298 resultados para Irmãs Salesianas


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Pingualuk Lake fills a deep crater in the Parc National des Pingualuit on the Ungava Peninsula (Nunavik, Canada) and is isolated from nearby surface waters. The main objectives of this study were to determine and compare the concentrations of two atmospherically derived contaminants, mercury and perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), in the lake water column and fish of Pingualuk Lake and to assess the physical and biological factors influencing contaminant concentrations. Mercury concentrations in arctic char muscle tissue were comparable to those of char in other Arctic lakes, while the total amount of PFCs was below reported levels for remote lakes in the Arctic and elsewhere. Stable isotope and stomach content analyses were made to investigate the feeding ecology of the Pingualuk Lake arctic char population and indicated the possibility of multiple feeding groups. Genetics characteristics (MH and mtDNA) of fish from Pingualuk Lake revealed that this population is likely distinct from that of nearby Laflamme Lake. However, both arctic char populations exhibit differential variation of their allele families. Physical characteristics determined for Lake Pingualuk revealed that the water column was inversely stratified beneath the ice and extremely transparent to visible and ultraviolet radiation. The highest mercury concentrations (3- 6 pg/mL THg) occurred just beneath the ice surface in each lake. Pingualuk Lake, given its near pristine state and exceptional limnological features, may serve as a most valuable reference ecosystem for monitoring environmental stressors, such as contaminants, in the Arctic.


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A pronounced deficit of nitrogen (N) in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the Arabian Sea suggests the occurrence of heavy N-loss that is commonly attributed to pelagic processes. However, the OMZ water is in direct contact with sediments on three sides of the basin. Contribution from benthic N-loss to the total N-loss in the Arabian Sea remains largely unassessed. In October 2007, we sampled the water column and surface sediments along a transect cross-cutting the Arabian Sea OMZ at the Pakistan continental margin, covering a range of station depths from 360 to 1430 m. Benthic denitrification and anammox rates were determined by using 15N-stable isotope pairing experiments. Intact core incubations showed declining rates of total benthic N-loss with water depth from 0.55 to 0.18 mmol N m**-2 day**-1. While denitrification rates measured in slurry incubations decreased from 2.73 to 1.46 mmol N m**-2 day**-1 with water depth, anammox rates increased from 0.21 to 0.89 mmol N m**-2 day**-1. Hence, the contribution from anammox to total benthic N-loss increased from 7% at 360 m to 40% at 1430 m. This trend is further supported by the quantification of cd1-containing nitrite reductase (nirS), the biomarker functional gene encoding for cytochrome cd1-Nir of microorganisms involved in both N-loss processes. Anammox-like nirS genes within the sediments increased in proportion to total nirS gene copies with water depth. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of NirS revealed different communities of both denitrifying and anammox bacteria between shallow and deep stations. Together, rate measurement and nirS analyses showed that anammox, determined for the first time in the Arabian Sea sediments, is an important benthic N-loss process at the continental margin off Pakistan, especially in the sediments at deeper water depths. Extrapolation from the measured benthic N-loss to all shelf sediments within the basin suggests that benthic N-loss may be responsible for about half of the overall N-loss in the Arabian Sea.


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The Turonian (93.5 to 89.3 million years ago) was one of the warmest periods of the Phanerozoic eon, with tropical sea surface temperatures over 35°C. High-amplitude sea-level changes and positive d18O excursions in marine limestones suggest that glaciation events may have punctuated this episode of extreme warmth. New d18O data from the tropical Atlantic show synchronous shifts ~91.2 million years ago for both the surface and deep ocean that are consistent with an approximately 200,000-year period of glaciation, with ice sheets of about half the size of the modern Antarctic ice cap. Even the prevailing supergreenhouse climate was not a barrier to the formation of large ice sheets, calling into question the common assumption that the poles were always ice-free during past periods of intense global warming.


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According to the World Ocean Program in the northeastern part of the continental slope of the Black Sea geothermal, seismologic and seismic studies were carried out. An analysis of heat flow distribution allowed to distinguish a negative geothermal anomaly near the Dzhubga area, where the Russia-Turkey pipeline was being constructed. During seismological observations (August-September 1999, September 2001) more than 1200 seismic events were recorded. They proved high tectonic activity of the region under study, which stimulates gravitational sediment transport on the continental slope. The seismo-acoustic survey carried out in the area of the geothermal anomaly revealed no reflecting horizons within the sedimentary cover. This may be related to turbidite-landsliding processes. Results of modeling of the heat flow anomaly showed that it had originated approximately 1000 years ago due to a powerful landslide. This also suggests a possibility of an avalanche displacement of sedimentary masses in the area of the pipeline at present.


