963 resultados para Kalevala - 1999


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The EHLASS survey was set up in April 1986 as a five-year demonstration project.  The objective was to monitor home and leisure accidents in a harmonised manner, throughout the EU, to determine their causes, the circumstances of their occurrence, their consequences and, most importantly, to provide information on consumer products involved. Armed with accurate information, it was felt that consumer policy could be directed at the most serious problems and the best use could be made of available resources Download the Report here


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The general purpose of the Report is: To make a contribution to the debate on issues relevant to the development of public health policy. To describe aspects of the health status of the Irish people by reference to certain indicators of mortality and lifestyle. To identify particular factors which are relevant to the major disease entities affecting the Irish population. To identify a specific theme of particular contemporary relevance to health in Ireland Download the Report here


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To clarify the epidemiologic importance of Triatoma brasiliensis, the most important Chagas disease vector in the Northeastern of Brazil, capture data related to this species, its distribution, capture index, and percentages of natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi were examined in 12 different Brazilian states. The Brazilian National Health Foundation collected these data from 1993 to 1999, a period during which a total of 1,591,280 triatomines (21 species) were captured in domiciles within the geographic range of T. brasiliensis. Of this total, 422,965 (26.6%) were T. brasiliensis, 99.8% of which were collected in six states, and 54% in only one state (Ceará). The percentage of bugs infected with T. cruzi varied significantly among states, ranging from 0% (Goiás, Maranhão, Sergipe, and Tocantins) to more than 3% (Alagoas, Minas Gerais, and Rio Grande do Norte) with an average of 1.3%. This latter value represents a dramatic reduction in the natural infection percentages since 1983 (6.7%) suggesting that, despite the impossibility of eradicating this native species, the control measures have significantly reduced the risk of transmission. However, the wide geographic distribution of T. brasiliensis, its high incidence observed in some states, and its variable percentages of natural infection by T. cruzi indicate the need for sustained entomological surveillance and continuous control measures against this vector.


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This study was carried out by participants in a North Tipperary Community Services drug/alcohol awareness course. Its objectives were to: assess the level of drug and alcohol awareness among second-level students under the age of 18 years; to find out the extent of under-age drinking;to find out the extent of the use of illegal substances as well as stimulants such as glue and solvents in this age group; and to use this information to develop educational programmes for parents and students. Date was obtained through a survey of 1500 secondary school students in the North Tippeary area. The survey found that, although ilict drug use was very low, abuse of alcohol was quite common.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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En aquest treball s'intenta fer una síntesi de les especificacions aportades per l'estàndard definit com a SQL: 1999, tot analitzant les ampliacions que fan referència a la nova orientació a l'objecte i a la incorporació de l'herència com a principal element diferenciador.


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In Northern Ireland between 1999-01 and 2004-06 male life expectancy at birth increased from 74.8 to 76.2 years (an increase of 1.4 years) and female life expectancy increased from 79.8 to 81.0 years (an increase of 1.3 years). Declining mortality rates due to Coronary Heart Disease, strokes and other circulatory causes, as well as cancer and respiratory disease caused life expectancy to increase.However, these increases were partially offset by increasing mortality rates over time due to accidental deaths, suicides and chronic liver disease and other causes of death (not separately identified).


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L'objectiu és estudiar les característiques orientades a l'objecte de l'estàndard SQL: 1999 i posar-les a prova amb un producte comercial que les suporti.


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El treball realitzat analitza la manera com l'estàndard SQL:1999 ha incorporat a la seva especificació una sèrie de característiques pròpies de la tecnologia d'orientació a l'objecte. D'aquesta manera, l'estàndard mira de proporcionar als sistemes de gestió de bases de dades algunes de les funcionalitats exigides als sistemes de tercera generació. Aquests sistemes han d'incorporar altres característiques, que estan recollides a l'article Third Generation Database System Manifesto.


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[Table des matières] 1. Zusammenfassung und Empfehlungen. 2. Einleitung. 2.1. Hintergrund der Nationalen Krebsbekämpfungsprogramme. 2.2. Grundlagen der Konzeptualisierung der vier Programme. 3. Nationales Programm zur Bekämpfung des Brustkrebses, des Hautkrebses, des Lungkrebses, des Darmkrebses : Beschreibung und beurteilung der Konzeptualisierung des Programms und Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen. 4. Programmübergreifende Aspekte. 5. Chronologische Ubersicht der vier nationalen Krebsbekämpfungsprogramme. 6. Liste des Interviews, welche im Rahmen der Studie 3 der Evaluation der Nationalen Krebsbekämpfungs-Programme durchgeführt wurden. 7. Geplante Realisierung von Zielen in den Bereichen : Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention, Sekundärprävention, Therapie und Nachsorge durch das Programm Brustkrebs. 8. Evaluationsstudien. 9. Raster Umsetzung der Programmbausteine.


