236 resultados para LUPINUS ALBUS


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Background Schizophrenia is associated with lower pre-morbid intelligence (IQ) in addition to (pre-morbid) cognitive decline. Both schizophrenia and IQ are highly heritable traits. Therefore, we hypothesized that genetic variants associated with schizophrenia, including copy number variants (CNVs) and a polygenic schizophrenia (risk) score (PSS), may influence intelligence. Method IQ was estimated with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). CNVs were determined from single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data using the QuantiSNP and PennCNV algorithms. For the PSS, odds ratios for genome-wide SNP data were calculated in a sample collected by the Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) Consortium (8690 schizophrenia patients and 11 831 controls). These were used to calculate individual PSSs in our independent sample of 350 schizophrenia patients and 322 healthy controls. Results Although significantly more genes were disrupted by deletions in schizophrenia patients compared to controls (p = 0.009), there was no effect of CNV measures on IQ. The PSS was associated with disease status (R 2 = 0.055, p = 2.1 × 10 -7) and with IQ in the entire sample (R 2 = 0.018, p = 0.0008) but the effect on IQ disappeared after correction for disease status. Conclusions Our data suggest that rare and common schizophrenia-associated variants do not explain the variation in IQ in healthy subjects or in schizophrenia patients. Thus, reductions in IQ in schizophrenia patients may be secondary to other processes related to schizophrenia risk. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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Schizophrenia is an idiopathic mental disorder with a heritable component and a substantial public health impact. We conducted a multi-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) for schizophrenia beginning with a Swedish national sample (5,001 cases and 6,243 controls) followed by meta-Analysis with previous schizophrenia GWAS (8,832 cases and 12,067 controls) and finally by replication of SNPs in 168 genomic regions in independent samples (7,413 cases, 19,762 controls and 581 parent-offspring trios). We identified 22 loci associated at genome-wide significance; 13 of these are new, and 1 was previously implicated in bipolar disorder. Examination of candidate genes at these loci suggests the involvement of neuronal calcium signaling. We estimate that 8,300 independent, mostly common SNPs (95% credible interval of 6,300-10,200 SNPs) contribute to risk for schizophrenia and that these collectively account for at least 32% of the variance in liability. Common genetic variation has an important role in the etiology of schizophrenia, and larger studies will allow more detailed understanding of this disorder.


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We examined the role of common genetic variation in schizophrenia in a genome-wide association study of substantial size: a stage 1 discovery sample of 21,856 individuals of European ancestry and a stage 2 replication sample of 29,839 independent subjects. The combined stage 1 and 2 analysis yielded genome-wide significant associations with schizophrenia for seven loci, five of which are new (1p21.3, 2q32.3, 8p23.2, 8q21.3 and 10q24.32-q24.33) and two of which have been previously implicated (6p21.32-p22.1 and 18q21.2). The strongest new finding (P = 1.6 × 10 -11) was with rs1625579 within an intron of a putative primary transcript for MIR137 (microRNA 137), a known regulator of neuronal development. Four other schizophrenia loci achieving genome-wide significance contain predicted targets of MIR137, suggesting MIR137-mediated dysregulation as a previously unknown etiologic mechanism in schizophrenia. In a joint analysis with a bipolar disorder sample (16,374 affected individuals and 14,044 controls), three loci reached genome-wide significance: CACNA1C (rs4765905, P = 7.0 × 10 -9), ANK3 (rs10994359, P = 2.5 × 10 -8) and the ITIH3-ITIH4 region (rs2239547, P = 7.8 × 10 -9).


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The effect of age of the larvae on the manifestation of the "Sappe" disease of the silkworm by oral inoculation of different pathogens, viz., Aerobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas boreopolis, Escherichia freundii, Achromobacter delmarvae, A. Superficialis, Pseudomonas ovalis, and Staphylococcus albus was tested. It was found that the reaction of the larva to the pathogen was influenced by its age. Some, e.g., Escherichia freundii, were more lethal when introduced at early stages whereas certain others, e.g., Aerobacter cloacae and Staphylococcus albus, caused maximum damage when invading older larvae. Irrespective of the age of infection, death of the worms mainly occurred during molting and before spinning. The studies also indicated that growth and mortality of the larvae were affected differentially by the pathogens.