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The isotopic characteristics of CH4 (d13C values range from -101.3 per mil to -61.1 per mil PDB, and dD values range from -256 per mil to -136 per mil SMOW) collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164 indicate that the CH4 was produced by microbial CO2 reduction and that there is not a significant contribution of thermogenic CH4 to the sampled sediment gas from the Blake Ridge. The isotopic values of CO2 (d13C range -20.6 per mil to +1.24 per mil PDB) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC; d13C range -37.7 per mil to +10.8 per mil PDB) have parallel profiles with depth, but with an offset of 12.5 per mil. Distinct downhole variations in the carbon isotopic composition of CH4 and CO2 cannot be explained by closed-system fractionation where the CO2 is solely derived from the locally available sedimentary organic matter (d13C -2.0 per mil ± 1.4 per mil PDB) and the CH4 is derived from CO2 reduction. The observed isotopic profiles reflect the combined effects of upwards gas migration and decreased microbial activity with depth.


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Gas hydrates represent one of the largest pools of readily exchangeable carbon on Earth's surface. Releases of the greenhouse gas methane from hydrates are proposed to be responsible for climate change at numerous events in geological history. Many of these inferred events, however, were based on carbonate carbon isotopes which are susceptible to diagenetic alterations. Here we propose a molecular fossil proxy, i.e., the "Methane Index (MI)", to detect and document the destabilization and dissociation of marine gas hydrates. MI consists of the relative distribution of glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), the core membrane lipids of archaea. The rational behind MI is that in hydrate-impacted environments, the pool of archaeal tetraether lipids is dominated by GDGT-1, -2 and -3 due to the large contribution of signals from the methanotrophic archaeal community. Our study in the Gulf of Mexico cold-seep sediments demonstrates a correlation between MI and the compound-specific carbon isotope of GDGTs, which is strong evidence supporting the MI-methane consumption relationship. Preliminary applications of MI in a number of hydrate-impacted and/or methane-rich environments show diagnostic MI values, corroborating the idea that MI may serve as a robust indicator for hydrate dissociation that is useful for studies of global carbon cycling and paleoclimate change.


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Carbon isotopically based estimates of CO2 levels have been generated from a record of the photosynthetic fractionation of 13C (epsilon p) in a central equatorial Pacific sediment core that spans the last ~255 ka. Contents of 13C in phytoplanktonic biomass were determined by analysis of C37 alkadienones. These compounds are exclusive products of Prymnesiophyte algae which at present grow most abundantly at depths of 70-90 m in the central equatorial Pacific. A record of the isotopic compostion of dissolved CO2 was constructed from isotopic analyses of the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, which calcifies at 70-90 m in the same region. Values of epsilon p, derived by comparison of the organic and inorganic delta values, were transformed to yield concentrations of dissolved CO2 (c e) based on a new, site-specific calibration of the relationship between epsilon p and c e. The calibration was based on reassessment of existing epsilon p versus c e data, which support a physiologically based model in which epsilon p is inversely related to c e. Values of PCO2, the partial pressure of CO2 that would be in equilibrium with the estimated concentrations of dissolved CO2, were calculated using Henry's law and the temperature determined from the alkenone-unsaturation index UK 37. Uncertainties in these values arise mainly from uncertainties about the appropriateness (particularly over time) of the site-specific relationship between epsilon p and 1/c e. These are discussed in detail and it is concluded that the observed record of epsilon p most probably reflects significant variations in Delta pCO2, the ocean-atmosphere disequilibrium, which appears to have ranged from ~110 µatm during glacial intervals (ocean > atmosphere) to ~60 µatm during interglacials. Fluxes of CO2 to the atmosphere would thus have been significantly larger during glacial intervals. If this were characteristic of large areas of the equatorial Pacific, then greater glacial sinks for the equatorially evaded CO2 must have existed elsewhere. Statistical analysis of air-sea pCO2 differences and other parameters revealed significant (p < 0.01) inverse correlations of Delta pCO2 with sea surface temperature and with the mass accumulation rate of opal. The former suggests response to the strength of upwelling, the latter may indicate either drawdown of CO2 by siliceous phytoplankton or variation of [CO2]/[Si(OH)4] ratios in upwelling waters.


