332 resultados para Isoterma de Freundlich
Little information is available on the behavior of thiamethoxam in soils, whereas many studies show the effect of phosphate and vinasse in soils in Brazil. This study evaluated the sorption, desorption and retention of thiamethoxam in vinasse- and phosphate-amended samples of a dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (LVAd) and a distroferric Red Latosol (LVdf). The LVAd presented higher sorption of thiamethoxam. Phosphate did not affect the sorption or retention and vinasse increased the interaction of the compound with the soil particles, reducing desorption to the soil solution.
This work presents a detailed study about the sorption of crystal violet (CV) cationic dye onto polyether type polyurethane foam (PUF). The sorption process was based on the formation of an ionic-pair between cationic dye and dodecylsulfate anion (SDS), which presented high affinity by PUF. Set-up employed in the study was built up by adjusting a 200 mg cylinder of PUF to the arm of an overhead stirrer. The system was characterized in relation to equilibrium and kinetic aspects and it was modeled by employing Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Obtained results showed that the ratio between SDS and MB concentrations played an important role on the sorption process. According to results found it was possible to retain up to 3.4 mg of dye from 200 mL of a 5.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 CV solution containing 1.25 x 10-4 mol L-1 SDS, which represented a removal efficiency of around 92%.
The present study deals with phenol adsorption on chitin and chitosan and removal of contaminants from wastewater of a petroleum refinery. The adsorption kinetic data were best fitted to first- and second-order models for chitosan and chitin, respectively. The results of adsorption isotherms showed Langmuir model more appropriately described than a Freundlich model for both adsorbents. The adsorption capacity was 1.96 and 1.26 mg/g for chitin and chitosan, respectively. Maximum removal of phenol was about 70-80% (flow rate: 1.5 mL/min, bed height: 18.5 cm, and 30 mg/L of phenol. Wastewater treatment with chitin in a fixed-bed system showed reductions of about 52 and 92% for COD and oil and greases, and for chitosan 65 and 67%, respectively. The results show improvement of the effluent quality after treatment with chitin and chitosan.
Activities related to nuclear industry, production of phosphoric acid and hospitals have generated considerable volumes of radioactive waste containing uranyl ions. Banana pith was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and was investigated as a biosorbent for uranyl ions from nitric solutions by batch experiments. Influences of adsorbent size, kinetics and equilibrium adsorption were studied. The biosorption of the uranyl ions followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. The adsorption isotherm data were closely fitted to the Freundlich equation.
For this study, magnetic composite of zeolite-magnetite was prepared by mixing magnetite nanoparticles suspension with synthetic zeolite. The nanoparticles in suspension were synthesized by precipitating iron ions in a NaOH solution. The zeolite was synthesized from coal fly ash by alkaline hydrothermal treatment. The magnetic composite was characterized by XDR, SEM, magnetization measurements, IR, and BET surface area. Batch tests were carried out to investigate the adsorption of metal ions of Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ from aqueous solution onto magnetic composite. Adsorption isotherms were analyzed using Freundlich and Langmuir equations. The adsorption equilibrium data fitted well to the Langmuir equation with maximum adsorption capacities in the range of 28.5-127 mg g-1.
Hydrophobically modified O-carboxymethylchitosan derivatives were synthesized through a reaction with lauroyl chloride and applied for adsorption of congo red dye. The Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm model was found to be the most suitable one for the VC adsorption and maximum adsorption capacity obtained was 281.97 mg g-1 at a pH value of 7.0 for HL 1.0. The adsorption process follows the pseudo-second-order kinetics and the corresponding rate constants were obtained. The thermodynamic parameters showed that adsorption process is spontaneous (positive ∆Hº) and favorable (negative ∆Gº). The hydrophobic derivatives are able to adsorb the dye even in high pH values.
The present work describes the sorption potential of Dypterix alata (baru) for removal of Ni(II) in hydrous ethanol. Infrared spectroscopy was used for elucidating possible functional groups responsible for uptaking Ni(II). Sorption studies using Ni(II) standard solutions were carried out in batch experiments as functions of extraction time and pH solution. The Ni(II) was quantified before and after the removal experiments using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Furthermore, based on adsorption studies and adsorption isotherms applied to the Langmuir and Freundlich models, it was possible to verify that D. alata presents a high adsorption capacity. The results show that D. alata can be used for removing Ni(II) in ethanol solutions.
The inactive biomass of fungus Aspergillus niger O-5 obtained in Cuba was characterized as sorbent of Pb2+ by several structural analysis and others techniques. In addition, the biomass was studied for the separation / preconcentration of Pb2+ from aqueous solution. The maximum biosorption capacity was obtained for the contact time of 30 min and pH 5. The kinetic of sorption process occurred according to the model of Ho. The Freundlich or Langmuir models suitably described the experimental adsorption isotherms. The biomass can be used as sorbent for Pb2+ with a maximum capacity of 4.7 - 6.2 mg g-1. The pretreatment with NaOH solution improved its sorption capacity.
