980 resultados para Laser a scansioneTessituraConglomerato bituminosoMesh 3D
We demonstrate a new approach to in-situ measurement of femtosecond laser pulse induced changes in glass enabling the reconstruction in 3D of the induced complex permittivity modification. The technique can be used to provide single shot and time resolved quantitative measurements with a micron scale spatial resolution.
We study the effect of fibre base and grating profile on the efficiency of ultra-long Raman lasers. We show that for the studied parameters, FBG profile does not affect the performance when operating away from the zero-dispersion wavelength.
We measure complex amplitude of scattered wave in the far field, and justify theoretically and numerically solution of the inverse scattering problem. This allows single-shot reconstructing of dielectric function distribution during direct femtosecond laser micro-fabrication.
We measure complex amplitude of scattered wave in the far field, and justify theoretically and numerically solution of the inverse scattering problem. This allows single-shot reconstructing of dielectric function distribution during direct femtosecond laser micro-fabrication.
We measure complex amplitude of scattered wave in the far field, and justify theoretically and numerically solution of the inverse scattering problem. This allows single-shot reconstructing of dielectric function distribution during direct femtosecond laser micro-fabrication.
Femtosecond laser microfabrication has emerged over the last decade as a 3D flexible technology in photonics. Numerical simulations provide an important insight into spatial and temporal beam and pulse shaping during the course of extremely intricate nonlinear propagation (see e.g. [1,2]). Electromagnetics of such propagation is typically described in the form of the generalized Non-Linear Schrdinger Equation (NLSE) coupled with Drude model for plasma [3]. In this paper we consider a multi-threaded parallel numerical solution for a specific model which describes femtosecond laser pulse propagation in transparent media [4, 5]. However our approach can be extended to similar models. The numerical code is implemented in NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) which provides an effitient hardware platform for multi-threded computing. We compare the performance of the described below parallel code implementated for GPU using CUDA programming interface [3] with a serial CPU version used in our previous papers [4,5]. © 2011 IEEE.
In geotechnical engineering, the stability of rock excavations and walls is estimated by using tools that include a map of the orientations of exposed rock faces. However, measuring these orientations by using conventional methods can be time consuming, sometimes dangerous, and is limited to regions of the exposed rock that are reachable by a human. This thesis introduces a 2D, simulated, quadcopter-based rock wall mapping algorithm for GPS denied environments such as underground mines or near high walls on surface. The proposed algorithm employs techniques from the field of robotics known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and is a step towards 3D rock wall mapping. Not only are quadcopters agile, but they can hover. This is very useful for confined spaces such as underground or near rock walls. The quadcopter requires sensors to enable self localization and mapping in dark, confined and GPS denied environments. However, these sensors are limited by the quadcopter payload and power restrictions. Because of these restrictions, a light weight 2D laser scanner is proposed. As a first step towards a 3D mapping algorithm, this thesis proposes a simplified scenario in which a simulated 1D laser range finder and 2D IMU are mounted on a quadcopter that is moving on a plane. Because the 1D laser does not provide enough information to map the 2D world from a single measurement, many measurements are combined over the trajectory of the quadcopter. Least Squares Optimization (LSO) is used to optimize the estimated trajectory and rock face for all data collected over the length of a light. Simulation results show that the mapping algorithm developed is a good first step. It shows that by combining measurements over a trajectory, the scanned rock face can be estimated using a lower-dimensional range sensor. A swathing manoeuvre is introduced as a way to promote loop closures within a short time period, thus reducing accumulated error. Some suggestions on how to improve the algorithm are also provided.
Control of the collective response of plasma particles to intense laser light is intrinsic to relativistic optics, the development of compact laser-driven particle and radiation sources, as well as investigations of some laboratory astrophysics phenomena. We recently demonstrated that a relativistic plasma aperture produced in an ultra-thin foil at the focus of intense laser radiation can induce diffraction, enabling polarization-based control of the collective motion of plasma electrons. Here we show that under these conditions the electron dynamics are mapped into the beam of protons accelerated via strong charge-separation-induced electrostatic fields. It is demonstrated experimentally and numerically via 3D particle-in-cell simulations that the degree of ellipticity of the laser polarization strongly influences the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of multi-MeV protons. The influence on both sheath-accelerated and radiation pressure-accelerated protons is investigated. This approach opens up a potential new route to control laser-driven ion sources.
