191 resultados para Jatropha weddelliana
Land use has become a force of global importance, considering that 34% of the Earth’s ice-free surface was covered by croplands or pastures in 2000. The expected increase in global human population together with eminent climate change and associated search for energy sources other than fossil fuels can, through land-use and land-cover changes (LUCC), increase the pressure on nature’s resources, further degrade ecosystem services, and disrupt other planetary systems of key importance to humanity. This thesis presents four modeling studies on the interplay between LUCC, increased production of biofuels and climate change in four selected world regions. In the first study case two new crop types (sugarcane and jatropha) are parameterized in the LPJ for managed Lands dynamic global vegetation model for calculation of their potential productivity. Country-wide spatial variation in the yields of sugarcane and jatropha incurs into substantially different land requirements to meet the biofuel production targets for 2015 in Brazil and India, depending on the location of plantations. Particularly the average land requirements for jatropha in India are considerably higher than previously estimated. These findings indicate that crop zoning is important to avoid excessive LUCC. In the second study case the LandSHIFT model of land-use and land-cover changes is combined with life cycle assessments to investigate the occurrence and extent of biofuel-driven indirect land-use changes (ILUC) in Brazil by 2020. The results show that Brazilian biofuels can indeed cause considerable ILUC, especially by pushing the rangeland frontier into the Amazonian forests. The carbon debt caused by such ILUC would result in no carbon savings (from using plant-based ethanol and biodiesel instead of fossil fuels) before 44 years for sugarcane ethanol and 246 years for soybean biodiesel. The intensification of livestock grazing could avoid such ILUC. We argue that such an intensification of livestock should be supported by the Brazilian biofuel sector, based on the sector’s own interest in minimizing carbon emissions. In the third study there is the development of a new method for crop allocation in LandSHIFT, as influenced by the occurrence and capacity of specific infrastructure units. The method is exemplarily applied in a first assessment of the potential availability of land for biogas production in Germany. The results indicate that Germany has enough land to fulfill virtually all (90 to 98%) its current biogas plant capacity with only cultivated feedstocks. Biogas plants located in South and Southwestern (North and Northeastern) Germany might face more (less) difficulties to fulfill their capacities with cultivated feedstocks, considering that feedstock transport distance to plants is a crucial issue for biogas production. In the fourth study an adapted version of LandSHIFT is used to assess the impacts of contrasting scenarios of climate change and conservation targets on land use in the Brazilian Amazon. Model results show that severe climate change in some regions by 2050 can shift the deforestation frontier to areas that would experience low levels of human intervention under mild climate change (such as the western Amazon forests or parts of the Cerrado savannas). Halting deforestation of the Amazon and of the Brazilian Cerrado would require either a reduction in the production of meat or an intensification of livestock grazing in the region. Such findings point out the need for an integrated/multicisciplinary plan for adaptation to climate change in the Amazon. The overall conclusions of this thesis are that (i) biofuels must be analyzed and planned carefully in order to effectively reduce carbon emissions; (ii) climate change can have considerable impacts on the location and extent of LUCC; and (iii) intensification of grazing livestock represents a promising venue for minimizing the impacts of future land-use and land-cover changes in Brazil.
Die tropischen Anden sind eines der artenreichsten Gebiete der Erde. Fast die Hälfte der 45.000 in diesem Gebiet vorkommenden Gefäßpflanzenarten sind in den Anden endemisch (Myers et al. 2000). Die Gattung Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) ist eine den Anden zugeordnete Pflanzengruppe, denn die meisten ihrer 31 Arten kommen in den Anden vor. Achtzehn Arten sind kleinräumige Endemiten. Fosterella hat damit Modellcharakter für diese Region. