931 resultados para Kinect V2 One Tracking Body C


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L’obiettivo della presente tesi è evidenziare l’importanza dell’approccio critico alla valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edifici in muratura e misti Il contributo della tesi sottolinea i diversi risultati ottenuti nella modellazione di tre edifici esistenti ed uno ipotetico usando due diversi programmi basati sul modello del telaio equivalente. La modellazione delle diverse ipotesi di vincolamento ed estensione delle zone rigide ha richiesto la formulazione di quattro modelli di calcolo in Aedes PCM ed un modello in 3muri. I dati ottenuti sono stati confrontati, inoltre, con l’analisi semplificata speditiva per la valutazione della vulnerabilità a scala territoriale prevista nelle “Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del Patrimonio Culturale”. Si può notare che i valori ottenuti sono piuttosto diversi e che la variabilità aumenta nel caso di edifici non regolari, inoltre le evidenze legate ai danni realmente rilevati sugli edifici mostrano un profondo iato tra la previsione di danno ottenuta tramite calcolatore e le lesioni rilevate; questo costituisce un campanello d’allarme nei confronti di un approccio acritico nei confronti del mero dato numerico ed un richiamo all’importanza del processo conoscitivo. I casi di studio analizzati sono stati scelti in funzione delle caratteristiche seguenti: il primo è una struttura semplice e simmetrica nelle due direzioni che ha avuto la funzione di permettere di testare in modo controllato le ipotesi di base. Gli altri sono edifici reali: il Padiglione Morselli è un edificio in muratura a pianta a forma di C, regolare in pianta ed in elevazione solamente per quanto concerne la direzione y: questo ha permesso di raffrontare il diverso comportamento dei modelli di calcolo nelle sue direzioni; il liceo Marconi è un edificio misto in cui elementi in conglomerato cementizio armato affiancano le pareti portanti in muratura, che presenta un piano di copertura piuttosto irregolare; il Corpo 4 dell’Ospedale di Castelfranco Emilia è un edificio in muratura, a pianta regolare che presenta le medesime irregolarità nel piano sommitale del precedente. I dati ottenuti hanno dimostrato un buon accordo per la quantificazione dell’indice di sicurezza per i modelli regolari e semplici con uno scarto di circa il 30% mentre il delta si incrementa per le strutture irregolari, in particolare quando le pareti portanti in muratura vengono sostituite da elementi puntuali nei piani di copertura arrivando a valori massimi del 60%. I confronti sono stati estesi per le tre strutture anche alla modellazione proposta dalle Linee Guida per la valutazione dell’indice di sicurezza sismica a scala territoriale LV1 mostrando differenze nell’ordine del 30% per il Padiglione Morselli e del 50% per il Liceo Marconi; il metodo semplificato risulta correttamente cautelativo. È, quindi, possibile affermare che tanto più gli edifici si mostrano regolari in riferimento a masse e rigidezze, tanto più la modellazione a telaio equivalente restituisce valori in accordo tra i programmi e di più immediata comprensione. Questa evidenza può essere estesa ad altri casi reali divenendo un vero e proprio criterio operativo che consiglia la suddivisione degli edifici esistenti in muratura, solitamente molto complessi poiché frutto di successive stratificazioni, in parti più semplici, ricorrendo alle informazioni acquisite attraverso il percorso della conoscenza che diviene in questo modo uno strumento utile e vitale. La complessità dell’edificato storico deve necessariamente essere approcciata in una maniera più semplice identificando sub unità regolari per percorso dei carichi, epoca e tecnologia costruttiva e comportamento strutturale dimostrato nel corso del tempo che siano più semplici da studiare. Una chiara comprensione del comportamento delle strutture permette di agire mediante interventi puntuali e meno invasivi, rispettosi dell’esistente riconducendo, ancora una volta, l’intervento di consolidamento ai principi propri del restauro che includono i principi di minimo intervento, di riconoscibilità dello stesso, di rispetto dei materiali esistenti e l’uso di nuovi compatibili con i precedenti. Il percorso della conoscenza diviene in questo modo la chiave per liberare la complessità degli edifici storici esistenti trasformando un mero tecnicismo in una concreta operazione culturale . Il presente percorso di dottorato è stato svolto in collaborazione tra l’Università di Parma, DICATeA e lo Studio di Ingegneria Melegari mediante un percorso di Apprendistato in Alta Formazione e Ricerca.


