957 resultados para KINETIC-ANALYSIS
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Herein, it was investigated for the first time the electro-oxidation of ethanol on Pt and PtRu electrodeposits in acidic media by using in situ surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (ATR-SEIRAS). The experimental setup circumvents the weak absorbance signals related to adsorbed species, usually observed for rough, electrodeposited surfaces, and allows a full description of the CO coverage with the potential for both catalysts. The dynamics of adsorption-oxidation of CO was accessed by ATR-SEIRAS experiments (involving four ethanol concentrations) and correlated with expressions derived from a simple kinetic model. Kinetic analysis suggests that the growing of the CO adsorbed layer is nor influenced by the presence of Ru neither by the concentration of ethanol. The results suggest that the C-C scission is not related to the presence of Ru and probably happens at Pt sites.
Herein, it was investigated for the first time the electro-oxidation of ethanol on Pt and PtRu electrodeposits in acidic media by using in situ surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (ATR-SEIRAS). The experimental setup circumvents the weak absorbance signals related to adsorbed species, usually observed for rough, electrodeposited surfaces, and allows a full description of the CO coverage with the potential for both catalysts. The dynamics of adsorption-oxidation of CO was accessed by ATR-SEIRAS experiments (involving four ethanol concentrations) and correlated with expressions derived from a simple kinetic model. Kinetic analysis suggests that the growing of the CO adsorbed layer is nor influenced by the presence of Ru neither by the concentration of ethanol. The results suggest that the C-C scission is not related to the presence of Ru and probably happens at Pt sites.
In this study was developed a natural process using a biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and possible removal of copper from wastewater by dead biomass of the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Dead and live biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was used to analyze the equilibrium and kinetics of copper biosorption by the yeast in function of the initial metal concentration, contact time, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. Dead biomass exhibited the highest biosorption capacity of copper, 26.2 mg g(-1), which was achieved within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 30°C, and agitation speed of 150 rpm. The equilibrium data were best described by the Langmuir isotherm and Kinetic analysis indicated a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the yeast were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The shape of the intracellularly synthesized NPs was mainly spherical, with an average size of 10.5 nm. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the copper NPs confirmed the formation of metallic copper. The dead biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa may be considered an efficiently bioprocess, being fast and low-cost to production of copper nanoparticles and also a probably nano-adsorbent of this metal ion in wastewater in bioremediation process
A biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and uptake of copper from wastewater, using dead biomass of Hypocrea lixii was analyzed and described for the first time. The equilibrium and kinetics investigation of the biosorption of copper onto dead, dried and live biomass of fungus were performed as a function of initial metal concentration, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. The high biosorption capacity was observed for dead biomass, completed within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 40 °C and agitation speed of 150 rpm with a maximum copper biosorption of 19.0 mg g(-1). The equilibrium data were better described using the Langmuir isotherm and kinetic analysis indicated that copper biosorption follows a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the fungus were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). NPs were mainly spherical, with an average size of 24.5 nm, and were synthesized extracellularly. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms the presence of metallic copper particles. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) study revealed that the amide groups interact with the particles, which was accountable for the stability of NPs. This method further confirmed the presence of proteins as stabilizing and capping agents surrounding the copper NPs. These studies demonstrate that dead biomass of Hypocrea lixii provides an economic and technically feasible option for bioremediation of wastewater and is a potential candidate for industrial-scale production of copper NPs.
Background: Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) is one of the most important stifle injuries and a common cause of lameness in dogs. Our objective was to measure the vertical forces in the pads of Pitbulls with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) using a pressure sensitive walkway. A pressure sensitive walkway was used to collect vertical force data from the pads of 10 Pitbulls affected with unilateral CCLR. Ten healthy Pitbulls were included in the study as controls. Velocity varied between 1.3 and 1.6 m/s and acceleration was kept below ± 0.1 m/s2. Differences between groups and between pads in the same limb within groups were investigated using ANOVA and the Tukey test. The paired Student t-test was employed to assess gait symmetry (p < 0.05). Results: Peak vertical forces (PVF) were lower in the affected limb, particularly in the metatarsal pad. Increased PVF values in the forelimb and the contralateral hind limb pads of affected dogs suggest a compensatory effect. Conclusions: A consistent pattern of vertical force distribution was observed in the pads of dogs with CCLR. These data are important for increased understanding of vertical force distribution in the limb of dogs with CCLR disease. Kinetic analysis using pressure sensitive walkways can be useful in follow-up assessment of surgically treated dogs regardless of the surgical technique employed.