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Evolution der Gattung in Raum und Zeit mithilfe der vergleichenden Sequenzierung von sechs plastidären Loci (atpB-rbcL, matK, psbB-psbH, rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, rps16-Intron) und einem nukleären Marker (PHYC) untersucht. Es wurden über 90 Akzessionen von 24 Fosterella-Arten untersucht. Mit 5,6 % informativer Merkmale innerhalb der Gattung war rpl32-trnL der informativste Chloroplastenmarker. Es wurden mit den kombinierten Sequenzdaten eine Maximum Parsimony-, eine Maximum Likelihood- und eine Bayes´sche Analyse berechnet. Weiterhin wurden biogeographische und ultrametrische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Die 6-Locus-Phylogenie zeigt eine Aufteilung der monophyletischen Gattung Fosterella in sechs Gruppen, von denen vier – die penduliflora-, weddelliana-, weberbaueri- und micrantha-Gruppe - klar monophyletisch und gut gestützt sind. Die albicans- und die rusbyi-Gruppe bilden hingegen einen Komplex. Ultrametrische Analysen legen ein Alter der Gattung von ca. 9,6 Mio. Jahren nahe. Der geographische Ursprung von Fosterella befindet sich nach den vorliegenden biogeographischen Analysen in den Anden und nach der Biom-Analyse zu gleicher Wahrscheinlichkeit entweder in andinen Trockenwäldern (seasonally dry tropical forests, SDTFs) oder in azonalen Standorten des amazonischen Tieflands östlich der Anden. Es gab mehrere Ausbreitungsereignisse, von denen die beiden Fernausbreitungsereignisse nach Mittelamerika (F. micrantha) und in das zentrale Amazonasgebiet (F. batistana) die auffälligsten sind. Die feuchten Bergregenwälder (Yungas) der Anden wurden offenbar mehrfach unabhängig von Fosterella-Arten besiedelt. Insgesamt wurden elf nukleäre Marker (XDH, GS, RPB2, MS, ADH, MS, GLO/PI, CHS, FLO/LFY, NIAi3 und PHYC) auf ihre Anwendbarkeit für molekularsystematische Studien in Fosterella getestet. Davon konnten acht Marker erfolgreich mithilfe einer PCR amplifiziert werden. Die Fragmentgrößen lagen zwischen 350 bp und 1.500 bp. Nur für drei Loci (FLO/LFY, NIAi3 und PHYC) konnten lesbare DNA-Sequenzen in Fosterella erzeugt werden. FLO/LFY zeigte nur 1,5 % Variabilität innerhalb der Gattung. Der NIA-Locus erzeugte bei der Amplifikation mehrere Fragmente, die separat voneinander sequenziert wurden. Der Locus PHYC konnte hingegen aufgrund der guten Amplifizier- und Sequenzierbarkeit für das gesamte Probenset sequenziert werden. Dieser Marker zeigte eine Variabilität innerhalb der Gattung von 10,2 %, davon waren 6,8 % informativ. In der Phylogenie basierend auf PHYC ist Fosterella klar monophyletisch, innerhalb der Gattung zeigt sich jedoch an der Basis eine unaufgelöste Polytomie. Es lassen sich neun mehr oder weniger gut gestützte Artengruppen definieren – rusbyi-, villosula-, albicans-, weddelliana-, penduliflora-, weberbaueri-, micrantha-, robertreadii- und spectabilis-Gruppe - die sich in ihrer Zusammensetzung mit Ausnahme der weddelliana-Gruppe von den nach Chloroplastendaten definierten Gruppen unterscheiden. Viele Arten sind para- oder polyphyletisch, so z. B. F. albicans, F. penduliflora und F. rusbyi. Bei den beiden erstgenannten Arten weisen die unterschiedlichen Stellungen in Chloroplasten- und Kernphylogenie auf Hybridisierungsereignisse hin.
The biofilms microbial forms of association are responsible for generating, accelerating and / or induce the process of corrosion. The damage generated in the petroleum industry for this type of corrosion is significatives, representing major investment for your control. The aim of this study was to evaluate such tests antibiograms the effects of extracts of Jatropha curcas and essential oil of Lippia gracilis Schauer on microrganisms isolated from water samples and, thereafter, select the most effective natural product for further evaluation of biofilms formed in dynamic system. Extracts of J. curcas were not efficient on the complete inhibition of microbial growth in tests type antibiogram, and essential oil of L. gracilis Schauer most effective and determined for the other tests. A standard concentration of essential oil of 20 μL was chosen and established for the evaluation of the biofilms and the rate of corrosion. The biocide effect was determined by microbial counts of five types of microorganisms: aerobic bacteria, precipitating iron, total anaerobic, sulphate reducers (BRS) and fungi. The rate of corrosion was measured by loss of mass. Molecular identification and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed. The data showed reduction to zero of the most probable number (MPN) of bacteria precipitating iron and BRS from 115 and 113 minutes of contact, respectively. There was also inhibited in fungi, reducing to zero the rate of colony-forming units (CFU) from 74 minutes of exposure. However, for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria there was no significant difference in the time of exposure to the essential oil, remaining constant. The rate of corrosion was also influenced by the presence of oil. The essential oil of L. gracilis was shown to be potentially effective
Trata-se do primeiro registro de ocorrência de Guyalna cuta (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) em pinhão-manso, Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Adultos desse inseto foram observados na parte aérea da planta, durante novembro e dezembro de 2008 e de 2009. em Mato Grosso do Sul, existem plantios comerciais e experimentais do pinhão-manso, tornando-se necessários estudos relacionados a este inseto, a fim de prevenir eventuais danos à cultura.