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无根萍属(Wolffia )隶属于浮萍科天南星目,是世界上最小的被子植物。该属植物繁殖速度快;易于培养;结构简单,只具有一个雄蕊和一个雌蕊;自然状态下通常为克隆繁殖,遗传结构高度一致,具备特定研究目的模式植物的特点,正在或已经成为一些实验室研究光合作用、生物反应器、毒理学、生态修复和环境监测等的重要模式生物材料;同时还被作为建造航天生活仓和地外生命支撑系统的首选植物。该属植物蛋白含量高且氨基酸组分平衡,营养价值可与大豆相媲美。但该属植物一直是分类学界的疑难类群,不同的学者对该属的分类处理比较混乱;其次,对该属的生物地理研究也很不够,尤其是对国产类群的研究;另外,W. globosa 作为该属中国分布的物种,其生理学特性和形态结构发育还缺乏研究。为此,本文通过mat K 基因测序、RAPD 标记等手段,结合野外和室内的长期观测,对其分类和中国的地理分布以及生理学特性进行了研究。针对浮萍科植物作为水生植物,其对重金属和芳香烃衍生物的耐受逆境能力大小,和对淡水水体环境生态的指示作用。本文研究了W. globosa 具解毒功能的谷胱甘肽转硫酶的活性;最后,探索了从黄鳝(Monpterus albus Zuiew )中分离纯化GSTs 的技术与方法并对maGST 的部分特性进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. Wolffia 系统分类学研究 前人认为,Wolffia 柱头的颜色是重要的分组、分种检索性状。我们对其长期、活体、原位、实时跟踪观测结果表明,柱头颜色是Wolffia 个体发育上的变化过程,不是一个稳定性状,用作Wolffia subgroup 内组的划分特征和种的鉴别特征是不适合的。在此基础上我们重新修定了该属的分种检索表。利用形态分类学性状——气孔、长/宽、高/宽以及最大宽度在水面上还是水面下等性状,认为中国分布的类群应是W. globosa,但亦有W. neglecta 存在的证据。mat K 基因片段结果支持形态学的结论。通过广泛的野外采集,在我国北京、河北和吉林发现Wolffia 的新分布。 2. 中国Wolffia 居群遗传学研究 以RAPD 分子标记对广泛分布的居群遗传多样性研究表明,无根萍属植物主要以无性繁殖方式繁育,居群主要由单一克隆后代组成,如海河流域以及松花江流域居群;但一些居群亦兼有性繁殖方式,并具较高的遗传多样性,如武汉、海南居群。利用MVSP, Popgene 和Ntsys 等分析方法探讨了中国产Wolffia 居群遗传多样性和地理分布格局间关系。 3. W. globosa 的生理学研究 建立了较为完善的W. globosa 的无菌培养和保存体系。W. globosa 在逆境中,会形成休眠体;同时,发现不同居群甚至不同克隆系之间其抗逆性和生长速度存在着显著差异,差异最大的如海南文昌居群的生长速率,是长春居群的4.19 倍;不同的时间统计生长周期存在着不同结果,生长节律每天有两个生长高峰呈双“S”型;W. globosa 的耐受温度范围和pH 范围广;低浓度的IAA,GA,6-BA, EDDHA-Fe 以及EDTA 等物质具有促进W. globosa 生长的特性;但是,所有这些处理均没能促使W. globosa 从营养生长转入生殖生长。 4. W. globosa 的解剖学研究 W. globosa 通常是进行克隆繁殖,通过组织切片发现无性分枝子体还未伸出母株之前就已经完成分化,与此同时分枝子体中又分化出新的子体,分枝呈聚伞状,子体生长方向彼此相对;另外,生殖生长结构的分化也是在母体中完成的;生殖生长点与营养生长点不是同一生长点。 5. 浮萍科植物的毒理学研究 以重金属Cr3+和芳香烃衍生物CDNB 溶液处理Wolffia,Spirodela 和Lemna, 三种水生生物,结果表明Wolffia 比Spirodela, Lemna 对重金属和芳香烃衍生物有更强的抗逆能力,如在同等条件下对于Cr3+Wolffia 的半致死剂量800GB(≈ 80mg/L),而Spirodela 和Lemna 则分别为10mg/L;20mg/L;表明W. globosa 是一个优良的生态环境修复植物。与此同时,研究了W. globosa 中具有解毒功能的GSTs 粗酶液活力在不同浓度的重金属离子(Cu2+和Cd2+)以及芳香烃衍生物(CDNB 和NBD-Cl)随处理时间的变化情况。 6. 从水生生物黄鳝Monpterus albus Zuiew 中分离纯化GSTs 的研究GSTs 活性的变化是环境监测的一个Biomarker,为此研究从M. albus 中分离 纯化GSTs 的技术与方法。经GSH 亲和层析纯化的酶活力为粗酶液的207 倍,进而鉴定了maGST 的部分特性。SDS-PAGE 电泳和MALDI-TOF/MS 表明MaGST 为同源二聚体,分子量约为52kDa,单亚基分子量约为26 kDa。maGST 酶动力学表明对CDNB 为13.07 ± 0.37 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;对NBD-Cl 为5.54 ± 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;对ECA、4-NPA 几乎没有活性。在GSH 底物饱和,CDNB 的Km 值和Vmax 分别为0.32 mM 和16.19 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;CDNB 底物饱和,GSH 的Km 值和Vmax 分别为0.44 mM 和28.83 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白。maGST 的酶活性pH 值较宽,温度范围广:在pH7.0-7.5 具有最大速度,在pH6.5 和pH8.5 时分别具有65%和72%的酶活力;在45℃时具有最大活性,30℃和55℃时为最大活力的80%,60℃几乎完全丧失酶活力。


