1000 resultados para Lausanne, cathédrale, restauration, pierre
L'office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a lancé le Monitorage suisse des addictions en 2011 (en anglais : Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland- AMIS). A intervalles réguliers, des données représentatives de la population suisse sont recensées, notamment en ce qui concerne la consommation d'alcool, de tabac, de drogues illégales et de médicaments ainsi que les risques qui lui sont liés. A cet effet, 11'000 personnes âgées de 15 ans et plus sont contactées annuellement pour répondre à un questionnaire. A ce jour, les données de 2011 et 2012 sont disponibles. Dans le cadre du Programme national migration et santé (2008-2013), l'OFSP désire compléter les données disponibles sur la santé des migrants. Ce rapport présente une analyse secondaire des données portant sur les migrants dans le cadre de l'enquête téléphonique continue mentionnée ci-dessus qui a été effectuée auprès de plus de 22'000 personnes de 15 ans et plus, résidant en Suisse en 2011 et 2012.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) La Bible restitue au lecteur des écrits qui n'y figurent parfois pas explicitement, mais qui ont baigné les auteurs jusqu'à ressortir quasi intacts dans les textes canoniques. Tout texte appelle donc à la mémoire du lecteur d'autres textes, et, dans la Bible, leur identification reste pour l'heure relativement difficile à effectuer. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage ont l'ambition de fournir et d'illustrer une méthode pour identifier l'héritage littéraire dont la Bible se fait le témoin. Que ce soit sur l'Ancien Testament, le Nouveau Testament ou les textes apocryphes, les contributions s'attachent à exposer des relations de co-présence entre deux ou plusieurs textes (par le biais de la citation, de la référence ou de l'allusion) ou la relation de dérivation d'un texte à un autre.
This manuscript has served for an oral presentation in honour of Professor Pierre Bovet who retired from his position as head physician at the Department of Psychiatry of the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Pierre Bovet has focused his clinical and scientific interest and his teaching activities on the schizophrenic spectrum disorders. The author tries to describe the essential elements of a clinical attitude which allows to really encounter the patient.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Les textes recueillis dans ce premier tome sont des apocryphes, ce qui signifie qu'en dépit d'un contenu comparable à celui des Écritures ils n'appartiennent pas au canon. En effet, soit ils s'écartent de la doctrine officielle de l'Église en véhiculant des idées hétérodoxes, soit ils font trop appel au merveilleux, aspect dont l'Église s'est toujours méfiée. Les textes de ce volume relèvent de l'Antiquité chrétienne et recoupent différents genres bibliques : évangiles, épîtres, Actes des apôtres, apocalypses.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Les textes recueillis dans ce premier tome sont des apocryphes, ce qui signifie qu'en dépit d'un contenu comparable à celui des Écritures ils n'appartiennent pas au canon. En effet, soit ils s'écartent de la doctrine officielle de l'Église en véhiculant des idées hétérodoxes, soit ils font trop appel au merveilleux, aspect dont l'Église s'est toujours méfiée. Les textes de ce volume relèvent de l'Antiquité chrétienne et recoupent différents genres bibliques : évangiles, épîtres, Actes des apôtres, apocalypses.
Multimodel inference and multimodel averaging in empirical modeling of occupational exposure levels.
