969 resultados para Leighton of Stretton, Frederic Leighton, Baron, 1830-1896.
Vital records (originals and translations) and a family tree of the descendents of the cobbler Moses Rosenthal (1820-1896) and his wife Hannchen Stern (1815-1868) from Münchholzhausen, Germany.
The electron temperature structure in a weakly ionized plasma is studied allowing the degree of ionization to vary across the shock wave. The values of the electron temperature and the downstream equilibrium temperature obtained with variable ionization are less than those for frozen ionization. The electron temperature rises sharply behind the shock for variable ionization while a gradual increase is predicted by frozen ionization.
This dissertation addresses the growing need to entice people to attend a classical solo vocal recital by incorporating thematic programming, multi-media presentations, collaborations and innovative marketing. It comprises four programs that use the above tactics, creating live performances of classical vocal music that appeal to the attention deficient 21st-century audience. Each program focuses on repertoire appropriate for the male alto voice and includes elements of spoken word, visual imagery and for movement through collaborations with actors, singers, dancers, designers and visual artists. Program one (March 1, 2004), La Voix Humaine: The Life of an Englishwoman in Music, Poetry, & Art, outlines the life of a fictitious Englishwoman through a self-composed narration, spoken by an actress, a Power Point presentation of visual art by 20th-century English artists and musical commentary provided by the collaboration of a vocalist and a pianist. Program two (October 15, 2004), La Voix Thfrmatique: Anima - Music that Moves, is a program of pieces ranging from the 14th- to the 20th-centuries of which half are choreographed by members of the University of Maryland Dance Department. Program three is a lecture recital entitled L 'Haute Voix: Identifying the High Male Voice and Appropriate Repertoire which is presented in collaboration with three singers, a pianist, a harpsichordist and a cellist. Program four, La Voix Dramatique: Opera Roles for the Countertenor Voice, comprises performances of George Frederic Handel's Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1724) in collaboration with the Maryland Opera Studio and the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (Leon Major, director; Kenneth Merrill, conductor). There are two performances each of the title role, Cesare (April 15 & 17, 2005), and his nemesis, Tolomeo (April 21 & 23,2005). All programs are documented in a digital audio format available on compact disc and are accompanied by program notes also available in digital format. Programs two and four are also documented in digital video format available on digital video disc.
Questions to F. W. Porter (2 ½ pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, Mar. 3, 1830.
Entre 1853 et 1870, de multiples quartiers de la ville sont éventrés pour permettre la mise en place de nouveaux boulevards par le baron Haussmann, préfet de Paris sous Napoléon III. Ces travaux majeurs ont frappé l’imaginaire social et constitué un objet de fascination pour la littérature. Le mémoire se situe sur le terrain de la sociocritique. La chercheuse cherche à comprendre comment des textes de Verne, Hugo et Zola lisent la nouvelle configuration urbaine parisienne. Dans Paris au XXe siècle (1863), Jules Verne projette la destruction dans le futur et, en retour, imagine les rémanences d’un passé étrangement constructif. Bien qu’il soit en exil, Victor Hugo est très au courant des changements urbains et sociaux en cours. Dans Paris (1867), son écriture travaille à rendre compatibles les idées de ruine et de progrès. Émile Zola, avec Paris (1898), exprime les contradictions accompagnant le changement urbain par le biais de métaphores médicales et organiques proches de « l’esprit de décadence » qui caractérise la fin du siècle. En conformité avec les visées de l’approche sociocritique, c’est à partir d’une lecture interne des oeuvres, mettant à profit les ressources de l’analyse de texte, de la poétique et de la narratologie, que la recherche se développe. L’étude mobilise également les ressources des travaux consacrés aux relations de la littérature et de la ville, ainsi que celles des ouvrages de synthèse produits dans les champs de l’histoire générale et de l’histoire de l’urbanisme.
