949 resultados para Iron Transport-system
[ES]La presente tesis, se centra en el estudio del Sistema de Transporte de Electrones (ETS) en organismos del plancton marino, los factores que lo influencian la interpretación de estas mediciones y su detección mediante espectrofotometría y espectrofluorometría, en muestras oceánicas naturales y en cultivos de organismos marinos. Se pudo establecer, la biomasa, la respiración (R) y la respiración potencial (ɸ), en tres transectos en los océanos Índico y Atlántico Norte Sur. A su vez, se determino el estado fisiológico, en tres tamaños del zooplancton, midiendo la relación R/ɸ. Se exploró los efectos de la inanición sobre la R y la variación con respecto a la ɸ en el zooplancton
Das Zweikomponentenregulationssystem DcuSR kontrolliert die Expression der wichtigsten fumaratinduzierten Gene in Escherichia coli. Die Gene dcuB und dctA, die fürDicarboxylatcarrier kodieren, sowie das Fumaratreduktase-Operon (frd), sind Zielgene für DcuSR. DcuS ist eine membranständige Sensorkinase mit einer großen periplasmatischen Domäne. NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen dieser Domäne zeigen Alpha-Helices und Beta-Faltblätter. Für die Fumaratbindung wichtige Aminosäuren wurden durch Mutagenese identifiziert. Gereinigtes DcuS wurde in Liposomen rekonstituiert. In Anwesenheit von ATP wird DcuS autophosphoryliert. Der Phosphatrest kann dann auf DcuR übertragen werden und beweist somit die Aktivität dieses in vitro Testsystems.Der Transport von C4-Dicarboxylaten erfolgt unter anaeroben Bedingungen durch die sekundären Carrier DcuA, DcuB und DcuC. Es konnte ein weiteres Protein (DcuD) identifiziert werden, das hohe Sequenzähnlichkeit zu DcuC aufweist. Eine dcuD-Mutante zeigte keinen Phänotyp und überproduziertes DcuD konnte den Ausfall der anderen Dcu-Carrier nicht kompensieren. DcuD ist damit ein kryptisches Mitglied der Dcu-Carrierfamilie. Unter aeroben Bedingungen katalysiert DctA den Transport von C4-Dicarboxylaten. Dennoch können dctA-Mutanten noch mit Succinat wachsen. Die Diffusionsrate von Succinat durch Membranen wurde bestimmt. Sie ist um Größenordnungen niedriger als der Transport in der Mutante. Bei dem DctA unabhängigen Transportsystem handelt es sich um einen H+/Succinat2-Symporter, der bei saurem pH aktiv ist und viele Eigenschaften eines Monocarboxylatcarriers aufweist.
Lysosomaler Transport kationischer Aminosäuren (KAS) stellt einen Rettungsweg in der Cystinose-Therapie dar. Ein solches Transportsystem wurde in humanen Hautfibroblasten beschrieben und mit System c benannt. Des Weiteren stellt lysosomales Arginin eine Substratquelle für die endotheliale NO-Synthase (eNOS) dar. Das von der eNOS gebildete NO ist ein wichtiges vasoprotektiv wirkendes Signalmolekül. Ziel war es daher, herauszufinden, ob Mitglieder der SLC7-Unterfamilie hCAT möglicherweise System c repräsentieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit konnte ich die lysosomale Lokalisation verschiedener endogener, sowie als EGFP-Fusionsproteine überexprimierter CAT-Isoformen nachweisen. Mittels Fluoreszenz-mikroskopie wurde festgestellt, dass die in U373MG-Zellen überexprimierten Fusionsproteine hCAT-1.EGFP sowie SLC7A14.EGFP mit dem lysosomalen Fluoreszenz-Farbstoff LysoTracker co-lokalisieren. Eine Lokalisation in Mitochondrien oder dem endoplasmatischem Retikulum konnte mit entsprechenden Fluoreszenz-Farbstoffen ausgeschlossen werden. Zusätzlich reicherten sich die überexprimierten Proteine hCAT-1.EGFP, hCAT-2B.EGFP und SLC7A14.EGFP in der lysosomalen Fraktion C aus U373MG-Zellen zusammen mit den lysosomalen Markern LAMP-1 und Cathepsin D an. Gleiches galt für den endogenen hCAT-1 in der lysosomalen Fraktion C aus EA.hy926- und