988 resultados para Kruskal-Wallis tests
Purpose: To evaluate the antibacterial effect of different chlorhexidine (CHX) concentrations against Streptococcus mutans using the agar-diffusion method with and without human dentin discs placed between the bacteria and the test substances. Methods: For the direct application (agar-well technique), a base layer containing 15 mL of BHI agar and 300 mu L. of S. mutans inoculum (10(9) cfu/mL) was prepared in Petri dishes. Six wells per dish were made at equidistant points and immediately filled with CHX gels (0.12%, 0.2%, 1% and 2%), 35% phosphoric acid and pure natrosol (n=6 wells/substance). Paper discs soaked in sterile distilled water served as control group (n=6). For the indirect application (transdentinal diffusion), 0.2 mm- and 0.5 mm-thick human dentin discs (36 discs/thickness) had the hydraulic conductance determined, which allowed the homogeneous allocation of them to the experimental and control groups. The discs were placed at equidistant points on the Petri dishes containing BHI with the S. mutans inoculum (six discs per dish; one per substance) with the pulpal side in contact with the bacteria. In the discs treated with CHX gels, dentin surface was etched with H(3)PO(4) and rinsed with distilled water before CHX gel application for 1 minute. After both direct and indirect application, the dishes were incubated for 24 hours and the bacterial growth inhibition zones formed around the wells and dentin discs were measured. Data were analyzed statistically by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests at 5% significance level. Results: In the direct test, all CHX concentrations presented a dose-dependent antibacterial activity against S. mutans. In the indirect test, there were statistically significant differences (P< 0.05) among all groups and the largest microbial growth inhibition zones were observed when 2% CHX was applied on 0.2 mm-thick discs (P< 0.05). It was concluded that all evaluated CHX gels exhibited both direct and transdentinal antibacterial activity against S. mutans. This effect of CHX was strongly influenced by the CHX concentration as well as the dentin barrier thickness. (Am J Dent 2010;23:255-259).
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sealing ability of AH Plus, Epiphany, Acroseal, Endofill, and Polifil after active lateral condensation technique, by using a bacterial test, during 64 days. Study design. One hundred bovine incisors were cleaned and shaped; then they were filled with the endodontic sealers and adapted into a microcentrifuge tube. The setup root/microcentrifuge tube was added to glass flasks containing Brain Heart Infusion broth. A culture of Enterococcus faecalis was inserted into the upper chamber of each assembly. Daily leakage was evaluated through the broth turbidity. Results. The results were submitted to statistical analysis (Kaplan-Meier method, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests). Conclusions. AH Plus and Endofill had the worst sealing ability when compared with Polifil, which showed the least leakage. Acroseal and Epiphany showed a tendency toward having an intermediate behavior; however, there was no significant difference among Acroseal, Epiphany, and the other sealers. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e56-e60)
Purpose: To verify the influence of cavity access diameter on demineralized dentin removal in the ART approach. Methods: 40 non-carious human premolars were randomly divided into four groups. The occlusal surface was ground flat and the teeth were sectioned mesio-distally. The hemi-sections were reassembled and occlusal access preparations were carried out using ball-shaped diamonds. The resulting size of the occlusal opening was 1.0 mm, 1.4 mm, 1.6 mm and 1.8 mm for Groups A, B, C, and D, respectively. Standardized artificial carious lesions were created and demineralized dentin was excavated. After excavation, the cavities were analyzed using: (a) the tactile method, (b) caries-detection dye to stain demineralized dentin, as proposed by Smales & Fang, and (c) Demineralized Tissue Removal index, as proposed in this study. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher, Spearman correlation coefficient, kappa, Kruskal-Wallis and Miller tests (P < 0.05). Results: The three methods of evaluation showed no significant difference between Groups A vs. B, and C vs. D, while statistically significant differences were observed between Groups A vs. C, A vs. D, B vs. C and B vs. D. Based on the results of this study, the size of occlusal access significantly affected the efficacy of demineralized tissue removal.