Empirical modeling of exposure levels has been popular for identifying exposure determinants in occupational hygiene. Traditional data-driven methods used to choose a model on which to base inferences have typically not accounted for the uncertainty linked to the process of selecting the final model. Several new approaches propose making statistical inferences from a set of plausible models rather than from a single model regarded as 'best'. This paper introduces the multimodel averaging approach described in the monograph by Burnham and Anderson. In their approach, a set of plausible models are defined a priori by taking into account the sample size and previous knowledge of variables influent on exposure levels. The Akaike information criterion is then calculated to evaluate the relative support of the data for each model, expressed as Akaike weight, to be interpreted as the probability of the model being the best approximating model given the model set. The model weights can then be used to rank models, quantify the evidence favoring one over another, perform multimodel prediction, estimate the relative influence of the potential predictors and estimate multimodel-averaged effects of determinants. The whole approach is illustrated with the analysis of a data set of 1500 volatile organic compound exposure levels collected by the Institute for work and health (Lausanne, Switzerland) over 20 years, each concentration having been divided by the relevant Swiss occupational exposure limit and log-transformed before analysis. Multimodel inference represents a promising procedure for modeling exposure levels that incorporates the notion that several models can be supported by the data and permits to evaluate to a certain extent model selection uncertainty, which is seldom mentioned in current practice.
OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: This study indicates the prevalence, the characteristics, and the screening methods of patients with at risk alcohol drinking at the University Medical Clinic of Lausanne. RESULTS: The results reported demonstrate that one patient out of six is a drinker at risk without criteria for alcohol-dependance. The questionnaire AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) with a cut-off of five points seems to be the best screening test for at risk alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of at risk drinking in this study, combined with scientific evidence of the efficiency of brief interventions in changing drinking habits, emphasises the importance of alcohol screening for all patients attending outpatient medical settings.
OBJECTIVE: To study emotional behaviors in an acute stroke population. BACKGROUND: Alterations in emotional behavior after stroke have been recently recognized, but little attention has been paid to these changes in the very acute phase of stroke. METHODS: Adult patients presenting with acute stroke were prospectively recruited and studied. We validated the Emotional Behavior Index (EBI), a 38-item scale designed to evaluate behavioral aspects of sadness, aggressiveness, disinhibition, adaptation, passivity, indifference, and denial. Clinical, historical, and imaging (computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging) data were obtained on each subject through our Stroke Registry. Statistical analysis was performed with both univariate and multivariate tests. RESULTS: Of the 254 patients, 40% showed sadness, 49% passivity, 17% aggressiveness, 53% indifference, 76% disinhibition, 18% lack of adaptation, and 44% denial reactions. Several significant correlations were identified. Sadness was correlated with a personal history of alcohol abuse (r = P < 0.037), female gender (r = P < 0.028), and hemorrhagic nature of the stroke (r = P < 0.063). Aggressiveness was correlated with a personal history of depression (r = P < 0.046) and hemorrhage (r = P < 0.06). Denial was correlated with male gender (r = P < 0.035) and hemorrhagic lesions (r = P < 0.05). Emotional behavior did not correlate with either neurologic impairment or lesion localization, but there was an association between hemorrhage and aggressive behavior (P < 0.001), lack of adaptation (r = P < 0.015), indifference (r = P < 0.018), and denial (r = P < 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Systematic observations of acute emotional behaviors after stroke suggest that emotional alterations are independent of mood and physical status and should be considered as a separate consequence of stroke.
Cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are well-known sources of intracranial hemorrhage, but can also manifest as other clinical symptoms or remain clinically asymptomatic. The aim was to document and analyze cases of aneurysm or AVM with brain infarction. Survey on 4804 stroke patients treated at the Department of Neurology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland between 1978 and 2000 using the Lausanne Stroke Registry. Twenty patients presented with cerebral aneurysm and 21 with cerebral AVM. Hemorrhage was present in 100% of the AVM and in 75% of the aneurysm patients; in one (5%) of the remaining aneurysm patients, aneurysm and infarction were located in different territories. Infarction associated with Sylvian artery aneurysm was found in three (15%), vertebrobasilar ischemia because of fusiform left vertebral artery aneurysm in one (5%), and dural fistula draining to the distal transversal and left sigmoid sinus associated with a stroke in the territory of the left anterior inferior cerebellar artery in one patient. Ischemic stroke is infrequent, but important, complication in unruptured intracranial aneurysms and AVMs. The early recognition and therapy of these vascular malformations in selected patients can avoid a major neurological deficit or death caused by their rupture.