U373MG-Zellen sowie für den SLC7A14 in den humanen Hautfibroblasten FCys5. Mit dem im Rahmen dieser Arbeit generierte Antikörper gegen natives SLC7A14 konnte erstmals die endogene Expression und Lokalisation von SLC7A14 in verschiedenen Zelltypen analysiert werden.rnObwohl eine Herunterregulation des hCAT-1 in EA.hy926-Endothelzellen nicht zu einer Reduktion der Versorgung der eNOS mit lysosomalem Arginin führte, ist eine Funktion von hCAT-1 im Lysosom wahrscheinlich. Sowohl die [3H]Arginin- als auch die [3H]Lysin-Aufnahme der Fraktion C aus U373MG-hCAT-1.EGFP war signifikant höher als in die Fraktion C aus EGFP-Kontrollzellen. Dies konnte ebenfalls für den hCAT-2B.EGFP gezeigt werden. Zusätzlich zeigten lysosomale Proben aus U373MG-hCAT-2B.EGFP-Zellen in der SSM-basierten Elektrophysiologie eine elektrogene Transportaktivität für Arginin. Das Protein SLC7A14.EGFP zeigte in keiner der beiden durchgeführten Transportstudien eine Aktivität. Dies war unerwartet, da die aus der Diplomarbeit stammende und im Rahmen dieser Dissertation erweiterte Charakterisierung der hCAT-2/A14_BK-Chimäre, die die „funktionelle Domäne“ des SLC7A14 im Rückgrat des hCAT-2 trug, zuvor den Verdacht erhärtet hatte, dass SLC7A14 ein lysosomal lokalisierter Transporter für KAS sein könnte. Diese Studien zeigten allerding erstmals, dass die „funktionelle Domäne“ der hCATs die pH-Abhängigkeit vermittelt und eine Rolle in der Substraterkennung spielt.rnZukünftig soll weiter versucht werden auch endogen eine Transportaktivität der hCATs für KAS im Lysosom nachzuweisen und das Substrat für das intrazellulär lokalisierte Waisen-Protein SLC7A14 zu finden. Eine mögliche Rolle könnte SLC7A14 als Transporter für Neurotransmitter spielen, da eine sehr prominente Expression im ZNS festgestellt wurde.rn
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) consists in the application of ICT to transport to offer new and improved services to the mobility of people and freights. While using ITS, travellers produce large quantities of data that can be collected and analysed to study their behaviour and to provide information to decision makers and planners. The thesis proposes innovative deployments of classification algorithms for Intelligent Transport System with the aim to support the decisions on traffic rerouting, bus transport demand and behaviour of two wheelers vehicles. The first part of this work provides an overview and a classification of a selection of clustering algorithms that can be implemented for the analysis of ITS data. The first contribution of this thesis is an innovative use of the agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm to classify similar travels in terms of their origin and destination, together with the proposal for a methodology to analyse drivers’ route choice behaviour using GPS coordinates and optimal alternatives. The clusters of repetitive travels made by a sample of drivers are then analysed to compare observed route choices to the modelled alternatives. The results of the analysis show that drivers select routes that are more reliable but that are more expensive in terms of travel time. Successively, different types of users of a service that provides information on the real time arrivals of bus at stop are classified using Support Vector Machines. The results shows that the results of the classification of different types of bus transport users can be used to update or complement the census on bus transport flows. Finally, the problem of the classification of accidents made by two wheelers vehicles is presented together with possible future application of clustering methodologies aimed at identifying and classifying the different types of accidents.
