1000 resultados para Lemhi Range


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A simple route for tailoring emissions in the visible wavelength region by chemically coupling quantum dots composed of ZnSe and CdS is reported. coupled quantum dots offer a novel route for tuning electronic transitions via band-offset engineering at the material interface. This novel class of asymmetric. coupled quantum structures may offer a basis for a diverse set of building blocks for optoelectronic devices, ultrahigh density memories, and quantum information processing.


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Low-temperature dielectric measurements on FeTiMO(6) (M = Ta,Nb,Sb) rutile-type oxides at frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz revealed anomalous dielectric relaxations with frequency dispersion. Unlike the high-temperature relaxor response of these materials, the low-temperature relaxations are polaronic in nature. The relationship between frequency and temperature of dielectric loss peak follows T(-1/4) behavior. The frequency dependence of ac conductivity shows the well-known universal dielectric response, while the dc conductivity follows Mott variable range hopping (VRH) behavior, confirming the polaronic origin of the observed dielectric relaxations. The frequency domain analysis of the dielectric spectra shows evidence for two relaxations, with the high-frequency relaxations following Mott VRH behavior more closely. Significantly, the Cr- and Ga-based analogs, CrTiNbO(6) and GaTiMO(6) (M = Ta,Nb), that were also studied, did not show these anomalies.


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Altitude variations of the mass concentration of black carbon, number concentration of composite aerosols are examined along with the columnar spectral aerosol optical depths using state of the art instruments and the Angstrom parameters are inferred from the ground based measurements at several altitude levels, en route from Manora Peak, Nainital (similar to 1950 m above mean sea level) to a low altitude station Haldwani (similar to 330 m above mean sea level) at its foothill within an aerial distance of <10,000 m. The measurements were done during the winter months (November-February) of 2005, 2006 and 2007 under fair weather conditions. The results show a rapid decrease in all the measured parameters with increase in altitude, with >60% contribution to the AOD coming from the regions below 1000 m. The Angstrom wavelength exponent remained high in the well mixed region, and decreased above. The normalized AOD gradient was used to estimate aerosol mixing height, which was found to be in the altitude range 1000-1500 m, above which the particle concentrations are slowly varying as a function of altitude. The heating rate at the surface is found to be maximum but decreases sharply with increase in altitude. Analysis of the wavelength dependence of absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) showed that the aerosol absorption over the site is generally due to mixed aerosols. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A energy-insensitive explicit guidance design is proposed in this paper by appending newlydeveloped nonlinear model predictive static programming technique with dynamic inversion, which render a closed form solution of the necessary guidance command update. The closed form nature of the proposed optimal guidance scheme suppressed the computational difficulties, and facilitate realtime solution. The guidance law is successfully verified in a solid motor propelled long range flight vehicle, for which developing an effective guidance law is more difficult as compared to a liquid engine propelled vehicle, mainly because of the absence of thrust cutoff facility. The scheme guides the vehicle appropriately so that it completes the mission within a tight error bound assuming that the starting point of the second stage to be a deterministic point beyond the atmosphere. The simulation results demonstrate its ability to intercept the target, even with an uncertainty of greater than 10% in the burnout time


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Combining the newly developed nonlinear model predictive static programming technique with null range direction concept, a novel explicit energy-insensitive guidance design method is presented in this paper for long range flight vehicles, which leads to a closed form solution of the necessary guidance command update. Owing to the closed form nature, it does not lead to computational difficulties and the proposed optimal guidance algorithm can be implemented online. The guidance law is verified in a solid motor propelled long range flight vehicle, for which coming up with an effective guidance law is more difficult as compared to a liquid engine propelled vehicle (mainly because of the absence of thrust cutoff facility). Assuming the starting point of the second stage to be a deterministic point beyond the atmosphere, the scheme guides the vehicle properly so that it completes the mission within a tight error bound. The simulation results demonstrate its ability to intercept the target, even with an uncertainty of greater than 10% in burnout time.


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Solid oxide galvanic cells using CaO-ZrO2 and CaO-ZrO2 in combination with YO1.5-ThO2 as electrolyte were used to determine the free energy of formation of hercynite from 750–1600°C. The formation reaction is 2Fe(s,1) + O2(g) + Al2O3(α) = 2FeO.Al2O3(s)for which ΔG° = − 139,790 + 32.83T (±300) cals. (750–1536°C) ΔG° = − 146,390 + 36.48T (±300) cals. (1536–1700°C)These measurements can be used to resolve the discrepancies that exist in published thermochemical data, and provide an accurate oxygen potential standard for calibrating and assessing the performance of oxygen probes under steelmaking conditions.


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From electromotive force (emf) measurements using solid oxide galvanic cells incorporating ZrOz-CaO and ThOz-YO~.s electrolytes, the chemical potentials of oxygen over the systems Fe + FeCrzO 4 + Cr20 ~ and Fe + FeV204 + V203 were calculated. The values may be represented by the equations: 2Fe(s, I) + Oz(g) + 2Cr2Oa(s) -- 2FeCr204 (s)Akto2 = - 151,400 + 34.7T (• cal= -633,400 + 145.5T(• J (750 to 1536~ A~tO2 = -158,000 + 38.4T(• cal= -661,000 + 160.5T(*1250) J (1536 to 1700~2Fe (s, I) + O2 (g) + 2V203 (s) -- 2FeV204 (s) A/~Oz = - 138,000 + 29.8T(+300) cal= - 577,500 + 124.7T (• J (750 to 1536~A/IO2 = -144,600 + 33.45T(-300) cal = -605,100 + 140.0T(~-1250) J (1536 to 1700~At the oxygen potentials corresponding to Fe + FeCrzO a + Cr203 equilibria, the electronic contribution to the conductivity of ZrO2-CaO electrolyte was found to affect the measured emf. Application of a small 60 cycle A.C. voltage with an amplitude of 50 mv across the cell terminals reduced the time required to attain equilibrium at temperatures between 750 to 9500C by approximately a factor of two. The second law entropy of iron chromite obtained in this study is in good agreement with that calculated from thermal data. The entropies of formation of these spinel phases from the component oxides can be correlated to cation distribution and crystal field theory.


