156 resultados para Ionotropic gelification


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Der N-methyl-D-aspartat-Rezeptor (NMDA), als Vertreter ionotroper Glutamat-Rezeptoren, ist essentiell für physiologische Lern- und Gedächtnisvorgänge und eine krankhafte Überaktivierung wird als potentielle Ursache für eine Reihe von akuten und chronischen neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen angesehen. Hierbei sind für die akuten Erkrankungen vor allem der Schlaganfall und für die chronischen Erkrankungen Morbus Parkinson sowie die Alzheimer´sche Demenz zu nennen. Durch seine einzigartige spannungsabhängige Mg2+-Blockade und der Notwendigkeit der gleichzeitigen Anwesenheit der endogenen Liganden Glutamat und Glycin zur Rezeptoraktivierung, stellt dieser Rezeptorkomplex daher ein sehr interessantes molekulares Target dar. NMDA-Rezeptor-Antagonisten der Glycin-Bindungsstelle und der verschiedenen allosterischen Bindungsstellen könnten als Neuroprotektiva bei den verschiedenen Krankheiten eine symptomatische Verbesserung bewirken und zur Therapie eingesetzt werden. Eine visuelle Darstellung des Rezeptors im Rahmen von Vorsorgeuntersuchungen ist jedoch derzeit nicht möglich. Zur Visualisierung dieser Prozesse mittels der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) wurden basierend auf einer Hydantoin-substituierten Indol-2-carbonsäure als Leitstruktur, im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Fluorethoxy- und Methoxy-substituierte Derivate dargestellt und in pharmazeutischen und radiopharmazeutischen Studien evaluiert. Dazu wurde die Affinität und Spezifität zum Rezeptor in einem [3H]MDL-105,519 Rezeptorbindungsassay und die Lipophilie als Parameter für die Hirngängigkeit ermittelt. Anhand dieser Resultate wurden geeignete Markierungsvorläufer synthetisiert, welche eine phenolische Hydroxylfunktion besitzen und eine radioaktive Markierung mit den sekundären Markierungsvorläufern 2-[18F]Fluorethyltosylat ([18F]FETos) und [11C]Methyliodid ([11C]CH3I) ermöglichen. Unter Verwendung von 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäure wurde in einer Einstufenreaktion mit [18F]FETos die Zielverbindung 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-(4-(2-[18F]fluorethoxy)phenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäure in radiochemischen Ausbeuten von 6 % erhalten. Daher wurde eine alternative Markierung des Ethylester-geschützten Derivates 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäureethylester in einer Zweistufensynthese mit [18F]FETos und [11C]CH3I untersucht. Unter Verwendung dieser Strategie wurden unter optimierten Bedingungen 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-4-(2-[18F]fluorethoxy)phenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäureethylester und 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-(4-[11C]methoxy-phenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)-methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäureethylester in radiochemischen Ausbeuten von 27 – 38 % erhalten. Die anschließende Entfernung der Schutzgruppe führte unter Bildung von Neben- und Zersetzungsreaktionen zu 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-(4-(2-[18F]fluorethoxy)-phenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäure und 4,6-Dichlor-3-((3-(4-[11C]methoxyphenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)methyl)-indol-2-carbonsäure in radiochemischen Gesamtausbeuten von 5 – 7 %. Die Überprüfung des biochemischen Konzepts in vivo durch µ-PET-Studien und durch autoradiographische Experimente an Rattenhirnschnitten, deuten auf eine niedrige in vivo-Aktivität hin, welche sich auf eine nicht ausreichende Passage der Blut-Hirn-Schranke zurückführen lässt.


