934 resultados para Length-weight relationship


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Vital statistics are presented for 38 marine species of Vanuatu based on previous studies conducted in the area, with parameters describing growth (6 species, 13 sets of parameters), mortality (estimates of M for 6 species), length-weight relationship (32 species), and reproduction (length at first maturity for 26 species, months of reproduction for 18 species). The species covered belong mainly to the family Lutjanidae.


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Morphometrics of 14 metric and 6 meristic characters of Trypauchen vagina of Bombay coast is presented. Number of spines and rays of dorsal, anal and pectoral fins differ with earlier studies. Sexual dimorphism in the length of caudal and anal fins was observed. Length weight relationship of males and females have been worked out to be W = 0.00000 687L super(2.8440) and W = 0.00000 2747L super(3.0274) respectively. The fish is a prolific breeder and peak breeding activity occurs in December. The growth rate was found to be 15.20 mm/month.


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The Dhir Beel, one of the major live beels of the Brahmaputra Basin, Assam, has an area of 689 ha and situated in Dhubri district of Assam. The dominance of freshwater shark, Wallago attu (8.10%) in the beel is a striking feature. Restricted breeding of W. attu once a year from June to September was observed. The mean observed length was 37.5, 65.0, 84.5 and 99.0 cm in the 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th months of age respectively. The length growth coefficient (K), the asymptotic length (L infinity ), and the arbitrary origin of the growth curve (t omicron ), for W. attu were estimated to be 0.054484 per month, 136.16 cm and 0.0355 month respectively. The calculated life span (T infinity ) of the fish is 123.86 months (about 10 years). The weight growth parameters were estimated where the monthly growth coefficient (K), the asymptotic weight (W infinity) and the arbitrary origin of the growth curve (t omicron) were found to be 0.0743 per month, 7636.92 gram and 0.431908 month respectively. The length-weight relationship follows the cube law.


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The length-weight relationship of T. thalassinus differed in the sexes and, therefore separate equations were obtained; for males log W = -5.1728 4- 3.0495 log L; and for females log W = -5.7456 + 3.2798 log L. The spawning period of this species appears to be restricted to a short period from October to November. Fecundity has been found to range from 33 to 55 mature eggs in specimens of the size range 421-564mm. The sex ratio of males to females was 1.8:1. T. thalassinus is a bottom carnivore, crustaceans ranking first in food followed by fishes, mollusc and polychaetes.


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Culture of Magur, Clarias batrachus on an experimental basis was carried out for a total of 159 days in 6 earthen ponds each of 0.02 ha in area, singly in 2 ponds and in combination with Rohu, Labeo rohita in 4 ponds. Three different artificial feeds were used. Growth of Magur varied from 89 to 110 and survival form 93 to 100%. Out of the 3 feeds used, feed formulation 2 yielded better results. Length-weight relationship parameters were found as log W=0.4979067+1.878346 log L; -1.1116438+2.3511497 log L; and -1.238157+2.433125 log L indicating growth to be not isometric. Relative condition factor (K u) was close to or higher than 1.0 only in fishes higher than 200 mm of total length; K. values which were less than 1.0 up to January, reached values greater than 1.0 by March-April. Condition appears to be influenced by spawning rather than feeding.


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Ethylestrenol (17β Hydroxy-17alpha-ethyl-estr-4-en-3-one) and Stanozolal (17β-Hydroxy-17alpha-methyl 1-5 alpha-androstano-(3,2-C)-pyrazole), both synthetic androgenic steroids, were fed via diet at 3ppm to the fry of catla, rohu and silver carp which were reared up to fingerling stage over a period of 167-172 days in earthen ponds. Ethylestrenol enhanced growth in silver carp and rohu but retarded growth in catla. Stanozolal depressed growth in all the 3 species. Length-weight relationship for these fry had been worked out and the relative condition factor in all the cases was very close to or slightly above 1.0.


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An investigation on length-weight relationship, length-frequency distribution, catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and stocking and harvesting status of three Indian major carps: rohu Labeo rohita, catla Catla catla and mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala and three exotic carps: silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp Cyprinus carpio was carried out in Nasti baor (oxbow lake) for the harvesting season from August to December 1995. The length-weight relationship for six carp species was established for the harvesting months of November and December 1995. The b values for different species respectively for the months of November and December were 2.95 and 2.58 for rohu, 3.06 and 2.98 for catla, 2,84 and 2.90 for mrigal, 2.75 and 2.60 for silver carp, 2.51 and 1.97 for grass carp and 2.38 and 2.50 for common carp. In CPUE study, the CPUE was 0.58 kg/ha/hr while the catch per gear was 0.08 kg/ha/hr/purse-seine. The recovery percentage of mrigal was highest (63.57%) and it was lowest (16.81%) in case of silver carp. The density of submerged macrophytes (Hydrilla, Utricularia, Ceratophyllum and Vallisneria) was highest (4.39 kg/sqm) in November and was lowest (0.76 kg/sqm) in September.