The time course of lake recovery after a reduction in external loading of nutrients is often controlled by conditions in the sediment. Remediation of eutrophication is hindered by the presence of legacy organic carbon deposits, that exert a demand on the terminal electron acceptors of the lake and contribute to problems such as internal nutrient recycling, absence of sediment macrofauna, and flux of toxic metal species into the water column. Being able to quantify the timing of a lake’s response requires determination of the magnitude and lability, i.e., the susceptibility to biodegradation, of the organic carbon within the legacy deposit. This characterization is problematic for organic carbon in sediments because of the presence of different fractions of carbon, which vary from highly labile to refractory. The lability of carbon under varied conditions was tested with a bioassay approach. It was found that the majority of the organic material found in the sediments is conditionally-labile, where mineralization potential is dependent on prevailing conditions. High labilities were noted under oxygenated conditions and a favorable temperature of 30 °C. Lability decreased when oxygen was removed, and was further reduced when the temperature was dropped to the hypolimnetic average of 8° C . These results indicate that reversible preservation mechanisms exist in the sediment, and are able to protect otherwise labile material from being mineralized under in situ conditions. The concept of an active sediment layer, a region in the sediments in which diagenetic reactions occur (with nothing occurring below it), was examined through three lines of evidence. Initially, porewater profiles of oxygen, nitrate, sulfate/total sulfide, ETSA (Electron Transport System Activity- the activity of oxygen, nitrate, iron/manganese, and sulfate), and methane were considered. It was found through examination of the porewater profiles that the edge of diagenesis occurred around 15-20 cm. Secondly, historical and contemporary TOC profiles were compared to find the point at which the profiles were coincident, indicating the depth at which no change has occurred over the (13 year) interval between core collections. This analysis suggested that no diagenesis has occurred in Onondaga Lake sediment below a depth of 15 cm. Finally, the time to 99% mineralization, the t99, was viewed by using a literature estimate of the kinetic rate constant for diagenesis. A t99 of 34 years, or approximately 30 cm of sediment depth, resulted for the slowly decaying carbon fraction. Based on these three lines of evidence , an active sediment layer of 15-20 cm is proposed for Onondaga Lake, corresponding to a time since deposition of 15-20 years. While a large legacy deposit of conditionally-labile organic material remains in the sediments of Onondaga Lake, it becomes clear that preservation, mechanisms that act to shield labile organic carbon from being degraded, protects this material from being mineralized and exerting a demand on the terminal electron acceptors of the lake. This has major implications for management of the lake, as it defines the time course of lake recovery following a reduction in nutrient loading.
To master changing performance demands, autonomous transport vehicles are deployed to make inhouse material flow applications more flexible. The socalled cellular transport system consists of a multitude of small scale transport vehicles which shall be able to form a swarm. Therefore the vehicles need to detect each other, exchange information amongst each other and sense their environment. By provision of peripherally acquired information of other transport entities, more convenient decisions can be made in terms of navigation and collision avoidance. This paper is a contribution to collective utilization of sensor data in the swarm of cellular transport vehicles.