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Die Apoptose spielt eine entscheidende Rolle während der normalen Entwicklung des zentralen Nervensystems. Elektrische Aktivität und die Versorgung mit trophischen Faktoren sind ausschlaggebend für das Überleben von Neuronen. Um zu untersuchen, welche zellulären Prozesse die aktivitätsabhängige Apoptose in organotypischen Schnittkulturen des neugeborenen Neokortex beeinflussen, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit immunzytochemisch das Auftreten aktivierter Caspase-3, nach pharmakologischer Beeinflussung von Ionenkanälen und membranständigen Rezeptoren analysiert. Die Unterdrückung neuronaler Aktivität durch den Natriumionenkanalblocker TTX führte zu einem signifikanten Verlust kortikaler Neuronen. Ein ähnlicher Anstieg der Zahl apoptotischer Neurone konnte durch Applikation von Antagonisten ionotroper Glutamatrezeptoren, GABAA-Rezeptoren oder neuronaler Gap Junctions induziert werden. Jedoch konnte bei einigen Antagonisten die apoptosefördernde Wirkung erst nach längerer Einwirkung beobachtet werden. Im Weiteren wurde eine Methode etabliert, mit deren Hilfe eine Echtzeitanalyse der Apoptose kortikaler Neurone unter dem Entzug trophischer Faktoren in Gegenwart unterschiedlicher extrazellulärer Kaliumkonzentrationen ermöglicht wurde. Dazu wurden dissoziierte kortikale Kulturen mit dem pCaspase3-sensor Vektor transfiziert. Das durch dieses Plasmid codierte fluoreszente Protein wird Caspase-3 abhängig gespalten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Caspase3-sensor spezifisch für die Aktivierung der Caspase-3 ist, und dass die Überlebensfähigkeit der transfizierten Neurone durch das Transfektionsprotokoll nicht beeinflusst wird.


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Epileptic seizures are the manifestations of epilepsy, which is a major neurological disorder and occurs with a high incidence during early childhood. A fundamental mechanism underlying epileptic seizures is loss of balance between neural excitation and inhibition toward overexcitation. Glycine receptor (GlyR) is ionotropic neurotransmitter receptor that upon binding of glycine opens an anion pore and mediates in the adult nervous system a consistent inhibitory action. While previously it was assumed that GlyRs mediate inhibition mainly in the brain stem and spinal cord, recent studies reported the abundant expression of GlyRs throughout the brain, in particular during neuronal development. But no information is available regarding whether activation of GlyRs modulates neural network excitability and epileptiform activities in the immature central nervous system (CNS). Therefore the study in this thesis addresses the role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat brain. By using in vitro intact corticohippocampal formation (CHF) of rats at postnatal days 4-7 and electrophysiological methods, a series of pharmacological examinations reveal that GlyRs are directly implicated in the control of hippocampal excitation levels at this age. In this thesis I am able to show that GlyRs are functionally expressed in the immature hippocampus and exhibit the classical pharmacology of GlyR, which can be activated by both glycine and the presumed endogenous agonist taurine. This study also reveals that high concentration of taurine is anticonvulsive, but lower concentration of taurine is proconvulsive. A substantial fraction of both the pro- and anticonvulsive effects of taurine is mediated via GlyRs, although activation of GABAA receptors also considerably contributes to the taurine effects. Similarly, glycine exerts both pro- and anticonvulsive effects at low and high concentrations, respectively. The proconvulsive effects of taurine and glycine depend on NKCC1-mediated Cl- accumulation, as bath application of NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide completely abolishes proconvulsive effects of low taurine and glycine concentrations. Inhibition of GlyRs with low concentration of strychnine triggers epileptiform activity in the CA3 region of immature CHF, indicating that intrinsically an inhibitory action of GlyRs overwhelms its depolarizing action in the immature hippocampus. Additionally, my study indicates that blocking taurine transporters to accumulate endogenous taurine reduces epileptiform activity via activation of GABAA receptors, but not GlyRs, while blocking glycine transporters has no observable effect on epileptiform activity. From the main results of this study it can be concluded that in the immature rat hippocampus, activation of GlyRs mediates both pro- and anticonvulsive effects, but that a persistent activation of GlyRs is required to prevent intrinic neuronal overexcitability. In summary, this study uncovers an important role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat hippocampus, and indicates that glycinergic system can potentially be a new therapeutic target against epileptic seizures of children.