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Bailey D. and Berkeley N. Regional responses to recession: the role of the West Midlands Regional Taskforce, Regional Studies. Regional taskforces were set up across the English regions in late 2008 in response to the most severe recession since the Second World War. This paper examines the role of one such body, the West Midlands Regional Taskforce, as an example of regional response to recession, and offers potential lessons for the future in dealing with such situations. In so doing it reflects on the contested concept of regional 'resilience' and its relevance for policy actions at the regional level. Understanding how the region responded in this way could help in maintaining a 'permanent capacity' to deal with shocks, especially in the context of the abolition of regional development agencies (RDAs) in England from 2012 and their replacement with local enterprise partnerships (LEPs). © 2014 © 2014 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.


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Environ 90% des composés produits industriellement sont fabriqués à l’aide de catalyseurs. C’est pourquoi la conception de catalyseurs toujours plus performants pour améliorer les procédés industriels actuels est toujours d’intérêt. De la grande variété de complexes avec des métaux de transition rapportés jusqu’à présent, les complexes zwitterioniques attirent notre attention par leurs activités catalytiques souvent supérieures aux complexes cationiques normaux. Un complexe métallique zwitterionique est un fragment métal-ligand neutre où la charge positive est située sur le centre métallique et où la charge négative est délocalisée sur un des ligands liés au métal. Nous proposons la synthèse de ligands anioniques phosphine comportant des groupements borates et boratabenzènes. Cette dernière espèce est un cycle à 6 membres où l’un des atomes de carbone est remplacé par un atome de bore et qui est négativement chargé. La capacité de ces phosphines anioniques à se lier à un centre métallique à l’aide de la paire libre du phosphore est due à la nature du lien P-B qui défavorise l’interaction entre la paire libre du phosphore et l’orbitale p vide du bore. Les propriétés de di-tert-butylphosphido-boratabenzène (DTBB) comme ligand phosphine anionique hautement donneur et encombré ainsi que la découverte de ses modes de coordination inhabituels pour stabiliser les métaux de transition insaturés ont été étudiés au cours de ce travail. De nouvelles perspectives sur les modes de coordination de phosphido-boratabenzène et la force de l’interaction du lien P-B seront discutées ainsi que les applications catalytiques. Nous avons d’abord étudié la coordination η1 avec des complexes de fer, ce qui nous a fourni des données quantitatives précieuses sur la capacité du DTBB d’agir comme ligand très donneur par rapport aux autres ligands donneurs bien connus. La capacité du DTBB à changer de mode de coordination pour soutenir les besoins électroniques du métal a été démontrée par la découverte d’une nouvelle espèce ferrocenyl phosphido-boratabenzène et sa nucléophilie a été étudiée. Au meilleur de notre connaissance, aucun exemple d’un ligand boratabenzène coordonné aux métaux du groupe 11 n’existe dans la littérature. Voilà pourquoi nous avons décidé d’explorer les modes de coordination du ligand DTBB avec Cu(I), Ag(I) et Au(I). A notre grande surprise, le ligand DTBB est capable de stabiliser les métaux du groupe 11 aux états d’oxydation faibles par une liaison MP qui est une coordination du type η1, un mode de coordination guère observé pour les ligands boratabenzène. Pendant nos travaux, notre attention s’est tournée vers la synthèse d’un complexe de rhodium(I) afin de tester son utilité en catalyse. A notre grande satisfaction, le complexe Rh-DTBB agit comme un précatalyseur pour l’hydrogénation des alcènes et alcynes à la température ambiante et à pression atmosphérique et son activité est comparable à celle du catalyseur de Wilkinson. Dans un désir d’élargir les applications de notre recherche, notre attention se tourna vers l’utilisation des composés du bore autres que le boratabenzène. Nous avons décidé de synthétiser une nouvelle espèce phosphido-borate encombrée. Lorsqu’elle réagit avec des métaux, l’espèce phosphido-borate subit un clivage de la liaison P-B. Toutefois, cette observation met en évidence la singularité et les avantages de la stabilité de la liaison P-B lors de l’utilisation du fragment boratabenzène. Ces observations enrichissent notre compréhension des conditions dans lesquelles la liaison P-B du ligand DTBB peut être clivée. Ces travaux ont mené à la découverte d’un nouveau ligand ansa-boratabenzène avec une chimie de coordination prometteuse.


