363 resultados para Kirkstall Abbey.


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As the first anthology of UQP's indigenous-authored books, Fresh Cuttings represents the very best of fiction and poetry publishing from UQP's Black Australian Writing series. An introduction by the editors and a biography of each author is included.


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AIM: This systematic review investigated the prescription, administration and effectiveness of oral liquid nutritional supplements (OLNS) for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities (RACF). METHODS: A comprehensive search of relevant databases, hand searching and cross-referencing found 15 relevant articles from a total of 2910 possible results. Articles which met the inclusion criteria were critically appraised by two independent reviewers using the relevant Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) appraisal checklist. Data were extracted using the relevant JBI extraction instruments. No data synthesis was possible due to clinical and methodological heterogeneity. RESULTS: Included studies examined a range of strategies, issues and results related to OLNS for persons with dementia in RACFs; however there appear to be significant gaps in the current body of research, particularly in relation to examinations of effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: This review was unable to produce a definitive finding regarding effectiveness. OLNS may improve the nutritional state of residents with dementia and help prevent weight loss, and there is some suggestion that it may slow the rate of cognitive decline. However, in order for OLNS to be effective, nursing and care staff need to ensure that sufficient attention is paid to the issues of prescription and administration.


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Tutkimus käsittelee hyvinvointiin liittyviä ihanteita yksilön ja yhteisön näkökulmasta Syon Abbeyn birgittalaisluostarissa myöhäiskeskiajalla. Vuonna 1415 perustettu Syon Abbey kuului Englannin varakkaimpien luostarien joukkoon. Se noudatti Birgitan (1302/1303–1373) luostarisääntöä (Regula Salvatoris) ja oli säännön mukaisesti kaksoisluostari, jossa eli nunnien lisäksi myös veljiä. Tutkimuksen päälähteinä käytetään Birgitan sääntöä täydentäviä Syon Abbeyn luostaria varten kirjoitettuja sääntölisäyksiä sekä kahta nunnia varten laadittua hengellistä opaskirjaa. Hyvinvointiin liittyvät ihanteet on tässä tutkimuksessa jaoteltu fyysiseen, sosiaaliseen ja henkis-hengelliseen osa-alueeseen. Fyysisen hyvinvoinnin osalta tarkastellaan luostarin omaisuutta ja työnjakoa sekä ravintoon, vaatetukseen ja terveyteen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Varakkaana luostarina Syon Abbey kykeni tarjoamaan asukkailleen tasokkaat elinolosuhteet. Luostaria johti abbedissa, joka jakoi harkintansa mukaan työtehtävät muille luostarin asukkaille. Nunnien vastuu luostarin talouden ja arkielämän järjestämisessä oli suuri. Veljien vastuulla oli sakramenttien toimittaminen, saarnaaminen ja hengellinen ohjaus. Monilla Syon Abbeyn asukkailla oli aristokraattinen syntyperä, ja tottumus korkeaan elintasoon näkyi muun muassa ruokahankinnoissa kalliina mausteina ja muina ylellisyystuotteina, vaikka ihanteena olikin kohtuullisuus. Fyysisiin tarpeisiin liittyviä säädöksiä perusteltiin terveellisyydellä ja tarkoituksenmukaisuudella. Nunnien henkinen työ edellytti, että he olivat hyvin ravittuja ja terveitä. Vaatetuksen tuli olla yhtenäinen, millä osoitettiin toisaalta yhteenkuuluvuutta, toisaalta erottauduttiin muista sääntökunnista ja maallikoista. Sosiaalinen hyvinvointi liittyy yksittäisen nunnan asemaan yhteisössä ja siihen, miten nunnien (sekä nunnien ja veljien) välistä kommunikaatiota säädeltiin. Lähteet osoittavat, että yhteisöelämän sujuvuutta pidettiin Syon Abbeyssä tärkeänä. Pahan puhuminen, toisten loukkaaminen, juoruilu, ylempien uhmaaminen ja puhuminen hiljaisuusaikoina oli kielletty. Toisia piti kohdella kunnioittavasti ja ystävällisesti, mutta kommunikointi olisi pitänyt rajoittaa välttämättömään. Kieltojen ja määräysten runsaslukuisuus nimenomaan kommunikointiin liittyen kertonee siitä, että näitä sääntöjä ei aina noudatettu. Erityisen tiukasti kontrolloitiin nunnien ja veljien keskinäistä yhteydenpitoa. Henkinen ja hengellinen hyvinvointi liittyy luostarin varsinaiseen tehtävään. Syon Abbeyllä oli maine oppineisuuden keskuksena. Kirjallisuuden rooli luostarin elämänihanteiden luojana oli merkittävä ja sen tarkoitus oli auttaa nunnia hoitamaan hyvin tärkeintä tehtäväänsä, yhteisten hetkipalvelusten toimittamista. Veljet ja ulkopuoliset käänsivät Syon Abbeyn nunnille kirjoja englanniksi, joten myös latinaa taitamattomilla oli mahdollisuus hankkia teologista tietämystä ja ymmärtää hetkipalvelusten sisältöä. Suuri kirjasto takasi hyvät lähtökohdat opiskelulle varsinkin, kun huomioidaan, että naisten mahdollisuudet saada opillista sivistystä olivat keskiajalla rajalliset. Yksilön hengellisen elämän tukeminen palveli yhteisöä, koska luostarin hengellinen työ nähtiin konkreettisena taisteluna pahaa vastaan. Vaikka luostari-ihanteet perusteltiin Syon Abbeyssä hengellisesti, myös maallisista tarpeista huolehdittiin, koska ne loppujen lopuksi palvelivat hengellisiä päämääriä.