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GABA(A) receptors are the major ionotropic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors. The endocannabinoid system is a lipid signaling network that modulates different brain functions. Here we show a direct molecular interaction between the two systems. The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) potentiates GABA(A) receptors at low concentrations of GABA. Two residues of the receptor located in the transmembrane segment M4 of β(2) confer 2-AG binding. 2-AG acts in a superadditive fashion with the neurosteroid 3α, 21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (THDOC) and modulates δ-subunit-containing receptors, known to be located extrasynaptically and to respond to neurosteroids. 2-AG inhibits motility in CB(1)/CB(2) cannabinoid receptor double-KO, whereas β(2)-KO mice show hypermotility. The identification of a functional binding site for 2-AG in the GABA(A) receptor may have far-reaching consequences for the study of locomotion and sedation.


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Distinct potassium, anion, and calcium channels in the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane of plant cells have been identified and characterized by patch clamping. Primarily owing to advances in Arabidopsis genetics and genomics, and yeast functional complementation, many of the corresponding genes have been identified. Recent advances in our understanding of ion channel genes that mediate signal transduction and ion transport are discussed here. Some plant ion channels, for example, ALMT and SLAC anion channel subunits, are unique. The majority of plant ion channel families exhibit homology to animal genes; such families include both hyperpolarization- and depolarization-activated Shaker-type potassium channels, CLC chloride transporters/channels, cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, and ionotropic glutamate receptor homologs. These plant ion channels offer unique opportunities to analyze the structural mechanisms and functions of ion channels. Here we review gene families of selected plant ion channel classes and discuss unique structure-function aspects and their physiological roles in plant cell signaling and transport.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors are important excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the mammalian central nervous system that have been implicated in a number of neuropathologies such as epilepsy, ischemia, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Glutamate binding to an extracellular ligand binding domain initiates a series of structural changes that leads to the formation of a cation selective transmembrane channel, which consequently closes due to desensitization of the receptor. The crystal structures of the AMPA subtype of the glutamate receptor have been particularly useful in providing initial insight into the conformational changes in the ligand binding domain; however, these structures are limited by crystallographic constraint. To gain a clear picture of how agonist binding is coupled to channel activation and desensitization, it is essential to study changes in the ligand binding domain in a dynamic, physiological state. In this dissertation, a technique called Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer was used to determine the conformational changes associated with activation and desensitization in a functional AMPA receptor (ÄN*-AMPA) that contains the ligand binding domain and transmembrane segments; ÄN*-AMPA has been modified such that fluorophores can be introduced at specific sites to serve as a readout of cleft closure or to establish intersubunit distances. Previous structural studies of cleft closure of the isolated ligand binding domain in conjunction with functional studies of the full receptor suggest that extent of cleft closure correlates with extent of activation. Here, LRET has been used to show that a similar relationship between cleft closure and activation is observed in the “full length” receptor showing that the isolated ligand binding domain is a good model of the domain in the full length receptor for changes within a subunit. Similar LRET investigations were used to study intersubunit distances specifically to probe conformational changes between subunits within a dimer in the tetrameric receptor. These studies show that the dimer interface is coupled in the open state, and decoupled in the desensitized state, similar to the isolated ligand binding domain crystal structure studies. However, we show that the apo state dimer interface is not pre-formed as in the crystal structure, hence suggesting a mechanism for functional transitions within the receptor based on LRET distances obtained.