Il caso studio del vestibolo ottagonale di Villa Adriana ha dato la possibilità di applicare ad un edificio di notevole valore storico e artistico tecniche di restituzione digitale e di modellazione tridimensionale basate su applicativi di modellazione geometrica, con lo scopo di generarne il modello 3D digitale fotorealistico e polifunzionale. Nel caso specifico del vestibolo, un modello tridimensionale di questo tipo risulta utile a fini documentativi, a sostegno di ipotesi costruttive e come strumento per la valutazione di interventi di restauro. Il percorso intrapreso ha permesso di valutare le criticità nelle tecniche di acquisizione, modellazione e foto-modellazione tridimensionale applicate in ambito archeologico, tecniche usate abitualmente anche in settori quali l’architettura, il design industriale ma anche nel cinema (effetti speciali e film d’animazione) e in ambito videoludico, con obiettivi differenti: nel settore del design e della progettazione industriale il Reverse Modeling viene impiegato per eseguire controlli di qualità e rispetto delle tolleranze sul prodotto finale, mentre in ambito cinematografico e videoludico (in combinazione con altri software) permette la creazione di modelli realistici da inserire all’interno di film o videogiochi, (modelli non solo di oggetti ma anche di persone). La generazione di un modello tridimensionale ottenuto tramite Reverse Modeling è frutto di un processo opposto alla progettazione e può avvenire secondo diverse strategie, ognuna delle quali presenta vantaggi e svantaggi specifici che la rendono più indicata in alcuni casi piuttosto che in altri. In questo studio sono state analizzate acquisizioni tridimensionali effettuate tramite Laser Scan e tramite applicazioni Structure from Motion/Dense Stereo View.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The spectrum of terahertz (THz) emission in gases via ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses is analyzed by means of a semi-analytic model and numerical simulations in 1D, 2D and 3D geometries taking into account propagation effects of both pump and THz fields. We show that produced THz signals interact with free electron trajectories and thus significantly influence further THz generation upon propagation, i.e., make the process inherently nonlocal. This self-action contributes to the observed strong spectral broadening of the generated THz field. Weshow that diffraction of the generated THz radiation is the limiting factor for the co-propagating low frequency amplitudes and thus for the self-action mechanism in 2D and 3D geometries.
In this paper we present a fast and precise method to estimate the planar motion of a lidar from consecutive range scans. For every scanned point we formulate the range flow constraint equation in terms of the sensor velocity, and minimize a robust function of the resulting geometric constraints to obtain the motion estimate. Conversely to traditional approaches, this method does not search for correspondences but performs dense scan alignment based on the scan gradients, in the fashion of dense 3D visual odometry. The minimization problem is solved in a coarse-to-fine scheme to cope with large displacements, and a smooth filter based on the covariance of the estimate is employed to handle uncertainty in unconstraint scenarios (e.g. corridors). Simulated and real experiments have been performed to compare our approach with two prominent scan matchers and with wheel odometry. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the superior performance of our approach which, along with its very low computational cost (0.9 milliseconds on a single CPU core), makes it suitable for those robotic applications that require planar odometry. For this purpose, we also provide the code so that the robotics community can benefit from it.
The spectrum of terahertz (THz) emission in gases via ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses is analyzed by means of a semi-analytic model and numerical simulations in 1D, 2D and 3D geometries taking into account propagation effects of both pump and THz fields. We show that produced THz signals interact with free electron trajectories and thus significantly influence further THz generation upon propagation, i.e., make the process inherently nonlocal. This self-action contributes to the observed strong spectral broadening of the generated THz field. We show that diffraction of the generated THz radiation is the limiting factor for the co-propagating low frequency amplitudes and thus for the self-action mechanism in 2D and 3D geometries.
La tesi tratta la ricerca di procedure che permettano di rilevare oggetti utilizzando il maggior numero di informazioni geometriche ottenibili da una nuvola di punti densa generata da un rilievo fotogrammetrico o da TLS realizzando un modello 3D importabile in ambiente FEM. Il primo test si è eseguito su una piccola struttura, 1.2x0.5x0.2m, in modo da definire delle procedure di analisi ripetibili; la prima consente di passare dalla nuvola di punti “Cloud” all’oggetto solido “Solid” al modello agli elementi finiti “Fem” e per questo motivo è stata chiamata “metodo CSF”, mentre la seconda, che prevede di realizzare il modello della struttura con un software BIM è stata chiamata semplicemente “metodo BIM”. Una volta dimostrata la fattibilità della procedura la si è validata adottando come oggetto di studio un monumento storico di grandi dimensioni, l’Arco di Augusto di Rimini, confrontando i risultati ottenuti con quelli di altre tesi sulla medesima struttura, in particolare si è fatto riferimento a modelli FEM 2D e a modelli ottenuti da una nuvola di punti con i metodi CAD e con un software scientifico sviluppato al DICAM Cloud2FEM. Sull’arco sono state eseguite due tipi di analisi, una lineare sotto peso proprio e una modale ottenendo risultati compatibili tra i vari metodi sia dal punto di vista degli spostamenti, 0.1-0.2mm, che delle frequenze naturali ma si osserva che le frequenze naturali del modello BIM sono più simili a quelle dei modelli generati da cloud rispetto al modello CAD. Il quarto modo di vibrare invece presenta differenze maggiori. Il confronto con le frequenze naturali del modello FEM ha restituito differenze percentuali maggiori dovute alla natura 2D del modello e all’assenza della muratura limitrofa. Si sono confrontate le tensioni normali dei modelli CSF e BIM con quelle ottenute dal modello FEM ottenendo differenze inferiori a 1.28 kg/cm2 per le tensioni normali verticali e sull’ordine 10-2 kg/cm2 per quelle orizzontali.