923 resultados para LIPID-COMPOSITION


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Daily intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to reduce body fat accumulation and to increase body metabolism; this latter effect has been often associated with the up-regulation of uncoupling proteins (UCPs). Here we addressed the effects of a CLA-supplemented murine diet (similar to 2 % CLA mixture, cis-9, trans-10 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers; 45 % of each isomer on alternating days) on mitochondrial energetics, UCP2 expression/activity in the liver and other associated morphological and functional parameters, in C57BL/6 mice. Diet supplementation with CLA reduced both lipid accumulation in adipose tissues and triacylglycerol plasma levels, but did not augment hepatic lipid storage. Livers of mice fed a diet supplemented with CLA showed high UCP2 mRNA levels and the isolated hepatic mitochondria showed indications of UCP activity: in the presence of guanosine diphosphate, the higher stimulation of respiration promoted by linoleic acid in mitochondria from the CLA mice was almost completely reduced to the level of the stimulation from the control mice. Despite the increased generation of reactive oxygen species through oxi-reduction reactions involving NAD(+)/NADH in the Krebs cycle, no oxidative stress was observed in the liver. In addition, in the absence of free fatty acids, basal respiration rates and the phosphorylating efficiency of mitochondria were preserved. These results indicate a beneficial and secure dose of CLA for diet supplementation in mice, which induces UCP2 overexpression and UCP activity in mitochondria while preserving the lipid composition and redox state of the liver.


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Protein and lipid content as well as the fatty acid (FA) composition of storage tissues were analysed in two varieties of Oreochromis niloticus (Red-Stirling and Chitralada) and their hybrid. The animals were maintained in cages for 11 months. The samples were taken when the animals weighed 10, 50, 100, 250 and 500 g. The results showed that changes in the metabolic processes occur during an increase in body mass in both varieties of tilapia and also their hybrid, but that these differences are not found in animals collected at the commercial weight. The protein content of the fillet and liver decreased with growth and the same protein content associated with growth was found for fillet lipid content. The genetic variety did not influence the FA profile of the fillet, but different genotypes had different hepatic FA compositions. Even with the same lipid content, the hepatocytes of Chitralada accumulated higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n6 in triglycerides and increased C22:6n3 in the hepatocyte membranes. The higher n6PUFA content was compensated by a lower fraction of saturated FA in the hepatocyte triglycerides. The skin of Chitralada also had higher n6PUFA and C22:6n3 contents, suggesting a higher ability to deposit PUFA in the skin due to alterations in the liver synthetic pathway.


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Abstract Background Photodynamic therapy (PDT) using 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a skin cancer therapy that still has limitations due to the low penetration of this drug into the skin. We have proposed in this work a delivery system for 5-ALA based on liposomes having lipid composition similar to the mammalian stratum corneum (SCLLs) in order to optimize its skin delivery in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) of skin cancers. Methods SCLLs were obtained by reverse phase evaporation technique and size distribution of the vesicles was determinated by photon correlation spectroscopy. In vitro permeation profile was characterized using hairless mouse skin mounted in modified Franz diffusion cell. Results Size exclusion chromatography on gel filtration confirmed vesicle formation. SCLLs obtained by presented a degree of encapsulation of 5-ALA around 5.7%. A distribution of vesicle size centering at around 500 nm and 400 nm respectively for SCLLs and SCLLs containing 5-ALA was found. In vitro 5-ALA permeation study showed that SCLLs preparations presented higher skin retention significantly (p < 0.05) on the epidermis without SC + dermis, with a decreasing of skin permeation compared to aqueous solution. Conclusions The in vitro delivery performance provided by SCLLs lead to consider this systems adequate for the 5-ALA-PDT of skin cancer, since SCLLs have delivered 5-ALA to the target skin layers (viable epidermis + dermis) to be treated by topical PDT of skin cancer.