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PURPOSE: Early visual defects in degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) may arise from phased remodeling of the neural retina. The authors sought to explore the functional expression of ionotropic (iGluR) and group 3, type 6 metabotropic (mGluR6) glutamate receptors in late-stage photoreceptor degeneration. METHODS: Excitation mapping with organic cations and computational molecular phenotyping were used to determine whether retinal neurons displayed functional glutamate receptor signaling in rodent models of retinal degeneration and a sample of human RP. RESULTS: After photoreceptor loss in rodent models of RP, bipolar cells lose mGluR6 and iGluR glutamate-activated currents, whereas amacrine and ganglion cells retain iGluR-mediated responsivity. Paradoxically, amacrine and ganglion cells show spontaneous iGluR signals in vivo even though bipolar cells lack glutamate-coupled depolarization mechanisms. Cone survival can rescue iGluR expression by OFF bipolar cells. In a case of human RP with cone sparing, iGluR signaling appeared intact, but the number of bipolar cells expressing functional iGluRs was double that of normal retina. CONCLUSIONS: RP triggers permanent loss of bipolar cell glutamate receptor expression, though spontaneous iGluR-mediated signaling by amacrine and ganglion cells implies that such truncated bipolar cells still release glutamate in response to some nonglutamatergic depolarization. Focal cone-sparing can preserve iGluR display by nearby bipolar cells, which may facilitate late RP photoreceptor transplantation attempts. An instance of human RP provides evidence that rod bipolar cell dendrite switching likely triggers new gene expression patterns and may impair cone pathway function.


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The amino acid glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter for the CNS and is responsible for the majority of fast synaptic transmission. Glutamate receptors have been shown to be involved in multiple forms of synaptic plasticity such as LTP, LTD, and the formation of specific synaptic connections during development. In addition to contributing to the plasticity of the CNS, glutamate receptors also are involved in, at least in part, various pathological conditions such as epilepsy, ischemic damage due to stroke, and Huntington's chorea. The regulation of glutamate receptors, particularly the ionotropic NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors is therefore of great interest. In this body of work, glutamate receptor function and regulation by kinase activity was examined using the Xenopus oocyte which is a convenient and faithful expression system for exogenous proteins. Glutamate receptor responses were measured using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique in oocytes injected with rat total forebrain RNA. NMDA elicited currents that were glycine-dependent, subject to block by Mg$\sp{2+}$ in a voltage-dependent manner and sensitive to the specific NMDA antagonist APV in a manner consistent with those types of responses found in neural tissue. Similarly, KA-evoked currents were sensitive to the specific AMPA/KA antagonist CNQX and exhibited current voltage relationships consistent with the calcium permeable type II KA receptors found in the hippocampus. There is evidence to indicate that NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors are regulated by protein kinase A (PKA). We explored this by examining the effects of activators of PKA (forskolin, 1-isobutyl-3-methylxanthine (IBMX) and 8-Br-cAMP) on NMDA and KA currents in the oocyte. In buffer where Ca$\sp{2+}$ was replaced by 2 mM Ba$\sp{2+},$ forskolin plus IBMX and 8-Br-cAMP augmented currents due to NMDA application but not KA. This augmentation was abolished by pretreating the oocytes in the kinase inhibitor K252A. The use of chloride channel blockers resulted in attenuation of this effect indicating that Ba$\sp{2+}$ influx through the NMDA channel was activating the endogenous calcium-activated chloride current and that the cAMP mediated augmentation was at the level of the chloride channel and not the NMDA channel. This was confirmed by (1) the finding that 8-Br-cAMP increased chloride currents elicited via calcium channel activation while having no effect on the calcium channels themselves and (2) the fact that lowering the Ba$\sp{2+}$ concentration to 200 $\mu$M abolished the augmentation NMDA currents by 8-Br-cAMP. Thus PKA does not appear to modulate ionotropic glutamate receptors in our preparation. Another kinase also implicated in the regulation of NMDA receptors, calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC), was examined for its effects on the NMDA receptor under low Ba$\sp{2+}$ (200 $\mu$M) conditions. Phorbol esters, activators of PKC, induced a robust potentiation of NMDA currents that was blockable by the kinase inhibitor K252A. Furthermore activation of metabotropic receptors by the selective agonist trans-ACPD, also potentiated NMDA albeit more modestly. These results indicate that neither NMDA nor KA-activated glutamate receptors are modulated by PKA in Xenopus oocytes whereas NMDA receptors appear to be augmented by PKC. Furthermore, the endogenous chloride current of the oocyte was found to be responsive to Ba$\sp{2+}$ and in addition is enhanced by PKA. Both of these latter findings are novel. In conclusion, the Xenopus oocyte is a useful expression system for the analysis of ligand-gated channel activity and the regulation of those channels by phosphorylation. ^