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Although diarrhoea caused by Cryptosporidium is prevalent in livestock species throughout the world relatively little is known about the species and subtypes of Cryptosporidium found in cattle on Scottish farms. In particular, little is known about the shedding profiles (age when calves become infected and duration of shedding) of the different species found in cattle and how calves become infected. There are several theories about how neonatal calves first become infected with the parasite but the role which adult cattle play in the transmission of the parasite has not been fully addressed. It was previously thought that adult cattle did not become infected with the same species of Cryptosporidium which causes disease in the young calves. Some studies have shown that this may not be true and with the advance of new techniques to discriminate species this is an area which should be revisited. In addition, it is known that it is possible for humans to become infected with Cryptosporidium and show clinical disease early in life and then again later in adulthood. In livestock however, diarrhoea caused by the parasite is generally only seen in neonatal livestock while older animals tend to be asymptomatic. It is not known if this resistance to clinical disease at an older age is due to changes in the host with an increase in age or if prior infection “immunises” the animal and provides protection against re-infection. It is also not known if infection with one isolate of C. parvum will provide protection against infection with another or if the protection formed is species/isolate specific. The main aims of this thesis were to: determine the species and subtypes of Cryptosporidium found in calves on a study farm over a one year period from birth; assess the role which adult cattle play in the transmission of the parasite to newborn calves; develop new typing tools to enable the rapid and easy differentiation of Cryptosporidium species found in cattle and to examine the host-pathogen interactions in animals given serial experimental challenges with distinct Cryptosporidium parvum isolates to determine if the resistance seen in older animals on farms is due to an increase in age or as a result of prior infection. iii A variety of different approaches were taken to achieve these aims. Longitudinal experiments carried out on a study farm revealed that in calves <9 weeks of age the most common species of Cryptosporidium is C. parvum and that all calves in the group became infected with Cryptosporidium within the first two weeks of life. Sample collection from the same animals later in life (at 6 months of age) showed that contrary to most previous studies the most common species detected at in this age group was also C. parvum although, interestingly, the subtype which the calves were shedding was not the same subtype that they were shedding previously. The longitudinal study which investigated the role of adult cattle in the transmission of Cryptosporidium also yielded some interesting results. It was found that most of the adult cattle on this farm were shedding Cryptosporidium albeit intermittently. Speciation of the positive samples revealed that, on this farm, the most predominant species of Cryptosporidium in adult cattle was also C. parvum. This is very unusual as most previous studies have not found this level of infection in older cattle and C. parvum is not usually found in this age group. A number of different subtypes were found in adult cattle and some animals shed more than one subtype over the course of the study. This contradicts prior findings which demonstrated that only one subtype is found on a single farm. The experimental infection trial involving infection of young (<1 week old) and older (6 week old) lambs with distinct C. parvum isolates demonstrated that an increase in age at primary infection reduces the effect of clinical disease. Animals which were infected at <1 week of age were re-challenged at 6 weeks of age with either a homologous or heterologous infection. Results revealed that previous exposure does not protect against re-infection with the same or a different isolate of C. parvum. This study also demonstrated that an increase in infective dose leads to a shorter pre-patent period and that there are variations in the clinical manifestations of different isolates of the same Cryptosporidium species.


