973 resultados para Laser Doppler flowmetry
A full understanding of the hydrodynamic processes within the jet produced by a manoeuvring ship’s propeller is essential in the development and maintenance of ports, docks and harbours. In this study the predominant axial velocity component of a diffusing propeller jet was studied. The flow fields formed by four propellers, each operating at four power levels (speeds of rotation), were investigated under bollard pull conditions within a large free surface tank using Laser Doppler Anemometry. Comparison were made to existing methodologies by which a prediction of the magnitudes of the axial velocity can be made, and where deficient modifications to the methodologies have been developed. The jets were found to produce a maximum axial velocity along the initial efflux plane at a location near the blade mid-span. The position and magnitude of the axial velocity was seen to decrease as the jet entrained more flow and transitioned from the zone of flow establishment into the zone of established flow.
Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
A bi-enzymatic biosensor (LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE) for carbamates was prepared in a single step by electrodeposition of a hybrid film onto a graphene doped carbon paste electrode (GPE). Graphene and the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were morphologically characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler velocimetry. The electrodeposited hybrid film was composed of laccase (LACC), tyrosinase (TYR) and AuNPs entrapped in a chitosan (CS) polymeric matrix. Experimental parameters, namely graphene redox state, AuNPs:CS ratio, enzymes concentration, pH and inhibition time were evaluated. LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE exhibited an improved Michaelis–Menten kinetic constant (26.9 ± 0.5 M) when compared with LACC–AuNPs–CS/GPE (37.8 ± 0.2 M) and TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE (52.3 ± 0.4 M). Using 4-aminophenol as substrate at pH 5.5, the device presented wide linear ranges, low detection limits (1.68×10− 9 ± 1.18×10− 10 – 2.15×10− 7 ± 3.41×10− 9 M), high accuracy, sensitivity (1.13×106 ± 8.11×104 – 2.19×108 ± 2.51×107 %inhibition M− 1), repeatability (1.2–5.8% RSD), reproducibility (3.2–6.5% RSD) and stability (ca. twenty days) to determine carbaryl, formetanate hydrochloride, propoxur and ziram in citrus fruits based on their inhibitory capacity on the polyphenoloxidases activity. Recoveries at two fortified levels ranged from 93.8 ± 0.3% (lemon) to 97.8 ± 0.3% (orange). Glucose, citric acid and ascorbic acid do not interfere significantly in the electroanalysis. The proposed electroanalytical procedure can be a promising tool for food safety control.
Nitric oxide (NO) is crucial for the microvascular homeostasis, but its role played in the microvascular alterations during sepsis remains controversial. We investigated NO-dependent vasodilation in the skin microcirculation and plasma levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a potent endogenous inhibitor of the NO synthases, in a human model of sepsis. In this double-blind, randomized, crossover study, microvascular NO-dependent (local thermal hyperemia) and NO-independent vasodilation (post-occlusive reactive hyperemia) assessed by laser Doppler imaging, plasma levels of ADMA, and l-arginine were measured in seven healthy obese volunteers, immediately before and 4 h after either a i.v. bolus injection of Escherichia coli endotoxin (LPS; 2 ng/kg) or normal saline (placebo) on two different visits at least 2 weeks apart. LPS caused the expected systemic effects, including increases in heart rate (+43%, P < 0.001), cardiac output (+16%, P < 0.01), and rectal temperature (+1.4°C, P < 0.001), without change in arterial blood pressure. LPS affected neither baseline skin blood flow nor post-occlusive reactive hyperemia but decreased the NO-dependent local thermal hyperemia response, l-arginine, and, to a lesser extent, ADMA plasma levels. The changes in NO-dependent vasodilation were not correlated with the corresponding changes in the plasma levels of ADMA, l-arginine, or the l-arginine/ADMA ratio. Our results show for the first time that experimental endotoxemia in humans causes a specific decrease in endothelial NO-dependent vasodilation in the microcirculation, which cannot be explained by a change in ADMA levels. Microvascular NO deficiency might be responsible for the heterogeneity of tissue perfusion observed in sepsis and could be a therapeutic target.
The interaction between local and reflexive control of skin blood flow (SkBF) is unclear. This thesis isolated the roles of rectal (Tre) and local (Tloc) temperature on forearm SkBF regulation at normal and elevated body temperatures, and to investigate the interaction between local and reflexive SkBF control. While either normothermic (Tre ~37.0°C) or hyperthermic (∆Tre +1.1°C), SkBF was assessed on the dorsal aspect of each forearm in 10 participants while Tloc was manipulated in an A-B-A-B fashion between neutral (33.0°C) and hot (38.5°C). Finally, local heating to 44°C was performed to elicit maximal SkBF. Data are presented as a percentage of maximal cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC), calculated as laser-Doppler flux divided by mean arterial pressure. Tloc manipulations performed during normothermia had significantly greater effects on CVC than during hyperthermia. The decreased modification to SkBF from the Tloc changes during hyperthermia suggests that strong reflexive vasodilation attenuates local SkBF control mechanisms.