Official rules for seed analysis don't establish criteria to execute germination tests for all species. This way, the aim of this research was to determinate the substrate, temperature and counting time for the germination test of physic nut seeds. For the germination test, four replications of 20 seeds were used, evaluating daily the normal seedlings until the end of germination. Initially, the substrates with sowing in vermiculite, were evaluated in rolled paper towels, in sand and in soil using alternating temperature of 20-30 degrees C. The most favorable substrates for germination were evaluated with another stage, using constant temperatures of 25, 30 and 35 degrees C and alternating ones, of 15-35 degrees C, 20-35 degrees C and 20-30 degrees C. One concluded that the germination test of physic nut seeds must be performed with the alternating temperature of 20-30 degrees C in sand or paper towel and with final counting 10 days after sowing.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of three concentrations (3, 6, and 9%) of forage turnip (Raphanus sativus) and physic nut (Jatropha curcas) cakes on dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, lignin, acid detergent insoluble nitrogen neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen contents, in vitro dry matter digestibility, pH values and concentrations of N-NH3 in elephant grass silages. It was used an entirely randomized design in factorial arrangement [(2x3)+1]. Experimental PVC silos were used and ensiled material was kept for 62 days. The addition of cakes increased the dry matter contents (P<0.05). The fibrous fractions were reduced (P<0.05) with the inclusion of cakes during the grass ensilage and the CP contents increased (P<0.05). The forage turnip cake provided the same pH and N-NH3 values in ideal levels and the physic nut, added to 9%, increased those values (P<0.05). IVDMD was reduced (P<0.05) when the cakes were added. These co-products can be used in small amounts for elephant grass ensilage in order to provide improvement in chemical and fermentation characteristics of the silages. Nevertheless, physic nut cake shows limitations for its use in animal feeding due to the presence of toxic compounds, making necessary studies for their identification and elimination.
Realizou-se um experimento para avaliar a seletividade do oxyfluorfen para a cultura do pinhão-manso. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 + 1, sendo duas doses do herbicida (600 e 1.200 g ha-1 do ingrediente ativo), dois modos de aplicação (sobre a planta e sobre o solo) e uma testemunha sem aplicação do herbicida. Após o transplante das mudas para vasos plásticos com 10 litros de solo, os tratamentos foram aplicados com o auxílio de um balde. O oxyfluorfen, quando aplicado sobre as plantas, mostrou-se tóxico nas duas doses testadas, sendo observados sintomas mais intensos nos primeiros dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Após esse período, as mudas recuperaram o vigor e surgiram novas brotações que não apresentavam sintomas de toxicidade. Esses sintomas consistiram de manchas esbranquiçadas nas folhas, que evoluíram para necrose. Nas mudas em que o herbicida foi aplicado no solo, não foram observados sintomas visuais de toxicidade. Observou-se redução na massa fresca e seca das folhas quando 600 g ha-1 do herbicida foram aplicados sobre a planta ou 1.200 g ha-1 sobre o solo. Contudo, a área foliar e o número de folhas não diferiram significativamente entre as doses utilizadas e os modos de aplicação. Das quatro espécies daninhas semeadas (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria plantaginea, Sida rhombifolia e Bidens pilosa), apenas Bidens pilosa não foi controlada pelo oxyfluorfen aplicado em pré-emergência.
Aluminum (Al3+) toxicity is a major limiting factor to crop productivity in acid soils. The effects of aluminum on root and shoot growth of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) young plants and, the uptake and distribution of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and aluminum in the roots and shoots were investigated in the present study. Plants were grown in 2.5L pots in a greenhouse. After fourteen days of adaptation to nutrient solution, plants were exposed to Al concentrations of 0, 370, 740, 1,100 and 1,480 mu mol L-1, corresponding to an active Al3+ solution of 13.3, 35.3, 90.0, 153.3 and 220.7 mu mol L-1, respectively. The dry matter partitioning between roots, stems and leaves, and the concentrations of P, Ca, Mg and Al in plant tissue, were measured after 75 days exposure to Al. The increasing level of Al3+ activity in solution progressively decreased the growth of the shoot and root of physic nut plants, and at the two highest active Al3+ levels, plants showed morphological abnormalities typical of the toxicity caused by this metal. Higher Al3+ activity reduced P concentrations in leaves and Ca and Mg in leaves and roots of physic nut, demonstrating the effect of Al on the uptake, transport and use of these nutrients by plants. The Al accumulated preferentially in the roots of physic nut, whereas only a small amount was transported to shoots.