Background: There are no reported studies comparing different parameter settings of the CO(2) laser and irradiation direction considering their effect on the morphology of radicular dentine surface. Purpose: To evaluate the alterations of radicular dentine (cervical, middle, and apical thirds) irradiated with CO(2) laser at different potencies and irradiation directions. Study Design: Roots of 35 canines were prepared and randomly distributed according to the laser potency: GI: no laser treatment (control) (n = 5); GII, 2 W (n = 10); GIII: 4 W (n = 10); GIV: 6 W (n = 10). Each group (excepting GI) was divided in two subgroups according to the irradiation distance (n = 5): (A) parallel and (B) perpendicular to the root canal walls. The roots were splited longitudinally and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in a qualiquatitative way. The scores were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests. Results: No significant statistical differences were observed among root canal thirds (P > 0.05). The specimens irradiated with 2 W were statistically different (P < 0.05) from those irradiated with 4 and 6 W, which were statistically similar between themselves (P > 0.05). With 2, 4, and 6 W at in parallel irradiation and 2 W in perpendicular direction, the surface showed a fissured aspect. With 4 W in perpendicular direction and 6 W in parallel and perpendicular direction, surface was modified by laser action and exhibited fused areas. Conclusions: The intensity of the effects is dependent on the laser-irradiation dosimetries. Alterations were more intense when higher parameters were used. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:737-743, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration of calcium ions and smear layer removal by using root canal chelators according to flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and scanning electron microscopy. Forty-two human maxillary central incisors were irrigated with 15% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 10% citric acid, 10% sodium citrate, apple vinegar, 5% acetic acid, 5% malic acid, and sodium hypochlorite. The concentration of calcium ions was measured by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, and smear layer removal was determined by scanning electron microscopy. Mean +/- standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, Tukey-Kramer, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, and kappa tests were used for statistical analysis. The use of 15% EDTA resulted in the greatest concentration of calcium ions followed by 10% citric acid; 15% EDTA and 10% citric acid were the most efficient solutions for removal of smear layer. (J Endod 2009;35:727-730)
Background: The topographical features of intraradicular dentine pretreated with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) followed by diode laser irradiation have not yet been determined. Purpose: To evaluate the alterations of dentine irradiated with 980-nm diode laser at different parameters after the surface treatment with NaOCl and EDTA. Study design: Roots of 60 canines were biomechanically prepared and irrigated with NaOCl or EDTA. Groups were divided according to the laser parameters: 1.5 W/CW; 1.5 W/100 Hz; 3.0 W/CW; 3.0 W/100 Hz and no irradiation (control). The roots were splited longitudinally and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in a quali-quatitative way. The scores were submitted to two-way Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests. Results: The statistical analysis demonstrated that the specimens treated only with NaOCl or EDTA (control groups) were statistically different (P < 0.05) from the laser-irradiated specimens, regardless of the parameter setting. The specimens treated with NaOCl showed a laser-modified surface with smear layer, fissures, and no visible tubules. Those treated with EDTA and irradiated by laser presented absence of smear layer, tubules partially exposed and melting areas. Conclusions: The tested parameters of 980-nm diode laser promoted similar alterations on dentine morphology, dependent to the type of surface pretreatment. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:22-27, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
P>Aim To evaluate by 3D profilometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Sealer 26 placed in root-end cavities with direct vision or under an optical microscope. Methodology The root ends of 52 root filled canine teeth were filled with MTA or Sealer 26 under direct vision or optical microscope (n = 13). In each group, eight specimens were analysed by profilometry for measurement of the area and depth of gaps. In the other five specimens, gap area was measured using SEM to verify marginal adaptation and surface characteristic. Data were analysed by parametric (anova and Tukey) and non-parametric (Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn) tests. Results The assessment of the adaptation of both materials to dentine was not influenced by the mode of visualization, which was confirmed by both profilometry and SEM observations. The voids measured with profilometry for Sealer 26 under direct vision were significantly wider and deeper than those for MTA under direct vision (P < 0.05). In SEM, significantly larger gap areas were observed with Sealer 26 (P < 0.05). Conclusion Root-end cavities filled with MTA had smaller gaps and better marginal adaptation than Sealer 26.