Speckle Pattern Shearing Interferometrie (Shearografie) ist eine speckle-interferometrische Messmethode und zeichnet sich durch die ganzflächige, berührungslose Arbeitsweise, hohe räumliche Auflösung und hohe Messempfindlichkeit aus. Diese Dissertation beinhaltet die neue bzw. weitere Entwicklung der Shearografie zur qualitativen Schwingungsbeobachtung und zur quantitativen Schwingungsmessung. Für die qualitative Schwingungsbeobachtung in Echtzeit werden die Optimierung des Zeitmittelungsverfahrens und die neue entwickelte Online-Charakterisierung von Streifenmustern mit statistischen Verfahren vorgestellt. Auf dieser Basis können sowohl eine genaue Fehlstellen-Detektion bei der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung als auch eine präzise Resonanzuntersuchung zeitsparend und vollautomatisch durchgeführt werden. Für die quantitative Schwingungsmessung wird eine sog. dynamische Phasenschiebe-Technik neu entwickelt, welche durch die Einführung eines synchron zum Objekt schwingenden Referenzspiegels realisiert wird. Mit dieser Technik ermöglicht das Zeitmittelungsverfahren die Amplituden und Phasen einer Objektschwingung quantitativ zu ermitteln. Auch eine Weiterentwicklung des stroboskopischen Verfahrens in Kombination mit zeitlicher Phasenverschiebung wird in der Arbeit präsentiert, womit der gesamte Prozess der Schwingungsmessung und -rekonstruktion beschleunigt und automatisch durchgeführt wird. Zur Bestimmung des Verschiebungsfeldes aus den gemessenen Amplituden und Phasen des Verformungsgradienten stellt diese Arbeit auch eine Weiterentwicklung des Summationsverfahrens vor. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Genauigkeit des ermittelten Verschiebungsfelds unabhängig von der Sheargröße ist und gleichzeitig das praktische Problem - Unstetigkeit - gelöst wird. Eine quantitative Messung erfordert eine genaue Kalibrierung der gesamten Messkette. Ein auf dem Least-Square-Verfahren basierendes Kalibrierverfahren wird in der Arbeit zur Kalibrierung der statischen und dynamischen Phasenverschiebung vorgestellt. Auch die Ermittelung der Sheargröße mit Hilfe der 1D- bzw. 2D-Kreuz-Korrelation wird präsentiert. Zum Schluss wurde die gesamte Entwicklung durch eine Vergleichsmessung mit einem handelsüblichen Scanning-Laser-Doppler-Vibrometer experimentell verifiziert.
O presente artigo descreve uma metodologia não invasiva, compreendendo abordagens estáticas e dinâmicas realizadas in vivo com o objectivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicação na pele deumcreme hidratante contendo ureia. Participaram no estudo 15 voluntárias, que aplicaram o produto (Kératosane15©, Uriage, França) na região lateral exterior frontal da perna durante 15 dias.Ametodologia dinâmica de avaliação de eficácia consistiu na aplicação de nicotinato de etilo seguida de medição através de fluxometria de laser doppler (FLD). Nas estratégias estáticas utilizaram-se as técnicas de medição da perda transepidérmica de água e da hidratação cutânea, esta última recorrendo a dois aparelhos diferentes. Na FLD não se observou diferença nos resultados obtidos da zona tratada para a zona controlo. Também na PTEA não se verifica diferença estatisticamente significativa nos locais em estudo. Nas variáveis relacionadas com a hidratação existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas, sendo o estado de hidratação superior no local tratado face ao controlo. Concluiu-se que o creme não melhora significativamente a função de barreira cutânea mas proporciona um bom estado de hidratação à pele quando usado regularmente. Ambos os aparelhos de medição da hidratação são adequados ao estudo da eficácia do produto, mas o MoistureMeter-SC permite observar diferenças de uma forma mais clara.
De há muito que se conhecem as influências da variação da temperatura da pele sobre a microcirculação embora os mecanismos e vias envolvidos nesta resposta reflexa não estejam totalmente identificados, pelo que os autores entenderam estudar a resposta da pele in vivo ao aquecimento local. O estudo foi realizado no antebraço de 10 voluntários saudáveis (mulheres, entre os 20 e 35 anos de idade média: 25 ± 3,7). Após aclimatação as voluntárias foram submetidas a um protocolo de aquecimento a duas temperaturas (42 e 44ºC) durante 40 minutos, sendo as variações seguidas por meios não invasivos (PTEA perda trans-epidérmica de água e LDF perfusão sanguínea por fluxometria de laser doppler).A resposta medida por LDF foi diferente nas temperaturas de 42 e de 44 ºC.A42ºC a resposta é bifásica (resposta típica) ao contrário do que sucede aquando do aquecimento a 44ºC. Neste caso, para além da intensidade ser maior é atingido de imediato um platô, sugerindo a presença de um outro mecanismo regulatório local. Relativamente à PTEAverificou-se um aumento semelhante em ambas as temperaturas, não tendo sido observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas. O aquecimento a diferentes temperaturas parece colocar em evidência diferentes mecanismos de regulação da temperatura local.