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Stem cells in cell based therapy for cardiac injury is being potentially considered. However, genetic regulatory networks involved in cardiac differentiation are not clearly understood. Among stem cell differentiation models, mouse P19 embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, are employed for studying (epi)genetic regulation of cardiomyocyte differentiation. Here, we comprehensively assessed cardiogenic differentiation potential of 5-azacytidine (Aza) on P19 EC-cells, associated gene expression profiles and the changes in DNA methylation, histone acetylation and activated-ERK signaling status during differentiation. Initial exposure of Aza to cultured EC-cells leads to an efficient (55%) differentiation to cardiomyocyte-rich embryoid bodies with a threefold (16.8%) increase in the cTnI(+) cardiomyocytes. Expression levels of cardiac-specific gene markers i.e., Isl-1, BMP-2, GATA-4, and alpha-MHC were up-regulated following Aza induction, accompanied by differential changes in their methylation status particularly that of BMP-2 and alpha-MHC. Additionally, increases in the levels of acetylated-H3 and pERK were observed during Aza-induced cardiac differentiation. These studies demonstrate that Aza is a potent cardiac inducer when treated during the initial phase of differentiation of mouse P19 EC-cells and its effect is brought about epigenetically and co-ordinatedly by hypo-methylation and histone acetylation-mediated hyper-expression of cardiogenesis-associated genes and involving activation of ERK signaling.


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Resumen: El papel relevante desempeñado por la mujer en la abadía real de Fontevraud y en el monasterio de Vega del Cea –priorato de aquellafue ¿síntoma o consecuencia? de un descubrimiento de la mujer en aquel siglo XII, pletórico de novedades, de raptos místicos, de nuevas formas de acercarse a la divinidad y de consecuentes reformas religiosas. En este trabajo esbozo algunas líneas interpretativas acerca de la hegemonía de la mujer sobre el hombre, superioridad que se hizo palpable en los dos cenobios estudiados, ejemplos de mutaciones que fueron interpretadas de forma desigual por los contemporáneos y por aquellos que más tarde abordaron el tema.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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This paper describes part of the monitoring undertaken at Abbey Mills shaft F, one of the main shafts of Thames Water's Lee tunnel project in London, UK. This shaft, with an external diameter of 30 m and 73 m deep, is one of the largest ever constructed in the UK and consequently penetrates layered and challenging ground conditions (Terrace Gravel, London Clay, Lambeth Group, Thanet Sand Formation, Chalk Formation). Three out of the twenty 1-2 m thick and 84 m deep diaphragm wall panels were equipped with fibre optic instrumentation. Bending and circumferential hoop strains were measured using Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry and analysis technologies. These measurements showed that the overall radial movement of the wall was very small. Prior to excavation during a dewatering trial, the shaft may have experienced three-dimensional deformation due to differential water pressures. During excavation, the measured hoop and bending strains of the wall in the chalk exceeded the predictions. This appears to be related to the verticality tolerances of the diaphragm wall and lower circumferential hoop stiffness of the diaphragm walls at deep depths. The findings from this case study provide valuable information for future deep shafts in London. © ICE Publishing: All rights reserved.