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between locus of control and knowledge, attitude and practice regarding pill and condom use among university students. METHODS: The inquiry was developed in Campinas, a city in Southeastern Brazil, in 2006. A total of 295 adolescent newcomers to a public university answered a structured questionnaire and Levenson's multidimensional locus of control scale. The scores of the dimensions of locus of control were calculated and Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to assess their correlation with knowledge and practice concerning pill and condom use. In order to assess the relationship between the dimensions of locus of control and sociodemographic variables and variables related to the individuals' sex life, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used. RESULTS: Male adolescents had higher scores of powerful others externality when compared to female adolescents (p=0.01). Students living alone had lower internality (p=0.01). When locus of control was compared to condom use in the first intercourse, considering only the 102 students who informed the age of the beginning of sexual activity, greater internality was found among male adolescents who did not use condoms (p<0.05). When the locus of control scores were correlated with contraceptive knowledge and practice, it was found that the higher the powerful others externality locus, the lower the adequate use of contraceptive methods (r = -0.22, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: The powerful others externality locus influences the practice of contraceptive use in this group of adolescents.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of edentulism and estimate the prevalence of functional dentition and shortened dental arch among elderly population. METHODS: A population-based epidemiological study was carried out with a sample of 5,349 respondents aged 65 to 74 years obtained from the 2002 and 2003 Brazilian Ministry of Health/Division of Oral Health survey database. The following variables were studied: gender; macroregion of residence; missing teeth; percentage that met the World Health Organization goal for oral health in the age group 65 to 74 years (50% having at least 20 natural teeth); presence of shortened dental arch; number of posterior occluding pairs of teeth. The Chi-square test assessed the association between categorical variables. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to assess differences of mean between number of posterior occluding pairs teeth, macro-region and gender. RESULTS: The elderly population had an average of 5.49 teeth (SD: 7.93) with a median of 0. The proportion of completely edentulous respondents was 54.7%. Complete edentulism was 18.2% in the upper arch and 1.9% in the lower arch. The World Health Organization goal was achieved in 10% of all respondents studied. However, only 2.7% had acceptable masticatory function and aesthetics (having at least shortened dental arch) and a mean number of posterior occluding pairs of 6.94 (SD=2.97). There were significant differences of the percentage of respondents that met the World Health Organization goal and presence of shortened dental arch between men and women. There were differences in shortened dental arch between macroregions. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian epidemiological oral health survey showed high rate of edentulism and low rate of shortened dental arch in the elderly population studied, thus suggesting significant functional and aesthetic impairment in all Brazilian macroregions especially among women.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the waiting time for radiotherapy for patients with cervical cancer. METHODS This descriptive study was conducted with 342 cervical cancer cases that were referred to primary radiotherapy, in the Baixada Fluminense region, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, from October 1995 to August 2010. The waiting time was calculated using the recommended 60-day deadline as a parameter to obtaining the first cancer treatment and considering the date at which the diagnosis was confirmed, the date of first oncological consultation and date when the radiotherapy began. Median and proportional comparisons were made using the Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square tests. RESULTS Most of the women (72.2%) began their radiotherapy within 60 days from the diagnostic confirmation date. The median of this total waiting time was 41 days. This median worsened over the time period, going from 11 days (1995-1996) to 64 days (2009-2010). The median interval between the diagnostic confirmation and the first oncological consultation was 33 days, and between the first oncological consultation and the first radiotherapy session was four days. The median waiting time differed significantly (p = 0.003) according to different stages of the tumor, reaching 56 days, 35 days and 30 days for women whose cancers were classified up to IIA; from IIB to IIIB, and IVA-IVB, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Despite most of the women having had access to radiotherapy within the recommended 60 days, the implementation of procedures to define the stage of the tumor and to reestablish clinical conditions took a large part of this time, showing that at least one of these intervals needs to be improved. Even though the waiting times were ideal for all patients, the most advanced cases were quickly treated, which suggests that access to radiotherapy by women with cervical cancer has been reached with equity.