O L-NAME, um dos inibidores do NO mais utilizados para o estudo da função microcirculatória na hiperémia cutânea, é normalmente administrado por microdiálise, uma técnica invasiva e traumática com reconhecidas limitações. Neste contexto, procurou-se avaliar, ainda que de forma preliminar, o interesse da aplicação transdérmica deL-NAMEemexperiências de indução de hiperémia local. O estudo consistiu na aplicação (durante 2 horas) de um sistema oclusivo contendo L-NAME (40 ) a 10mM, ou 100mM e um controlo com água destilada, no antebraço de voluntários saudáveis (n=5). Após a oclusão os voluntários foram submetidos a um protocolo de aquecimento local da pele a 42ºC durante 20 minutos, com a resposta hiperémica avaliada por Fluxometria de Laser Doppler (LDF).A análise estatística das várias concentrações de inibidor, involveu a comparação das diferentes fases do estudo com o controlo através de estatística não paramétrica. A aplicação de 100mM de L-NAME desencadeou a inibição de toda a resposta microcirculatória, o que constitui um bom indício para que esta metodologia continue a ser desenvolvida.
O estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos na regulação da temperatura a nível local constituem modelos para o estudo da patologia vascular, especialmente quando existe envolvimento ou comprometimento endotelial. Neste estudo pretende-se sistematizar e comparar a resposta a diferentes variações locais de temperatura, entre 42 e 44ºC em indivíduos saudáveis, verificando a influência da velocidade de aquecimento na resposta local. Realizaram-se protocolos de aquecimento local da pele a 42 e 44ºC nos antebraços definidos aleatoriamente de 10 voluntários do género feminino, saudáveis e não fumadoras. Avaliou-se a resposta microcirculatória através de Fluxometria por Laser Doppler durante 30 minutos. Calculou-se um novo parâmetro “razão vale/pico” (V/P) para distinguir os tipos de resposta possíveis, a saber, bifásico quando V/P<1 e monofásico quando V/P>1. Verificou-se que a 42ºC se obtém um perfil de resposta bifásico, independentemente da velocidade de aquecimento, assim como a 44ºC se obteve sempre um perfil monofásico, indicando que a resposta ao aquecimento local depende da velocidade de aquecimento e, provavelmente, da activação das fibras nociceptoras.
Hypothesis: The aim of this study was to measure the mass loading effect of an active middle-ear implant (the Vibrant Soundbridge) in cadaver temporal bones. Background: Implantable middle ear hearing devices such as Vibrant Soundbridge have been used as an alternative to conventional hearing aids for the rehabilitation of sensorineural hearing loss. Other than the obvious disadvantage of requiring implantation middle ear surgery, it also applies a direct weight on the ossicular chain which, in turn, may have an impact on residual hearing. Previous studies have shown that applying a mass directly on the ossicular chain has a damping effect on its response to sound. However, little has been done to investigate the magnitude and the frequency characteristics of the mass loading effect in devices such as the Vibrant Soundbridge. Methods: Five fresh cadaver temporal bones were used. The stapes displacement was measured using laser Doppler vibrometry before and after the placement of a Vibrant Sound-bridge floating mass transducer. The effects of mass and attachment site were compared with the unloaded response. Measurements were obtained at frequencies between 0.1 and 10 kHz and at acoustic input levels of 100 dB sound pressure level. Each temporal bone acted as its own control. Results: Placement of the floating mass transducer caused a reduction of the stapes displacement. There were variations between the bones. The change of the stapes displacement varied from 0 dB to 28 dB. The effect was more prominent at frequencies above 1,000 Hz. Placing the floating mass transducer close to the incudostapedial joint reduced the mass loading effect. Conclusion: The floating mass transducer produces a measurable reduction of the stapes displacement in the temporal bone model. The effect is more prominent at high frequencies.