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Structure and phase transition of LaO1−xF1+2x, prepared by solid-state reaction of La2O3 and LaF3, was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry for both positive and negative values of the nonstoichiometric parameter x. The electrical conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure using AC impedance spectroscopy. Fluoride ion was identified as the migrating species in LaOF by coulometric titration and transport number determined by Tubandt technique and EMF measurements. Activation energy for conduction in LaOF was 58.5 (±0.8) kJ/mol. Conductivity increased with increasing fluorine concentration in the oxyfluoride phase, suggesting that interstitial fluoride ions are more mobile than vacancies. Although the values of ionic conductivity of cubic LaOF are lower, the oxygen partial pressure range for predominantly ionic conduction is larger than that for the commonly used stabilized-zirconia electrolytes. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the oxyfluoride is stable in atmospheres containing diatomic oxygen. However, the oxyfluoride phase can degrade with time at high temperatures in atmospheres containing water vapor, because of the higher stability of HF compared with H2O.


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The temperature ranges of thermal and athermal deformation behaviour of nickel are identified by employing the temperature-dependence of flow-stress and strain-rate cycling data. The results are used to present a unified view of dislocation mechanisms of glide encompassing the two thermally activated and the intermediate athermal regimes of plastic flow.In the low-temperature thermally activated region (<250 K) the strain rate is found to be controlled by the repulsive intersection of glide and forest dislocations, in accordance with current ideas. The athermal stress in this region can be attributed mainly to the presence of strong attractive junctions which are overcome by means of Orowan bowing, a small contribution also coming from the elastic interactions between dislocations. The values of activation area and activation energy obtained in the high-temperature region (> 750 K) negate the operation of a diffusion-controlled mechanism. Instead, the data support a thermal activation model involving unzipping of the attractive junctions. The internal (long-range) stress contribution here results solely from the elastic interactions between dislocations. This view concerning the high-temperature plastic flow is further supported by the observation that the Cottrell–Stokes law is obeyed over large strains in the range 750–1200 K.


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Theoretical and computational investigations of nucleation have been plagued by the sensitivity of the phase diagram to the range of the interaction potential. As the surface tension depends strongly on the range of interaction potential and as the classical nucleation theory (CNT) predicts the free energy barrier to be directly proportional to the cube of the surface tension, one expects a strong sensitivity of nucleation barrier to the range of the potential; however, CNT leaves many aspects unexplored. We find for gas-liquid nucleation in Lennard-Jones system that on increasing the range of interaction the kinetic spinodal (KS) (where the mechanism of nucleation changes from activated to barrierless) shifts deeper into the metastable region. Therefore the system remains metastable for larger value of supersaturation and this allows one to explore the high metastable region without encountering the KS. On increasing the range of interaction, both the critical cluster size and pre-critical minima in the free energy surface of kth largest cluster, at respective kinetic spinodals, shift towards smaller cluster size. In order to separate surface tension contribution to the increase in the barrier from other non-trivial factors, we introduce a new scaling form for surface tension and use it to capture both the temperature and the interaction range dependence of surface tension. Surprisingly, we find only a weak non-trivial contribution from other factors to the free energy barrier of nucleation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3685835]


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We study the bipartite entanglement of strongly correlated systems using exact diagonalization techniques. In particular, we examine how the entanglement changes in the presence of long-range interactions by studying the Pariser-Parr-Pople model with long-range interactions. We compare the results for this model with those obtained for the Hubbard and Heisenberg models with short-range interactions. This study helps us to understand why the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique is so successful even in the presence of long-range interactions. To better understand the behavior of long-range interactions and why the DMRG works well with it, we study the entanglement spectrum of the ground state and a few excited states of finite chains. We also investigate if the symmetry properties of a state vector have any significance in relation to its entanglement. Finally, we make an interesting observation on the entanglement profiles of different states (across the energy spectrum) in comparison with the corresponding profile of the density of states. We use isotropic chains and a molecule with non-Abelian symmetry for these numerical investigations.


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The use of long-range heteronuclear couplings, in association with 1H1H scalar couplings and NOE restraints, has acquired growing importance for the determination of the relative stereochemistry, and structural and conformational information of organic and biological molecules. However, the routine use of such couplings is hindered by the inherent difficulties in their measurement. Prior to the advancement in experimental techniques, both long-range homo- and heteronuclear scalar couplings were not easily accessible, especially for very large molecules. The development of a large number of multidimensional NMR experimental methodologies has alleviated the complications associated with the measurement of couplings of smaller strengths. Subsequent application of these methods and the utilization of determined J-couplings for structure calculations have revolutionized this area of research. Problems in organic, inorganic and biophysical chemistry have also been solved by utilizing the short- and long-range heteronuclear couplings. In this minireview, we discuss the advantages and limitations of a number of experimental techniques reported in recent times for the measurement of long-range heteronuclear couplings and a few selected applications of such couplings. This includes the study of medium- to larger-sized molecules in a variety of applications, especially in the study of hydrogen bonding in biological systems. The utilization of these couplings in conjunction with theoretical calculations to arrive at conclusions on the hyperconjugation, configurational analysis and the effect of the electronegativity of the substituents is also discussed.