Introdução – A perceção dos alunos acerca dos diferentes graus de Maitland quando estão a aprender a mobilizar a coluna vertebral não são conhecidas, no entanto esta informação ajudaria no desenvolvimento de estratégias de ensino/aprendizagem para que a sua aplicação seja segura e eficaz. Objetivo - Comparar a perceção dos diferentes graus na realização do movimento postero-anterior central, entre alunos e fisioterapeutas e alunos entre si. Métodos – No presente estudo observacional, analítico transversal, participaram 29 estudantes, divididos em três subgrupos, GA2 (n= 8); GA3 (n = 10) e GA4 (n = 11) e 12 fisioterapeutas. Todos os participantes realizaram num indivíduo assintomático, 5 oscilações, de cada grau, no segmento de L3. Para a recolha dos dados foi utilizado o sistema BioPlux research e para a sua análise o Software Acqknowledge, versão 3,9. O teste de Man-Whitney foi utilizado para determinar as diferenças entre alunos e fisioterapeutas na força, ritmo e amplitude dos 4 graus, e o teste Kruskal Wallis, para comparar os alunos dos diferentes anos, seguido dos testes Post Hoc de Dunn para analisar as variáveis amplitude e força entre os subgrupos. Resultados – Apenas se verificaram diferenças estatísticas entre os alunos e fisioterapeutas no que diz respeito à força na realização do grau IV (p=0,045) e entre os grupos GA2 e GA4 quanto à amplitude executada no grau I (p=0.018) e II (p=0.037) e na força aplicada no grau I (p=0.02) e III (p=0.031), nos quais os alunos do 2º ano realizaram menor amplitude e força que os do 4º ano. Conclusão -Verificaram-se diferenças na perceção da força no grau IV entre alunos e fisioterapeutas. Os alunos do 2º e 4º anos diferem entre si nos graus I e II quanto à amplitude e nos graus I e III quanto à força.
RESUMO: O acelerado processo de envelhecimento da população portuguesa apresentando taxa negativa de crescimento (OCDE, 2013) corrobora para o surgimento de doença crónicas e incapacitantes que, por conseguinte, pode levar os idosos a apresentar dificuldades na deglutição. Alguns instrumentos de despiste das dificuldades de deglutição estão surgindo ao longo dos últimos anos facilitando o rastreio rápido dessas dificuldades. Objectivo: Este trabalho teve como objectivos de estudo caracterizar uma população de idosos institucionalizados e utentes de centro de dia quantos aos seus dados sócio demográficos, deglutição e a linguagem, bem como contribuir para a validação da versão portuguesa do P-EAT-10. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo do tipo descritivo, transversal, analítico-correlacional com abordagem quantitativa, onde foi feito um levantamento dos dados sociodemográficos e das condições de saúde de 30 idosos institucionalizados e utentes de centro de dia, de ambos os sexos e com idades acima dos 64 anos. Foram aplicados instrumentos para verificar a percepção do estado de saúde (EQ-5D), o estado cognitivo (MMSE), o estado de depressão (EDP), o grau de dependência (IB), a deglutição (P-EAT-10 e 3OZ Wst), a linguagem (TN e TT). Algumas hipóteses foram levantadas e para estudálas utilizamos testes não-paramétricos (U de Mann Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis e Correlação de Spearman, p<0,05). Resultados: Observou-se que os idosos do sexo feminino é maioria (72,7%) na população estudada. Os idosos com mais de 84 anos apresentaram maior percentagem de deficit cognitivo e sinais depressivos. Quanto a deglutição a maioria dos idosos tem percepção das dificuldades de deglutição. Verificou-se haver relação significativa entre o score do P-EAT-10 e o score do 3OZwst (p= 0,016), assim como também entre as habilitações literárias, as morbilidades e a linguagem (nomeação, p<0,047). Conclusão: Nosso estudo levou-nos a concluir a necessidade de testes de rastreio para as dificuldades da deglutição para a população em estudo, sendo o P-EAT-10 um bom instrumento e que associado a outros instrumentos de avaliação podem ajudar na prevenção das dificuldades de deglutição/ disfagia.