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Over the past decade, Portugal and Spain received large numbers of immigrants from HTLV-1 endemic areas. Our aim was to investigate the diversity of subtypes circulating in these two countries and the introduction of new variants. We performed a molecular analysis of HTLV-1 strains in patients diagnosed since 1998. LTR and env proviral sequences from 26 individuals were analyzed to generate phylogenetic trees along with reference HTLV-1 subtypes from several geographic origins. Epidemiological and clinical data were recorded. Most subjects were immigrants (57.7%) from South America and Africa. All isolates belonged to the cosmopolitan A subtype. Most carried the transcontinental subgroup A, but five subjects carried subgroup D and one carried subgroup C, previously unreported in Europe. HTLV strains showed separate clusters linked to the patients' geographic origin. Although subjects with HTLV-1 infection tend not to be engaged in high-risk practices, silent dissemination of a broad diversity of HTLV-1 viruses may still occur.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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This dissertation is an analysis of social activism within women’s professional tennis. In the 46 years since the women known as the Original 9 began protesting against the pay inequality between men’s and women’s tennis, subsequent cohorts of women have brought different issues and concerns to women’s tennis, expanding its scope and efforts.  Using qualitative research, including interviews with former players and press conference participation at tournaments to access current players, this study shows the lineage of social activism within women’s tennis and the issues, expressions, risks and effects of each cohort. Intersectionality theoretically frames this study, and analyses of performativity appears regularly. Each generational cohort is a chapter of this study. The Original 9 of the Movement Cohort fought for equal prize money. The Bridge Cohort, the era of Evert and Navratilova, continued the Movement Cohort’s push for equal prize money; however, they also ushered in identity politics (including gender, sexuality, and nationality, but with the notable exception of race). The Professional Cohort, the current era, followed the Bridge Cohort and is characterized by its focus on corporatization and mass-marketing. As such, there is a focus among the players on individualism which can seem like a lack of social activism is occurring. However, race, neglected during the Bridge Cohort, emerged during the Professional Cohort. The individualism of this cohort made space for Blackness to show unapologetically, though, within certain constraints. Finally, a few players are working on social justice issues in society at large, as well as trying to institute change within women’s tennis. These players make up the Post-Professional Cohort (or, as Pam Shriver from the Bridge Cohort calls them, “Bridge Throwbacks”).  This study shows the evolution of social activism within women’s tennis, as it reflects larger social change. Though bound together as one unified body, the social activism engaged in by each generation focused on different issues, making each generational cohort distinct from the whole of women’s professional tennis.


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Los sensores de propósito general RGB-D son dispositivos capaces de proporcionar información de color y de profundidad de la escena. Debido al amplio rango de aplicación que tienen estos sensores, despiertan gran interés en múltiples áreas, provocando que en algunos casos funcionen al límite de sensibilidad. Los métodos de calibración resultan más importantes, si cabe, para este tipo de sensores para mejorar la precisión de los datos adquiridos. Por esta razón, resulta de enorme transcendencia analizar y estudiar el calibrado de estos sensores RGBD de propósito general. En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de las diferentes tecnologías empleadas para determinar la profundidad, siendo la luz estructurada y el tiempo de vuelo las más comunes. Además, se ha analizado y estudiado aquellos parámetros del sensor que influyen en la obtención de los datos con precisión adecuada dependiendo del problema a tratar. El calibrado determina, como primer elemento del proceso de visión, los parámetros característicos que definen un sistema de visión artificial, en este caso, aquellos que permiten mejorar la exactitud y precisión de los datos aportados. En este trabajo se han analizado tres algoritmos de calibración, tanto de propósito general como de propósito específico, para llevar a cabo el proceso de calibrado de tres sensores ampliamente utilizados: Microsoft Kinect, PrimeSense Carmine 1.09 y Microsoft Kinect v2. Los dos primeros utilizan la tecnología de luz estructurada para determinar la profundidad, mientras que el tercero utiliza tiempo de vuelo. La experimentación realizada permite determinar de manera cuantitativa la exactitud y la precisión de los sensores y su mejora durante el proceso de calibrado, aportando los mejores resultados para cada caso. Finalmente, y con el objetivo de mostrar el proceso de calibrado en un sistema de registro global, diferentes pruebas han sido realizadas con el método de registro µ-MAR. Se ha utilizado inspección visual para determinar el comportamiento de los datos de captura corregidos según los resultados de los diferentes algoritmos de calibrado. Este hecho permite observar la importancia de disponer de datos exactos para ciertas aplicaciones como el registro 3D de una escena.