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The amyloid peptide (Aß), a normal constituent of neuronal and non-neuronal cells, has been shown to be a major component of the extracellular plaque of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The interaction of Aß peptides with the lipid matrix of neuronal cell membranes plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD. In this study, we have developed peptide-tethered artificial lipid membranes by the Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaefer methods. Anti-Aß40-mAb labeled with a fluorophore was used to probe the Aß40 binding to the model membrane system. Systematic studies on the antibody or Aß-membrane interactions were carried out in our model systems by Surface Plasmon Field-Enhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (SPFS). Aß adsorption is critically determined by the lipid composition of the membranes. Aß specifically binds with membranes of sphingomyelin, and this preferential adsorption was markedly amplified by the addition of sterols (cholesterol or 25-OH-Chol). Fluorescence microscopy indicated that 25-OH-Chol could also form micro-domains with sphingomyelin as cholesterol does at the conditions used for the built-up of the model membranes. Our findings suggest that micro-domains composed of sphingomyelin and the sterols could be the binding sites of Aß and the role of sphingomyelin in AD should receive much more attention. The artificial membranes provide a novel platform for the study on AD, and SPFS is a potential tool for detecting Aß-membrane interaction. Numerous investigations indicate that the ability of Aß to form fibrils is considerably dependent upon the levels of ß-sheet structure adopted by Aß. Membrane-mediated conformational transition of Aß has been demonstrated. In this study, we focus on the interaction of Aß and the membranes composed of POPC/SM/25-OH-Chol (2:1:1). The artificial membrane system was established by the methods as described above. Immunoassy based on a pair of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against different epitopes was employed to detect the orientation of the Aß at the model membranes. Kinetics of antibody-Aß binding was determined by surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS). The attempt has also been made to probe the change in the conformation of Aß using SPFS combined with immunoassay. Melatonin was employed to induce the conformational change of Aß. The orientation and the conformational change of Aß are evaluated by analysing kinetic/affinity parameters. This work provides novel insight into the investigation on the structure of Aß at the membrane surface.


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Ein discoidales Lipoprotein aus dem Polychaeten Nereis virens (Annelida) wurde eingehend charakterisiert. Im Vordergrund standen dabei die transportierten Lipide, sowie die Ultrastruktur des Partikels. Das Nereis-Lipoprotein besitzt eine für Invertebraten atypische Lipidzusammensetzung: Außer den Phospholipiden gibt es keine klar dominierende Lipidklasse. Die Charakterisierung der Apolipoproteine zeigt Gemeinsamkeiten mit den Apolipophorinen der Insekten: Wie diese besitzt das Nereis-Lipoprotein zwei Apolipoproteine, die in einer 1:1-Stöchiometrie angeordnet sind. Das größere Protein (ApoNvLp I) ist dabei stärker zum wässrigen Medium exponiert ist als das kleinere (ApoNvLp II). Beide Proteinuntereinheiten sind N-glycosyliert. ApoNvLp II ist zusätzlich noch O-glycosyliert. Bei den Sekundärstrukturen dominieren β-Strukturen (35%) gegenüber α-Helices (14%); 28% waren ungeordnete Strukturen. Die Masse wurde mit verschiedenen Methoden bestimmt: sie liegt zwischen ~800 kDa (Gelfiltration) und ~860 kDa (Analytische Ultrazentrifugation). Der Sedimentationskoeffizient beträgt 9,7 S. Der zelluläre Lipoproteinrezeptor wurde aus einer großen Anzahl von Zellen und Geweben isoliert. Die biochemische Charakterisierung des Rezeptormoleküls zeigte es als ein monomeres, integrales, N- und O-glycosyliertes Membranprotein mit einer Masse von ~114 kDa. Die Bindungscharakteristika (Abhängigkeit von Ca2+, Disulfidbrücken) weisen es als Mitglied der LDLR-Superfamilie aus. In vitro-Inkubationsversuche mit fluoreszenzmarkierten Lipoproteinen zeigten die Aufnahme sowohl in Oocyten als auch in freie Coelomzellen (Elaeocyten) sowie in Spermatogonien- und Tetradenstadien. Auffällig war, dass die Lipide zusammen mit den Apolipoproteinen in die Dottergranula der Eizellen eingelagert wurden und nicht direkt in die Lipidtropfen. Auch bei den Elaeocyten wurden die Lipide nicht direkt in den Lipidtropfen eingelagert. Intakte Lipoproteine konnten per Dichtegradienten-Ultrazentrifugation nur aus Spermatogonien isoliert werden. Die isolierten Lipoproteine hatten die gleiche ‚Morphologie’ wie die aus der Coelomflüssigkeit isolierten, zeigten jedoch sehr viele Peptidfragmente im SDS-Gel, was auf eine beginnende Degradation hinweist. Es wird ein Modell für den Lipidtransport in Nereis virens vorgeschlagen, bei dem den Elaeocyten eine entscheidende Rolle im Lipidstoffwechsel zufällt.