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2001年8月对保安湖大型底栖动物进行调查,共记录动物4门7纲25科54属70种。其中,软体动物为绝对优势类群(占总丰度的81.5%)。而腹足类的纹沼螺(Parafossarulus striatulus)、白旋螺(Gyraulus albus)、长角涵螺(Alocinma longicornis)、方格短沟蜷(Semisulcospira libertina)和铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)为该湖泊的优势种。样点间平均物种丰富度7.1,平均Shannon-Winner指数1.34。


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通过PCR克隆的方法,从黄鳝(Monopterus albus)中得到两个PL10 基因的cDNA片段Mo PL10A和Mo PL10B,长度均为1.127 kb,推测其编码375个氨基酸的蛋白片段.结合其他PL10类同源物序列,对这两条cDNA进行了分析和初步的功能推测.根据此片段的氨基酸序列构建的系统发育树与形态分类结果一致.在不同组织中的RT PCR结果表明Mo PL10A和Mo PL10B的mRNA在各组织中的分布有差异.


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<正> 黄鳝Monopterus albus(Zuiew)俗称鳝鱼,又名鲜(本草纲目)、罗鳝(四川)、无鳞公子(湖南、国外称大米鳗鱼。隶属于合鳃目、合鳃科。在我国分布很广,天然产量大,是一种重要的经济鱼类。


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团头鲂血居吸虫病是1965年和1973年先后在湖北省浠水县鱼池发现。1.0—1.5寸大的鱼种往往因患此病而死亡。其病原体是文献中未报导过的两种血居吸虫,并一种命名为鲂血居吸虫新种Sanguinicola megalogramae sp.nov.另一种暂列为血居吸虫未定种Sanguincolasp。 较详细地观察和记述了鲂血居吸虫成虫的形态、生态,以及卵、毛蚴、尾蚴等的形态和发育情况。查清了鲂血居吸虫的中间宿主是一种扁卷螺——白旋螺 Gyraulus albus Muller,还进行了尾蚴对鱼苗的感染试验。


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<正> 一. 绪言我国池塘养鱼事业有着悠久的历史,饲养的种类有鱿(草鱼),青、鲢、鳙、鲤、鳊、鲮等,通常称为“家鱼”,而生长在池塘里的其它鱼类如刺鳅(Mastacembelus aeuleatus),黄鳝(Monopiterus albus),鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica),鲫(Carassius auratus),麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva),白鲦(Hemiculter laucisculus),赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curri-culus),(Elopic


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Investigating the development of Eustrongylides ignotus in its definitive host would enable us to trace the complete life cycle of this nematode. Fourth-stage larvae isolated from naturally infected swamp eels (Monopterus albus) were used to infect domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domestica [L.]). We observed that male and female worms exhibited different developmental patterns in host ducks. In males, the fourth molt occurred at day 1-2 post-infection (PI), after which they attained maturity on day 4 PI and died between day 7 and 9 PI. However, females underwent the fourth molt at day 2-4 PI, produced eggs from day 9 to 17 PI, and then degenerated and died. When compared 10 fourth-stage Female larvae, adult females demonstrated a considerable increase in total body size with a 151% increase in average body width and a 17% increase in average body length. However. the increase in size of the male larvae was not its significant as that in females. The average body width in adult males exhibited only a 45% increase over that in the larval stage.