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Cloud samples for the isotopic analysis were collected in the framework of the Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia 2010 (HCCT-2010) campaign on Schmücke (50° 39'N/ 10° 46'E, 937 m a.s.l.; Germany) in September and October 2010 with a three-stage Caltech Active Strand Cloudwater Collector (CASCC) during 13 different cloud events with a temporal resolution of 1 to 3 hours. In a first step, we ensured that no additional fractionation occurred during sampling with the CASCC. The d values of the three sizes classes of the CASCC (4 µm to 16 µm, 16 µm to 22 µm and >22 µm) did not differ significantly, revealing that the cloud droplets of different sizes quickly equilibrate their delta value with the one of the surrounding vapor. delta values in the cloud droplets varied from -77 per mil to -15 per mil in d2H and from -12.1 per mil to -3.9 per mil in d18O and were fitted by d2H =7.8*d18O +13*10**-3. delta values decreased with temperature as well as towards the end of the campaign, representing a seasonal trend which is known from d values in precipitation. The deuterium excess of the cloud samples was generally higher than the Local Meteoric Water Line of the closest GNIP (Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation) station. Rain decreases its deuterium excess during falling through an unsaturated air column, while the cloud droplets conserve the deuterium excess of the initial evaporation and thus have been found to be a good indicator for the airmass source region: higher deuterium excess was measured for polar air masses and lower deuterium excess for Mediterranean air masses. Changes in d values during one cloud event were up to 3.6 per mil (d2H) and 0.23 per mil (d18O), except for frontal passages, which were associated with increases of ~6 per mil per hour (d2H) and ~0.6 per mil per hour (d18O). Using a box model, we showed that the influence of condensation only was able to explain the variation in the isotope signal of two cloud passages. Consequently, we deduced that the water vapor "feeding" the cloud advected the measured changes. A trajectory analysis and moisture source diagnostic revealed that it is very likely that the variations were either related to rain out along the trajectories or to meteorological changes in the moisture source region. This was the first study using stable water isotopologues in cloud water manifesting their potential in the context of atmospheric water vapor circulation.


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Saanich Inlet has been a highly productive fjord since the last glaciation. During ODP Leg 169S, nearly 70 m of Holocene sediments were recovered from Hole 1034 at the center of the inlet. The younger sediments are laminated, anaerobic, and rich in organic material (1-2.5 wt.% Corg), whereas the older sediments below 70 mbsf are non-laminated, aerobic, with glacio-marine characteristics and have a significantly lower organic matter content. This difference is also reflected in the changes of interstitial fluids, and in biomarker compositions and their carbon isotope signals. The bacterially-derived hopanoid 17alpha(H),21beta(H)-hop-22(29)-ene (diploptene) occurs in Saanich Inlet sediments throughout the Holocene but is not present in Pleistocene glacio-marine sediments. Its concentration increases after ~6000 years BP up to present time to about 70 µg/g Corg, whereas terrigenous biomarkers such as the n-alkane C31 are low throughout the Holocene (<51 µg/g Corg) and even slightly decrease to 36 µg/g Corg at the most recent time. The increasing concentrations of diploptene in sediments younger than ~6000 years BP separate a recent period of higher primary productivity, stronger anoxic bottom waters, and higher bacterial activity from an older period with lesser activity, heretofore undifferentiated. Carbon isotopic compositions of diploptene in the Holocene are between ~31.5 and ~39.6 per mil PDB after ~6000 years BP. These differences in the carbon isotopic record of diploptene probably reflect changes in microbial community structure of bacteria living at the oxic-anoxic interface of the overlying water column. The heavier isotope values are consistent with the activity of nitrifying bacteria and the lighter isotope values with that of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria. Therefore, intermediate delta13C values probably represent mixtures between the populations. In contrast, carbon isotopic compositions of n-C31 are roughly constant at ~31.4 ± 1.1 per mil PDB throughout the Holocene, indicating a uniform input from cuticular waxes of higher plants. Prior to ~6000 years BP, diploptene enriched in 13C of up to -26.3 per mil PDB is indicative of cyanobacteria living in the photic zone and suggests a period of lower primary productivity, more oxygenated bottom waters, and hence lower bacterial activity during the earliest Holocene.