This article describes the development and evaluation of the U.K.’s new High-Resolution Global Environmental Model (HiGEM), which is based on the latest climate configuration of the Met Office Unified Model, known as the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model, version 1 (HadGEM1). In HiGEM, the horizontal resolution has been increased to 0.83° latitude × 1.25° longitude for the atmosphere, and 1/3° × 1/3° globally for the ocean. Multidecadal integrations of HiGEM, and the lower-resolution HadGEM, are used to explore the impact of resolution on the fidelity of climate simulations. Generally, SST errors are reduced in HiGEM. Cold SST errors associated with the path of the North Atlantic drift improve, and warm SST errors are reduced in upwelling stratocumulus regions where the simulation of low-level cloud is better at higher resolution. The ocean model in HiGEM allows ocean eddies to be partially resolved, which dramatically improves the representation of sea surface height variability. In the Southern Ocean, most of the heat transports in HiGEM is achieved by resolved eddy motions, which replaces the parameterized eddy heat transport in the lower-resolution model. HiGEM is also able to more realistically simulate small-scale features in the wind stress curl around islands and oceanic SST fronts, which may have implications for oceanic upwelling and ocean biology. Higher resolution in both the atmosphere and the ocean allows coupling to occur on small spatial scales. In particular, the small-scale interaction recently seen in satellite imagery between the atmosphere and tropical instability waves in the tropical Pacific Ocean is realistically captured in HiGEM. Tropical instability waves play a role in improving the simulation of the mean state of the tropical Pacific, which has important implications for climate variability. In particular, all aspects of the simulation of ENSO (spatial patterns, the time scales at which ENSO occurs, and global teleconnections) are much improved in HiGEM.
Amostras de borracha natural foram reticuladas por meio de radiação gama (doses de 2, 4, 6 e 8 MRad) e intumescidas: a) em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esqualeno; b) em polibutadieno líquido (Mn=1830 g/mol; alto teor 1,4- cis) a 45°C; C) em solução de polibutadieno de baixo peso molecular (M,= 1830 g/mol; alto teor 1,4-cis) em n-octano e ciclo-hexano; d) em solução de polibutadieno de alto peso molecular (Mn= 175.000 g/rnol; alto teor 1,4-cis) emn-octano e ciclo-hexano ; e) em solução de borracha natural (Mn=779.000 g/mol) em ciclo- hexano, a 25°C. Amostras de polibutadieno (alto teor 1,4-cis) foram reticuladas por meio de radiação gama (doses de 1,s; 18 e 25 MRad) e intumescidas: a) em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esquaieno. Salvo quando mencionado em contrário, as amostras de borracha natural e de polibutadieno foram intumescidas nas temperaturas de 25, 35 e 45°C. A partir dos ensaios de intumescirnento acima mencionados, foram determinadas as solubilidades de borracha natural e de polibutadieno em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esqualeno através dos parâmetros de Flory-Huggins, calculados com o emprego da equação de Flory-Rehner. Verificou-se a influência da temperatura e da concentração de polimero no gel sobre o valor do parâmetro de Flory-Huggins. Também através desse parâmetro procurou-se determinar a compatibilidade entre borracha natural e polibutadieno. Foi demonstrado que cadeias lineares de baixo peso molecular de polibutadieno conseguem penetrar em amostras reticuladas de borracha natural, quando o peso molecular das cadeias lineares for bem inferior ao do arco de rede Mc das amostras reticuladas. Cadeias lineares de polibutadieno e de borracha natural com peso molecular superior ao do arco de rede da borracha natural reticulada, entretanto, não conseguem penetrar no retículo. Quranto mais alta a concentração da solução externa em moléculas de alto peso molecular, tanto menor é o grau de intumescimento da amostra reticulada.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
The Knox-Wise Family Papers includes a land grant issued to John Knox in 1768; diaries written by Dr. John Knox [1792-1859] covering the 1840s and 1850s; James N. Knox [1806-1880] covering 1859-1880; and William D. Knox [1847-1928] covering 1869-1928; indentures, deeds, receipts, court summonses and other papers of Hugh Knox [1757-1821], sheriff and justice of the peace in Chester County, South Carolina (ca. 1780s and 1790s); correspondence of James N. Knox, correspondence, and other professional papers of Dr. John Knox; correspondence, and other papers of William D. Knox, Superintendent of Education in Chester County from 1896-1928. Papers of various other members of the Knox and Wise families including Hugh Boyd Knox [1814-1886], Robert Knox [1796-1879], Sally Knox Wallace [1803-1901], Alexander Walker Wise, and Emmie R. Knox [1885-1969]; family histories of the Knox, Wise, Dunlap, Gaston, and Wilks families; church histories, photographs, and newspaper clippings. Also included are three published volumes of the United Confederate Veterans Minutes of the 21st (1911) and 25th (1915) Annual Meeting and Reunion; and the minutes of the annual reunion of the South Carolina Division of the United Confederate Veterans (1921-1927).