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Population parameters of Lepturacanthus savala from the trawl catches in the north-eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were investigated based on length frequency data, using complete ELEFAN computer program. The asymptotic length (Lα) and growth constant (K) were estimated to be 106.50 cm (total length) and 0.80/year respectively. Based on these growth parameters, the total mortality (Z) was estimated to be 1.89. The estimated values for natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were 1.08 and 0.81 respectively. The estimated value for the exploitation rate (E) using the length converted catch curve was 0.43. The recruitment pattern showed two peaks per year. The estimated sizes of L. savala at 25, 50 and 75% probabilities of capture were 57.49, 60.39 and 63.28 cm respectively. The estimated length weight relationship for combined sex was W=0.00093 TL(super)2.97


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Gill net fishery exclusively for the white sardine, Escualosa thoracata, which started in mid-eighties at Versova, is described. During 1987-88 to 1991-92 periods, the annual average landing of the species was 202.2 tons with year to year fluctuations. The peak fishing season was during April-May. The size range of the species in the gill net was 41-105 mm and the von Bertalanffy growth parameters, L. and K, estimated by the ELEFAN program were 110 mm and 1.8 per year. The length-weight relationship was W=0.000001508 L(super 3.3946) for the males and W=0.000002561 L(super 3.2706) for the females. The food consisted of copepods, cladocerans and crustacean larvae. The size at maturity for the females was 82 mm and spawning took place during October - February period. The sex-ratio showed equal proportion except during January, July and October when females dominated in the catch.


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The length-weight relationship in O. cuvieri and J. glaucus can be described by the equations log W=-5.27997+3.13225 log L and log W=-4.93431+3.02556 log L respectively. The length at first maturity in O. cuvieri is estimated as 256 mm and in J. glaucus as 180 mm. Empty stomachs occurred in high percentage in both the species. A study on composition of food items revealed that O. cuvieri feeds on a variety of organisms while J. glaucus a selective feeder.


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The length-weight relationship of males and females of Tachysurus caelatus can be described by the equation log W = -5.6659 + 3.2685 log L and log W = -4.7648 + 2.9104 log L, respectively. A sex ratio of 1.37 males : 1.00 females was observed. Fecundity in the fish measuring 385 to 402 mm ranges between 44 and 55 ova. It is a demersal carnivorous feeder, feeding chiefly on crustaceans, fish, molluscs and polychaetes.


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The regression coefficients in length-weight relationship of males and females of Tachysurus tenuispinis differ significantly. The relative condition factor was calculated for females in relation to various lengths and months. The sex ratio in the catch varied widely in the different months. The number of eggs ranged from 72 to 89 for the fish of length 394 to 570 mm. Empty stomachs occurred in a very high percentage (63.5%) of the total stomachs examined. This is a bottom carnivorous feeder. The main food items found in the guts in order of preference were crustaceans, polychaetes, molluscs, fishes and echinoderms.


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FiSAT program was used to estimate population parameters of Upenaeus sulphureus from length frequency data. Loc and K were found to be 22.7 em and 0.98 year1 respectively. The Wetherall plot provided an estimate of L= and Z/K were 21.585 em and 4.759 respectively. The annual rate of natural and fishing mortality were estimated as 1.91 and 3.86 respectively. The exploitation rate was 0.668. The selection pattern Lc was 10.824 em. Recruitment pattern suggest of two uneven seasonal pulses in March-April and August-October. Peaks appeared in August-October. Maximum yield could be achieved simultaneously increasing length at first capture to 10.0 em. The length weight relationship was found to be W =0.03065 Lz.8328. Highest yield and price could be achieved by decreasing the fishing mortality to 0.9 coefficient rate.


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Condition factor based on length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of Arius dussumieri (Black lip sea catfish) and Osteogeneiosus militaris (Soldier catfish) from the Mumbai coast have been studied. Relative Condition Factor showed variations on a monthly basis, and appear to be influenced by feeding and breeding activities. Both the species studied are carnivorous bottom feeders, with crustaceans followed by other smaller fishes forming the major food item in the gut contents.


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Amoungst the three spiny lobster species in southern Iranian waters, Panulirus homarus is the only commercial species with a total landings of 20-45 tons per year indicating a decrease in both landings and CPIJE in recent years. Fishing has been regulated according to the no. of fisherman and effort, and trap ha's replaced the gillnef since 1994. Fishing is carried out along the rocky shores of Chah-Bahar region through different landing places by local fisherman for a period of about two months. Most of catch is exported mainly frozen. This research was sposored by the Fisheries Research Dept. and aimed to work on the population dynamics and stock assessment in order to stablish a better understandings of the stock and hence a proper management in this region. Sampling was done for. 10 successive months in _5 major landing places from 1994 to 1995 with no sampling during the monsoon period through June to July. Althogethere, 8500 specimen were collected and the biometry was done accordings to the sex, region and month. Average total length, total weight and carapace length was obtained 216mm., 452 gr. and 75mm. respectively. Total length-weight relationship of both sexes was calculated and follows the cubic law. Regression coefficients for both sexes was 2.8231, males 2.9616, total females 2.7490, berried females 2.6611- and non-berried females