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Conspectus: The challenges of the 21st century demand scientific and technological achievements that must be developed under sustainable and environmentally benign practices. In this vein, click chemistry and green chemistry walk hand in hand on a pathway of rigorous principles that help to safeguard the health of our planet against negligent and uncontrolled production. Copper-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC), the paradigm of a click reaction, is one of the most reliable and widespread synthetic transformations in organic chemistry, with multidisciplinary applications. Nanocatalysis is a green chemistry tool that can increase the inherent effectiveness of CuAAC because of the enhanced catalytic activity of nanostructured metals and their plausible reutilization capability as heterogeneous catalysts. This Account describes our contribution to click chemistry using unsupported and supported copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) as catalysts prepared by chemical reduction. Cu(0)NPs (3.0 ± 1.5 nm) in tetrahydrofuran were found to catalyze the reaction of terminal alkynes and organic azides in the presence of triethylamine at rates comparable to those achieved under microwave heating (10–30 min in most cases). Unfortunately, the CuNPs underwent dissolution under the reaction conditions and consequently could not be recovered. Compelling experimental evidence on the in situ generation of highly reactive copper(I) chloride and the participation of copper(I) acetylides was provided. The supported CuNPs were found to be more robust and efficient catalyst than the unsupported counterpart in the following terms: (a) the multicomponent variant of CuAAC could be applied; (b) the metal loading could be substantially decreased; (c) reactions could be conducted in neat water; and (d) the catalyst could be recovered easily and reutilized. In particular, the catalyst composed of oxidized CuNPs (Cu2O/CuO, 6.0 ± 2.0 nm) supported on carbon (CuNPs/C) was shown to be highly versatile and very effective in the multicomponent and regioselective synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles in water from organic halides as azido precursors; magnetically recoverable CuNPs (3.0 ± 0.8 nm) supported on MagSilica could be alternatively used for the same purpose under similar conditions. Incorporation of an aromatic substituent at the 1-position of the triazole could be accomplished using the same CuNPs/C catalytic system starting from aryldiazonium salts or anilines as azido precursors. CuNPs/C in water also catalyzed the regioselective double-click synthesis of β-hydroxy-1,2,3-triazoles from epoxides. Furthermore, alkenes could be also used as azido precursors through a one-pot CuNPs/C-catalyzed azidosulfenylation–CuAAC sequential protocol, providing β-methylsulfanyl-1,2,3-triazoles in a stereo- and regioselective manner. In all types of reaction studied, CuNPs/C exhibited better behavior than some commercial copper catalysts with regard to the metal loading, reaction time, yield, and recyclability. Therefore, the results of this study also highlight the utility of nanosized copper in click chemistry compared with bulk copper sources.


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We contribute an empirically derived noise model for the Kinect sensor. We systematically measure both lateral and axial noise distributions, as a function of both distance and angle of the Kinect to an observed surface. The derived noise model can be used to filter Kinect depth maps for a variety of applications. Our second contribution applies our derived noise model to the KinectFusion system to extend filtering, volumetric fusion, and pose estimation within the pipeline. Qualitative results show our method allows reconstruction of finer details and the ability to reconstruct smaller objects and thinner surfaces. Quantitative results also show our method improves pose estimation accuracy. © 2012 IEEE.