Cercal hairs represent in cricket a wind sensitive escape system, able to detect the airflow generated from predating species. These sensors have been studied as a biomimetic concept to allow the development of MEMS for biomedical use. In particular, the behaviour of the hairs, including airflow response, resonant frequency and damping, has been investigated up to a frequency of 20 kHz. The microscopic nature of the hairs, the complex vibrations of excited hairs and the high damping of the system suggested that the use of Laser Doppler vibrometry could possibly improve the test performance. Two types of tests were performed: in the first case the hairs were indirectly excited using the signal obtained from a vibrating aluminium plate, whilst in the second case the hairs were directly excited using a white noise chirp. The results from the first experiment indicated that the hairs move in-phase with the exciting signal up to frequencies in the order of 10 kHz, responding to the vibration modes of the plate with a signal attenuation of 12 to 20 dB. The chirp experiment revealed the presence of rotational resonant modes at 6850 and 11300 Hz. No clear effect of hair length was perceivable on the vibration response of the filiform sensors. The obtained results proved promising to support the mechanical and vibration characterisation of the hairs and suggest that scanning Laser vibrometry can be used extensively on highly dampened biological materials.
Although chronic fish oil intervention had been shown to have a positive impact on vascular reactivity, very little is known about their acute effects during the postprandial phase. Our aim was to examine the impact of a fish oil-enriched test meal on postprandial vascular reactivity in healthy younger ( < 50 years) v. older ( ≥ 50 years) men. Vascular reactivity was measured at baseline (0 h), 2 and 4 h after the meal by laser Doppler iontophoresis and blood samples taken at 0 and 4 h for the measurement of plasma lipids, total nitrite, glucose and insulin. Acetylcholine- (ACh, endothelial-dependent vasodilator) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, endothelial-independent vasodilator)-induced reactivities were greater at 4 h than at baseline or 2 h in the younger men (P < 0·04). These changes were not observed in the older men. Comparison of the male groups revealed significantly greater responses to ACh (P = 0·006) and SNP (P = 0·05) at 4 h in the younger compared with the older males. Postprandial NEFA concentrations were also greater at 4 h in the younger compared with the older men (P = 0·005), with no differences observed for any of the other analytes. Multiple regression analysis revealed age to be the most significant predictor of both ACh and SNP induced reactivity 4 h after the meal. In conclusion, the ingestion of a meal enriched in fish oil fatty acids was shown to improve postprandial vascular reactivity at 4 h in our younger men, with little benefit evident in our older men.
Diets low in fruit and vegetables are reportedly responsible for 2.7 million deaths annually from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and certain cancers. A daily fruit and vegetable intake of five 80 g portions is recommended for chronic disease prevention. However, in the UK, average adult consumption is less than three portions. It is suggested that fruit juice should only count as one portion. However, fruit juices are a beneficial source of phytochemicals. The preliminary results of two randomized, controlled, crossover, dietary intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drinks (FVPJ) on bioavailability, antioxidant status, vascular reactivity, and risk factors for CVD are reported. In the first study, 39 volunteers consumed 200 ml FVPJ, or fruit-flavoured control, daily for six weeks. In the second study, 24 volunteers consumed 400 mL FVPJ, or sugar-matched control, on the morning of the study day. Blood and urine samples were collected throughout both studies and real-time measurements of vascular tone were performed using laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis. Overall, the studies showed that the fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drink increased dietary phytochemicals. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both acute and chronic fruit juice consumption. Measurements of antioxidant status, oxidative stress and other cardiovascular disease risk factors are currently being determined.
The average UK adult consumes less than three portions of fruit and vegetables daily, despite evidence to suggest that consuming five portions daily could help prevent chronic diseases. It is recommended that fruit juice should only count as one of these portions, as juicing removes fibre and releases sugars. However, fruit juices contain beneficial compounds such as vitamin C and flavonoids and could be a useful source of dietary phytochemicals. Two randomised controlled cross-over intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of commercially-available fruit- and vegetable-puree-based drinks (FVPD) on bioavailability, antioxidant status and CVD risk factors are described. Blood and urine samples were collected during both studies and vascular tone was measured using laser Doppler imaging. In the chronic intervention study FVPD consumption was found to significantly increase dietary carotenoids (P = 0.001) and vitamin C (P = 0.003). Plasma carotenoids were increased (P = 0.001), but the increase in plasma vitamin C was not significant. There were no significant effects on oxidative stress, antioxidant status and other CVD risk factors. In the acute intervention study FVPD were found to increase total plasma nitrate and nitrite (P = 0.001) and plasma vitamin C (P = 0.002). There was no effect on plasma lipids or uric acid, but there was a lower glucose and insulin peak concentration after consumption of the FVPD compared with the sugar-matched control. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both chronic and acute FVPD consumption. All volunteers were retrospectively genotyped for the eNOS G298T polymorphism and the effect of genotype on the measurements is discussed. Overall, there was a non-significant trend towards increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation following both acute and chronic FVPD consumption. However, there was a significant time x treatment effect (P < 0.05) of acute FVPD consumption in individuals with the GG variant of the eNOS gene.