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Distinct subtypes of glutamate receptors often are colocalized at individual excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain yet appear to subserve distinct functions. To address whether neuronal activity may differentially regulate the surface expression at synapses of two specific subtypes of ionotropic glutamate receptors we epitope-tagged an AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid) receptor subunit (GluR1) and an NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor subunit (NR1) on their extracellular termini and expressed these proteins in cultured hippocampal neurons using recombinant adenoviruses. Both receptor subtypes were appropriately targeted to the synaptic plasma membrane as defined by colocalization with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin. Increasing activity in the network of cultured cells by prolonged blockade of inhibitory synapses with the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused an activity-dependent and NMDA receptor-dependent decrease in surface expression of GluR1, but not NR1, at synapses. Consistent with this observation identical treatment of noninfected cultures decreased the contribution of endogenous AMPA receptors to synaptic currents relative to endogenous NMDA receptors. These results indicate that neuronal activity can differentially regulate the surface expression of AMPA and NMDA receptors at individual synapses.


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When one nerve cell acts on another, its postsynaptic effect can vary greatly. In sensory systems, inputs from “drivers” can be differentiated from those of “modulators.” The driver can be identified as the transmitter of receptive field properties; the modulator can be identified as altering the probability of certain aspects of that transmission. Where receptive fields are not available, the distinction is more difficult and currently is undefined. We use the visual pathways, particularly the thalamic geniculate relay for which much relevant evidence is available, to explore ways in which drivers can be distinguished from modulators. The extent to which the distinction may apply first to other parts of the thalamus and then, possibly, to other parts of the brain is considered. We suggest the following distinctions: Cross-correlograms from driver inputs have sharper peaks than those from modulators; there are likely to be few drivers but many modulators for any one cell; and drivers are likely to act only through ionotropic receptors having a fast postsynaptic effect whereas modulators also are likely to activate metabotropic receptors having a slow and prolonged postsynaptic effect.


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In cultured oligodendrocytes isolated from perinatal rat optic nerves, we have analyzed the expression of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits as well as the effect of the activation of these receptors on oligodendrocyte viability. Reverse transcription–PCR, in combination with immunocytochemistry, demonstrated that most oligodendrocytes differentiated in vitro express the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunits GluR3 and GluR4 and the kainate receptor subunits GluR6, GluR7, KA1 and KA2. Acute and chronic exposure to kainate caused extensive oligodendrocyte death in culture. This effect was partially prevented by the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI 52466 and was completely abolished by the non-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), suggesting that both AMPA and kainate receptors mediate the observed kainate toxicity. Furthermore, chronic application of kainate to optic nerves in vivo resulted in massive oligodendrocyte death which, as in vitro, could be prevented by coinfusion of the toxin with CNQX. These findings suggest that excessive activation of the ionotropic glutamate receptors expressed by oligodendrocytes may act as a negative regulator of the size of this cell population.


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In the mammalian retina, extensive processing of spatiotemporal and chromatic information occurs. One key principle in signal transfer through the retina is parallel processing. Two of these parallel pathways are the ON- and OFF-channels transmitting light and dark signals. This dual system is created in the outer plexiform layer, the first relay station in retinal signal transfer. Photoreceptors release glutamate onto ON- and OFF-type bipolar cells, which are functionally distinguished by their postsynaptic expression of different types of glutamate receptors, namely ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors. In the current concept, rod photoreceptors connect only to rod bipolar cells (ON-type) and cone photoreceptors connect only to cone bipolar cells (ON- and OFF-type). We have studied the distribution of (RS)-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptor subunits at the synapses in the outer plexiform layer of the rodent retina by immunoelectron microscopy and serial section reconstruction. We report a non-classical synaptic contact and an alternative pathway for rod signals in the retina. Rod photoreceptors made synaptic contact with putative OFF-cone bipolar cells that expressed the AMPA glutamate receptor subunits GluR1 and GluR2 on their dendrites. Thus, in the retina of mouse and rat, an alternative pathway for rod signals exists, where rod photoreceptors bypass the rod bipolar cell and directly excite OFF-cone bipolar cells through an ionotropic sign-conserving AMPA glutamate receptor.