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This case-control study involved a total of 29 autistic children (Au) aged 6 to 12 years, and 28 gender and age-matched typically developing children (TD). We evaluated a high number of peripheral oxidative stress parameters, erythrocyte and lymphocyte membrane functional features and membrane lipid composition of erythrocyte. Erythrocyte TBARS, Peroxiredoxin II, Protein Carbonyl Groups and urinary HEL and isoprostane levels were elevated in AU (confirming an imbalance of the redox status of Au); other oxidative stress markers or associated parameters (urinary 8-oxo-dG, plasma Total antioxidant capacity and plasma carbonyl groups, erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities) were unchanged, whilst peroxiredoxin I showed a trend of elevated levels in red blood cells of Au children. A very significant reduction of both erythrocyte and lymphocyte Na+, K+-ATPase activity (NKA), a reduction of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, a reduction of phospatydyl serine exposition on erythrocyte membranes, an alteration in erythrocyte fatty acid membrane profile (increase in MUFA and in ω6/ω3 ratio due to decrease in EPA and DHA) and a reduction of cholesterol content of erythrocyte membrane were found in Au compared to TD, without change in erythrocyte membrane sialic acid content and in lymphocyte membrane fluidity. Some Au clinical features appear to be correlated with these findings; in particular, hyperactivity score appears to be related with some parameters of the lipidomic profile and membrane fluidity, and ADOS and CARS score are inversely related to peroxiredoxin II levels. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte structural and functional alterations may play a role in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and could be potentially utilized as peripheral biomarkers.


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The eukaryotic cell membrane possesses numerous complex functions, which are essential for life. At this, the composition and the structure of the lipid bilayer are of particular importance. Polyunsaturated fatty acids may modulate the physical properties of biological membranes via alteration of membrane lipid composition affecting numerous physiological processes, e.g. in the immune system. In this systematic study we present fatty acid and peptide profiles of cell membrane and membrane rafts of murine macrophages that have been supplemented with saturated fatty acids as well as PUFAs from the n-3, the n-6 and the n-9 family. Using fatty acid composition analysis and mass spectrometry-based peptidome profiling we found that PUFAs from both the n-3 and the n-6 family have an impact on lipid and protein composition of plasma membrane and membrane rafts in a similar manner. In addition, we found a relation between the number of bis-allyl-methylene positions of the PUFA added and the unsaturation index of plasma membrane as well as membrane rafts of supplemented cells. With regard to the proposed significance of lipid microdomains for disease development and treatment our study will help to achieve a targeted dietary modulation of immune cell lipid bilayers.


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Maintenance of the lipid composition is important for proper function and homeostasis of the mitochondrion. In Trypanosoma brucei, the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the mitochondrial phospholipid, phosphatidylglycerol (PG), have not been studied experimentally. We now report the characterization of T. brucei phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase (TbPgps), the rate-limiting enzyme in PG formation, which was identified based on its homology to other eukaryotic Pgps. Lipid quantification and metabolic labelling experiments show that TbPgps gene knock-down results in loss of PG and a reduction of another mitochondria-specific phospholipid, cardiolipin. Using immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting of digitonin-isolated mitochondria, we show that TbPgps localizes to the mitochondrion. Moreover, reduced TbPgps expression in T. brucei procyclic forms leads to alterations in mitochondrial morphology, reduction in the amounts of respiratory complexes III and IV and, ultimately, parasite death. Using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis we demonstrate for the first time in a eukaryotic organism that TbPgps is a component of a 720 kDa protein complex, co-migrating with T. brucei cardiolipin synthase and cytochrome c1, a protein of respiratory complex III.