Part 1: 1881-1888 On Some Points in the Etiology and Pathology of Ulcerative Endocarditis, 1881 On Certain Parasites in the Blood of the Frog, 1883 The Third Corpuscle of the Blood, 1883 On the Use of Arsenic in Certain Forms of Anaemia, 1886 Antifebrin, 1887 Case of Arterio-Venous Aneurism of the Axillary Artery and Vein of Fourteen Year's Duration, 1887 Typhilitis and Appendicitis, 1888 Part 2: 1889-1892 Annual Address - License to Practice 1889 Case of Syphiloma of the Cord of the Cauda Equina-Death From Diffuse Central Myelitis, 1889 On a Case of Simple Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy, Involving the Face and the Scapulo-Humeral Muscles, 1889 Note on Intra-Thoracic Growths Developing from the Thyroid Gland, 1889 On the Value of Laveran's Organisms in the Diagnosis of Malaria, 1889 On the Form of Convulsive Tic Associated with Corprolalia, Etc., 1890 A Case of Sensory Aphasia Word-blindness with Hemianopsia, 1891 Rudolf Virchow: The Man and the Student, 1891 The Healing of Tuberculosis, 1892 The Cold-Bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever, 1892 Part 3: 1893 Remarks on the Varieties of Chronic Chorea, and a Report Upon Two Families of the Hereditary Form, With One Autopsy, 1893 Note on Arsenical Neuritis Following the use of Fowler's Solution, 1893 Note on a Remarkable House Epidemic of Typhoid Fever, 1893 Cases of Sub-Phrenic Abscess, 1893 On Sporadic Cretinism in America, 1893 Notes on Tuberculosis in Children, 1893 Part 4: 1849-1895 Parotitis in Pneumonia, Case of Pericarditis Treated by Incision and Drainage, 1894 The Army Surgeon, 1894 Introductory Remarks to Course of Clinical Demonstrations on Typhoid Fever, 1894 Cancer of the Stomach with Very Rapid Course, 1895 Case of Sporadic Cretinism (Infantile Myxcedema) Treated Successfully with Thyroid Extract, 1895 Visible Contractile Tumour of the Pylorus Following Ulcer of the Stomach, 1895 On the Association of Enormous Heart Hypertrophy, Chronic Proliferative Peritonitis, and Recurring Ascites, with Adherent Pericardium, 1895 Teaching and Thinking the Two Functions of a Medical School, 1895 The Practical Value of Laveran's Discoveries, 1895 Part 5 1896 Addison's Disease, 1896 On Six Cases of Addison's Disease, 1896 Hemiplegia in Typhoid Fever Thomas Dover (of Dover's Powder) Physician and Buccaneer, 1896 John Keats The Apothecary Poet, 1896 On The Classification of the Tics or Habit Movements, 1896 The Cerebral Complication of Raynaud's Disease, 1896 Part 6: 1897 On Certain Features in the Prognosis of Pneumonia, 1897 Clinical Lecture on Mitral Stenosis - Sudden Death - Ball Thrombus in the Left Auricle, 1897 The Diagnosis of Malarial Fever, 1897 The Functions of a State Faculty (President's Address), 1897 A Clinical Lecture on The Ball-Valve Gall-Stone in the Common Duct, 1897 Pneumonia (Review of Cases studied), 1897 Internal Medicine as a Vocation, 1897 Back Notes
di Antonio Ghislanzoni ; musica di A. Carlos Gomes ; canto e pianoforte, riduzione di N. Celega.
Title from spine.
List of quarto publications, exclusive of the Annals , made by the officers of the observatory from 1877 to 1896, with references to the work of the Blue Hill observatory from 1885 to 1895: v. 30, p. 3-8.