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Datos a 31 de diciembre del año 1999. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Estadísticas Sanitarias / Estadísticas Hospitalarias / Estadísticas Hospitalarias de Andalucía


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Després de 30 anys de la restauració de la Generalitat es desconeix gairebé tot del perfil social de l¿elit política Governamental catalana, aquest Treball fa una aproximació inicial al tema a partir dels últims quatre Governs de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Els seus membres presenten biaix social respecte la població d¿acord amb el model d¿aglutinació de les elits polítiques, tot i això el model de Desproporció Social Creixent només es valida respecte el gènere. El seu perfil és el d¿un home, de més edat que la mitjana, nascut a Catalunya, amb la carrera prèvia desenvolupada a Barcelona ciutat, amb una formació molt per sobre de la mitjana i de professió economista. Aquest perfil no és exactament el mateix que el dels Parlamentaris regionals espanyols, les diferències es centren l¿edat i la professió mentre que el gènere, l¿origen i el nivell de formació coincideixen. S¿observa també que els Governs d¿esquerra-centre esquerra presenten un percentatge lleugerament superior de dones que la resta, els membres vinculats amb PANE són més joves, incorporen menys dones, menys immigrants interiors, menys educadors i no presenten credencials educatives sensiblement diferents del membres vinculats a partits d¿àmbit estatal.


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In 1991, the World Health Organization (WHO) committed to reducing the prevalence of leprosy to below 1 in 10,000 inhabitants by 2000. Significant improvements in leprosy control have occurred, but leprosy remains a public health problem in many countries due to its high incidence and rate of transmission. This paper reviews data published by the WHO in the years 2000, 2005 and 2010. These data sets included 148 countries or territories that reported to the WHO at least once. Only four countries reported higher prevalence rates in 2010 than in 2000 and eight reported higher case detection rate (CDR) in 2009 than in 1999. Prevalence rate reductions were greater for the first five-year period examined, while CDR reductions were greater in the second five-year period. Thirty-six countries and territories reported at least one prevalence value higher than 1 per 10,000 inhabitants and 32 reported at least one CDR value higher than 9 per 100,000 inhabitants. A total of 39 countries fit at least one of these criteria and all were located in tropical regions.


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Des de l’entrada en vigor del nou Codi Penal de 1995, la Direcció General de Mesures Penals Alternatives i Justícia Juvenil ha realitzat un nombre reduït de mediacions. Al novembre de 1998, es va iniciar un programa pilot en alguns jutjats penals i d’instrucció de Catalunya, basat en l’anàlisi de les possibilitats d’aplicació de la reparació a la víctima. També s’estudiaven les primeres experiències de mediació i les tècniques de mediació adquirides pels professionals de la Direcció General en els àmbits de la mediació penal juvenil i la mediació familiar. En aquest estudi, s’avaluen els objectius respecte de l’infractor (responsabilització de les accions i reparació), la víctima (participació en la resolució, sentir-se reparada...), la justícia (promoure la responsabilització, la reparació i la pau social, garantir la resolució...) i la comunitat (apropar la justícia als ciutadans). Els resultats mostren la rellevància que està adquirint la justícia restauradora i la necessitat de facilitar eines perquè es pugui desenvolupar, tot i que de moment el nombre de casos derivats ha estat baix. S’ha demostrat la necessitat de flexibilitat en el tractament dels casos a causa de la diversitat de conflictes. També s’ha vist la necessitat de promoure la formació dels professionals que hi intervenen i d’impulsar reformes legislatives.


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Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Enterobacter spp. are a major cause of infections in hospitalised patients. The aim of our study was to evaluate rates and trends of resistance to third-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones in infected patients, the trends in use for these antimicrobials, and to assess the potential correlation between both trends. The database of national point prevalence study series of infections and antimicrobial use among patients hospitalised in Spain over the period from 1999 to 2010 was analysed. On average 265 hospitals and 60,000 patients were surveyed per year yielding a total of 19,801 E. coli, 3,004 K. pneumoniae and 3,205 Enterobacter isolates. During the twelve years period, we observed significant increases for the use of fluoroquinolones (5.8%-10.2%, p<0.001), but not for third-generation cephalosporins (6.4%-5.9%, p=NS). Resistance to third-generation cephalosporins increased significantly for E. coli (5%-15%, p<0.01) and for K. pneumoniae infections (4%-21%, p<0.01) but not for Enterobacter spp. (24%). Resistance to fluoroquinolones increased significantly for E. coli (16%30%, p<0.01), for K. pneumoniae (5%-22%, p<0.01), and for Enterobacter spp. (6%-15%, p<0.01). We found strong correlations between the rate of fluoroquinolone use and the resistance to fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, or co-resistance to both, for E. coli (R=0.97, p<0.01, R=0.94, p<0.01, and R=0.96, p<0.01, respectively), and for K. pneumoniae (R=0.92, p<0.01, R=0.91, p<0.01, and R=0.92, p<0.01, respectively). No correlation could be found between the use of third-generation cephalosporins and resistance to any of the latter antimicrobials. No significant correlations could be found for Enterobacter spp.. Knowledge of the trends in antimicrobial resistance and use of antimicrobials in the hospitalised population at the national level can help to develop prevention strategies.