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Two rare trematode species so far reported in the genus Phyllodistomum Braun, 1899, P. pawlovskii (Zmeev, 1936) and P. serrispatula Chin, 1963, were found in the urinary system the yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson) of Bao'an Lake (prevalence 8 %) and the swamp eel Monopterus albus (Zouiev) of Liangzi Lake (prevalence 6 9/6), respectively, from the Hubei Province, central China. In contrast to the original description, P. pawlovskii showed a considerable morphological variability particularly in the shape, size and topography of testes. A unique morphological feature of P. serrispatula is the presence of many conspicuous lateral outgrowths on the hindbody and, principally based on this character, a new genus Neophyl-lodistomum is erected (type species N. serrispatula (Chin, 1963) comb. n.)) to accommodate this species. Both trematode species are briefly redescribed. P. pawlovskii and N. serrispatula are reported for the first time from the Hubei Province and the former from the Yangtze River drainage system.


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本文综述了放线菌分类学研究的目的和作用,分析了放线菌分类学的历史和现状,介绍了当前放线菌多相分类研究中所采用的技术方法及适用范围。同时还重点介绍了极端高温、低温、高盐放线菌分离及分类研究的进展。从云南采集高温温泉水样、火山口土样,从云南、新疆等地采集雪山土样,从新疆、青海等地采集盐碱土样进行放线菌分离,对不同极端环境下的放线菌分离方法进行探讨,并对分离到的部分典型放线菌菌株采用形态特征、培养特征,生理生化测定,细胞化学组份分析,DNA G+C mol%和DNA同源性测定,以及16SrDNA全序列分析等相结合的多相分类技术进行系统的分类研究。从表型、基因型及系统发育三个不同层次对其分类地位进行了最终确定。其中,分离自云南洱源温泉的菌株YIM60013和腾冲火山口的菌株YIM60032分别确定为高温放线菌属的两个新种:白色高温放线菌(Thermoactznomyces albus sp. nov.)和云南高温放线菌(Termoactomyces yunnanensis sp. nov.);分离自新疆北疆地区的一株低温放线菌菌株,结合其形态特征、细胞化学组份及16S rDNA序列分析将其鉴定为链霉菌的一个新种,北疆链霉菌(Streptomyces beijiangensis sp. nov.);来自新疆盐碱土样的6株嗜盐放线菌菌株YIM90001-90006中,菌株YIM90001被命名为嗜盐普氏菌新种(Prauserella halophila sp. nov.),菌株YIM90005被 命名为脱卤普氏菌新种(Prauserella dehalogenans sp. nov.),菌株YIM90002和YIM90003鉴定为拟诺卡氏菌科中的链单抱菌新属Streptomonospora gen. nov.)和它的两个新种:菌株YIM90002定为盐生链单抱菌新种(Streptomonospora saline sp. nov.),菌株YIM90003定为白色链单抱菌新种(Streptomonospora alba sp. nov.);菌株YIM90004和YIM90006分别被确定为拟诺卡氏菌属的一个新种和一个亚种:新疆拟诺卡氏菌新种(Nocardopsi sxiniangensis sp. nov.)和嗜阿拉伯糖新疆拟诺卡氏菌亚种( Noocardiopsi sxiniangensis subsp.arabicus subsp.nov,)。


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El presente artículo expone los fundamentos de la interpretación que del esse tomasiano lleva a cabo Hans Urs von Balthasar. En ella ofrece von Balthasar, a partir de una interpretación en la línea de Siewerth, y como tal novedosa para la historia de la crítica, las directrices fundamentales de su propio pensamiento filosóficoteológico, cuyo eje lo constituye la diferencia entre esse y Dios como modelo para una hermenéutica no monista de la realidad. Con todo, la propuesta no está exenta de algunas dificultades y arbitrariedades que, desde una perspectiva crítica y aconfesional (por la que aquí se opta), conviene ineludiblemente subrayar.