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The influence of the excitotoxic cascade on the developing brain was investigated using ibotenate, a glutamatergic agonist of both N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. Injected in the neopallium of the golden hamster at the time of production of neurons normally destined for layers IV, III, and II, ibotenate induces arrests of migrating neurons at different distances from the germinative zone within the radial migratory corridors. The resulting cytoarchitectonic patterns include periventricular nodular heterotopias, subcortical band heterotopias, and intracortical arrests of migrating neurons. The radial glial cells and the extracellular matrix are free of detectable damage that could suggest a defect in their guiding role. The migration disorders are prevented by coinjection of dl-2-amino-7-phosphoheptanoic acid, an NMDA ionotropic antagonist, but are not prevented by coinjection of l(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, a metabotropic antagonist. This implies that an excess of ionic influx through the NMDA channels of neurons alters the metabolic pathways supporting neuronal migration. Ibotenate, a unique molecular trigger of the excitotoxic cascade, produces a wide spectrum of abnormal neuronal migration patterns recognized in mammals, including the neocortical deviations encountered in the human brain.


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Loss of neurotransmitter receptors, especially glutamate and dopamine receptors, is one of the pathologic hallmarks of brains of patients with Huntington disease (HD). Transgenic mice that express exon 1 of an abnormal human HD gene (line R6/2) develop neurologic symptoms at 9–11 weeks of age through an unknown mechanism. Analysis of glutamate receptors (GluRs) in symptomatic 12-week-old R6/2 mice revealed decreases compared with age-matched littermate controls in the type 1 metabotropic GluR (mGluR1), mGluR2, mGluR3, but not the mGluR5 subtype of G protein-linked mGluR, as determined by [3H]glutamate receptor binding, protein immunoblotting, and in situ hybridization. Ionotropic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid and kainate receptors were also decreased, while N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptors were not different compared with controls. Other neurotransmitter receptors known to be affected in HD were also decreased in R6/2 mice, including dopamine and muscarinic cholinergic, but not γ-aminobutyric acid receptors. D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptor binding was drastically reduced to one-third of control in the brains of 8- and 12-week-old R6/2 mice. In situ hybridization indicated that mGluR and D1 dopamine receptor mRNA were altered as early as 4 weeks of age, long prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, altered expression of neurotransmitter receptors precedes clinical symptoms in R6/2 mice and may contribute to subsequent pathology.


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The capsaicin (vanilloid) receptor, VR1, is a sensory neuron-specific ion channel that serves as a polymodal detector of pain-producing chemical and physical stimuli. It has been proposed that ATP, released from different cell types, initiates the sensation of pain by acting predominantly on nociceptive ionotropic purinoceptors located on sensory nerve terminals. In this study, we examined the effects of extracellular ATP on VR1. In cells expressing VR1, ATP increased the currents evoked by capsaicin or protons through activation of metabotropic P2Y1 receptors in a protein kinase C-dependent pathway. The involvement of Gq/11-coupled metabotropic receptors in the potentiation of VR1 response was confirmed in cells expressing both VR1 and M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. In the presence of ATP, the temperature threshold for VR1 activation was reduced from 42°C to 35°C, such that normally nonpainful thermal stimuli (i.e., normal body temperature) were capable of activating VR1. This represents a novel mechanism through which the large amounts of ATP released from damaged cells in response to tissue trauma might trigger the sensation of pain.