664 resultados para Jocs de rols


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The proposed game is a natural extension of the Shapley and Shubik Assignment Game to the case where each seller owns a set of different objets instead of only one indivisible object. We propose definitions of pairwise stability and group stability that are adapted to our framework. Existence of both pairwise and group stable outcomes is proved. We study the structure of the group stable set and we finally prove that the set of group stable payoffs forms a complete lattice with one optimal group stable payoff for each side of the market.


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Procedural fairness plays a prominent role in the social discourse concerning the marketplace in particular, and social institutions in general. Random procedures are a simple case, and they have found application in several important social allocation decisions. We investigate random procedures in the laboratory. We find that an unbiased random procedure is an acceptable substitute for an unbiased allocation: similar patterns of acceptance and rejection result when either is inserted as a feasible proposal in a sequential battle-of-the-sexes. We also find that unbiasedness, known to be a crucial characteristic of allocation fairness, is important to procedural fairness: in the context of a random offer game, a biased outcome is more readily accepted when chosen by an unbiased random draw than by one that is biased. Procedural fairness is conceptually different than allocation fairness or attribution-based behavior, and none of the current models of fairness and reciprocity captures our results. Post hoc extension of one of these models (ERC) suggests that a deeper understanding of procedural fairness requires further investigation of competing fairness norms.


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This study presents a research about the participation of psicomotricist in the play with children to find out what kind of conditions improve the development of their capacitys of relathionship. The research has four parts: 1) A teoretical revision about the terms of game, social participation and relathionship; 2) A case study based on different interviews with experts, psicomotricists and the observed psicomotricist and 4 deep observations 3) The categories of analysis from the triangulation of teoretical and case study sources of information; 4) Discussion and conclusions about general actuations of the psicomotricist, about specifical actuations with the children and about psicomotricist’s believes.


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Delayed perfect monitoring in an infinitely repeated discounted game is modelled by letting the players form a connected and undirected network. Players observe their immediate neighbors' behavior only, but communicate over time the repeated game's history truthfully throughout the network. The Folk Theorem extends to this setup, although for a range of discount factors strictly below 1, the set of sequential equilibria and the corresponding payoff set may be reduced. A general class of games is analyzed without imposing restrictions on the dimensionality of the payoff space. This and the bilateral communication structure allow for limited results under strategic communication only. As a by-product this model produces a network result; namely, the level of cooperation in this setup depends on the network's diameter, and not on its clustering coefficient as in other models.


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We report experimental results on one-shot two person 3x3 constant sum games played by non-economists without previous experience in the laboratory. Although strategically our games are very similar to previous experiments in which game theory predictions fail dramatically, 80% of actions taken in our experiment coincided with the prediction of the unique Nash equilibrium in pure strategies and 73% of actions were best responses to elicited beliefs. We argue how social preferences, presentation effects and belief elicitation procedures may influence how subjects play in simple but non trivial games and explain the diferences we observe with respect to previous work.


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Atès que la presència de l'esport a Internet cada cop és més recurrent, aquest treball es centra en l'impacte d'Internet en les relacions existents entre alguns dels actors més importants a la indústria de l'esport a Europa: - Organitzacions esportives, que són productors del producte esportiu base; - Mitjans de comunicació, que comuniquen temes esportius; - Organitzacions comercials, que promocionen els seus productes a través de l'esport i els mitjans de comunicació (tot incloent els patrocinadors esportius); - Fans / consumidors del producte base de l' esport. Amb l'anàlisi de l'estructura i continguts d'una mostra de 27 llocs web d'aquestes organitzacions, i després de considerar els conceptes i teories sobre la comunicació a Internet, l'emergència del comerç electrònic i l'e-marketing, i com poden relacionar-se amb la indústria esportiva i la transmissió de missatges esportius, s'estableixen les conclusions sobre quin és l'impacte d'Internet a la indústria esportiva, quan som propers a l'inici de la convergència entre la televisió digital i Internet.


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Classe impartida per l'historiador Alfred Bosch sobre l'evolució de la candidatura de Barcelona'92 i del Comitè Organitzador en el curs universitari sobre Olimpisme organitzat pel CEO-UAB al febrer de 1992.


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Clase impartida por el historiador Alfred Bosch sobre la evolución de la candidatura de Barcelona'92 y del Comité Organizador de los Juegos en el curso universitario sobre Olimpismo organizado por el CEO-UAB en febrero de 1992.


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Classe impartida pel director de la Divisió d'Operacions de Premsa del COOB'92 en el curs universitari sobre Olimpisme organitzat pel CEO-UAB al febrer de 1992 sobre la planificació de les operacions de premsa per als Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona'92.


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Clase impartida por el director de la División de Operaciones de Prensa del COOB'92 en el curso universitario sobre Olimpismo organizado por el CEO-UAB en febrero de 1992 sobre la planificación de las operaciones de prensa en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona'92.


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As interactions between individuals are introduced into the freedom of choice literature by the mean of game forms, new issues appear. In particular, in this paper it is argued that individuals face uncertainty with respect to outcomes as they lose the control they implicitely exert over options in the opportunity set framework. A criterion is proposed as to compare alternative game forms in terms of the control they offer to individuals. The CardMin criterion suggests that any game form should be judged on the basis of the strategy offering the lowest number of pairwise different outcomes. An axiomatic characterization is provided in the case of two individuals.


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In this paper a contest game with heterogeneous players is analyzed in which heterogeneity could be the consequence of past discrimination. Based on the normative perception of the heterogeneity there are two policy options to tackle this heterogeneity: either it is ignored and the contestants are treated equally, or affirmative action is implemented which compensates discriminated players. The consequences of these two policy options are analyzed for a simple two-person contest game and it is shown that the frequently criticized trade-off between affirmative action and total effort does not exist: Instead, affirmative action fosters effort incentives. A generalization to the n-person case and to a case with a partially informed contest designer yields the same result if the participation level is similar under each policy.


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Es tracta d’un estudi històric, teòric i estètic de la trajectòria de l’Escola d’Art Dramàtic Adrià Gual (EADAG), que va estar en funcionament des de 1960 a 1974, i de l’Escola d’Estudis Artístics de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (EEA), que va funcionar de 1975 a 1978 i va ser, en certa manera, la culminació d’aquell projecte. A través de l’anàlisi del seu programa pedagògic, el seu professorat i l’activitat teatral que s’hi duia a terme (s’adjunta la teatrografia detallada de tots els seus muntatges escènics) es dóna una visió general de les característiques estètiques i ideològiques que van definir l’EADAG.


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• Vocabulari ordenat alfabèticament en català que abasta la terminologia tècnica de les professions d’escenògraf i maquinista escènic amb les correspondències en els següents idiomes: català, castellà, francs, italià, anglès i alemany. Incorpora índex referencial de cadascun dels idiomes a la entrada en català.