Recently, the surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) was developed as a kinetic analysis and a detection method with dual- monitoring of the change of reflectivity and fluorescence signal for the interfacial phenomenon. A fundamental study of PNA and DNA interaction at the surface using surface plasmon fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) will be investigated in studies. Furthermore, several specific conditions to influence on PNA/DNA hybridization and affinity efficiency by monitoring reflective index changes and fluorescence variation at the same time will be considered. In order to identify the affinity degree of PNA/DNA hybridizaiton at the surface, the association constant (kon) and the dissociation constant (koff) will be obtained by titration experiment of various concentration of target DNA and kinetic investigation. In addition, for more enhancing the hybridization efficiency of PNA/DNA, a study of polarized electric field enhancement system will be introduced and performed in detail. DNA is well-known polyelectrolytes with naturally negative charged molecules in its structure. With polarized electrical treatment, applying DC field to the metal surface, which PNA probe would be immobilized at, negatively charged DNA molecules can be attracted by electromagnetic attraction force and manipulated to the close the surface area, and have more possibility to hybridize with probe PNA molecules by hydrogen bonding each corresponding base sequence. There are several major factors can be influenced on the hybridization efficiency.
Die akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) zählt zu den aggressivsten neoplastischen Erkrankungenrnder Hämatopoese. Die Mehrheit der Patienten mit AML erreicht nach Induktions-rnChemotherapie den Zustand der kompletten Remission, jedoch erleiden mehr als die Hälfterndieser Patienten anschließend einen Rückfall und versterben an den Folgen der Erkrankungrn[1]. Die allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (engl.: hematopoietic stem cellrntransplantation, HSCT) stellt die einzig putativ kurative Behandlungsform für rezidierendernPatienten und solche mit schlechter Prognose dar. Jedoch birgt diese Form der Therapiernauch eine Vielzahl an Risiken. Insbesondere das Auftreten einer akuten Transplantat-gegen-rnWirt-Erkrankung (engl.: graft-versus-host disease, GvHD) stellt die Hauptursache für transplantationsassoziierternMortalität und Morbidität dar [2]. Die Depletion von alloreaktiven zytotoxischenrnT Lymphozyten (CTL) aus dem Transplantat ermöglicht zwar die Prävention derrnEntstehung einer GvH-Erkrankung, jedoch häufig unter gleichzeitigem Verlust des förderlichen,rnanti-leukämischen Transplantat-gegen-Leukämie-Effekts (engl.: graft-versus-leukemia,rnGvL) [3]. Um den GvL-Effekt unter Vermeidung einer GvH-Erkrankung zu erhalten, bietetrnsich der gezielte adoptive Transfer von Leukämie-spezifischen, nicht alloreaktiven CTL alsrnattraktive Strategie der Immuntherapie für AML-Patienten nach allogener HSCT an. In derrnvorliegenden Arbeit konnte erfolgreich ein prä-klinisches murines AML-Modell unter Einsatzrndes stark immundefizienten NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ- (NSG-) Mausstamms und primärenrnAML-Blasten durch die Optimierung bereits publizierter Protokolle etabliert werden.rnBei zehn von 17 transplantierten primären AML-Proben konnte ein erfolgreiches Engraftmentrnder humanen Zellen und eine Rekonstitution der humanen Neoplasie in den NSG-Mäusenrnerzielt werden. Die Engraftment-Rate betrug somit 58,82% und lag etwas unter dem aus derrnLiteratur bekannten Wert von 65-70% [4, 5]. Es ließen sich gut, intermediär und schlecht anwachsendernAML-Proben anhand der Engraftment-Stärke und -Reproduzierbarkeit voneinanderrnunterscheiden. Anhand der Analyse von für das Engraftment kritischer Parameter konnternein Zusammenhang zwischen Engraftment-Rate in der Maus und Flt3-Mutationsstatus sowiernFAB-Klassifikation des Patienten hergestellt und somit Angaben aus der Literatur bestätigtrnwerden. Für zwei Patienten-spezifische AML-Modelle, MZ580 und MZ308, konnten in vitrornerfolgreich AML-reaktive, über einzelne bzw. duale HLA-Diskrepanzen restringierte CTLPopulationenrngeneriert und über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 70 Tagen expandiert werden.rnDeren adoptiver Transfer in zuvor mit humanen AML-Blasten inokulierte NSG-Mäuse führternzu einer nahezu vollständigen Eradikation der AML-Blasten und Remission der Versuchstiere.rnAnhand