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The porcine skin has striking similarities to the human skin in terms of general structure, thickness, hair follicle content, pigmentation, collagen and lipid composition. This has been the basis for numerous studies using the pig as a model for wound healing, transdermal delivery, dermal toxicology, radiation and UVB effects. Considering that the skin also represents an immune organ of utmost importance for health, immune cells present in the skin of the pig will be reviewed. The focus of this review is on dendritic cells, which play a central role in the skin immune system as they serve as sentinels in the skin, which offers a large surface area exposed to the environment. Based on a literature review and original data we propose a classification of porcine dendritic cell subsets in the skin corresponding to the subsets described in the human skin. The equivalent of the human CD141(+) DC subset is CD1a(-)CD4(-)CD172a(-)CADM1(high), that of the CD1c(+) subset is CD1a(+)CD4(-)CD172a(+)CADM1(+/low), and porcine plasmacytoid dendritic cells are CD1a(-)CD4(+)CD172a(+)CADM1(-). CD209 and CD14 could represent markers of inflammatory monocyte-derived cells, either dendritic cells or macrophages. Future studies for example using transriptomic analysis of sorted populations are required to confirm the identity of these cells.


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Transmembrane segments of polytopic membrane proteins once inserted are generally considered stably oriented due to the large free energy barrier for topological reorientation of adjacent extra-membrane domains. However, proper topology and function of the polytopic membrane protein lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli is dependent on the membrane phospholipid composition revealing topological dynamics of transmembrane domains (Bogdanov, M., Heacock, P. N., and Dowhan, W. (2002) EMBO J. 21, 2107–2116). The high affinity phenylalanine permease PheP shares many topological similarities with LacY. In this study, mutant E. coli cells lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) as a membrane component were used to evaluate the role of PE in the function and assembly of PheP. Active transport of phenylalanine by cells lacking PE was severely inhibited (both Vmax and Km were altered), whereas the PheP protein level in membranes was unaffected. Cysteine residues were introduced into predicted periplasmic or cytoplasmic segments of cysteine-less PheP, and the topology of the protein was explored using a membrane-impermeable thiol-specific biotinylated probe. Based on the biotinylation patterns of PheP in whole cells, the N-terminus and adjoining transmembrane hairpin of PheP adopted an inverted topological orientation in PE-lacking cells. Introduction of PE following the assembly of PheP triggered a reorientation of the N-terminus and adjacent hairpin to their native orientation associated with regain of wild type transport function. These results coupled with the results for LacY support a specific role for membrane lipid composition in determining topological organization and function of membrane proteins. Several other secondary symporters are compromised for activity in PE-lacking cells suggesting that lipid-assisted topogenesis is a general property of such transporters. The reversible orientation of these secondary transport proteins in response to a change of phospholipid composition might be a result of inherent conformational flexibility necessary for transport function or during protein assembly. ^


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Reconstructing ocean temperature values is a major target in paleoceanography and climate research. However, most temperature proxies are organism-based and thus suffer from an "ecological bias". Multiproxy approaches can potentially overcome this bias but typically require more investment in time and resources, while being susceptible to errors induced by sample preparation steps necessary before analysis. Three lipid-based temperature proxies are widely used: UK'37 (based on long chain alkenones from phytoplanktonic haptophytes), TEX86 [based on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) from pelagic archaea] and LDI (based on long chain diols from phytoplanktonic eustigmatophytes). So far, separate analytical methods, including gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC), have been used to determine these proxies. Here we present a sensitive method for determining all three in a single normal phase high performance LC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (NP-HPLC-APCI-MS) analysis. Each of the long chain alkenones and long chain diols was separated and unambiguously identified from the accurate masses and characteristic fragmentation during multiple stage MS analysis (MS2). Comparison of conventional GC and HPLC-MS methods showed similar results for UK'37 and LDI, respectively, using diverse environmental samples and an Emiliania huxleyi culture. Including the three sea surface temperature (SST) proxies; the NP-HPLC-APCI-MS method in fact allows simultaneous determination of nine paleoenvironmental proxies. The extent to which the ecology of the source organisms (ecological bias) influences lipid composition and thereby the reconstructed temperature values was demonstrated by applying the new method to a sediment core from the Sea of Marmara, covering the last 21 kyr BP. Reconstructed SST values differed considerably between the proxies for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the period of Sapropel S1 formation at ca. 10 kyr BP, whereas the trends during the late Holocene were similar. Changes in the composition of alkenone-producing species at the transition from the LGM to the Bølling/Allerød (B/A) were inferred from unreasonably high UK'37-derived SST values (ca. 20 °C) during the LGM. We ascribe discrepancies between the reconstructed temperature records during S1 deposition to habitat change, e.g. a different depth due to changes in nutrient availability.