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Millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea during the last 71 kyrs were reconstructed using geochemical and isotope proxies (biogenic opal, CaCO3, and total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matters) and microfossil (radiolaria and foraminifera) data from two cores (PC23A and PC24A) which were collected from the northern continental slope area at intermediate water depths. Biogenic opal and TOC contents were generally high with high sedimentation rates during the last deglaciation. Laminated sediment depositions during the Early-Holocene (EH) and Bølling-Allerød (BA) were closely related with the increased primary productivity recorded by high biogenic opal and TOC contents and high d15N values. Enhanced surface-water productivity was attributed to increased nutrient supply from strengthened Bering Slope Current (BSC) and from increased amount of glacial melt-water, resulting in high C/N ratios and low d13C values, and high proportion of Rhizoplegma boreale during the last deglaciation. In contrast, low surface-water productivity during the last glacial period was due to depleted nutrient supply caused by strong stratification and to restricted phytoplankton bloom by extensive sea ice distribution under cold climates. Extensive formation of sea ice produces more oxygen-rich intermediate-water, leading to oxic bottom-water conditions due to active ventilation, which favored good preservation of oxic benthic foraminifera species. Remarkable CaCO3 peaks coeval with high biogenic opal and TOC contents in both cores during MIS 3 to MIS 4 are most likely correlated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events. High d15N and d13Corg values during D-O interstadials support increased surface-water productivity resulting from nutrients supplied mainly by intensified BSC. During the EH, BA and D-O interstadials, dominant benthic foraminifera species indicate dysoxic bottom-water conditions as a result of increased surface-water productivity and weak ventilation of intermediate-water with mitigated sea ice development caused by strengthening of the Alaskan Stream. It is of note that the bottom-water conditions and formation of intermediate-water in the Bering Sea during the last glacial period are related to the variation of dissolved oxygen concentration of the bottom-water in the northeastern Pacific and to strong ventilation of intermediate-water in the northwestern Pacific. Thus, the millennial-scale paleoceanographic events in the Bering Sea during the D-O interstadials are closely associated with the intermediate-water ventilation, ultimately leading to weakening of North Pacific Intermediate Water.


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Instrumental data suggest that major shifts in tropical Pacific atmospheric dynamics and hydrology have occurred within the past century, potentially in response to anthropogenic warming. To better understand these trends, we use the hydrogen isotopic ratios of terrestrial higher plant leaf waxes (DDwax) in marine sediments from southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia, to compile a detailed reconstruction of central Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) hydrologic variability spanning most of the last two millennia. Our paleodata are highly correlated with a monsoon reconstruction from Southeast Asia, indicating that intervals of strong East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) activity are associated with a weaker Indonesian monsoon (IM). Furthermore, the centennial-scale oscillations in our data follow known changes in Northern Hemisphere climate (e.g., the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period) implying a dynamic link between Northern Hemisphere temperatures and IPWP hydrology. The inverse relationship between the EASM and IM suggests that migrations of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and associated changes in monsoon strength caused synoptic hydrologic shifts in the IPWP throughout most of the past two millennia.


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The isotopic composition of surface seawater is widely used to infer past changes in sea surface salinity using paired foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O from marine sediments. At low latitudes, paleosalinity reconstructions using this method have largely been used to document changes in the hydrological cycle. This method usually assumes that the modern seawater d18O (d18Osw)/salinity relationship remained constant through time. Modelling studies have shown that such assumptions may not be valid because large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns linked to global climate changes can alter the seawater d18Osw/salinity relationship locally. Such processes have not been evidenced by paleo-data so far because there is presently no way to reconstruct past changes in the seawater d18Osw/salinity relationship. We have addressed this issue by applying a multi-proxy salinity reconstruction from a marine sediment core collected in the Gulf of Guinea. We measured hydrogen isotopes in C37:2 alkenones (dDa) to estimate changes in seawater dD. We find a smooth, long-term increase of ~10 per mil in dDa between 10 and 3 kyr BP, followed by a rapid decrease of ~10 per mil in dDa between 3 kyr BP and core top to values slightly lighter than during the early Holocene. Those features are inconsistent with published salinity estimations based on d18Osw and foraminiferal Ba/Ca, as well as nearby continental rainfall history derived from pollen analysis. We combined dDa and d18Osw values to reconstruct a Holocene record of salinity and compared it to a Ba/Ca-derived salinity record from the same sedimentary sequence. This combined method provides salinity trends that are in better agreement with both the Ba/Ca-derived salinity and the regional precipitation changes as inferred from pollen records. Our results illustrate that changes in atmospheric circulation can trigger changes in precipitation isotopes in a counter-intuitive manner that ultimately impacts surface salinity estimates based on seawater isotopic values. Our data suggest that the trends in Holocene rainfall isotopic values at low latitudes may not uniquely result from changes in local precipitation associated with the amount effect.