---------------ABSTRACT:The accelerated aging of the Portuguese population showed a negative growth rate (OECD, 2013) corroborates the emergence of chronic and disabling diseases. Therefore, can lead seniors have difficulty in swallowing. Some screening instruments of swallowing difficulties are emerging over the last few years facilitating rapid screening of these difficulties. Methods: We conducted a descriptive study, crosssectional,correlational with quantitative analytical approach, where a survey was made of sociodemographic and health status of 30 institutionalized elderly and users of the day center, of both sexes and ages above 64 years. Instruments were applied to verify the perception of health status (EQ-5D), cognitive status (MMSE), the severity of depression (EDP), the degree of dependence (IB), swallowing (P-EAT-10:03 OZ Wst), and language (TN and TT). Some hypotheses were to study them and used nonparametric tests (Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation, p <0.05). Results: It was observed that the elderly female is majority (72.7%) in the study population. Elderly patients over 84 years were mainly cognitive deficits and depressive signs. As for swallowing most seniors have perceptions of swallowing difficulties. Found to be no significant relationship between the score of the P-EAT-10 score and the 3OZwst (p = 0.016), as well as between educational attainment, the morbidities and language (naming, p <0.047). Conclusion: Our study led us to conclude the need for screening tests for swallowing difficulties for the population being studied, and the PEAT-10 a good instrument and associated with other assessment tools can help to prevent difficulties swallowing / dysphagia.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a carga dos cuidadores de doentes com Esquizofrenia e avaliar a correlação com determinadas características demográficas dos doentes e dos cuidadores, assim como com o nível de emoção expressa na família. Métodos: Este estudo descritivo-analítico foi realizado em 172 doentes com Esquizofrenia e seus cuidadores primários, que foram selecionados em ambulatório, a partir da consulta externa do Hospital Psiquiátrico em Teerão, no Irão, mediante uma amostra de conveniência. Os cuidadores foram entrevistados utilizando as escalas Zarit Burden Interview e Family Questionnaire, de forma a avaliar a sobrecarga sentida pelos cuidadores e o nível de emoção expressa na família, respectivamente. Os dados foram analisados por meio de testes de Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, e Spearman. Resultados: O nível de sobrecarga vivenciada pela maioria dos cuidadores primários foi moderada a grave. A pontuação obtida nas sub-escalas de comentários emocionais, envolvimento excessivo e comentários críticos foram maiores do que o ponto de corte em 51,7% e 64,5% dos cuidadores, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que as pontuações obtidas nas duas subescalas do questionário família tinham uma correlação significativa e direta com a carga experimentada pelos cuidadores. O nível de carga experimentada pelos cuidadores foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos de idade e estado civil dos cuidadores, e género, status ocupacional e estado civil dos doentes. O número de membros da família, as condições 5 de alojamento, o tempo gasto pelo cuidador com o paciente diariamente, o nível de renda familiar e a duração da doença afetaram significativamente o nível de carga experimentada pelo cuidador. Conclusão: Com base nos resultados, alguns fatores demográficos dos cuidadores, pacientes e seus familiares afetam significativamente a carga experimentada pelos cuidadores primários. A maioria das famílias dos pacientes têm alto nível de emoção expressa e existe uma significativa associação direta entre as emoções expressas e a carga experimentada.------------ABSTRACT: Aim: This study aimed to assess the burden experienced by the caregiver of patients with Schizophrenia, and evaluate its correlation with some demographic characteristics of patients, their caregivers, and the level of expressed emotion in the family. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 172 schizophrenic patients and their primary caregivers selected from the outpatient clinic of a mental hospital in Tehran, Iran using convenience sampling. Caregivers were evaluated with Zarit Burden Interview and Family Questionnaire to assess the burden experienced by the caregivers and the level of expressed emotion in the family, respectively. