-Bibliothek und dem Learning Center der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim. Seitens der Berater werden u.a. Kompetenzen im Bereich des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens sowie Kommunikations- und Sozialkompetenzen benötigt. Neben der Qualifizierung des bibliothekseigenen Personals durch Fortbildungen stellen Kooperationen mit kompetenzbildenden Einrichtungen der Universität eine Möglichkeit zur Implementierung der Dienstleistung dar, die von entsprechenden Marketingmaßnahmen begleitet sein muss. Abschließend wird die Rolle von wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken im Hinblick auf die an deutschen Universitäten zunehmend etablierten Schreibzentren diskutiert.


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Abstract: In order to promote the transfer of information and the development of knowledge, university librarians should proactively work with the academic community in well-organized transdisciplinary teams—involving teachers, researchers, students, and experts in various subjects. The concept of this very innovative practice has been developed and tested by the Faculty of Humanities Library, Lisbon University, and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, focusing on the role played by libraries in canon-formation. We will now proceed to build an interactive website to publish our theoretical perspectives along with bibliographic records (UNIMARC format), including metadata related to marks of use. Furthermore, Richard Garnett’s “The International Library of Famous Literature” (London 1899), bio/bibliographical essays on Garnett as a scholar and librarian, and critical essays on the anthology will be published there. A link to the English edition is the next follow-up. Finally, two volumes of the Portuguese anthology (ca. 1910), based on the English one will also be made available on the website.


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Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1º e 2º CEB


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Pictured here from left to right - Back Row: John Burtniak, Cataloguing. Nick Krenton, Head Cataloguing. Front Row: Sylvia Osterbind, Reference. Arthur Vespry, Chief Librarian. Mara Karnupe, Technical Services. Dianna Kertland, Circulation.


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Pictured here from left to right are James Hogan, University Librarian, Dr. James Gibson, President, and William Marshal of the UAW.