The VirB11 ATPase is an essential component of an Agrobacterium tumefaciens type IV bacterial secretion system that transfers oncogenic nucleoprotein complexes to susceptible plant cells. This dissertation investigates the subcellular localization and homo-oligomeric state of the VirB11 ATPase in order to provide insights about the assembly of the protein as a subunit of this membrane-associated transfer system. Subcellular fractionation studies and quantitative immunoblot analysis demonstrated that $\sim$30% of VirB11 partitioned as soluble protein and $\sim$70% was tightly associated with the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. No differences were detected in VirB11 subcellular localization and membrane association in the presence or absence of other transport system components. Mutations in virB11 affecting protein function were mapped near the amino terminus, just upstream of a region encoding a Walker 'A' nucleotide-binding site, and within the Walker 'A' motif partitioned almost exclusively with the cytoplasmic membrane, suggesting that an activity associated with nucleotide binding could modulate the affinity of VirB11 for the cytoplasmic membrane. Merodiploid analysis of VirB11 mutant and truncation derivatives provided strong evidence that VirB11 functions as a homo- or heteromultimer and that the C-terminal half of VirB11 contains a protein interaction domain. A combination of biochemical and molecular genetic approaches suggested that VirB11 and the green fluorescence protein (GFP) formed a mixed multimer as demonstrated by immunoprecipitation experiments with anti-GFP antibodies. Second, a hybrid protein composed of VirB11 fused to the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of bacteriophage $\lambda$ cI repressor conferred immunity to $\lambda$ superinfection, demonstrating that VirB11 self-association promotes dimerization of the chimeric repressor. A conserved Walker 'A' motif, though required for VirB11 function in T-complex export, was not necessary for VirB11 self-association. Sequences in both the N- and the C-terminal halves of the protein were found to contribute to self-association of the full length protein. Chemical cross-linking experiments with His$\sb6$ tagged VirB11 suggested that VirB11 probably assembles into a higher order homo-oligomeric complex. ^
Bacterial pathogens such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter spp. are associated with up to 80% of diarrheal illness to travelers from developed countries to developing countries. In order to study acute gastrointestinal diseases, researchers from developed countries such as the United States rely on transporting clinical specimens from the developing countries to laboratories in the U.S. in transport media systems. There are few commercially available transport media systems cited in the literature or designated by transport system manufacturers for the transport of enteric bacteria. Therefore a laboratory-based study was conducted to assess three commercial available transport media systems, two gel swabs and one liquid vial, to determine the most appropriate for the maintenance and recovery of common enteric bacterial pathogens. A total of 13 bacterial enteropathogens were recovered from 25°C and 4°C storage temperatures at time points up to 21 days. The results demonstrated that the gel swab and liquid vial transport systems performed similarly for all isolates at both temperatures. All three transport media systems struggled to maintain the isolates at recoverable concentrations when stored at 4°C and it is recommended that isolates be stored at 25°C in transport media systems. Lastly, swab transport systems are recommend for transport since they are small and easy to pack, resist leakage, and are less expensive than similarly performing liquid vial transport media systems.^
Path analysis has been applied to components of the iron metabolic system with the intent of suggesting an integrated procedure for better evaluating iron nutritional status at the community level. The primary variables of interest in this study were (1) iron stores, (2) total iron-binding capacity, (3) serum ferritin, (4) serum iron, (5) transferrin saturation, and (6) hemoglobin concentration. Correlation coefficients for relationships among these variables were obtained from published literature and postulated in a series of models using measures of those variables that are feasible to include in a community nutritional survey. Models were built upon known information about the metabolism of iron and were limited by what had been reported in the literature in terms of correlation coefficients or quantitative relationships. Data were pooled from various studies and correlations of the same bivariate relationships were averaged after z- transformations. Correlation matrices were then constructed by transforming the average values back into correlation coefficients. The results of path analysis in this study indicate that hemoglobin is not a good indicator of early iron deficiency. It does not account for variance in iron stores. On the other hand, 91% of the variance in iron stores is explained by serum ferritin and total iron-binding capacity. In addition, the magnitude of the path coefficient (.78) of the serum ferritin-iron stores relationship signifies that serum ferritin is the most important predictor of iron stores in the proposed model. Finally, drawing upon known relations among variables and the amount of variance explained in path models, it is suggested that the following blood measures should be made in assessing community iron deficiency: (1) serum ferritin, (2) total iron-binding capacity, (3) serum iron, (4) transferrin saturation, and (5) hemoglobin concentration. These measures (with acceptable ranges and cut-off points) could make possible the complete evaluation of all three stages of iron deficiency in those persons surveyed at the community level. ^