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Context : Stress fractures are one of the most common injuries in sports, accounting for approximately 10% of all overuse injuries. Treatment of fifth metatarsal stress fractures involves both surgical and nonsurgical interventions. Fifth metatarsal stress fractures are difficult to treat because of the risks of delayed union, nonunion, and recurrent injuries. Most of these injuries occur during agility tasks, such as those performed in soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. Objective : To examine the effect of a rigid carbon graphite footplate on plantar loading during 2 agility tasks. Design :  Crossover study. Setting : Laboratory. Patients or Other Participants : A total of 19 recreational male athletes with no history of lower extremity injury in the past 6 months and no previous metatarsal stress fractures were tested. Main Outcome Measure(s) :  Seven 45° side-cut and crossover-cut tasks were completed in a shoe with or without a full-length rigid carbon plate. Testing order between the shoe conditions and the 2 cutting tasks was randomized. Plantar-loading data were recorded using instrumented insoles. Peak pressure, maximum force, force-time integral, and contact area beneath the total foot, the medial and lateral midfoot, and the medial, middle, and lateral forefoot were analyzed. A series of paired t tests was used to examine differences between the footwear conditions (carbon graphite footplate, shod) for both cutting tasks independently (α = .05). Results : During the side-cut task, the footplate increased total foot and lateral midfoot peak pressures while decreasing contact area and lateral midfoot force-time integral. During the crossover-cut task, the footplate increased total foot and lateral midfoot peak pressure and lateral forefoot force-time integral while decreasing total and lateral forefoot contact area. Conclusions : Although a rigid carbon graphite footplate altered some aspects of the plantar- pressure profile during cutting in uninjured participants, it was ineffective in reducing plantar loading beneath the fifth metatarsal.


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In this paper I look at texts from the Romantic Period which strategically employ elements of the Gothic genre in what I describe as a `marginal` relationship with the Gothic canon. My intention is both to explore the way the boundaries of the genre might be extended, and to cast fresh light on some of the texts discussed, specifically in relation to the ways in which the `monstrous` is perceived and portrayed as villainy. In the first half of the paper, using Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry on the Sublime and the Beautiful as a starting point, I consider Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, Godwin’s Caleb Williams, Radcliffe’s The Italian, and Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell as all in various ways examples of `marginal Gothic` that present evil doing as monstrous aberrations, also noting the contemporary reception of Beckford’s Vathek, praised in 1786 for its `accuracy and credibility`. In addition, I suggest that Wordsworth’s `Tintern Abbey` and Book VI of The Prelude provide evidence of marginal, but significant, Gothic influence that references Radcliffe’s and Burke’s explorations of a terror of the unknown. In the second half of the paper I focus on Scott’s Guy Mannering, or The Astrologer (1815) as an important example of a `marginal` Gothic novel. Scott’s reference to Vathek at a key point in his plot suggests that he had read Beckford’s novel as entirely `Gothic`. This discussion incorporates a comparison between Mannering’s youthful enthusiasm for astrological divination, and themes to be found in Shelley’s Frankenstein, notably with respect to the nature of Victor Frankenstein’s response to `old` and `new` science and medicine, and to the creation and control of Gothic monstrosity. In these and in other instances, it will be argued that the `marginal Gothic` of Scott’s novel may be read as a precursor to Shelley’s work. [From the Author]


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