This work compared activated carbon, activated earth, diatomaceous earth, chitin and chitosan to removal acid blue 9, food yellow 3 and FD&C yellow nº 5 dyes from aqueous solutions with different pH values (2-10). In the best process condition for each dye, equilibrium studies were carried out at different temperatures (from 298 to 328 K) and Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich models were fitted with experimental data. In addition, entropy change, Gibbs free energy change and enthalpy change were obtained in order to verify the thermodynamic adsorption behavior.
This paper describes the adsorption of 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) from aqueous solution by decomposed peat. The peat presented a good adsorption process, close to 76.2% for E2 removal and approximately 55.0% for EE2. Moreover, the results indicated a probable multi-layered process. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Freundlich model. The data were evaluated considering the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order approaches, being the second more significant mechanism in the rate-controlling step. Thermodynamic data revealed that hormones adsorption onto peat is spontaneous under the employed experimental conditions. The results confirmed the potential of this adsorbent to be employed for effluents treatment.
In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe 500. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for anionic contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using HT-Fe 500 was achieved using batch adsorption experiments. The adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir-Freundlich model showed to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 25.93 and 48.31 mg g-1, respectively, for temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo utilizar o hidrogenoftalato de potássio como molécula modelo para estudos de adsorção em TiO2. Os resultados de adsorção do hidrogeneoftalato sobre TiO2 se ajustaram aos modelos de adsorção propostos por Langmuir e Freundlich, sendo que o modelo de Freundlich descreveu melhor o fenômeno. A adsorção foi função da temperatura e a capacidade de adsorção aumentou de 2,4 para 4,5 mg.g-1 quando se elevou a temperatura de 20 para 30ºC.
The need to clean-up heavy metal contaminated environment can not be over emphasized. This paper describes the adsorption isotherm studies of Cd (II), Pb (II) and Zn (II) ions from aqueous solution using unmodified and EDTA-modified maize cob. Maize cob was found to be an excellent adsorbent for the removal of these metal ions. The amount of metal ions adsorbed increased as the initial concentration increased. Also, EDTA - modification enhanced the adsorption capacity of maize cob probably due to the chelating ability of EDTA. Among the three adsorption isotherm tested, Dubinin-Radushkevich gave the best fit with R² value ranging from 0.9539 to 0.9973 and an average value of 0.9819. This is followed by Freundlich isotherm (Ave. 0.9783) and then the Langmuir isotherm (Ave. 0.7637). The sorption process was found to be a physiosorption process as seen from the apparent energy of adsorption which ranged from 2.05KJ\mol to 4.56KJ\mol. Therefore, this study demonstrates that maize cob which is an environmental pollutant could be used to adsorb heavy metals and achieve cleanliness thereby abating environmental nuisance caused by the maize cob.
Amostra de esmectita pertencente a Serra de Maicuru (Estado do Pará, Norte do Brasil, região amazônica) foi pilarizada com Al13, A Argila pilarizada com alumínio (Al-PILC) foi caracterizada por DRX, MEV e EDS. Para a análise textural foram utilizadas isotermas de adsorção-desorção utilizando o nitrogênio. Este artigo é dirigido ao estudo da adsorção de metais pesados. A adsorção dos íons de Cu2+, Ni2+e Co2+ foi realizadas com a matriz Al-PILC em temperatura ambiente com soluções aquosas contendo os íons metálicos. Os modelos de adsorção adotados foram os de Langmuir, Freundlich e Temkin que foram aplicados aos valores obtidos experimentalmente com regressão linear. A equação de Langmuir foi o melhor modelo de linearização com r = 0,999. A equação de Freundlich apresentou limitações em altas concentrações, mas foram obtidos valores (Kf e n) bastante aceitáveis utilizando este modelo. Os parâmetros foram utilizados para calcular a quantidade de Nf em função de Cs.
Palm oil is one of the two most important vegetable oils in the world's oil and fats market. The extraction and purification processes generate different kinds of waste generally known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). Earlier studies had indicated the possibility of using boiler fly ash to adsorb impurities and colour in POME treatment. The adsorption treatment of POME using boiler fly ash was further investigated in detail in this work with regards to the reduction of BOD, colour and TSS from palm oil mill effluent. The amount of BOD, colour and TSS adsorbed increased as the weight of the boiler fly ash used was increased. Also, the smaller particle size of 425µm adsorbed more than the 850µm size. Attempts were made to fit the experimental data with the Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms. The R² values, which ranged from 0.8974-0.9898, 0.8848-0.9824 and 0.6235-0.9101 for Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms respectively, showed that Freundlich isotherm gave a better fit followed by Langmuir and then Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm. The sorption trend could be put as BOD > Colour > TSS. The apparent energy of adsorption was found to be 1.25, 0.58 and 0.97 (KJ/mol) for BOD, colour and TSS respectively, showing that sorption process occurs by physiosorption. Therefore, boiler fly ash is capable of reducing BOD, Colour and TSS from POME and hence could be used to develop a good adsorbent for POME treatment.