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Particle filtering is a popular method used in systems for tracking human body pose in video. One key difficulty in using particle filtering is caused by the curse of dimensionality: generally a very large number of particles is required to adequately approximate the underlying pose distribution in a high-dimensional state space. Although the number of degrees of freedom in the human body is quite large, in reality, the subset of allowable configurations in state space is generally restricted by human biomechanics, and the trajectories in this allowable subspace tend to be smooth. Therefore, a framework is proposed to learn a low-dimensional representation of the high-dimensional human poses state space. This mapping can be learned using a Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM) framework. One important advantage of the GPLVM framework is that both the mapping to, and mapping from the embedded space are smooth; this facilitates sampling in the low-dimensional space, and samples generated in the low-dimensional embedded space are easily mapped back into the original highdimensional space. Moreover, human body poses that are similar in the original space tend to be mapped close to each other in the embedded space; this property can be exploited when sampling in the embedded space. The proposed framework is tested in tracking 2D human body pose using a Scaled Prismatic Model. Experiments on real life video sequences demonstrate the strength of the approach. In comparison with the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking and the standard Condensation algorithm, the proposed algorithm is able to maintain tracking reliably throughout the long test sequences. It also handles singularity and self occlusion robustly.


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This thesis is presented in two parts. Data for this research is from the Cork BASELINE (Babies after SCOPE, Evaluating Longitudinal Impact using Neurological and Nutritional Endpoints) Birth Cohort Study (n = 2137). In this prospective birth cohort study, pediatric follow-up with in-person appointments were repeated from the time of birth through to 2, 6 and 12 months, and at 2 years. Body composition was measured by air displacement plethysmography at birth and at 2 months using the PEA POD Infant Body Composition Tracking System. This thesis provides the first extensive report on the study’s 2 year assessment. In part one, the aims were to investigate potential early-life risk factors for childhood overweight and obesity, including rapid growth and body composition in infancy and umbilical cord concentrations of leptin and high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin. This research is the first to describe rapid growth in early infancy in terms of changes in direct measures of body composition. These are also the first data to examine associations between umbilical cord leptin and HMW adiponectin concentrations and changes in fat and lean mass in early infancy. These data provide additional insight into characterising the growth trajectory in infancy and into the role of perinatal factors in determining infant growth and subsequent overweight/obesity risk. In part two of this thesis, the aims were to quantify vitamin D intake and status at 2 years and to investigate whether 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations in early pregnancy and in umbilical cord blood are associated with infant growth and body composition. There was a low prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among Irish 2 year olds (n = 742) despite a high prevalence of inadequate intakes and high latitude (51°N). Maternal 25(OH)D concentrations at 15 weeks gestation and cord 25(OH)D concentrations at delivery were not associated with infant growth or adiposity.


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In human motion analysis, the joint estimation of appearance, body pose and location parameters is not always tractable due to its huge computational cost. In this paper, we propose a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for addressing the problem of human pose estimation and tracking. The advantage of the proposed approach is that Rao-Blackwellization allows the state variables to be splitted into two sets, being one of them analytically calculated from the posterior probability of the remaining ones. This procedure reduces the dimensionality of the Particle Filter, thus requiring fewer particles to achieve a similar tracking performance. In this manner, location and size over the image are obtained stochastically using colour and motion clues, whereas body pose is solved analytically applying learned human Point Distribution Models.


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In this paper, a novel framework for visual tracking of human body parts is introduced. The approach presented demonstrates the feasibility of recovering human poses with data from a single uncalibrated camera by using a limb-tracking system based on a 2-D articulated model and a double-tracking strategy. Its key contribution is that the 2-D model is only constrained by biomechanical knowledge about human bipedal motion, instead of relying on constraints that are linked to a specific activity or camera view. These characteristics make our approach suitable for real visual surveillance applications. Experiments on a set of indoor and outdoor sequences demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on tracking human lower body parts. Moreover, a detail comparison with current tracking methods is presented.