unterschiedlich langer in vitro Kultur-Zeiträume konnte ein für die in vivo ausgeübtenrnEffektor-Funktionen optimaler Reifungszustand der CTL-Populationen von maximalrn28 Tagen bestimmt werden. Die kinetische Analyse der lytischen Aktivität in vivo deutete auf eine relativ schnelle Ausübung der Effektor-Funktionen durch die CTL-Populationen innerhalbrnvon zwei bis 24 Stunden nach adoptivem Transfer hin. Durch die Verwendung von inrnvitro generierten EBV-reaktiven CTL aus einem irrelevanten Spender konnte zudem die Spezifitätrnder in vivo ausgeübten Effektor-Funktionen nachgewiesen werden. Die ex vivo Re-rnIsolation adoptiv transferierter CTL und deren in vitro Analyse in einem IFNγ ELISpot wiesrneine konstante Reaktivität der Zellen ohne Induktion einer Xeno-Reaktivität nach. Die zurrnVerbesserung der Persistenz humaner CTL-Populationen eingesetzten autologen CD4+ TrnZellen zeigten nur im AML MZ308-System eine positive Wirkung. Generell konnte die Persistenzrnin vivo jedoch trotz initialer Substitution mit den Zytokinen IL-2 und IL-7 nicht über einenrnZeitraum von sieben Tagen hinaus aufrechterhalten werden.rnZur Untersuchung des Extravasations-Mechanismus humaner T Zellen über murines Endothelrnwurden sowohl Flusskammer- als auch Transwell-Studien durchgeführt, um die molekularenrnGrundlagen des Adhäsions- und Transmigrationsprozesses aufzuklären. Durch denrnparallelen Einsatz humaner und muriner T Zellen auf murinen Endothelzellen unter Zusatzrnfunktionsblockierender monoklonaler Antikörper konnte gezeigt werden, dass derrnExtravasations-Mechanismus beider Spezies auf Interaktionen homologer Adhäsionsmolekül-rnPaare, nämlich VLA-4–VCAM-1 und LFA-1–ICAM-1, beruht. Für einzelne Moleküle konntenrnin Abhängigkeit der eingesetzten Endothelzellen Unterschiede in der Funktionalität zwischenrnden Spezies identifiziert werden. Der Adhäsionsprozess war durch die Blockade derrnVLA-4–VCAM-1-Interaktion stärker inhibierbar als durch die Blockade von LFA-1–ICAM-1.rnDie Transmigration hingegen war durch die Blockade beider Adhäsionsmolekül-Paare vergleichbarrnstark inhibierbar.
In this thesis we studied the stereodynamic behavior of 1,2-azaborines variously substituted on boron (7a, 7b, 13). Depending on the hindrance of the asymmetric aryl substituent the resulting conformations could be stereolabile or configurationally stable. Through dynamic NMR and lineshape simulation, the energy rotational barriers of the different conformers are obtained. When the barrier is higher than 22-23 kcal/mol stable atropisomers that are fisically separable could be obtained (case of compound 13) and the free activation energy barrier is determinable by kinetic analysis. Absolute configuration of two atropisomers were assigned by comparison between computational calculations and experimental ECD. Isosteric compound 21 is then synthesized in order to compare the rotational barrier around B-Caryl with the one around Cnaphth-Caryl bond.
NSC686288 [aminoflavone (AF)], a candidate chemotherapeutic agent, possesses a unique antiproliferative profile against tumor cells. Metabolic bioactivation of AF by drug-metabolizing enzymes, especially CYP1A monooxygenases, has been implicated as an underlying mechanism for its selective cytotoxicity in several cell culture-based studies. However, in vivo metabolism of AF has not been investigated in detail. In this study, the structural identities of 13 AF metabolites (12 of which are novel) in mouse urine or from microsomal incubations, including three monohydroxy-AFs, two dihydroxy-AFs and their sulfate and glucuronide conjugates, as well as one N-glucuronide, were determined by accurate mass measurements and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry fragmentation patterns, and a comprehensive map of the AF metabolic pathways was constructed. Significant differences between wild-type and Cyp1a2-null mice, within the relative composition of urinary metabolites of AF, demonstrated that CYP1A2-mediated regioselective oxidation was a major contributor to the metabolism of AF. Comparisons between wild-type and CYP1A2-humanized mice further revealed interspecies differences in CYP1A2-mediated catalytic activity. Incubation of AF with liver microsomes from all three mouse lines and with pooled human liver microsomes confirmed the observations from urinary metabolite profiling. Results from enzyme kinetic analysis further indicated that in addition to CYP1A P450s, CYP2C P450s may also play some role in the metabolism of AF.