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to analyze the oxidative stability of biodiesel from jatropha obtained from different purification processes, three wet processes with different drying (in a vacuum oven, conventional oven and in anhydrous sodium sulfate) and dry (purification with magnesium silicate adsorbent). Raw materials of different qualities (jatropha crop ancient and recent crop) were used. The Jatropha oil was extracted by mechanical extraction and refined. The Jatropha biodiesel was obtained by the transesterification reaction in ethyl route using alkaline catalysis. The biodiesel samples were characterized by analysis of water content, carbon residue, Absorption Spectroscopy in the Infrared Region and Thermogravimetry. Thermogravimetric curves of purified PUsv* PUsq* and had higher initial decomposition temperatures, indicating that the most stable, followed by samples PU* and PUSC*. Besides the sample SP* is a smaller initial temperature, confirming the sample without purification to be less thermally stable. The percentage mass loss of the purified samples showed conversion of about 98.5%. The results of analyzes carbon residue and infrared suggested that contamination by impurities is the main factor for decreased oxidative stability of biodiesel. The oxidative stability was assessed from periodic monitoring, using the techniques of Rancimat, peroxide index, acid value and Pressurized Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Samples of biodiesel from jatropha which showed better oxidative stability were of the best quality raw material and wet scrubbing: PUsq* with dry chemical, using anhydrous sodium sulfate and PUsv* with vacuum drying, which had oxidative stability 6 hours in Rancimat time 0 days, within the limits established by the Technical Regulation No. 4/2012 of the ANP, without the addition of antioxidant, suggesting that these procedures the least influence on the oxidative stability of biodiesel
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O pinhão-manso é uma espécie arbustiva que está se destacando pelo interesse para produção de biocombustível, porém, os estudos sobre controle de qualidade das sementes estão se iniciando. Neste trabalho objetivou-se estudar o efeito da temperatura e do tempo de contagem na germinação de sementes de pinhão-manso, conduzido em papel toalha bem como avaliar a qualidade sanitária das sementes, desinfestadas ou não com hipoclorito de sódio, a 2%. O estudo foi conduzido, com sementes de pinhão-manso extraídas de frutos maduros, coletados na planta. O teste de germinação foi conduzido nas temperaturas de 25 ºC e alternadas de 20-30 ºC, com contagens aos 6, 9 e 12 dias. O teste de sanidade foi conduzido a 20 ºC com fotoperíodo de 12 h por 7 dias. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições e empregado o teste F na análise de variância dos dados de germinação e do índice de velocidade de germinação. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O potencial máximo de germinação das sementes de pinhão-manso foi obtido na temperatura de 25 ºC, com contagens aos seis, nove e 12 dias, entretanto não apresentou diferença significativa com as temperaturas de 20-30 ºC, nas contagens aos 9 e 12 dias. As sementes de pinhão-manso analisadas apresentaram alta frequência de espécies fúngicas, independente da desinfestação superficial. A incidência de fungos em ordem decrescente foi dos gêneros: Alternaria, Macrophomina, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Pestalotiopsis, Phoma, Helminthosporium, Epicocum e Nigrospora a maioria destes fungos apresenta potencial patogênico.
Objetivou-se, na condução deste trabalho, a avaliação das silagens de capim-elefante aditivadas com tortas de nabo forrageiro, pinhão manso e tremoço pela técnica de produção de gás. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Nutrição Animal do Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura da Universidade de São Paulo (LANA/CENA/USP). Como doadores de líquido de rúmen, foram utilizados 2 ovinos da raça Santa Inês, machos, adultos, castrados e providos de cânula ruminal permanente. A alimentação dos animais doadores foi constituída de forragem de gramínea cultivada e uma suplementação, ao final do dia, com feno de Tifton, concentrado comercial e sal mineral à vontade. Os substratos foram secos a 60ºC, moídos em moinho do tipo Willey, provido de peneira com perfurações de 2 mm. Os gases produzidos durante os diferentes períodos de fermentação (0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 e 96 h) foram medidos com um transducer - medidor de pressão.O experimento foi instalado segundo um delineamento de blocos ao acaso em que os tratamentos foram arranjados em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo. Os maiores valores de produção de gás observados para os tratamentos em que adicionou-se torta de tremoço quando comparados com as outras tortas, decorreu do fato da torta de tremoço apresentar menor teor de fibras, propiciando assim, uma maior fermentação ruminal e, consequentemente, maior produção de gás em relação a outros alimentos com maior proporção de carboidratos estruturais (parede celular).As taxas de degradação da fração solúvel da matéria seca foi menor para NF 8% e PM 11% em relação às outras silagens estudadas. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as TNF, TPM e TT, nos diferentes níveis, em relação ao volume de gases em 96 h de incubação (P<0,05). As silagens contendo torta de tremoço apresentaram maior produção de gases quando comparadas Às outras tortas. em todos os tratamentos, exceto naqueles em que adicionou-se TT, houve diminuição (P<0,05) nos valores médios de degradabilidade da matéria seca às 96 horas, à medida que aumentou-se o nível de inclusão das tortas. As silagens de capim-elefante adicionadas de tortas de nabo forrageiro ou tremoço, nos diferentes níveis, apresentaram maiores taxas de degradação e maiores produções de gases que as adicionadas de torta de pinhão manso.