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Spearman’s tests. Results: The level of burden experienced by the majority of primary caregivers was moderate to severe. The scores obtained in the subscales of emotional over-involvement and critical comments were higher than the cutoff point in 51.7% and 64.5% of caregivers respectively. The results showed that the scores obtained in the two subscales of family questionnaire had a significant, direct correlation with the burden experienced by the caregivers. The level of burden experienced by the caregivers was significantly different between the subgroups of age and marital status of the caregivers, and gender, occupational status and marital status of the patients. Number of family members, home ownership status, time spent by the caregiver with the patient daily, level of family income and duration of disorder significantly affected the level of burden experienced by the caregiver. Conclusion: Based on the results, some demographic factors of the primary caregivers, patients and their family significantly affect the burden experienced by the primary caregivers. Most of the families of patients have high expressed emotions and a significant, direct association exists between the expressed emotions and the burden experienced.
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the degree of disability, pain levels, muscle strength, and electromyographic function (RMS) in individuals with leprosy. METHODS: We assessed 29 individuals with leprosy showing common peroneal nerve damage and grade 1 or 2 disability who were referred for physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as a control group of 19 healthy participants without leprosy. All subjects underwent analyses of degree of disability, electromyographic tests, voluntary muscle force, and the Visual Analog Pain Scale. RESULTS: McNemar's test found higher levels of grade 2 of disability (Δ = 75.9%; p = 0.0001) among individuals with leprosy. The Mann-Whitney test showed greater pain levels (Δ = 5.0; p = 0.0001) in patients with leprosy who had less extension strength in the right and left extensor hallucis longus muscles (Δ = 1.28, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.55, p = 0.0001, respectively) and dorsiflexion of the right and left feet (Δ = 1.24, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.45, p = 0.0001, respectively) than control subjects. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the RMS score for dorsiflexion of the right (Δ = 181.66 m·s-2, p = 0.001) and left (Δ = 102.57m·s-2, p = 0.002) feet was lower in patients with leprosy than in control subjects, but intragroup comparisons showed no difference. CONCLUSIONS: Leprosy had a negative influence on all of the study variables, indicating the need for immediate physiotherapeutic intervention in individuals with leprosy. This investigation opens perspectives for future studies that analyze leprosy treatment with physical therapeutic intervention.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate in vitro the color stability of composite resins when exposed to beverages with high coloring contents from the Amazon region. 240 samples from four different composite brands (Natural Look, Z350, 4Seasons and Opallis) of hue A3 were fabricated using an acrylic matrix. The samples were stored in distilled water at 37ºC for 24 hours. The initial color (T0) was registered using a Canon EOS Rebel XTi 10 mp camera, and then the samples were divided into four groups (n=15): G1 (coffee), G2 (açaí juice), G3 (energetic guaraná) and G4 (control - distilled water). The samples were exposed to solutions of DES (6hs) and RE (18hs) and placed in a double boiler under constant agitation, at 37ºC for 30 days. The samples were immersed in the coloring solutions for 15 minutes daily. After 7, 15 and 30 days, new photographic registers were made (T1, T2 and T3). The images were analyzed using Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12 software to identify the colors through the HSB system. The Kruskal-Wallis and t tests (p<0.05) demonstrated significant differences in color (hue, saturation and brightness). The results revealed that none of the tested composites showed color stability when exposed to coloring solutions, and that the Amazon region beverages (açaí juice and energetic guaraná) showed to be less coloring than coffee.