We have identified YkbA from Bacillus subtilis as a novel member of the L-amino acid transporter (LAT) family of amino acid transporters. The protein is approximately 30% identical in amino acid sequence to the light subunits of human heteromeric amino acid transporters. Purified His-tagged YkbA from Escherichia coli membranes reconstituted in proteoliposomes exhibited sodium-independent, obligatory exchange activity for L-serine and L-threonine and also for aromatic amino acids, albeit with less activity. Thus, we propose that YkbA be renamed SteT (Ser/Thr exchanger transporter). Kinetic analysis supports a sequential mechanism of exchange for SteT. Freeze-fracture analysis of purified, functionally active SteT in proteoliposomes, together with blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transmission electron microscopy of detergent-solubilized purified SteT, suggest that the transporter exists in a monomeric form. Freeze-fracture analysis showed spherical particles with a diameter of 7.4 nm. Transmission electron microscopy revealed elliptical particles (diameters 6 x 7 nm) with a distinct central depression. To our knowledge, this is the first functional characterization of a prokaryotic member of the LAT family and the first structural data on an APC (amino acids, polyamines, and choline for organocations) transporter. SteT represents an excellent model to study the molecular architecture of the light subunits of heteromeric amino acid transporters and other APC transporters.
Traditional transportation fuel, petroleum, is limited and nonrenewable, and it also causes pollutions. Hydrogen is considered one of the best alternative fuels for transportation. The key issue for using hydrogen as fuel for transportation is hydrogen storage. Lithium nitride (Li3N) is an important material which can be used for hydrogen storage. The decompositions of lithium amide (LiNH2) and lithium imide (Li2NH) are important steps for hydrogen storage in Li3N. The effect of anions (e.g. Cl-) on the decomposition of LiNH2 has never been studied. Li3N can react with LiBr to form lithium nitride bromide Li13N4Br which has been proposed as solid electrolyte for batteries. The decompositions of LiNH2 and Li2NH with and without promoter were investigated by using temperature programmed decomposition (TPD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. It was found that the decomposition of LiNH2 produced Li2NH and NH3 via two steps: LiNH2 into a stable intermediate species (Li1.5NH1.5) and then into Li2NH. The decomposition of Li2NH produced Li, N2 and H2 via two steps: Li2NH into an intermediate species --- Li4NH and then into Li. The kinetic analysis of Li2NH decomposition showed that the activation energies are 533.6 kJ/mol for the first step and 754.2 kJ/mol for the second step. Furthermore, XRD demonstrated that the Li4NH, which was generated in the decomposition of Li2NH, formed a solid solution with Li2NH. In the solid solution, Li4NH possesses a similar cubic structure as Li2NH. The lattice parameter of the cubic Li4NH is 0.5033nm. The decompositions of LiNH2 and Li2NH can be promoted by chloride ion (Cl-). The introduction of Cl- into LiNH2 resulted in the generation of a new NH3 peak at low temperature of 250 °C besides the original NH3 peak at 330 °C in TPD profiles. Furthermore, Cl- can decrease the decomposition temperature of Li2NH by about 110 °C. The degradation of Li3N was systematically investigated with techniques of XRD, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and UV-visible spectroscopy. It was found that O2 could not affect Li3N at room temperature. However, H2O in air can cause the degradation of Li3N due to the reaction between H2O and Li3N to LiOH. The produced LiOH can further react with CO2 in air to Li2CO3 at room temperature. Furthermore, it was revealed that Alfa-Li3N is more stable in air than Beta-Li3N. The chemical stability of Li13N4Br in air has been investigated by XRD, TPD-MS, and UV-vis absorption as a function of time. The aging process finally leads to the degradation of the Li13N4Br into Li2CO3, lithium bromite (LiBrO2) and the release of gaseous NH3. The reaction order n = 2.43 is the best fitting for the Li13N4Br degradation in air reaction. Li13N4Br energy gap was calculated to be 2.61 eV.
BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), a major parasitic disease spread in Africa, urgently needs novel targets and new efficacious chemotherapeutic agents. Recently, we discovered that 4-[5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]morpholine (compound 1) exhibits specific antitrypanosomal activity with an IC(50) of 1.0 microM on Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (T. b. rhodesiense), the causative agent of the acute form of HAT. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work we show adenosine kinase of T. b. rhodesiense (TbrAK), a key enzyme of the parasite purine salvage pathway which is vital for parasite survival, to be the putative intracellular target of compound 1 using a chemical proteomics approach. This finding was confirmed by RNA interference experiments showing that down-regulation of adenosine kinase counteracts compound 1 activity. Further chemical validation demonstrated that compound 1 interacts specifically and tightly with TbrAK with nanomolar affinity, and in vitro activity measurements showed that compound 1 is an enhancer of TbrAK activity. The subsequent kinetic analysis provided strong evidence that the observed hyperactivation of TbrAK is due to the abolishment of the intrinsic substrate-inhibition. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that TbrAK is the putative target of this compound, and that hyperactivation of TbrAK may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for the development of trypanocides.